Contact us

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Click the link below that best describes the reason you’d like to contact us.

Contact Us

Contact us about your forum membership

Got an issue with your Dog Food Advisor forum membership such as a forgotten password or trouble logging in? Contact us here.

Contact us about your forum membership

Contact us if you’re a pet food company representative

If you’re a pet food company representative and you’d like to get in touch with us about reviewing your food or a change in your product, contact us here.

Contact us if you’re a pet food company representative

Contact us about our Recall Alert Notification Service

If you’d like to sign up to our recall notification service, go here. If you wish to change the email address already registered with us or report an issue with this service, contact us here.

Contact us about our Recall Alert Notification Service

Contact us if you’d like to make a suggestion

If you have a suggestion for our editorial or review team, whether it’s a food which needs to be reviewed or a topic you’d like to be covered, please contact us here.

Contact us if you’d like to make a suggestion

Contact us with questions not covered above

If you’ve already looked at our FAQs page and can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please contact us here.

Contact us with questions not covered above