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  • #172235 Report Abuse
    Sarah Y

    I recently started making homemade dog food and crazily enough chicken breasts are the cheapest type of meat you can buy. I have 3 dogs and end up going through about 15lbs of meat per week. Does anyone know where/how you can buy good quality “meat” in bulk at a low price? I’m not particular on the type of meat, but I want it to be boneless and not have alot of fat (i.e. 70-30 ground beef).

    #189252 Report Abuse
    Kevin S

    If you’re a college-bound student in need of exceptional essay support, look no further. This website’s https://studyfy.com/service/college-essay-writing-service college essay writing services are worth every penny. The writers’ deep understanding of what admissions committees are looking for is evident in the essays they produce. They helped me showcase my strengths and unique qualities in a way that made my application stand out. Highly recommended!

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