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Skin rash and issues on Pitbulls
- This topic has 98 replies, 48 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 3 months ago by
eterson P.
MemberSo, Red. I’m gathering from your post that you consider alternative therapies a waste of time and money? Just curious as to where you’re coming from?
ParticipantI see that the Glacier Holistics posts a disclaimer for this “test”
“The information provided by this assessment is intended for educational and nutritional purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
Why run a test when the company that is offering it states it has no applicable purpose?
I thought about getting a few kits.. taking samples and sending them in to see it the results were repeatable but when asked about accuracy the company states “results vary”. This could mean they acknowledge that you won’t get the same results twice on the same sample.
Shawna, I understand how powerful personal experience is. Last year I woke one day with terrible knee pain. I hadn’t injured my knee and had no idea why. My husband wanted me to go to the Dr and I said if it wasn’t resolved in 6 months I’d go. Rest, ice, elevation, knee support brace resulted in a waxing and waning pattern but it was always there.
About 5 1/2 months in it flared terribly and I conceded I’d have to go to the Dr as I promised hubby I would. But … in pain and out of options I asked an acquaintance who practiced an alternative modality to treat me. He had offered many times before and I politely declined.
It was arranged for a evening treatment. The next am I woke and the pain was gone! Vanished! It has now been over 6 months and it never returned. Certainly would have made a believer out of me. I say would have because on the night of the scheduled treatment something came up and he couldn’t do it. I was never treated. The pain went away just as suddenly as it came on.
I always understood that testimonial was a weak form of evidence and that controlled blinded studies are needed, but boy oh boy did that experience ever drive that point home!
In regards to Glacier Peaks I see no mention of what is being measured, how it is measured or how the test was validated. Until the company is forthcoming with that information I couldn’t ever recommend it.
“I donât believe blanket statements about anything are a good thing or helpful, there are always exceptions.” I couldn’t agree more. Hence my use of the word “most”. I too have had my very own experience with traditional medicine, beginning when I was just 12 years old and temporarily going completely blind. Traditional (or, more accurately, allopathic) medicine FAILED me in every single way. It wasn’t until I was referred to a M.D. that treats holistically was a cause found. Sure I could have been on this drug or that drug and then three more to combat the side effects of the first one but that way of life isn’t for me.
My dog had a “serious condition” as well – kidney disease. Again, allopathic medicine failed me in every way except for the administration and demonstration of sub q fluids at the end of her life.
Allopathic veterinary guidance for my daughter’s dog (3 pound Chihuahua) that started having grand mal seizures was do nothing and bring her in if they start happening more often and we’ll start her on drugs. Mkay….. Holistic vet gave guidance on what toxins etc to avoid in the home, increased a nutrient she was already getting and added another mineral (magnesium). Peachy never had another seizure from that point forward.
I will say however, I had a minor emergency several weeks ago and I was quite grateful for the awesome care given by allopathic practitioners at the hospital. I will never deny that there definitely is a place and time for allopathic medicine.
MemberI’m right there with you aimee. Mind over matter is quite powerful. Not sure however how my dog would improve by eliminating something she was eating before with just mind over matter. Did she know I was purposefully eliminating the food?
Edit — I ask you this, if using the test has helped as many folks as has suggested it has (many of which I don’t personally know), does it matter if science can demonstrate a connection? Fact is, it worked for what it was intended for. I’ve only heard just a very few positive results like that for IgE food testing (which we know has issues). It’s not simply someone wanting it to be or IgE testing would be just as powerful.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
ParticipantHi Shawna,
My anecdote didn’t have to do with mind over matter…. it is an example that medical conditions can abruptly change giving the false illusion that some intervention “worked”
As you may recall Brooke has had focal seizures with variable time intervals between events. She went through a horrible cluster of back to back events and was seen by a neurologist who recommended not to yet start her on drugs, but to continue to track the events. ……. I didn’t take to her a holistic vet… I didn’t change the household environment in any way … I didn’t add or remove any nutrients from her diet. I did absolutely nothing.
Like Peachy, Brooke has never had another seizure and it has been years. Now maybe she has had a seizure when we are not home but the same could be said for Peachy. The point is we took different paths but had the same outcome. If I had changed something I may have falsely attributed the seizure free interval to what ever I did.
Everything “works” which is why testimonials are very weak evidence.
In regard to Glacier Peak Holistics the company says it best ” this assessment…is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.â If the company itself reports the test is essentially worthless why should I think otherwise?
What do you feel is the most accurate way to diagnose a food intolerance? This is not an attacking question, I actually want to know your opinion.
ParticipantHi Pitlove,
The “gold standard” for diagnosing an adverse food reaction is a properly conducted elimination trial. Other types of testing are fraught with inaccuracy.
Adverse food reactions can be either a hypersensitivity: the reaction is driven by the immune system either type I which is IgE a true food allergy or delayed hypersensitivity type III or IV or a food intolerance: immune system is not involved in the reaction a classic example is lactose intolerance.
The mechanism for adverse food reaction is not clearly known, some are IgE driven reactions but many reactions are not which is why testing for IgE isn’t accurate. Until the mechanism is understood I don’t see that an accurate test can be developed.
Intolerance is a reaction to the food that doesn’t involve the immune system and may be caused from several factors that currently are not being tested for in the dog.
MemberHi Aimee-
Thanks for your response. The vet we were seeing vaguely suggested an elimination diet for my boy because she believes he has not only environmental allergies, but food “allergies” as well (her words). However, she made no effort to explain how to do an elimination diet to me. She told me to pick one food (I’ve been rotating) and feed it for 3 months. Thats all she said. I should have asked more questions, but she quickly moved on to another subject. Nevertheless he has an appointment with a new vet today for a sore on his neck and I’m going to have her look at the bumps he has and the dry flakey patches where his hair is falling out.
ParticipantHi Pitlove,
This article is a good overview of doing a food elimination trial.
Is there no longer a section where we can flag posts on the forum side. Has no one else seen this post?
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
MemberHi all! Just so I don’t seem like a real nut job, the post that I was replying to above me was removed as a spammer after I contacted Dr. Mike and Patti S.
rofl, you ARE a nutjob…the one I’m going to jail with!!!!Dori
MemberWell, Marie. I’m okay with the jail part as we’ve already concluded that they’ll pay us to get out or just toss us out on our a!@s’s, I just don’t want them to put us separately in solitary.
When I came back a little while ago hoping they deleted my response to the spammer I noticed that they didn’t so then I read the last post on Page 3 and now it looks like I’m screaming at Aimee over something she said to Pitlove. That made me ROFLMAO. As I’ve been know to get myself in trouble from time to time here I thought I should maybe say something before I got called on it.
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
MemberHow dare Aimee be in this thread!! Lol joking. Darn spammers making Dori look like shes crazy đ
MemberNew suggestion; upvotes on the forums cuz I totally would upvote both your posts
MemberLike Facebook is doing, we need not only an Upvote (like) but how about an down vote (don’t like)? Little up and down arrows.
MemberYes! Someone tell Dr. Mike!
Nicole B
MemberHi! I have a blue brindle pit. I feed
Orijen regional red and he’s had terrible skin/allergy issues since he hit about 1. He’s 4 now. I took him to a dermatologist ($600 for the visit and tests) and he’s now on allergy shots and apoquel. Apoquel has stopped his itching completely and his hives/sores and hair loss. I hear it’s for dogs with severe allergies an is allocated to those cases because there isn’t huge quantities available. It’s expensive – about $155 for 2 Months – I’ve researched it tons. But this have given him such relief. Just a suggestion. Good luck !Anonymous
Member@Nicole B
“I took him to a dermatologist ($600 for the visit and tests) and heâs now on allergy shots and apoquel. Apoquel has stopped his itching completely and his hives/sores and hair loss”.
Glad to hear you are having positive results. As your dog responds to the Allergen Specific Immunotherapy, you may find he needs the apoquel less and less. I saw the best results at about 1.5 years in. Of course, they still can have flare-ups occasionally, but nothing like before (in my experience). Best of luck.PS: You said he is on shots, so I assumed you meant Allergen Specific Immunotherapy.
Heather V
MemberThis is the first time I have EVER visited a site while researching information for my gang and encountered people as amazing as all of you. I was so overwhelmed with the kindness shown to first time dog owners, or perhaps first time having an issue. I use natural “everything” as much as I can and I’m constantly researching. Some of the rude, condescending and down right brutal responses I have witnessed from those believing they wrote the holy grail on dogs simply because their “bitch” had a few litters. You know the type..large asses, wearing men’s jeans, flannel shirts , muck boots…to the grocery store. Those manless heifers would do well to remember that at some point they also had their First dog. You guys are to truly be commended for sharing your experiences with others in such a respectful manner. Thankfully I gleaned a lot of information regarding my Blue Nose and her hairless back.She is my first female (bitch)ever. A week before her spay appointment my (bastard) male lol, got her right through the damn crate !!! Between serious food allergies and a liter of beautiful puppies I was at my wits end. Thankfully things seem to be turning around, thanks in part to posts on this forum
Sarah B
MemberI also have a blue nose Pitt bull we are also going through some crazy irritations, allergies, ear infections, scratching constantly. I have been for the past four months solid trying new things researching nightly constantly trying to help my best friend! I have found my pittty is ellergic to fluoride in the water, so I boil his water daily refrigerate it I do not bath him in tap water! He is also allergic to wheats, grains, by-products the works! I’m telling u my poor baby boy he can’t even eat or dink out of plastic! OK so I have figured out to help sooth the itchy irritating skin I am using ready for this?? Sudocream diaper rash cream for babies! Works instant! Ingredients: purified water, liquid paraffin wax, paraffin wax, lanolin, beeswax, benzyl benzoate, sodiumbenzoate, and so on! Then treats: raw carrots , apples NOT the seeds!!! Clean his ears as often as u wash ur own. Do not use q-tip use a cotton swab and a gentle formula douce ear cleaner. I use Wahl pet ear cleaner it’s specially formulated with baking soda and mild cleanser compounds to clean away wax build up and debris. If the skin is so bad I like to put pure coconut oil on his skin it helps with the dry skin and also if your dog licks it off well even better 😉 ….dog food: I mix his daily portion with one cup WHITE RICE and two cups his perferd dog food. Ol Roy NO NO NO!! IAMS! NOPE! I won’t lie I’m still working on that! But he did have an almost full recovery on natural nutrition grain free but then I tried ol Roy n with in half a bowl were back to square one N with in half a day. It’s extremelyexhusting but if he is healthier happier it’s all worth it! Hope this helps u? Good luck IL be checking in to see if u reply with good news. I truly hope I am of some helpful ideas.
ParticipantHi Sarah, if you feeding boiled rice why don’t you add a meat instead of feeding the kibble…. kibbles are why tooo hard for a dog with food sensitivities not to have a reactions…. I have just started “Taste Of The Wild” Pacific Stream Smoked Salmon, its just Salmon, Ocean Fish Meal, Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes, Canolia Oil, Salmon Meal, Smoked Salmon, Potato Fiber etc no other food ingredients, TOTW is the only kibble with least ingredients, I can get in Australia without Beet Pulp, garbanzo beans & peas… Patches acid reflux went away, he was doing really well stomach wise, 2 weeks down the track, every time after eating TOTW about 30min-60mins his back paw is going red & he started licking them, AAAaaaaaaaararrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhh….it does your head in… I also feed chicken breast & sweet potato put thru a blender for dinner, but my boy regurgitates raw & cook foods sometimes & does better holding down kibble…. If he stopped regurgitating the raw i’d be feeding a raw diet, no kibble….. I use the Sudocrem for his bum & the white part about his eye & his paws when its raining…. have you tried “Monetasone Furoate 0.1% Ointment, it works better then then the Hydrocortisone 1% cream cause its an ointment, stays on the skin/fur longer & fixes any red rashes & stops the itch, so if you find the Sudocrem isn’t helping some areas you can buy the Monetasone Furoate 0.1% ointment over the counter at chemist…also what you thought your dog was allergic or sensitive too after about 1 year when he’s doing real well re introduce 1 of those food slowly that you thought he was sensitive too, you’ll be surprised he may have no reaction this time….
Joe K
MemberHello my 1 yr old pit bull boxer mix broke out in a skin rash/hives today and I’ve given her 2 soaks in cold water with oatmeal and aloe shampoo and given her benadryl a few times. She is on authority puppy food and I put a cap full of plain vinegar in her water. I’ve had her about a month and a half and she was on Kirkland special adult food when I got her. And can’t get any info from previous owners. Im trying to wait until Monday to go to the vet. Any and all help is welcome. Please help.
MemberTry malaseb shampoo, or any gentle shampoo (only) for now, twice a week if you notice it helps. Don’t put anything else on the skin as it may cause irritation and make it worse and don’t make diet changes until you see the vet and he approves.
Her symptoms may have nothing to do with the food.
Food sensitivies (food allergies are rare) usually result in GI disturbances such as vomiting and diarrhea, not pruritus (itching) and rashes.I have a dog with environmental allergies she responded to treatment from a dermatologist and is stable now, she can eat anything but does best on Nutrisca Salmon and Chickpea dry a base.
She receives Allergen Specific Immunotherapy. It’s the only thing that helped.So work with your vet, he may have prescribe meds to get things under control, if you don’t see improvement within a month or two and the dog appears to be suffering, consider seeing a specialist for skin testing. The vet can do blood testing, but the skin testing is the most accurate for environmental allergies.
Don’t be fooled by mail-in saliva and hair tests, they are not accurate. People complain that their dogs test positive for everything!
Do not give any over the counter medication…or any medication unless it is prescribed by a veterinarian.
Also, you can use the search engine here: “allergies”
MemberHelpful article below:
By Klaus Loft, DVM
Angell Dermatology ServiceAnyone who suffers debilitating environmental allergies tied to changing seasons, pet dander or household dust mites knows first-hand the misery of a scratchy throat, itchy eyes or painful rashes.
Not everyone knows, however, that our pets can experience similar allergic reactions â and other very bothersome dermatological issues. But our pets need not suffer in silence. Modern veterinary science has evolved such that advanced, comprehensive treatments are now available to treat a range of skin conditions.
Top pet dermatological issues
Our four-legged friends suffer from some of the same skin issues as we do â and several that we do not. The most common conditions we see at Angell include:
âąParasites, such as mites, fleas and mange (scabies)
âąInfectious diseases, such as Staphylococcal pyoderma (âStaphâ) skin infections, yeast and fungal infections and skin fold infections
âąSystemic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases
âąSkin cancer, such as Squamous cell carcinoma, cutaneous lymphoma, Mast cell tumors
âąAllergies, such as flea allergy dermatitis, adverse food reactions, environmental allergies, etc.All of these conditions can become serious and, if untreated, dramatically reduce quality of life. But the tremendous strides made in veterinary innovation, however, is very good news for our pets. Specifically, the testing and treatments for allergies now rivals human healthcare in its sophistication, quality of care and long-term health outcomes.
Unlike humans, dogs and cats cannot tell us about their dermatological health issues. So we as pet owners must look for the signs. The most common indicators that a pet is suffering from some kind of allergy involve frequent episodes of ear infections, red raised or open sores on the skin, constant licking or biting of paws or groin â sometimes causing wounds that will not go away.
Allergies present a particular challenge because there can be hundreds (even thousands) of potential allergens that impact pet health, from foods to pollen from grasses, weeds, trees, dust mites and more. Todayâs specialty veterinary hospitals have access to the very latest diagnostic tests to get to the bottom of whatâs ailing our pet. Among these tests is the Intra Dermal Test (IDT).
IDT is generally considered the gold standard of testing for identifying allergens that cause pets to suffer from chronic skin and/or ear diseases. IDT involves injections of a series of concentrated allergens into the skin to determine which of them generate allergic reactions in a given animal. The use of fluorescein â a chemical that illuminates the inflammation caused by the injected allergens in order to visualize the strength of individual reactions â is key to accurately diagnosing pet allergies, and is just one of the many ways veterinarians use new technologies to improve care and diagnostics.
The results of IDT (as well as a review of the petâs medical history) can then inform comprehensive immunotherapy treatments to relieve suffering. Veterinary dermatologists rely on IDT to build customized treatment plans for patients called Allergen Specific Immuno Therapy or âASITâ for short.
ASIT involves a series of injections specifically created for the allergic animalâs skin. These injections, of diluted allergens, are designed to make a pet less sensitive to their allergens over time. In most cases these injections must be continued for life to reduce symptoms, but they are highly effective. Seventy to 90 percent of pets experience a reduction in symptoms as a result of ASIT treatment. These treatments can be delivered even more easily via droplets under the tongue, perfect for pet owners who are squeamish about giving injections to their pet.
This treatment is very new to the North American field of medicine (both human and veterinary) and underscores just how far innovation in veterinary medicine has come.
When itâs time to see the vet
Many pet owners are understandably concerned about taking their animals to the veterinarian because the cost (to say nothing of the fear some animals experience when going do the doctor) may outweigh any perceived reduction in suffering. To help pet owners know when itâs time to bring Fido to the doctor Iâve compiled my âTop Tenâ list of dermatological symptoms that should never be ignored:
âąIntense itching of the skin (head shaking, running the face into the carpet, furniture, etc.)
âąBiting at the skin that creates red, raw crusting areas of the skin
âąMultiple ear infections (head shaking, odor from ears, scratching at the ears with hind legs)
âąPaw licking or chewing and frequent infections of the skin in the webbed skin of the paws
âąStaining of the fur of the paws and nails on multiple feet
âąReoccurring skin infections in the groin, under the shoulders, perianal areas (on or under the tail)
âąGreasy scaling skin and/or fur with odorous skin
âąHair loss, or thinning of the fur
âąDark pigmentation of the skin that is chronically infected
âąSudden depigmentation of skinAllergies and other dermatological issues can be as frustrating for pet owners and their veterinarians as they can be for pets. I encourage any pet owner whose animal is experiencing any of these symptoms to consult with their veterinarian.
Rebecca` O
MemberHey all,
I’ve found Pooch & Mutt’s Bionic Biotic to stop my dog’s scratching and biting paws altogether. It took about 4 weeks of sprinkling it on his normal food, 2 teaspoons a day.
They also have an offer on it now for 15% off that ends this week so I’ve been stocking up!
If it doesn’t work you can send the empty pack back and they give you a refund, so nothing to lose really!
Claudia H
MemberMy Selene is a blue nose pit (16 months old in April 2016). We tried changing diet, went to the vet, she got antibiotic, etc. but nothing really work until after reading different blogs, we decided to do this and it worked:
Dry food: salmon (NOW brand). Then we switched to other ingredients but no chicken.
I sometimes top the dry with half a cup of Evangers rabbit. Somebody told me rabbit is a cooling meat.
We did use fish oil as a supplement prescribed by the vet but we don’t use it all the time.
I sometimes put a spoonful of plain yogurt on top of dry food.
Once a week, Selene gets a bath with Dermal Soothe with Vetoquinol (i purchased thru Amazon).
Her skin is so healthy!!!-
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
Claudia H.
MemberEnvironmental allergies tend to wax and wane, often they return with a vengeance. If that happens, I would consider making an appointment with a board certified dermatologist.
Have you checked the search engine here for “allergies”?
See my posts: /forums/search/allergies/Best of luck.
MemberA number of the really short haired breeds have food sensitivity issues. I’m glad you figured out for yourself that you needed to not just switch the food, but switch to something very different, different meat, different carb. Food issues are a pain. Good luck!
Klaudia J
MemberHi, I have a 3 month old Pitbull/Mastiff mix puppy, Shes almost all white and I have come to notice that she has a rash on her tummy near her vaginal area, and shes really pink on her tummy, neck, and paws. I’m not sure how to treat it, and I was wondering if anyone has any tips
MemberThe first step would be to get the condition diagnosed by a veterinarian that has examined the dog. You can’t treat something if you don’t know what it is.
In the meantime, if it is not an emergency and you have to wait a day or two for a vet appointment, you should bathe her with a gentle shampoo and see if that helps.
If she has a bright red rash all over her chest area and /or is experiencing significant discomfort, I would consider it an emergency and go to the nearest 24 hour veterinary clinic.
If her regular vet has an answering service that will page the on-call veterinarian, you could try that, they will advise you, maybe they can fit her in for an appointment first thing in the morning.
Lori H
MemberAgreed with the above about seeing a vet ASAP and trying a gentle shampoo or dye-free, fragrance-free soap like you would use on a Baby. With it being near her vaginal area is it possible she is squatting so much to pee in the mornings she is getting dew there and picking up pesticides or other things from wet grass in your area? I would wash her, very carefully so as not to make her raw, after each potty break. But with the pinkness in the other areas, it sounds like more than just that.
In my experience, Pits are notorious for skin allergies. Allergies to foods especially. (I haven’t read all the posts above and they may address this too) And that generally shows up all over. The white Pits usually have the pinkness on their chest and in larger areas than you are describing but this could be the beginning. Watch it carefully and do get to the vet. She could get really uncomfortable if you let it go too long.
ParticipantHi Klaudia, look in the baby section in the supermarket & look for Huggies Baby Wipes Cucumber & Aloe wipes; when your girl does a wee wipe around her vagina.. Grass, is she lying on the grass like a frog? Staffys & Pit Bulls have their signature way to lay, front paws stretch out, chest & stomach on floor or grass & back legs stretched out like a frog, the grass could be irritating her stomach… I had a white boxer & she always got a grass rash on her stomach after laying on grass, the dog I have now Patch an English Staffy he has skin & stomach problems when he walks on wet grass he gets red paws, in between toes goes red & up his paws go red I apply Hydrocortisone 1 % cream, very lightly, I check his body every night when he’s sleeping, while your in the supermarket look for Sudocrem baby nappy rash cream, the Sudocrem cream is excellent for any rashes & itch she may get, also certain foods Patch gets red paws, ear problems, itchy skin & smelly yeasty skin when he eats an ingredient that he’s sensitive too…. so start her on a good diet, raw is the best if you can afford it…also baths, bath weekly to wash off any allergens & pollens that may be on her skin/fur….I use Malaseb Medicated shampoo, you could try baby shampoo or puppy oatmeal shampoo that’s very mild, for now I would give a bath, then start wiping her tummy & vagina with Huggie Cucumber & Aloe wipes when she comes in from being outside from doing a wee & before she goes to bed…..My Patches stomach gets red sometimes where his penis skin ends & meets his stomach, wee must hit his pink stomach, he does about 20 wees on 1 walk, so the wee must start burning his skin, I wipe with a baby wipe when we get home & put some Sudocrem on that area, redness is all gone by morning…
If when she is older & starts having skin problems, try changing her diet & see if there’s any change if not then see vet to get a referral to see a Dermatologist, vets love putting dogs on steroids & antibiotics, these drugs are just a band aid & as soon as you stop the steroids & antibiotics the skin problems are back….
blaine l
MemberI have a Bluenose as well.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
blaine l.
Razib P
MemberIt is great to get advice from others
janet w
Membermy new pit Lil Boy Bue has a rash too so i switched him to grainfree SALMON FOOD bathed him in medicated shampoo with coal tar an aloe and that seems to help a lot but i sat in a warm bath with him for about an hour an let his skin hydrate well, then towel dry and spray with aloe spray i got all these products at petsmart and now he’s resting comfortably the rash flairs up now n then so i just repeat the process until he feels better <3
Anna O
MemberHi everyone!
I confess: I have not read every post here, but I wanted to chime in on 2 things.
1) Verus has a great food for coat and skin conditions. It’s called Advanced Opticoat. I have Verus foods for years and would recommend it to anyone. The Opticoat helped a rescue who had a pitiful coat.
2) On the skin rash thing: You can mix equal parts of food grade DE powder, Neem powder, and powdered yarrow, put the mixture in a sock, and pat it onto your dog’s coat (EVERYWHERE!) to help with the skin rashes. It will literally work within an hour if the issue is caused by little bugs (like mites).Kira M
MemberTonk is my first pit and he was given to us when my friend passed away recently. He is 8 years old he is a white pit. Sweetest boy ever, he thinks he’s a puppy and likes to take over my bed at night. The problem I am having is he is chewing on his back by his tail real bad, to the point it bleeds. Is there something I can do for him to help. I thought he might of been allergic to my laundry soap, I changed that to dreft. I have tried different foods, different shampoos, but nothing seems to be helping.
ParticipantHi Kira M, Tonk sounds like my Patch he’s 8yrs old & thinks he’s a puppy & takes over my bed at night……are you bathing weekly or twice a week, start bathing him in Malaseb Medicated Shampoo it can be used daily if needed, the Malaseb really helps itchy dry skin, also what is he eating & does he have any fleas? normally if a dog is real itchy around the base of the tail is due to flea dermatitis, go shop & get some “Sudocrem” cream it’s a healing cream for Dermatitis, Eczema, cuts, burns, abrasions, nappy rash, as soon as Patch starts rubbing his bum on my carpet I get a Baby Wipe the Huggies Cucumber & Aloe wipe & wipe the area that’s itchy then I apply some of the Sudocrem & paint his bum white with the Sudocrem, he has a black bum, his itch stops straight away also when his paws are red & itchy I give him a bath & you have to leave the “Malaseb” shampoo on for 5-10mins then the Malaseb relieves his red paws, it must be rinsed off properly, then at night I check his whole body, he gets real red around his mouth, bottom lip chin area & in the creases of his mouth can get red, I wipe with a baby wipe then when dry I apply the Sudocrem with a cotton tip, I also use Hydrocortisone 1% cream when paws mouth & bum is itchy….. try some of the creams I’ve mentioned if they do not help his tail, I’d make appointment to see a Dermatologist that specializes in skin & she might do a skin scrap to see what she’s dealing with… It’s weird its just his tail? I would stop him licking & chewing on his tail it could be making it worse, I apply the Hydrocortisone 1% cream to Patches paws when they are bad, then I wrap a bandage around his paw & put a sock on so his paws can start to heal & Patch can’t lick his paws & make them worse…also start adding a couple of Sardines to one of his meals, I buy the Tin Sardines & tin Salmon in spring water from Aldis & he has some for lunch, Sardines are high in omega 3 fatty acids excellent for their skin, coat, joints, heart & brain…
Linda H
MemberI having been taking care of my son’s red nose pit bull that is 10 years old now for about 5 weeks. This poor dog has suffered from skin rash to the point he gets raw and loses his fur. Changing his food helped but I also started giving him extra protein as in meat scraps and raw egg. After doing some research on the Internet – I found a product in the drug store called “Hollywood Beauty” Tea Tree Oil. I highly recommend you try this product – it’s very cheap – antiseptic that will kill fungus and repell bugs also. It’s a product I keep in my medicine cabinet at all times and have recommended to many friends You will see a big improvement in your dog in days and lives having it applied on them obviously giving them great relief
melissa p
MemberI have a very spoiled walker hound pitt mix with a bit of an attude .. who is all diva and is not aware she’s a four legged fuzzy at all.. she is high maintenance all the way and not so socially acceptable yet l9rd I’m trying .. her and I are traveling and I had to grab some food at an truck stop or it would be all bad I got Purina not her normal food strike one I know second we stopped at my father in laws .. since I was unsure of his condition and by the house condition I left her in the entrance of the house.. his dog and cat where in horrid conditions.. I mean I’m shocked then again so was he.. we left shortly since his pit decided to try and eat my baby.. a day or so later she started to itch a lot.. since she’s white I do apply sun block she burns and yes she’s spoiled she gets her fur done when I do my hair she has her face washed when I wash mine she’s high maintenance.. so she a little ocd about her fur it humorous..I checked her with a fine toothed comb no fleas but these bump are only on her hind legs and she’s chewing like crazy.. being hound it’s a breadful sound and now her breath is bad and she’s not happy with her teeth getting brushed more.. before I bring my AKA Hanna bell lector as they nicked named her at the vets I was hoping someone had something I could try at home equity to help my neurotic baby stop being so itchy..we changed her food but her and I are still traveling so it’s difficult to get to our local
MemberYou know what the answer is. Only a veterinarian that has examined your dog can advise you.
I would refrain from trying over the counter meds and home remedies. Sun block is not intended for veterinary use. You could be making the condition worse.
The sooner you get her to a vet and properly diagnosed you will know what you are dealing with and what the treatment options are.
PS: They have 24/7 emergency/walk in veterinary clinics all over the country. They will communicate with your vet via phone/fax as deemed necessary.
She may need medication, such as steroids to temporarily stop the suffering (pruritus) and risk of skin infection. You may be referred to a specialist for further testing.Susan
ParticipantHi Melissa, what is she eating?? bad breath is a sign of a poor diet, bad breath is not always their teeth, the bad smell comes up from their stomach, itchy skin can be food sensitivities & environment allergies, look for a 3-5 star fish/salmon kibble with no other proteins, NO chicken make sure it has limited ingredients & buy some “Malaseb” medicated shampoo & bath her twice a week until her skin is good again, then bath weekly thru the hotter months or daily when she’s real itchy… Baths are excellent & wash off any pollens & allergen on the skin & relieve the itchy skin especially on the back of her legs, I also use a sun screen on my Staffy where he has white fur, pink skin as they can burn real easy, have a look at “Sudocrem” sold in the baby section at Supermarket the Sudocrem will help stop her itchy legs & will act as a sun screen as well…
Pitbull C
MemberSkin problems can get in the way of a hearty meal. No matter how nutritious your choice of dog food is, your Pittyâs allergies should always be factored in. The best dog food for Pitbulls with skin allergies is the best pick here. Read more about the best dog food for pitbulls with skin allergies here:
John K
ParticipantThe Best Dog Food For Pitbulls should be grain-free. Grain-free food contains a high amount of protein and meat. This type of food is also beneficial for Pitbulls since they cannot digest grains.
Here is such information: Best Dog Food For Pitbulls
ava G
ParticipantSildenafil citrate is the active ingredient in Cenforce. Sildenafil citrate is a pharmacological substance classified as a Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor. Additionally, tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra), and avanafil are PDE5 inhibitors (Spedra). Sildenafil citrate is one of the most frequently recommended medications for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, despite the fact that it was originally developed to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (sildenafil is also sold to PAH patients under the brand name Revatio).
try: U
ParticipantEmployees access MyFordBenefits frequently. We have written an article on MyFordBenefits, which includes a guide to how to log into the website, after discovering the website recently. myfordbenefits
eterson P
ParticipantTo address your 4-month-old Pitbull’s sensitive skin and rashes, consider a limited-ingredient diet to identify potential food allergies. Opt for food high in omega fatty acids like fish oil or flaxseed oil to promote skin health while avoiding grains, which can be allergenic. Suggested food brands include Hill’s Prescription Diet Derm Complete, Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin & Stomach, Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Hydrolyzed Protein Adult, CANIDAE Pure Limited Ingredient Premium Adult Dry Dog Food, and Nutro Limited Ingredient Diet Sensitive Support.
It’s essential to stick with one food for 6-8 weeks before trying another and consult your vet for alternatives if there’s no improvement. Additionally, practice regular bathing with mild shampoo, frequent brushing, allergen-free environment maintenance, and use of a humidifier for moisture. In severe cases, consult your veterinarian for prescription medications.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
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