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Skin rash and issues on Pitbulls
- This topic has 98 replies, 48 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 3 months ago by
eterson P.
InactiveNEED HELPFUL ADVICE: I have a full blooded blue pitbul champion Gotti line, he is four months old, and off course he is one of my kids, I am trying to find the best food to feed him that can also help with his skin, right now I feed him “Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream” which is suppose to be TOP LINE and is ridiculous expansible but worth it for my baby, pitbuls are very known to have sensitive
skin. And my baby has really really sensitive skin specially since he is blue, so he gets a lot of rashes, the vet told me to shower him more often with a special shampoo and I do, to use ointment/lotion and i do, to also give him benedryl and I have but nothing helps, benedryl only helps for a few hours. I really think if I find the right food for him it can help. Last night by baby woke up at 230am itching at his rashes (yes he sleeps in my bed) and crying in fustration. be bites at it to the point it bleeds so to help him and sooth him I bath him in warm water which helps, and rub ointment on it until he falls asleep. yes he is very spoiled but the rubbing helps so he doesnt itch at it so I was up all night with him. SOOOOOO my point, does anyone of the pitbul lovers out there has experience the same and what did you do to help it go away, what food do you feed your little guy/girl? Searching the internet has been useless because there is just so much information out there you just cant tell what really works. HELPShawna
MemberHi Jesse82 ~~ several ingredients in dog foods are known to cause allergy type reactions. TotW is not a bad food but it does have potato and potato is one of the ingredients that can be problematic for a lot of dogs with allergies and sensitivities. Chicken is another if he’s eating TotW w/ chicken.
I’d try a food that uses a carb different from potato — Nature’s Variety Instinct and Brother’s Complete both use tapioca, Nature’s Logic uses millet, others use chickpeas/garbonzo beans etc.
I react the same way as your boy to dairy products. Itch my scalp til it bleeds in my sleep. Benedryl helps me for about 4 hours then the itching (and other symptoms) come back. Zyrtec works for much longer but unless I go dairy free it always comes back. Same thing happens with my dog Audrey. Her itching was between her shoulder blades and it would get crimson red she was so inflammed.. Until I eliminated the ingredients (4 total) she had issues with it NEVER completely went away.
MemberJesse82, the food change is your best choice. When a dog is healthy inside the skin & coat follows which mites don’t like. Sense your dog is of a mixed breed called Bully Breed (not American Pit Bull Terrier) they have skin, joint, tumor and other issues more then pure bred APBT.
So start with the food, try feeding a BARF diet staying away from the grains and post your results as what raw meats and how much you feed your dog. The specs on your dog will help determine how much to feed, energy level etc.Jujubeez
MemberI am up at 4am with my (non champion, rescued from a craphole as a puppy) 11 year old pitty, Nemo. I was just about to write your same post! My guy is on Blue Basics and seems to be the worst he’s ever been. He was shaking his head and crying from frustration as well. I noticed his skin is shedding thick, pasty scaled. Almost like wax. That’s new, especially on his back. I’ve given him some Benadryl and leftover ativan (from the vet!!! He was mauled over the summer and his recovery was so bad he couldn’t lay on his side to sleep š )
I am here, now trolling your post looking for some new ideas.
I’ve been off my game with two sick human kids but normally I do:
Greek Yogurt
Powdered probiotics (the kind kept in the fridge) added to the yogurt
And FISH OIL FISH OIL FISH OIL!!! I just buy caplets and he eats them like treats. You can also add it liquid style to some boiled eggs or yogurt.Yeast is triggered when the dogs natural bacteria is thrown off, leaving no “fighter” bacteria to kill off excessive fungi. This is typical after antibiotics, induction to an allergen or sometimes just a weather change and climate. Either way, you need to get that good bacteria back in your baby to regulate the yeast.
I KNOW I need to get his routine back in order but this food is just worth its weight in crap for what it costs. Other, similar minded brands sell products of a higher overall quality.
Anyway, if anyone knows how to instantly SOOTHE the rash and scaling/ear junk while the new diet/supplements take effect, let me know! I can;t stand to see him suffer while we wait for his gut to catch up to his body š
Good luck with your baby and I hope maybe one of my tricks helps!!!
MemberTony, what do you do with the borax and peroxide?
MemberIt more than likely is related to food, possibly environment. TotW is okay food, but I usually have found better quality food at the same price, if not, cheaper. Not always is grain-free food /the/ best, dogs often have intolerances to potatoes, other fruits/veggies, chicken, and occasionally even fish. I’d try some of the above suggestions for food, and maybe try adding plenty of fish oil to his diet (assuming he has no problems w fish…There are many vegetarian oils that work almost as well. Coconut and flax are two of my favorites for the dogs, they also get raw eggs regularly).
I wouldn’t recommend using the borax/peroxide, that might make him even worse, as Borax often causes “burning” to sensitive skin. If his problem is mange, and I doubt it is, the vet would sponge him down all over w medicine.
If there’s any possibility, I’d try doing the BARF diet (bones and raw food) for a while, that way you would know /exactly/ what’s going into his system, and you could customize it to give him optimal results! It’s a bit tricky and overwhelming to start the BARF diet, but the raw diet forums on here would probably get you to a great head start.
The raw diet might not nessicarily work though – I know a sensitive pooch who would get all red and inflamed whenever he was on raw.I’m really sorry you have to deal with these problems, I’ve gone through skin issues a few times (it was with my lab, Otitis is the name.), it is definitely one of my LEAST favorite health issues to deal with – hands down!
Hopefully you’ll figure out the problem and get him back in good shape soon!
MemberJujubeez: awesome you got a rescue!!! All of the dogs I’ve owned were giveaway rescues…they’re all amazing. (well, my newest guy was my first shelter pet. I’m SO glad I got him….I’m fairly experienced w dogs, so I can work around anxiety issues fairly easily. Several people had a hold on him, solely because he was the most unique-colored and only blue-eyed dog at the shelter. Almost nobody living in town has the time/experience to exercise and maintain a high-drive, super anxious Aussie/Kelpie. Luckily, I’m not in town! I’m on 5 acres, so he doesn’t have to worry about cars whizzing by, dogs barking at him, and he has plenty of running room)
Member(About all my pets were rescued, actually, lol! The dogs, the cats, the cow, the pony…I guess the chickens, ducks, and fish were bought at pet/feed stores, hah!)
Memberi have a blue nose pit and have been dealing with a horrible rash all on his stomach in the armpit area. i have tried everything, and i mean everything! I love to reasearch and will not stop until i find my answer. And i finally did. I kept treating his rash externally. The whole time it was an internal problem. He has the inbalanced ph or yeast infection in his intestines, i started giving him 2 t of lemon juice a day and it was gone in one week, i use to wash his skin every day with oatmeal soaps, even used dermalogica a few times, aloe vera i mean i did it all. i dont have to wash him anymore and he his rash was completely gone in 1 week. He is almost 100 lbs and i give him 2 t of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and that was all he needed. try it, what do you have to loose? I have tried yougurt too and that didnt work for him. I am so happy this is resolved that i joined this forum just to share this with all of you dog lovers out there. look it up on the internet, do your research. there are things you can buy to treat this also but why do that? look up yeast infection in dog intestines. Try it…. Oh yeah, about washing too… i heard from a vet/trainer to use just regular clear antibacterial hand soap and half vinegar, WORKS FANTASTIC AND CHEAP! it gets rid of the dog smell and your dogs coat will be the softest and the shiniest it has ever been. Again,, what do you have to loose? From one dog luver to another. I hope this helps as many dogs as possible
MemberYou may want to look into the possibility that this problem started because of an adverse food reaction and think about what you are feeding your dog.
Aurelio P
MemberDogluver95828, what exactly do you mean by 2t is it 2 teaspoon or 2 tablespoon?
Shereeta B
MemberAurelloP t=teaspoon T= Tablespoon
Molly S
MemberIt is great to get advice from others that have been there, but this is an amazing article by one of the leading integrative vets with very detailed information on solving seasonal allergies. Much of this can be applied to dealing with pit bulls. Pitties are particularly sensitive to food ingredients as well as environmental factors.
Ensure they are on a high-protein, grain-free, potato-free food like Orijen, LiveFree or Pioneer Naturals.
Use a combination of coconut oil and fish oil.
Regular rinse/bath/use foot soaks to eliminate pesky allergens.
Just like children with allergies, ensure that you do everything you can to eliminate environmental allergens in the home – clean air, air-friendly cleaners, and add diffusers.
Charli T
MemberHey you all,
Just wanted to say at first how grateful that this site is available! THANK YOU for everyone caring!!!!
Three weeks ago I came across two women screaming ‘HELP, he’s hitting us, please HELP’ I ran over and found a crackhead laying on top of two women with a docile dog between the three. The man was repeatedly hitting the women and trying to strangle the dog. I got the man off the women and he had ahold of the dog and one of the women still holding the leash. The two had just broke up and were fighting over who gets the dog. He snatched the leash and started walking quickly away. One of the women he was hitting was 8 months pregnant and she started chasing him to get her dog. I hit 911 and the boys in blue were there in less than 30 seconds. I told him the story and asked if they would drive the pregnant women back to her RV. Of course he said. I went into Von’s and came out and the RV was still there, I took two frozen dinners and 2 muffins and dog food over to the. I had to make sure they were ok. The pregnant lady answered the dog with a big smile and showed me her little lab was back.
Then my life turned upside down……. She asked ‘ Wanna know why we’re really here?’ She opens her RV front passenger door and there was a little dog carrier. She reached in and pulled out a tiny little bundle, I snatched her right up and started nuzzling instantly. She turned out to be a 5 week old blue nose baby. They were going to sell her to get money to register their RV. I marched over to the ATM and pulled out $200 and brought the baby home. She’s the most precious baby ever, she’s a nuzzler! She was 4″ long three weeks ago and now she’s almost a foot long. She did have a hemorrhoid and some serious parasites, but I had her at the doc the next morning. Her hemorrhoid is all gone ( thank goodness ) and we’re working on the parasites.
Now she started getting a rash on her tummy. If it’s the food, I’ll change it ASAP. My other dogs eat Halo and LOVE it, but I think it’s messing with Baby. So did I read it right that pits don’t do well with chicken? I do cook nightly for all the dogs either chicken, pork or beef. I have 3 long hair chihuahuas and a big ole rottie. Precious ( the princess, long hair ) wouldn’t try real dog food till I rescued the rottie, she loves Halo and her eye staining totally disappeared, AWESOME!
My rottie also adopted Baby, she takes such excellent care of her. If Baby gets hurt Sheba ( the rottie ) can’t get to her fast enough, it’s totally priceless!
I’ll try anything to help Baby and her tummy, oatmeal baths and Benedryl does help. If vinegar or probiotics or a special diet will help, it’ll be well worth it for my little girl!
Thanks ahead of time for all your help, your all ROCKSTARS!!!!!!
ParticipantHi Charli, you did a wonderful thing buying the pup, I think I would of done the same thing, she’s probably lucky to get away, poor dog that was left behind, it probably was her mum, thats not true that Pittys don’t do well on chicken, it can be any protein a dog can have food sensitivities too, but its rare…. if that were the case, then how come most dog foods will have chicken in them, normally it will be grains a dog cant tolarate… My staffy cant eat potaotes, sweet potatoes & wheat, he starts to scratch & gets a rash on his chest & tummy & then diarrhea from boiled potatos.. normally food intolances happen around 9 months old, not at 8 weeks old, give her a nice bath in a mild puppy shampoo & rinse her real well… also did she have any fleas?? or is she lying on the grass…..My boy lays like a frog on the grass & sometimes gets these little red spots rash on his chest & tummy area, I rub some Sudocrem on the rash & it goes away… Sudocrem is a baby nappy rash cream, I also put it on his paws, cause he gets red sore paws when we walk on wet grass or if its been raining, I put a heap of Sudoocrem on his paws so it repells the water…Good-Luck with baby…
MemberChicken allergies are not uncommon, but what is uncommon is how young you are seeing problems. My pup started having issues at that age too, and I really think it was all because the original owners didn’t do enough about the heavy worm load he had, and it damaged his intestines.
Even if it isn’t a food allergy issue, feeding different foods isn’t a bad thing. It helps to support a wider variety of probiotics in the gut. So try to find a food that is as different as possible ingredient wise to try, just in case. And look at the possibility of environmental issues as well, which also don’t normally develop this young, but they are both immune issues and a heavy worm load can trigger the immune system.
Jordan M
MemberI have a little itty-bitty a pitbull puppy who is less than seven weeks old with the same problemsā¦ I actually went on Amazon and ordered a thing called Urban Relief, paws and pups healing silkā¦ It is claim to heal pet paws nose is dry injured, hot and raw spotsā¦ it is all organic and within the first two one day of using at her rash went down in severity by at least 50%,within 2, 75% if not more as well as her frequency of scratching her itchy spots. In severe cases, I have also resorted to putting a little bit of baby powder on the areas that are very irritated, to dry them up and use the irritation. It breaks my heart to hear puppies it’s themselves and whine out of pain and there’s nothing he do about it, I totally understand where you’re coming from and hope that both of our baby puppies get the solution that they need. Hope this helps.
Sue L
MemberI have 2 blue nose pitbull females.They are my children since I lost my 7yr old Bluenose to cancer last summer and he never ever complained about anything up to the day he passed.I got my new babies right away because I was so lonesome without him. Their names are Ava and Nina,Ava is blue/grey with white paws .belly and nose and my Nina is almost totally blue/grey but I’m having issues with Ava’s skin ,mostly where she’s white ,she’s raw .Vet has given her steroids, Benadryl ,A&D Ointment but still around the side of her mouth is so red and raw ,please if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to contact me . They are both weaning off puppy chow grain free to Hills science Diet and grain free treats are also given to them .Please help if possible !
ParticipantHi Sue, my boy gets the red around the bottom of his mouth, what I did was change diet & be careful a lot of these grain free diets have Peas, Potaoes, Sweet potatoes that make skin worse, I buy the Huggies Thick Baby Wipes the Cucumber & Aloe after Patch finishes eating I get a baby wipe & wipe his bottom mouth & chin as the food & spit must irritate his skin…I also bath in Malaseb medicated shampoo weekly baths, here’s the raw diet that made Patch all better scroll down till you see “Skin Allergy Diet” & click pick a protein that your girl has never eaten before also pick 2-4 veggies & 1-2 fruits, I picked Kangaroo & broccoli head, 2 carrots 5 celery sticks & 1 apple to start with…. peel then cut up veggies & fruit & put thru a mini processor & blend so the raw veggies & fruit are real fine stop before they become water/pulp, then I had to add 2 heaps spoons veggie/fruit mix to 1 cup of raw Kangaroo meat freeze the rest of the veggie/fruit mix into 2-3 spoon sections & take out the night before put in fridge for next day.. Patches red paws, stinky itchy body started to clear up within 2-3 days I couldn’t believe his red paws went away just after 2 days on the raw diet vet kept telling me he has environment allergies to pollen & grass…. then I bathed him in the Malaseb medicated shampoo its excellent & I haven’t needed to bath him for 1 month since starting the new raw diet… I don’t know if your girl has yeasty skin or environment allergies or food intolerances…Raw is best then cooked if you cant do the raw.. if you feed a kibble you need a limited ingredient hypoallergenic kibble something like “California Natural’ Hypoallergenic limited ingredient kibble.. try the Lamb & Rice it has just 4 ingredients, here’s their link to have a look they also have treats on the same page… The Science Diet Grain Free Ideal Balance has Potatoes & chicken…. if you don’t see any improvement take back for refund & get the California Natural & give that a go if you don’t want to feed a raw or cooked diet… I do both cooked for breakfast & a hypoallergenic gluten free kibble for dinner
MemberIf it has been going on for more than 1 year/4 seasons and the dog has not shown improvement despite food changes, frequent bathing, etc and continues to suffer.
The allergens that the dog is responding to are probably environmental, impossible to avoid and not diet related.
If you use the search engine above on the forum home page and look up āallergiesā you will find a lot of my posts and some articles that are very informative.
/forums/search/allergies/I suggest you consult a dermatologist/specialist as there are other reasons for the symptoms you describe other than food intolerances.
Helpful article below:
By Klaus Loft, DVM
Angell Dermatology ServiceAnyone who suffers debilitating environmental allergies tied to changing seasons, pet dander or household dust mites knows first-hand the misery of a scratchy throat, itchy eyes or painful rashes.
Not everyone knows, however, that our pets can experience similar allergic reactions ā and other very bothersome dermatological issues. But our pets need not suffer in silence. Modern veterinary science has evolved such that advanced, comprehensive treatments are now available to treat a range of skin conditions.
Top pet dermatological issues
Our four-legged friends suffer from some of the same skin issues as we do ā and several that we do not. The most common conditions we see at Angell include:
ā¢Parasites, such as mites, fleas and mange (scabies)
ā¢Infectious diseases, such as Staphylococcal pyoderma (āStaphā) skin infections, yeast and fungal infections and skin fold infections
ā¢Systemic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases
ā¢Skin cancer, such as Squamous cell carcinoma, cutaneous lymphoma, Mast cell tumors
ā¢Allergies, such as flea allergy dermatitis, adverse food reactions, environmental allergies, etc.All of these conditions can become serious and, if untreated, dramatically reduce quality of life. But the tremendous strides made in veterinary innovation, however, is very good news for our pets. Specifically, the testing and treatments for allergies now rivals human healthcare in its sophistication, quality of care and long-term health outcomes.
Unlike humans, dogs and cats cannot tell us about their dermatological health issues. So we as pet owners must look for the signs. The most common indicators that a pet is suffering from some kind of allergy involve frequent episodes of ear infections, red raised or open sores on the skin, constant licking or biting of paws or groin ā sometimes causing wounds that will not go away.
Allergies present a particular challenge because there can be hundreds (even thousands) of potential allergens that impact pet health, from foods to pollen from grasses, weeds, trees, dust mites and more. Todayās specialty veterinary hospitals have access to the very latest diagnostic tests to get to the bottom of whatās ailing our pet. Among these tests is the Intra Dermal Test (IDT).
IDT is generally considered the gold standard of testing for identifying allergens that cause pets to suffer from chronic skin and/or ear diseases. IDT involves injections of a series of concentrated allergens into the skin to determine which of them generate allergic reactions in a given animal. The use of fluorescein ā a chemical that illuminates the inflammation caused by the injected allergens in order to visualize the strength of individual reactions ā is key to accurately diagnosing pet allergies, and is just one of the many ways veterinarians use new technologies to improve care and diagnostics.
The results of IDT (as well as a review of the petās medical history) can then inform comprehensive immunotherapy treatments to relieve suffering. Veterinary dermatologists rely on IDT to build customized treatment plans for patients called Allergen Specific Immuno Therapy or āASITā for short.
ASIT involves a series of injections specifically created for the allergic animalās skin. These injections, of diluted allergens, are designed to make a pet less sensitive to their allergens over time. In most cases these injections must be continued for life to reduce symptoms, but they are highly effective. Seventy to 90 percent of pets experience a reduction in symptoms as a result of ASIT treatment. These treatments can be delivered even more easily via droplets under the tongue, perfect for pet owners who are squeamish about giving injections to their pet.
This treatment is very new to the North American field of medicine (both human and veterinary) and underscores just how far innovation in veterinary medicine has come.
When itās time to see the vet
Many pet owners are understandably concerned about taking their animals to the veterinarian because the cost (to say nothing of the fear some animals experience when going do the doctor) may outweigh any perceived reduction in suffering. To help pet owners know when itās time to bring Fido to the doctor Iāve compiled my āTop Tenā list of dermatological symptoms that should never be ignored:
ā¢Intense itching of the skin (head shaking, running the face into the carpet, furniture, etc.)
ā¢Biting at the skin that creates red, raw crusting areas of the skin
ā¢Multiple ear infections (head shaking, odor from ears, scratching at the ears with hind legs)
ā¢Paw licking or chewing and frequent infections of the skin in the webbed skin of the paws
ā¢Staining of the fur of the paws and nails on multiple feet
ā¢Reoccurring skin infections in the groin, under the shoulders, perianal areas (on or under the tail)
ā¢Greasy scaling skin and/or fur with odorous skin
ā¢Hair loss, or thinning of the fur
ā¢Dark pigmentation of the skin that is chronically infected
ā¢Sudden depigmentation of skinAllergies and other dermatological issues can be as frustrating for pet owners and their veterinarians as they can be for pets. I encourage any pet owner whose animal is experiencing any of these symptoms to consult with their veterinarian.
MemberAtopic dermatitis is a hypersensitivity or over-reaction to a variety of commonplace and otherwise harmless substances in the environment such as plant pollens, house dust mites or mold spores. Most pets with atopic dermatitis either inhale or absorb their allergens through their skin. Allergy tests are used to identify what a pet is allergic to in their environment.
There are two types of allergy tests, the intradermal allergy test and blood testing for allergies (serologic allergy testing). In an intradermal allergy test, the fur is clipped on one side of the chest and very small amounts of common allergens are injected into the skin. This test is very precise and is only performed by Veterinary Dermatology services. Because most pets with environmental allergies become exposed to their allergens through their skin, the intradermal allergy test may also best simulate a petās natural allergies. In a blood allergy test, a blood sample is obtained and submitted to a laboratory for testing.
If a pet is diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, there are three methods of therapy. The first method of therapy involves removing the allergen from the petās environment. Unfortunately, this is not possible in most cases. The second method of therapy involves the use of anti-itch drugs such as anti-histamines or steroids (cortisone). Some of these anti-itch medications do not work in every pet. Other pets develop side-effects from taking certain anti-itch medications.
The third method of therapy for atopic dermatitis (environmental allergies) is allergy injections. Other names for allergy injections include desensitization, hyposensitization, allergy vaccine, or allergen-specific immunotherapy. Immunotherapy involves a series of injections of diluted allergens. Over time, these injections make a pet less sensitive to their allergens and thus less allergic. Most pet owners are able to learn how to give the injections at home. When based on the results of intradermal allergy testing, immunotherapy helps manage the allergies in approximately 70-90% of pets. Most pets will respond to immunotherapy within 6-9 months, but some pets will require up to a year of immunotherapy injections before a full benefit can be noted. F
MemberI just want to say thank you everyone, I learned ALOT from all of your posts. I have a 4 and a half yr. old bully named Bella, she is our only “child” š and we have fought chronic ear infections for sooo long and have done everything under the sun, or so I thought (ear washes, antibiotics etc.) But it was just brought to my attention recently by a vet about food allergies and pittys. Unfortunately I couldn’t afford allergy testing at the time, so we are trying out some different foods first to try to fix the problem. But just now through reading your posts I spotted several more symptoms of allergies that I never connected. The excessive paw licking, it drives us nuts!! But we thought it to be a nervous tick plus she is really OCD about being clean lol. And also the red bumps around the mouth from the food, we always joke about her “doggie acne” . I had almost stopped searching the internet for help, because there is normally so much info and a lot of sites say the same things in different ways, but this forum has been extremely helpful. Thank you and best of luck to all and their little ones!!!!
Sue L
MemberHappy to hear that your Bella is on the road to no more itches,as I am in battle mode for one of my 2 little pit girls.Only Ava who is a blue nose with white has the skin issues and Nina is just fine as long as she has her sister with her but there’s always that problem child.They are both being weaned off puppy food to Hill’s Science Diet and I’m told it should clear up her skin and itches in as long as a month but maybe earlier.She takes Benadryl,Steroids such as prentisone when I really need to get a handle on it.No more grain for these babies,I’m just praying for healthy babies to thrive and be happy.A&D ointment where she’s really red helps too and they only get bathed with WEN for Pets.Keep the faith,it’s all so worth it !!!!
Angie S
MemberI have a blue nose pitbull he’s almost 2, and ever since he was a puppy he’s always scratching, and while he Scratches he cries and whines, it’s very heart breaking..he’s been on so man different medications and shampoos for the itchiness and still nothing.. He started scratching at 4months.. It’s an on going thing.. And he has this gross odor, it smell like stinky cheese.. I’ve changed his diet used medicated shampoos, etc and the vets still do not know what it could be.. (I took him to several vets) I just had a baby and I keep her in the room all the time because he gets all his hair all over the place and he stinks up my living room.. I need help š
Membersounds like yeast. his diet could be a factor. if he is eating a food high in starchy carbs like potatoes that could be contributing to it. and he could actually have a yeast infection. My pitbull did and we got shampoo from the vet and anti-fungal meds and it cleared it up. Talk to your vet about the possiblity of a yeast infection and check his food for starchy carbs and switch him to something else. Might have to go grain-inclusive and look for something with just whole brown rice as the carb source to avoid potato.
Samantha F
MemberHi- just found this board while looking for something to help with my 5 yr old Bella who is a blue brindle full APBT. First, we know she has chicken allergies. The first year we had her we battled with bumps. She was on and off antibiotics because the vet thought that was what would help since nothing else they tested her for showed up. She would have bumps, runny/mucousy stool, gas and an always rumbling tummy. After a lot of reading I decided to cut chicken out of her diet as I read that it was a fairly common food allergen. I changed her food to Orijen 6 Fish (we tried Orijen Regional Red and that affected her also) and I also started her on probiotic/digestive enzymes because of being on antibiotics so much. She was completely normal within 1-2 weeks. We rarely have issues unless she gets a treat with chicken meal or something. I am very careful what we or any visitors feed her. I check all treats that I buy for any kind of chicken products. I recently gave her a Bully stick and a different type of dry cookie. I’m not sure if it’s one of those or something else, but my poor baby has tons of hive looking bumps on her head, ears, underarms, etc. (one of her worst reactions yet). She rarely gets itchy when she gets them, but it looks horrible and Benadryl doesn’t seem to be helping. The only other thing we’ve added to her food is Answers Raw Goats milk, but she has been getting that for about 2+ months – so I doubt it’s that. Any ideas on how to bring down these hives would be greatly appreciated. š
MemberHi Samantha-
You mentioned your pit had a reaction to Orijen Regional Red which contains a large amount of different types of red meat like Angus Beef. If she also has a beef allergy that could explain the reaction to the bully stick. It is made from cow penis as gross as that may sound lol. Probably avoiding bully sticks would be good as well.Dori
MemberSamantha F. You didn’t mention what the ingredients are in the “different type of dry cookie”. Please check out the ingredients thoroughly as it may very well be something in the cookie. Let us know if maybe the cookie has some type of poultry fat in it. Also could be the binder in the cookie itself. Some sort of grain or starch.
Samantha F
MemberHi Dori – I check all treats I buy for any chicken byproducts since we have determined that chicken is a big allergen for her. The cookie had: whole wheat flour, peanut butter, canola oil, rolled oats, flax seed, dried brewers yeast, turmeric and rosemary extract. I am leaning towards it being the bully stick since we tried once to switch from the Orijen 6 Fish to Orijen Regional Red and she flared up with allergic symptoms- including runny stool with mucous and blood tinged and bumps. She does great on the 6 Fish, but it would be nice to get her a mix of proteins. I always worry that someday she would develop an allergy to fish. I’m just surprised that the Benadryl I’ve been giving her the last few days hasn’t taken down the bumps more. At least they don’t seem to bother her- and they aren’t huge, but with their short coats it really makes it noticeable.
Samantha F
MemberYes Pitlove- I’m leaning towards it being the Bully Stick as well. There were no meat products in the cookie we gave her. Guess I’ll just have to stick with her antlers to chew on. I usually take her everywhere with me and when I don’t she has come to expect a special chew treat and it’s hard to find something that’s long lasting and that she can also ingest that doesn’t bother her. š
MemberI use antlers as well for my pit and I haven’t had any issues, however as far as I know my pit doesnt have any allergies. Trying to keep it that way by changing proteins a lot. I also use freeze dried raw treats with one ingredient in them. Maybe that could be something to look into for a nice healthy treat for her.
Jennifer R
MemberI have a 1 year old blue nose “Bo” and same issues, I have tried changing foods, benedryl, Zertec, and nothing worked. There is a new drug on the market that works WONDERS called Apoquel but there is production issues with it being new th vet frequently runs out and my dog has to suffer all over again. Fish oil helps as far as what I have read in many different forums. But if you can get the Apoqeul your dog will be like a whole new dog, no bumps, no itching, and back to normal. I am praying they will straighten it out soon, he had been off it for only a month and old symptoms are right back again :(. Good luck everyone!
ParticipantHi Jennifer, like you said Apoquel is a new drug, so any real bad side effect are not really know yet…
Apoquel is a immune suppressant & blocks pruritus (itching) but cannot resolve inflammation or treat yeast secondary Malassezia Dermatitis..
Have you tried a different antihistamine.My vet gave me a list of human antihistamines that my boy can take, you need to know accurate weight of your dog & dose is per 10kgs=22.0462lbs..Give each of the following antihistamine ALONE for a 10 day trial moving on to the next drug if there is no response or only partial response..
Top of the list
* Phenergan-10mg tablet per 10kg …give 1/2-1 tablet twice a day.
taken for 10 day trial, if Phenergan doesn’t work after 10 days I was to try the next antihistamine…
* Periactin-4mg tablet per 10kg…Give 2 tablets twice or three times a day…
* Polaramine-2mg tablet per 10kg…Give 2 tablets twice a day…
* Zadine-1mg tablet per 10kg …Give 1 tablet twice a day…
* Telfast-90mg tablet per 10kg …Give 1/4 tablet twice a day…
* Zyrtec-10mg tablet per 10kg … Give 1/2 tablet twice a day…
* Claratyne-10mg tablet per 10kg …Give 1/2 tablet once daily…Anonymous
Member@ Jennifer R
Please consider having your dog seen a dermatologist/specialist for an evaluation and testing.
The medications are band-aids, just treating the symptoms, not getting to the root of the problem.
Please don’t give over the counter medications without consulting with a veterinarian that has examined your dog, first.Jennifer R
MemberThanks for the tips! I would never give my dog something with out vet approval, just too risky. I was told give him bennedryl and it did nothing, vet switched him to zyrtek and same thing, he had no responsiveness to either. Still itching like a mad man, and I have him on a very specific diet. The vet said the next step is a steroid how ever I am hesitant on that. I am heavily thinking about seeing a dermatologist I am pretty sure it’s a dermatitis mixed with seasonal alergies.He is a white blue nose pit 80 lbs. And only a year old. It seems white blue nose pits are hyper sensitive to alot
Jennifer R
MemberJust FYI I had him on Apoquel and he has always been very red, swelling and bumps like hives almost, when he was on it, everything cleared up and no drowseyness or ill side effects were present. How ever I would def love to get to the bottom of it and find out where the real problem is. I just don’t feel if the real problems are going to require he be on even more drugs, I would rather stick to the one that I know works for my pet and not have him hopped up on a bunch of things.
MemberHe may need the steroids (prednisone) for a short period of time so that he doesn’t scratch himself bloody raw and get skin infections.
Once the treatment that is prescribed by a dermatologist kicks in, hopefully he won’t need them again. He may not even have any food sensitivities.
BTW: Hyposensitization, “allergy shots” are the most natural way to treat environmental allergies. Excerpt below from: Shot Benefits:
ā¢Hyposensitization works on 65-85% of dogs placed on this form of treatment.
ā¢Often the only solution for dogs who do not respond to other allergy treatments.
ā¢A more natural approach to allergy treatments than steroids ā trains the body to heal itself and not respond to allergens.Hyposensization/Allergy Shot Drawbacks:
ā¢May not work for 15-32% of dogs who are placed on this form of treatment.
ā¢May not see significant results for four months to a year.
ā¢Initial test and first round of vaccine costs roughly $500. Ongoing vaccines run roughly $300 per year.
ā¢Lifetime commitment ā injections are given every couple of weeks for the lifetime of your dog.
ParticipantJennifer yes, my vet said he sees more white dogs with skin problems then brindle, black, tan dogs…. My next dog will not have a bit of white on him……
Have you ever thought of doing the Salvia & Hair testing thru “Glacier Peak Holistics” it cost $85 & they test for 100+ Environment triggers & 200+ food items, you may be surprised with what he’s sensitive too.. I know vets say you can get false positives with blood testing but everyone I know that has done the Glacier Peaks test were pretty happy with the results & it was pretty accurate with foods that people knew their dogs were sensitive too & cheaper then a Dermatologist & you may find out what is causing the itch….
MemberIntegrating Myths and Nonsense with Standard Advice for Allergic Pets
excerpt is from above link (click for full blog and comments)
“There is no research to suggest that the saliva testing is useful for identifying food allergies. It is sold based on questionable theory and anecdotes, which have little evidentiary value. And as far as uncontrolled testing, at least one dermatologist has run the test in dogs with confirmed food allergies responsive to diet change, and the test results were highly inaccurate”.
Other blogs that you might find helpful: Nutrigenomics by Dr. Jean Dodds: Science as Windowdressing
MemberThe Glacier Peaks Sensitivity Assessment that Susan mentioned isn’t a traditional salvia test. It uses biofeedback energy from the DNA samples that you provide from both your dog’s saliva and hair.
I’ve done the test and was very surprised by my results. I believe my attempt at what I refer to as a modified elimination diet (only because it wasn’t a true and properly conducted elimination diet), weren’t reliable. Two friends who have conducted true elimination diets said their GP test results were spot on. And, as Susan mentioned, the test covers tons of foods and environmental triggers. I liked that it also have recommendations for supplementation.
MemberWhat’s included in the Kit: ā¢ Sample sheet of assessed items that may be affecting your pet (200+ Food Items, 100+ Environmental triggers, and Beneficial Herbal and Holistic Remedies)
ā¢ Information Sheet (Must accompany the petās samples when sent)
ā¢ Small Comb
ā¢ 3 Organic Cotton Swabs
ā¢ Plastic Zip Bag (To place the hair and Saliva samples)
ā¢ Return EnvelopeAbove is an excerpt from the site of the test in question. Looks like a saliva test to me.
“biofeedback energy” What is that?
If you are into alternative therapies and against traditional veterinary medicine. I guess it’s an option.
I have never had good results with that sort of thing, but, who knows…TheNaturalDog
MemberThe store I work for sells the Glacier Peaks tests. We have had amazing success helping allergy afflicted dogs and cats using the results of these tests. IMHO, saliva test or not, they are more accurate than vet testing and a fraction of the cost.
MemberIt is up to the individual consumer, don’t you think? Try this, that, and the other thing, change the diet multiple different ways, spend a few hundred over a period of months, years. Meanwhile the dog is suffering.
Or go to a specialist and spend some $ (initial testing) and get some answers right away, in example, a diagnosis, treatment, diet recommendations, follow up, and results!
MemberEven the Mayo Clinic uses biofeedback. I’m surprised you’re not familiar with it, Red.
And yes, it is up the individual. Unfortunately, anything not endorsed by the almighty Skeptvet and subsequently by you, is deemed worthless and a waste of money.
MemberAmen, DogFoodie, amen.
ParticipantI’m familiar with biofeedback as a way of training/conditioning a person to control physiologic responses: blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension. So yes I can see Mayo clinic using this behavioral tool.
However this is very different from and i don’t see the relationship to “biofeedback energy from the DNA samples that you provide from both your dogās saliva and hair.”
What exactly is being measured? How is “biofeedback” encoded into the nucleotide sequence of DNA. Please explain.
Most people I know have had poor luck going to a “specialist” and have spent way more than a little money upfront. For what it’s worth, my M.D. (who also has an advanced degree in nutrition (a Certified Clinical Nutritionist) told me traditional blood allergy testing for food is a waste of time as there are false positives and false negatives). The same holds true in the dog world. IgE testing is unreliable.
I don’t know how biofeedback works but I had the test done on my Cleo and it was spot on for things I knew were a problem. And not your typical proteins – goat as an example. I’ve eliminated a few other things that I hadn’t suspected and she’s improving. Her issues are neurological, which I assumed were vaccine related but apparently I was wrong. Dori also had great results with her Katie. All of the ones she knew were an issue showed and one she didn’t. When she withheld cucumber from Katie’s diet there was improvement. I’ve seen MANY additional positive reviews from folks that I follow or know through groups. I don’t know how it works, something about quantum physics I believe, and I was skeptical at first but I’m a believer now.
Member“Most people I know have had poor luck going to a āspecialistā and have spent way more than a little money upfront”.
Well, my pet had a very positive experience with traditional veterinary medicine, and I am familiar with biofeedback. I work in healthcare.
I view it as being under the umbrella of alternative therapy, like acupuncture and aromatherapy. Still can’t comprehend how it would be used for dogs though.
My pet had a serious condition, so I went to the best (imo) first. I would have considered alternative therapies in conjunction with traditional care…. but it wasn’t necessary.I don’t believe blanket statements about anything are a good thing or helpful, there are always exceptions.
MemberThere is still no reason to completely denounce something that could potentially give a allergy dog owner a jumping off point and for 85$ it is worth a shot.
I just helped a couple at work with a lab with allergies and the woman was due to give birth tomorrow. I told her about Glacier Peak because they were concerned with money with the new baby coming and about the time and effort an elimination diet or other testing at a dermatologist would take. They ended up buying Nature’s Logic Sarine at my recommendation because their dog had been eating Purina ONE lamb and rice for 2 years straight and was having a reaction to something in it, but said they would look into the GPH test because they really couldn’t afford to go to a specialist (something I also suggested).
Member“I donāt believe blanket statements about anything are a good thing or helpful, there are always exceptions.”
Really? Nor do I. Which is why I believe there is a time and place for both traditional and Western medicine and a more holistic approach. I believe you can gain information from a variety of sources. My vet practices integrative medicine, so I have the best of both worlds. Believe it or not, sometimes something as simple as a change in diet, can resolve certain issues. There are no one or two foods that will fix every dog’s problems.
My neurologist utilized electromyography, a form of biofeedback, for an important nerve conduction study when I was diagnosed with a serious medical condition. He doesn’t seem to equate it with aromatherapy.
Honestly, thinking outside the box is pretty liberating, but I doubt Skepvet would endorse it.
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