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Orijen/acana lawsuit (see Admin comment below)

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  • #112213 Report Abuse
    Reese B

    Lawsuit filed against Champion Pet Food – Acana and Orijen

    Anyone feed this food? Thoughts?

    Important: Click here to view relevant admin note below.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Mike Sagman.
    #112230 Report Abuse
    Marla G

    I feed Acana. I just posted about this as my breeder sent this to me last night. I hope that Mike can help guide those of us feeding this. Is this lawsuit true or a hoax? It looked legit to me. And itā€™s very expensive to have food tested in the way these 3 people suing Champion Pet Foods did. Iā€™m beyond disappointed if itā€™s true.

    #112231 Report Abuse

    Anyone can file a lawsuit.

    I think this may be coming from the results of a controversial study that shall go unnamed, per the request of the administrator of DFA.


    #112233 Report Abuse
    Marla G

    So what am I to believe? I look at my beautiful dogs and donā€™t want to think Iā€™d be poisoning them with any food. First comment from my husband was, ā€œdo you think a competitor is trying to harm Champion Pet Foods?ā€ I realize anyone can file a lawsuit but at what degree do we take his seriously? Iā€™m not concerned about pet food companies, my dogs are what matters. I hope Mike can shed some light to help those of us navigate through this. Do I abandon the Acana diet they are on? Help!

    #112234 Report Abuse

    Are the dogs doing well? Annual checkups showing they are in good health? Labs within normal limits?
    I would go by my veterinarian’s opinion.

    #112235 Report Abuse
    Mike Sagman

    Unlike recalls, lawsuits are based on complaints and accusations only. And when they result in a settlement, the truth or falsehood of the allegations are usually not revealed to the public.

    Each of our reviews is based upon the factual information we retrieve from government-regulated and standardized pet food labels… and nothing else.

    If you’ll Google the name of almost any major brand, you’ll likely find hundreds of complaints, claims and lawsuits for many of their products.

    Once any dog food has been confirmed to have a serious problem, the FDA expects the related company to voluntarily recall its product.

    Until we know with certainty if a particular dog food has been tested and recalled, it would be unfair and irresponsible for us to consider unverified claims when writing our reviews.

    #112238 Report Abuse
    Marla G

    Thank you for your reply and explanation. I can understand where youā€™re coming from. Somehow I feel as if I canā€™t ever be confident or at ease about what Iā€™m feeding. I began changing to what was considered better quality ingredient foods in the mid 1990ā€™s after I had a dog diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Back in the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s we fed Iams and Eukanuba to our show dogs. gasp! Here in Seattle we had lectures we could attend by nutritionists that specifically studied dog nutrition. It changed the way I looked at dog food forever. Every pet owner wants to know that what they are feeding is safe for their pets. I donā€™t think thatā€™s ever really possible when feeding a commercial dog food after what weā€™ve witnessed over the last 20+ years. But, I donā€™t know what the alternative is, or homecooking isnā€™t something I want to do. Considering all the issues with human food, whatā€™s to say homecooked is truly safe either?

    #112255 Report Abuse
    a c

    I understand. However, take a look of the ingredients of any kibbles. Do anyone really understand what those 30-40 ingredients are? Donā€™t think you see that much ingredients in any human food. (I think. But I donā€™t eat much processed food)

    I still have the question of why dogs canā€™t eat different food on the daily basis like human? Why does it have to be introduced over a period of time? Is it because the ingredients?

    Regulators are probably more concern about human food than pet food. Do they send inspectors to dog food manufacturers as much as they sent to human food manufacturers?

    While I may not believed there is anything wrong Orejin and Acana, I may still try to avoid it since they are so many choices out there.

    #112257 Report Abuse
    Lewis F

    Mr. Sagman: I hope you will follow this issue closely and report back to us!!

    #112258 Report Abuse
    Lewis F

    Based on “all” of the many choices out there was the main reason I subscribed to Dog Advisor!

    #112332 Report Abuse
    Courtney W

    Hello all,

    My bull mastiff is on the orijen original formula. She has been on this food for about one year.

    I was concerned about these accusations produced by the truth about dog food and consulted with the owner of a natural pet food store. She indicated she knew the owner of the truth about dog food and that her claims were not factual and told me some negative encounters they had together…

    My dog is healthy other than reoccurring gastro issues. Her stool will be fine, then diarrhea. Occasional vomiting. Planning to do a blood panel with metal and lead levels as my next step. Very concerned either way. Following to see how other dogs are doing on this food.


    #112420 Report Abuse
    MEL B

    These are toxins that could lead to issues long term. This lawsuit could drag on for years. Not sure i feel comfortable continuing to feed them this while this gets settled. Someone referred to the chart with the testing levels. What does that tell us? Thank you.

    #112451 Report Abuse
    Marla G

    Itā€™s unnerving. Do any other food companies on the list test for these metals and publish them? Am I to understand that they occur organically? What if all dog foods have significant levels, but Acana and Orijen are the lowest? Thatā€™s the information Iā€™d like to have. Will we ever know whatā€™s healthy for our dogs? Then I see my breederā€™s dogs and many others in the breed that have been fed PP 30/20 Sport. Eew, right? These dogs coats are enormous, they are healthy and outstanding examples of the breed. Another close friend of mine is feeding the same in another breed. Her bitch took BOS at Westminster in Feb., and BOB at Crufts. All her dogs are on it. The ingredients are ones weā€™ve all been taught are completely undesirable. I have 2 littermates from her, both males. One I got at 13wks. I took him off the 30/20 soon after and placed him on a boutiquey high end dog food. His litterbrother later became available at 23mos. I decided to get him. The breeder had only fed him the 30/20. To see my boy and her boy, oh my word. Her dog was dripping in coat, my boy on the high end food, wasnā€™t. And ALL her dogs look like that. They are top winning in their breed. We both have equal experience in grooming, and live 50min. from each other. At this point Iā€™m dissolutioned.

    #112453 Report Abuse

    For the past five years I had been feeding Orijen for my labs. However, last summer I noticed that the food looked moldy and one of them started throwing up. I ended up going to other boutique foods and and really never liked the results. One of my dogs had a major pea allergy and my breeders suggested pro plan. I always thought that that food was sub par but now I see that theyā€™re all thriving on it. Now I wish that I had tried it years ago.

    #112505 Report Abuse
    Jennifer S

    Marla G, It’s hard to understand it, but sometimes the companies that have been around for so long have had more time to perfect their formulas. A little off topic but when I first got goats I had them on the expensive high nutrition feed, researched goat nutrition for 6 months, gave them tons of sprouted grains, etc. At about a year they didn’t look very healthy. After awhile I followed the advice of my local goat community and just put them on plain Purina feed. The change was astounding! Their coats looked amazing, and they were so much healthier. Since then I have more respect for the more common companies. I still have many hesitations about their practices and sourcing, but I do think that Purina is doing something right.

    #112517 Report Abuse
    Carrie W

    I am saddened by this lawsuit, however I read the letter sent out by Champion in regards to this lawsuit. I think everyone should at least consider both sides. I had already read the white paper (re: heavy metals in their food) info on Champion’s website (its in their library). I don’t know how long it has been available but it was a while back when I reviewed it. I have fed several different foods over the years. And when I got my latest GSD I did a lot of research and DFA became my favorite follow up site. When I reviewed the ingredients in Orijen I was so glad to see a food that was made with real meats with no meals, no by-products, etc. It even went beyond by using real fruits, veggies and herbs. It was refreshing and as for a kibble I could not find another that matched it. I researched heavy metals and the heavy metals in human foods as well and found the unfortunate truth that we and our pets our exposed to these heavy metals everywhere in our environment. The soil, air, and water which allows it to get into our foods. After all my hard research there was a negative for every positive. So I decided that a variety would probably be the best diet and why not that makes the most sense. I have to apologize to my past dogs for this, as they did not have this luxury. So I feed a mixture of Orijen Tundra, Primal Raw, Pumpkin, Pre-Probiotics, other raw meats, fruits and veggies. I hope that we will be able to remove more or all heavy metals from human and pet foods one day.

    #112531 Report Abuse
    Marla G

    Didnā€™t intend to originally, but I put my dog back on PP 30/20 Sport. Once he gets straightened out again after his poor experience on ā€œGoā€ and Acana, Iā€™ll look for something to mix with the 30/20. I canā€™t say my dogs have been better off on the boutique foods, and in some cases havenā€™t thrived on some at all. Again, dissolutioned. I know too many people in the show world that feed 30/20. I see their dogs and they look amazing. And I even tried raw, first back in the 1980ā€™s, and then in 2005. Unhappy both times. Thinking back about the dogs I grew up with, a Poodle and Border Collie. Wonderful companions that lived 16 and 17 years. My mom fed them Science Diet. Iā€™ve always wondered, why did they thrive on that diet?

    #112536 Report Abuse
    Veronica S

    I am perplexed, confused and sad right now. ” I feed Acana” and I also breed” I have run the mill of dog food recalls for many years and finally was happy with not only the results of how well my dogs do on Acana but knowing it was one of the best foods out there for them. I have always cooked for my dogs as well and add it to their kibble. Except for our puppies. I am pretty strict with that as not to send them home being used to cooked meats like my adult dogs. But this law suit ??? Right now I have stopped using the Acana and am now adding veg, and pasta , and rice to my own dogs food ” Am not sure where to go with the puppies. How do I not give my dogs the Acana but continue to give it to the puppies??? Does not make sense.

    #112549 Report Abuse
    Tracy O

    I have to say I am worried my dog all of sudden started having diarrhea, acting odd and the change was, I thought I did great research and finally found a dog food that was made in there own facility etc….and now this… Orijen Large Breed puppy food. I am discontinuing because I am not chancing if this is a load of crap from complaints or if in fact it is true…Cya Orijen!!!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Tracy O.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Tracy O.
    #112682 Report Abuse
    Maegan C

    My 10.5 year old GSD/hound mix ate Acana for years. In November she became anemic, required a transfusion, which triggered underlying congestive heart failure. We have the CHF under control, but are still dealing with episodes of regenerative anemia. I’m truly hoping this is not caused by heavy metal toxicity and I will be devastated to find out that feeding her “premium” food caused the illness. Anyone else experiencing something similar?

    #112727 Report Abuse
    Connie S

    I’ve fed my dog Acana since a pup..she’s now 7. In January she was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure. She doesn’t have the typical symptoms of kidney failure but her blood results and many other tests indicates this diagnosis. I am so upset to think that in making the choice to feed her a high quality food that it could have potentially resulted in this.

    I’ve taken her off kibble and now feed a modified raw diet that fits with her needs. So far it seems to be working and her interest in food high.

    #112732 Report Abuse
    Jason L

    Hi guys,
    Being one of the fellow concerned pet owners whom have been feeding our dear furry kids with Acana lamb and Apple, I chanced upon this forum and decided to sign up so I could post and share my point of views after doing some research on my own and consultation with a Friend whom works in a third party testing lab that involves testing dog food.

    Firstly, if the metal toxicity is reported falsely, it is still way below the maximum tolerance level (MTL) so stop beating yourself up. For example, the lawsuit claims arsenic level as around 4mg/kg in contrast to Championā€™s advertised 0.89mg/kg, 4mg/kg is still way below the MTL of 12.5mg/kg. Hence, even itā€™s falsely reported, the metal toxicity is still not going to wreck havoc for your petā€™s health from Acana food.

    Secondly, it is possible for both sides to have been reporting ā€œtrulyā€ in their personal point of view. The discrepancy might be due to the use of different equipments for the testing that might have resulted in different results.

    Thirdly, for some of you m whom reported vomitting and diarrhoea, possibly it is not Acana at work so you might want to look out for other potential causes in order to identify the exact issue to find the root cause. Personally, my Pomeranian has been on Acana for many years and heā€™s doing great. His visit to the vet for illness before ten years old was kept to once a year max or for some years, zero. He is not even a Pedigree.

    I am sharing because I could understand the self-beating after feeding our pets for years with Acana with the best infection for them only to feel guilty and defeated. Also, what else am I going to feed. Should I throw away that full pack of Acana? Chill and relax, if you go into details and do some calculation, the metal toxicity is not of concern. You guys are doing great. šŸ™‚

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Jason L.
    #112736 Report Abuse
    Tracy O

    To Courtney with the Bullmastiff, I have had them for 25 years that breed, try solid gold for the gastro problems, solved all my issues with that.

    #112755 Report Abuse
    Julie W

    I just watched the story CBS San Francisco did on this in May 2017, with links to view their docs & responses. Unless I missed something, they state only 1 product of Orijen’s was an issue, and other lawsuits were filed against Wellness, etc. based on the testing. It’s unclear to me if the Champion lawsuit is based on those or additional tests – I’d guess additional since more Orijen products are named, which then leads to a whole other set of questions. On one hand, I’ve been feeding Orijen in rotation for years, and would like all dog food companies forced to be honest. On the other hand, I’m curious why they were targeted, and feel bad that they’re being smeared all over the internet simply because the plaintiff’s have the $ to file a lawsuit (one is an attorney). http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/05/24/lead-mercury-arsenic-cadmium-found-in-popular-pet-foods/

    #112829 Report Abuse
    Jason P

    Coincidence or not, we tragically lost our 2 and a half year old American Bulldog on March 6, 2018. She was admitted in the ER and blood tests revealed elevated liver enzymes and what was diagnosed as liver diesese.

    We fed her and her brother Orijen dog food since they were puppies, and although some claim the levels listed aren’t enough to poison your pet, but from my understanding, they build up overtime and feeding our babies this food twice a day for years, could it lead to problems?

    This is something I will not take a chance on and switched her brother to a different food.

    As far as her brother, he has some patches of fur missing, which also could be a sign of liver toxicity…we need to get him in to the vet, but that is part of the travesty of losing our baby.

    We currently have submitted a complaint due to what feel was malpractice…this whole ordeal has been a nightmare and each week has revealed something new.

    And this week, our premium dog food is being accused of possibly having heavy metals.

    #112835 Report Abuse
    Mike Sagman

    The so-called “study” on which this lawsuit is based appears to have been performed by the same company that published the misleading report on baby food back in 2017.

    Here’s another revealing article. And yet another.

    Before you fall victim to all the noise and misinformation that pervades the Internet and deprive your dog of some of the very best and safest foods available, stay focused on the facts.

    #112839 Report Abuse
    a c

    There are plenty of 5 stars premium dog food from the DFA reviews. Why take chances? This is just my two cents.

    Even human food and water contained metals. What do they do with those fish with heavy metals? A few weeks ago, phenobarbital were found in several brands of dog food. Donā€™t think regulalators really were watch out for our pets. Itā€™s very frustrating. It felt like there are recalls on the weekly basis. By the time of the recall, how much food have already been consumed? Whatā€™s really safe?

    #112858 Report Abuse
    Michael S

    I’ll ad my two cents worth. I rescued my dog 3 years ago. He was 9 1/2 months old. Acana is the only dry food I have ever fed him (every other evening I’ll add some canned food to his meal). I rotate him between several of Acana’s recipes. At our yearly exams my vet (each of the doctors I see at the office) always raves about the excellent condition my dog is in. He maintains a perfect weight (he was vastly underweight when I adopted him). He has had no health issues. Acana is his staple food.

    When The Clean Label Project reared it’s dubious head, red flags were immediately raised by experts and regular people with common sense. People need to be very cautious when buying into the con job they’re selling…and people need to be very cautious believing Truth About Petfood. That blog has turned fear mongering into a cottage industry, and I was not in least surprised when they allowed Clean Label Project to solicit consumer information from their site.

    If you aren’t familiar with The Clean Label Project here are a couple of links that might give you food for thought.



    #113111 Report Abuse
    megan p

    Hello everyone,

    I am so concerned over this lawsuit. I have been feeding my pack the Orijen Original for over five years. They are healthy dogs with beautiful coats. I hate to take them off this food IF the allegations aren’t true, but I also hate to feed them a food that could hurt them in the long run. Please help! What should I do?

    #113121 Report Abuse
    Dawn F

    Long response …I too have been very concerned about both Orijen and Acana food as they seem to be amazing products. I wrote to Champion customer service and received the following response. It has set my mind at ease and I will be continuing using the product for now:

    “Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
    On March 1, 2018 a Class Action Complaint was brought in California against Champion Petfoods alleging that our dog food contains levels of ā€œheavy metals and toxinsā€ that might make the food unsafe. The claims asserted in the lawsuit are meritless and Champion Petfoods intends to vigorously defend itself in the litigation. There are no recalls for ORIJEN or ACANA as we are 100% confident that our foods are safe for pets and the people who care for them.
    For your peace of mind we want you to understand that monitoring heavy metal levels is an important control point for us, and has always been a part of Championā€™s food safety and HACCP program. We systematically test ORIJEN and ACANA products for heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury) at two third party laboratories using the Official Methods of Analysis by Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC).
    We share statistically analyzed data from over the past 3 years in comparison with NRC standards for heavy metals and the MTLā€™s (maximum tolerable limits) listed in the FDA Target Animal Safety Review Memorandum in a White Paper on our website. ORIJEN and ACANA Foods in Comparison to Pet Food Safety Standards
    I have attached the White Paper – Heavy Metal and Pet Food for easy access.
    We have been assured by our supplier that all Champion Petfoods packaging is BPA free.
    All Champion packaging is in full compliance with the CFIA in Canada, FDA in the USA and applicable packaging food additive regulations. In addition, the raw materials (including resins, additives and processing aids) used in the manufacturing of our food packaging are cleared for food contact and processing applications by Federal regulations.

    I understand that you may be concerned about this lawsuit, our pets are family to us and we all want to ensure that we are doing the very best that we can for them. I want you to be confident in the safety and quality of our products, and I hope that this information Iā€™ve provided is helpful. We will be sharing more information as it becomes available on our social media platforms and our websites.
    Should you have any other questions please feel free to contact us.”
    Customer Care
    Champion Petfoods LP

    #113151 Report Abuse
    Reese B

    I don’t like that dog food companies base their standards of heavy metal limits by the NRC. The NRC regulates live stock, not pets. They regulate animals that will not live long enough to feel the effects of toxins in their food. I would like to find a dog food company that holds their standards to what would be acceptable for a human to eat.

    Maybe they aren’t doing anything illegal, but it doesn’t mean it’s right for our pets. I worry about feeding any commercial dog food to my dog. I still do, but and I rotate the brands and feed home cooked when I can.
    With all the re-calls and allegations out there, it’s scary to feed any brand…but I’d rather be safe than sorry. I haven’t feed my dog orijen or acana for a long time and after this, I don’t think I can ever again.

    #113505 Report Abuse
    John W

    I had been feeding Acana to my GSD for a few months. When I learned of the lawsuit I contacted Acana via Facebook and they would only direct you to their white paper. Problem is the white paper does not address the allegation of BPA being in their product. They will not discuss the question of acrylamide being in their food. They just will not provide any sort of mind settling response. So I contacted the legal firm suing them and what they said was the foods that have tested positive for the heavy metals and BPA are the foods made in Kentucky. Hundreds of people have joined the lawsuit so far, and I will have to call them back to get confirmation but he made it sound like they have had the food tested and I do not believe they are relying on results from the C L Project if I can put it that way. I stopped feeding it becsuse I would rather be safe than to just blindly trust a for profit corporation who disrespects its consumers by not even trying to alleviate their concerns and worries. I think a company can and should want to do better.

    #113506 Report Abuse
    Tracy O

    I have switched my GSD from Orijen large breed puppy food since this came out. I have to say, the stomach upset is over, the loose stool bouts are over….glad I switched over to Zignature.

    #113508 Report Abuse
    megan p

    What food did you decide to go with when you switched?

    #113511 Report Abuse
    holly h

    Have you guys looked into the lab that was used to get this info?

    #113519 Report Abuse
    Tracy O

    I went with Zignature/Merrick puppy and mixing the two together. It really was kind of odd, she was no trouble puppy then maybe just got sensitive to it, I am just happy the stool has gone back to solid.

    #113582 Report Abuse
    John W

    Well honestly I started giving him more home cooked meals and I started experimenting with some raw feeding as well. I looked into feeding a commercial raw food (I really like K9 kraving ) and I looked into feeding a raw freeze dried product but they are way too expensive to feed on a monthly basis. So I have been buying some food and cooking and raw feeding but I also wanted a kibble on hand so I went with a food called I and Love and You, the lamb and Bison version. I know next to nothing about it but it was evaluated very high on the C L Project. Again I know they may be very flawed but I wanted to be safe. Also I am looking to eventually buy a heavy duty meat grinder and try to make much of my dogs own food that way I can feed it raw or cook it if need be.

    #113842 Report Abuse
    Cathrine H

    Wow, just been reading about this and I’ve been feeding my Jack Russell Orijen, and a bit of Acana, for about three years now. Living in Norway these news haven’t exactly been covered. Should I really be concerned and switch?

    #113873 Report Abuse
    a c

    @ John W. I agree with you that itā€™s better to be safe especially there are many other good choices with 5* by the dogfoodadvisor.com.

    I also noticed that many commercial raw freeze and raw freeze dried products are been recalled on a weekly basis. Itā€™s very scary.

    #114000 Report Abuse
    Wei A

    So of course I found out about the lawsuit after I came home with the new bag of Orijen Puppy Large šŸ™

    I’ve been feeding my GSD Orijen Puppy Large and my cat Orijen Freeze Dried Regional Red and Freeze Dried Angus Dog Treats (the cat version is the same, except smaller pieces, are hard to find, and a lot more expensive per ounce than dog version).

    Guess when we go to the vet (in the next couple weeks), I’ll ask for heavy metals, BPA, and acrylamide testing. Whether or not we switch to something else will be determined by the results.

    Does anyone know if there are better tests than others for these things, or are they all about the same/only one choice? Anything in particular we should do/not do the day before/day of the vet visit in preparation for the tests? Does cat or dog make a difference? Would it be better to get the tests ordered and done by a different vet since my vet doesn’t like Champion Foods and he only recommends Purina and Science Diet products?

    Hopefully everything will be fine.

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… hisssssssssssss…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Wei A.
    #114015 Report Abuse
    Cathy D

    I subscribe to dog food advisor three weeks ago to get the list of the top choice of dog food . We took the list to the store and I bought Acana single ingredient . Just had the dog at the vet yesterday for allergies to something ears are swollen sheā€™s biting, scratching more than usual and whiny. She doesnā€™t feel good and today I read this .

    When this happens maybe the food should be placed on a watchlist so somebody can read the article and decide for themselves . it shouldnā€™t stay on the ā€œbest list ā€œ?

    Years ago I gave my lab Nutro. Her ears swelled up so bad and the vet said it was an allergic reaction to the food. I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t see this .

    Thank U all for posting , you saved my girl, Carla Chanel, 1.5 y/o in training for service.
    God bless you all

    #114018 Report Abuse
    Cathy D

    I should also add to the above post that while giving this to my miniature doodle ,
    I gave it as treats, to my 15-year-old miniature pinscher . Sheā€™s been having the worst nightmares and waking up and falling off the couch .

    I hope both my dogs can bounce back from this.

    When I read the list of ingredients from that lawsuit it makes me very angry . I know this is a new record but sometimes those come too late and I think that originator of this website understands that.

    Definitely post the link posting morning post something if something is pending .PLEASE.

    Thank you for saving BOTH my dogs .

    #114019 Report Abuse
    Cathy D

    Thanks auto correct. Siri please take a month off !

    I wanted to say this is not a recall yet but those come too late ! Please post links to articles
    So owners are aware of whatā€™s going on . I donā€™t know if I wouldā€™ve seen this anywhere else but that food shouldnā€™t of been on your best of list that I paid money for .

    However the forum was worth every penny ………

    #114056 Report Abuse
    Christos A

    Hey everybody.
    I feed Acana to my dogs for two years now without any problems. I live in Greece and we get our Acana products from the canadian kitchens. Recently this lawsuit came to my attention and has me worried a bit. I did a bit of google searching nad am I right to understand that said lawsuit only refers to the foods produced at their new Dogstar Kitchens situated in Kentucky and not to the foods produced at their canadian Northstar Kitchens that supplies their rest international market? I mean is this an issue only for U.S. consumers or should we international consumers be worried about it?

    #114059 Report Abuse
    Cathy D

    My sick dogs are in Petaluma, California.
    I returned the food yesterday. I attached the lawsuit artical to the bag.
    The pet shop owner said he had an email last week last week about the champion products being discontinued soon.

    I wish I had asked more questions but with sick dogs & a lack of sleep , I just wanted to get home.

    I have switched to Merrick fish single ingredient . My dog is not eating a full meal yet but Iā€™m comfortable with Merrick. I am just sick about it. I tried for the best food. I never heard my dog whimper before but this last week was non stop. The vet said inflamed swollen ears, maybe allergies. She also chewed her food pretty good.

    My 15 y/o Min Pin started having nightmares last week. I thought it was time for the sadest drive to the vet. She would jump up still asleep and run into things or fall of the couch. She is too frail for that 10 times a day. I gave her a few for treats for 2 weeks. They stopped now. Sheā€™s had a perfect 24 hours.

    This the second day my dogs are off the food and they are so much better.

    Again, my heartfelt thanks to you all for posting.

    #114061 Report Abuse
    Cathy D

    My sick dogs are in Petaluma, California.

    I returned the food yesterday. I attached the lawsuit artical to the bag.
    The pet shop owner said he had an email last week last week about the champion products being discontinued soon.

    I wish I had asked more questions but with sick dogs & a lack of sleep , I just wanted to get home.

    I have switched to Merrick fish single ingredient . My dog is not eating a full meal yet but Iā€™m comfortable with Merrick. I am just sick about it. I tried for the best food. Itā€™s really here there and everywhere. Romain isnā€™t doing so well either .

    Iā€™ve had pets for over 30 years and I have never freaked out over a recall or news artical. For us , this time everything fits .

    This the second day my dogs are off the food and they are so much better.

    Again, my heartfelt thanks to you all for posting.

    #114062 Report Abuse
    Cathy D

    My sick dogs are in Petaluma, California.

    I returned the food yesterday. I attached the lawsuit artical to the bag.
    The pet shop owner said he had an email last week last week about the champion products being discontinued soon.

    I wish I had asked more questions but with sick dogs & a lack of sleep , I just wanted to get home.

    I have switched to Merrick fish single ingredient . My dog is not eating a full meal yet but Iā€™m comfortable with Merrick. I am just sick about it. I tried for the best food. Itā€™s really here there and everywhere. Romain isnā€™t doing so well either . This stuff happens more and more .

    Iā€™ve had pets for over 30 years and I have never freaked out over a recall or news artical. For us , this time everything fits .

    This the second day my dogs are off the food and they are so much better.

    Again, my heartfelt thanks to you all for posting.

    #114063 Report Abuse
    Cathy D

    My sick dogs are in Petaluma, California.

    I returned the food yesterday. I attached the lawsuit artical to the bag.
    The pet shop owner said he had an email last week last week about the champion products being discontinued soon.

    I wish I had asked more questions but with sick dogs & a lack of sleep , I just wanted to get home.

    I have switched to Merrick fish single ingredient . My dog is not eating a full meal yet but Iā€™m comfortable with Merrick. I am just sick about it. I tried for the best food. Itā€™s really here there and everywhere. Romain isnā€™t doing so well either . This stuff happens more and more .

    Iā€™ve had pets for over 30 years and I have never freaked out over a recall or news artical. For us , this time everything fits .

    This the second day my dogs are off the food and they are so much better

    #115124 Report Abuse
    A S

    I wondered if there were any issues with Orijen dog food. Iā€™ve been feeding them regional red and six fish for three yrs. Lately I noticed my girl didnā€™t want to eat her regional red. I had to spice it up with baby food in order to get her to eat it. Lately my two boys also developed loose bowel movements. I found this artical and stopped feeding them Orijen. Now my girl eats her food without me having to spice it up and the boys loose bowel movements have become solid. So if your having any symptoms like I described above, try taking them off Orijen and see what happens.

    #115143 Report Abuse
    Tracy O

    I have to say I came on saw the issue, my dog all of sudden had loose bowel movements and hoax or not changed her to zignature and everything has stopped. She is gaining weight from the loose stool problem, which now I feel terrible about because I kept on thinking she will get use to the dog food and continued to feed it and sorry but the miraculous change in my puppy is incredible. Could be just her and this food was never going to be good for her, but I am glad I switched the more I read it isn’t a hoax and that high priced dog food should not have the levels that it does for the buck……

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