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Doggy Dementia

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  • #58156 Report Abuse

    If you are going to do home cooked for more than a few days then make sure it is a balanced meal, or use a premix.

    #58157 Report Abuse

    Thanks for all the help guys. I was thinking about giving her pumpkin, but she’s so sensitive to food that I don’t want to risk making it worse by introducing something else into her diet. I do have some though, and may try it. We’ll be making pumpkin pies here soon, so I’ll just nab a couple spoon fills out of the can before mom busts out the spices.

    She used to be on Royal Canin Dachshund formula. And given what I’ve seen of her previous owner, she probably was on it for most, if not all, of her life. She wouldn’t eat it when I got her, and actually hadn’t eaten dog food in several months because her mouth was so infected that she wouldn’t eat any dry food. I only had a small amount of her old food, and ended throwing most of it away because I tried various ways to get her to eat it (water, broth, some left overs) and she just wouldn’t touch it until I offered canned with it. At that point she was almost completely on Wellness Toy Breed Complete Health Healthy Weight (lower protein and fat), so she had very little transition time. She didn’t do any better on that than she does on CORE Small Breed.

    I don’t really think chicken is her problem, given she was on Royal Canin before I got her. However, I do have a bag of Salmon and Potato Wellness Simple and have a bunch of Beef and Lamb Purina One cans. I should have enough of those cans to get her through a bag of dry. It would at least be a starting point, I suppose.

    I yell at my mom and grandma all the time for giving them too many treats. My grandparents are the worst. They come over and give Ginger and Bentley a good half cup of treats each. What’s worse is they’ll come over with some nasty cheap crap like Beggin Strips or some soft dollar store brand treats and give them a bunch of those!! My favorite is when they SEE me making the dogs dinners and they give them a bunch of a treats anyways. Pisses me off to no end. You don’t even understand. It’s to the point now that I hide the dog treats when I know they’re coming over.

    #58159 Report Abuse

    Make sure the pumpkin is really pumpkin and not the pumpkin pie filling, but I would go for that. The treats thing sounds soooo annoying,

    #58164 Report Abuse

    Yeah, the whole treat situation makes me so mad. To top it off, I left Ginger and Bentley’s dinners in the fridge for mom to give to them, and I come home from work at 10:30 tonight, neither are fed, and there’s like 10 people here, and mom said they both were fed from the table -_- guess who’s going to have to clean THAT mess up later!? *bashes face on wall*

    #58166 Report Abuse

    Ugh. Old habits die hard I guess. Just keep trying to talk to her about it, and explain that treats and table food make Ginger sick.

    #58168 Report Abuse

    She doesn’t care. I’ve told her I’m not cleaning up any messes Ginger makes as a result of her stupidity, and she just says she cleans it up anyways (yeah, ok. You keep thinking that). Ginger doesn’t seem to care, either, as she will come get the closest person she thinks she can get something out of, and lead them to the kitchen. She’ll also stand under your feet and beg while you’re doing anything in the kitchen, even washing the dishes!

    #59148 Report Abuse

    Alright, so I have a little update for you guys. Mom came home to Ginger having pooped all over her cage, her bed (another new one, btw, just for her cage, and her big round one pictured above is for outside the cage lol) and herself the other night. She’s been using Bentley’s cage and bed the last couple days while we clean the heck out hers. I’ve got her off canned completely, hoping to eliminate some fat out of her diet. I’m now offering her only dry food softened with plenty of water.

    She’s also on Wellness Simple Small Breed Salmon and Potato right now. Next up after that will be Nature’s Recipe Whitefish and something or another. I’m trying to find something that I can afford that has no white potato or chicken in it. It’s proving quite difficult. The Nature’s Recipe I picked out does have some potatoes, but not much, I don’t think. I may have to try Pure Balance Lamb. Was hoping I could put her in the bison one, but its got chicken in it. Trying to not do chicken and potatoes for a couple months to see if that helps her any.

    She’s also beginning a few new behaviors that I’m not very comfortable with. When she has any exposure to food, or even just asking her if she’s hungry, she will chatter her teeth and look quite distressed and anxious. She also has been extremely cuddly the last several days. Last night she laid pressed as close to me as she could get and put her paw and head on my shoulder, and stayed like that for several hours. She also lets me pick her up with out any fuss at all, and gives me quite a pathetic look when I get her up, and she either shakes something terrible, or completely relaxes and looks ready to go to sleep. She’s also been sleeping a lot more than usual. All of this on top of the terrible poopy troubles she’s been having recently… We may need to take a trip to the vet if this doesn’t stop soon.

    #59185 Report Abuse

    Akari this is just my opinion but having had so many dogs in my life I think Ginger needs to get to the vet ASAP! Seriously. It sounds as though she has both an infection and she’s in pain. Typically when a dog is in internal pain they get very very clingy. With all the poop that’s going on, teeth chattering, distressed, anxious and now cuddly over the last few days I believe she has an infection and you need to get her to the vet pretty quickly as this apparently has been going on for a few days. Make sure they do blood work, take fecal sample with you even if you’ve got to scrape some off the ground, bedding, whatever. They need to also should take her temp (not always conclusive but every little bit of info is needed). She, no doubt, needs to be on antibiotics. In Ginger’s case, and I’ve given this some thought, I would stop rotating foods with her immediately. This goes against my feelings on feeding dogs which as you know I believe big time in rotation. Not with an animal that you do not know really what she’s gone through in her life nor a lot of other things. You haven’t really had her long enough to really assess what she can tolerate and what she can’t. Please find one food for her that she does okay on and stick with that for pretty much what life she has left. Again, Akari, you know me and you know this goes again my feeding principles but I think we’re at the point with Ginger that she just needs to be kept comfortable and free of pain. If the vet wants to put her on antibiotics and pain meds, then that’s what you need to do for her comfort. Sometimes we can do all sorts of research and read posts, mine included, about no drugs, no this, no that, feed rotation, feed this way, feed that way. That’s all well and good until with all good intentions things are not working out the way we planned. Some dogs, especially at her age and unknown events in her life, need consistency in diet and do need antibiotics and pain meds. Anyway, I just had to jump in and speak to you about Ginger and what I would do. I would pick her up and get her to the vet immediately. I would find the one food that she can tolerate and stick with it. It may be that because she probably did really eat the say thing day in and day out all her life she’s just too old and sickly to tolerate rotation. You brought her into your home to let her live out the remainder of her time in a warm and loving home with comfort and care and you have done all that. Bless you for all that you do for Ginger. PLEASE keep us posted and PLEASE get her to the vet and let us know what’s going on. : (

    #59235 Report Abuse

    I’m also worried about her being in pain. She actually seems to be feeling better today. Seems more peppy. Ran around the house a few times whenever she thought I was going to the kitchen, and when I leashed her up to go out side, she ran to the door, as well as running back in when I opened the door to go back in side. Also ran to her eating spot when I went to put her bowl down, and did less sleeping today.

    Just curious, what makes you think she’s got an infection? She’s got another refill of antibiotics that I’ve been considering refilling because her mouth is getting stinky and nasty again.

    I have stopped giving her canned, and am just soaking her food in some warm water. Already her poops are better. Not sure what it is about the canned, but I think that was a lot of her problems. The problem with finding something that works and sticking with it, though, is that I haven’t found a dry food that works for her. But for all I know, it could have been the canned that wasn’t working. Canned in general may just be something she can’t have. So far her poop looks good on this Wellness Simple Small Breed Salmon and Potato with no canned. They’re small, light in color and well formed. It’s only been a few days I stopped the canned, so that could still change.

    However, with her improvement today, I can’t help but wonder if perhaps the Purina One canned wasn’t agreeing with her, and now that she hasn’t had in a few days, and it’s out of her system, she’s feeling better. I work tomorrow, so I’ll see how she feels Thursday and go from there.

    #59240 Report Abuse

    Hi Akari, she may need a course of Metronidazole for 2 weeks, Metroniazole is an antibiotic for the bowel this kills the bacteria she may have in her bowel that is causing the diarrhea, also Tylan alot of dogs with IBD take Tylan powder, apparently you can buy Tylan powder online or anywhere in America, this also helps with diarrhea, You’d have to google how much her dose would be given with food as it taste awful, Maybe stop the can & see how she goes.. Patch cannot eat can wet foods fat % is tooo high, Im trying the new Hills i/d low fat restore wet.. but I’d say she needs some antiboitics & after the metronidazole a good dog probiotic, can a vet or Doctor write you a script for Metronidazole it only cost me $9 from chemist..

    #59254 Report Abuse

    Akari the reason I think she may have an infection is the sudden teeth chattering, acting anxious and distressed and also Ginger suddenly wanting to be very cuddly with you. And let’s not forget the poop incident. Some of those symptoms looking at them separately might be explained away but they’ve have all come on together. A sign that something is going on internally. Before refilling her antibiotic I would take her into the vet or at least call in and speak to vet and let him know what went on. Vet may tell you to just refill that antibiotic or recommend a course of a different one. Most vets will want to see the dog but since your vet knows about Ginger and has already seen her a few times you may get away with a phone call. Remember there are different antibiotics for different infections. Having worked at the vet you know that one antibiotic is not a cure all for all infections. Don’t you wish it was that easy? I sure do. Do you happen to have The Honest Kitchen Perfect Form at home. If you do I would start adding 1/8 of a teaspoon into each and every meal of hers. The recommended dose says to add more but I find that their recommendation is way to high. I’ve never given the girls anymore than 1/8 tsp. and sometimes just a little sprinkle. I find it works much better than pumpkin, or anything else out in the market. When Katie was at her worst with the food allergies and everything and the constant diarrhea (what a friggin mess…..I feel for you girl having to have cleaned up that mess) I used it all the time. I think through the years with Katie I had tried everything on the market until I came across The Perfect Form.

    I’m glad you’ve taken her off canned food. The canned food may simply have too much fat in it for her. Also canned foods generally have guar gum and/or carraggean (sp?) which may be ingredients that she also can’t deal with. I’m glad her poops are better today. I’d keep her off canned foods forever and ever. Like I said, if she does well long term on the Wellness Small Breed Salmon and Potato then I would just keep Ginger on that and forget about rotating foods with her. It’s really not worth it in the case of a dog like Ginger. It’s, no doubt, much too difficult on her gut which I’m sure is in bad shape due to her previous owner or owners and what they fed her.

    Even if her poops are better today I’d still get her checked out just to rule infection out but somethings up with all those sudden symptoms coming on at once. Again, please post her progress. Worried about Ginger.

    If you don’t already have my email address this is it. [email protected] If you want to email me and send me your address, I have a few extra dog beds around that I haven’t been using. (I’m a bit of a dog bed addict). Dog food addict. All things dog addict. You get the picture. They’re in good condition and since I have small dogs that would be the perfect size for Ginger. : ) They can all go in the washer and dryer.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Dori.
    #59256 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Akari, I agree with Dori. Ginger needs to see a Vet ASAP for a thorough check-up, blood work, fecal check, and to have her dental issues addressed. With all my animals over the years as soon as they started being more cuddly than usual or wanted to be more physically close to me (hooved as well), they were in distress. Sometimes cuddliness came with age, but it was never sudden.

    #59424 Report Abuse

    Any updates on Ginger? Is she feeling better?

    #59450 Report Abuse

    Hey guys! Yes, Ginger is feeling better. No more uncontrollable and inexplicable pooping, and she’s not shaking and unforgettable any more. I think she just had a really adverse reaction to the Purina One canned food. Mom is worried about her being in arthritis associated pain, however, and we will be getting her to vet for that in the near future, hopefully we can do it very soon, because her mouth is just disgusting, and I think she’s a few teeth sort of when I got her. She’s still snuggly, but not in a desperate, give-me-all-your-love sort of way. She does move away after a while, and doesn’t press up as hard as can up against me any more, so she is obviously feeling better, and that is her normal snuggling behavior. I think that food just did a number on her tummy. She’s doing great on just her dry food softened with some warm water, and limited treats. Mom did give her two small bits of apple to day, but I don’t think it hurt anything. Her butt hasn’t exploded yet, so I’d say apples are safe lol Moms been good about just a few treats a day. Must have finally got it through her head.

    #59452 Report Abuse

    Awh! I am glad to hear Ginger is better! I wish she could handle canned, it would be easier on her mouth, but it is what it is, if she’s ok on moistened dry, that’s great! 🙂

    #59454 Report Abuse

    I do too. It keeps meal time more interesting. She’s still excitable about eating, though, so whatever. She just likes to eat lol

    That “unforgettable” by the way, is supposed to be “uncomfortable”. Not really sure what happened there! LOL

    #59458 Report Abuse

    You know what I do & I hate cooking…..I buy chicken breast when they are on special, I half the breast then cut any fat off then cut the breast into half again, then half again so I have smaller pieces not real small as big as a cookie biscuit then put in warm water & as soon as all the white fat comes to the top, before boiling, I take off stove as it over boils white foamy fat everywhere, I empty the water, boil the jug & pour the boiled water over chicken them rinse off any fat then drain & cut 1 piece of chicken in half to see if its white all the way thru, let them all cool on plate, get out my scale & make up little plastic freezer bags with the chicken weighing about 60grams then I bag & freeze all these little bags, then I cut up pumkin & boil & do the same cool down the pumkin & weight little pieces at around 15grains, enough for 2 meals, I make enough for 2-3 weeks… then every 2nd night, I pull out of freezer 1 pumkin & 1 chicken & put in fridge to thor, in the morning I cut up all the chicken & mash the pumkin thru, I half the amount put half in Patches bowl then the other half in small air tight container & put in fridge for the next morning breakfast, I give him the chicken & pumkin first then 1/2 cup kibble & Patch doesnt have any diarrhea you could also boil sweet potatos & rice & freeze little sections… I wish you live near me as I have a heap of boiled sweet potato, boiled rice & boiled potato in my freezer but Patch can’t eat it gives him diarrhea & itchy skin…. it ends up being cheaper then the tin food & healthier BUT its time consuming & Patch waits in the kitchen the whole time so does the cat..so it must taste good…

    #59459 Report Abuse

    Ugh, so I went to pull out a bag of chicken for Bentleys meal tomorrow from the freezer, and I saw a can of opened dog food in the fridge! I neglected to tell mom no more canned for Ginger, even though I left her Gingers food all soaked and ready to go and Bentleys food defrosting in a bowl of water both on the counter for her. Well, I guess this is the true test of weather or not its the canned that bothers her! She’s been great the whole time she’s been off it. Better be ready for a mess in the morning, I guess…. Lol Haley and Dweezle will have some nummies with their kibble tomorrow night :p

    #59462 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Glad she’s feeling better! That will be a test for canned.

    #59469 Report Abuse

    I’m glad she was better before you took her off the canned. If you do the home-cooked recipe that Susan suggested for more than a few days, then make sure you do it with a pre mix.

    #60160 Report Abuse
    #60164 Report Abuse

    Aww, those big, sad, puppy eyes…

    #60169 Report Abuse

    She does NOT like to be cold LOL

    #60170 Report Abuse

    Lily did NOT want to go outside the other day in the ultra rainstorm. Earlier in the day she was okay with it, but by nighttime she refused to go past the driveway. At least she pooped outside lol.

    #60171 Report Abuse

    YAY! You’ve got photo bucket down consistently now!!! I still haven’t gotten the hang of it. She’s a real cutie.

    Yeah, indoor older dogs seem to not do too well when it gets cold outside. I always put a coat on Hannah when it gets really unusually cold here (under 40 degrees) but don’t on Katie and Lola unless it was like last year that we had a lot of snow here in Atlanta. They would spend so much time in the yard playing and loving it but then come in soaking wet with ice and snow stuck to them. So coats for all of them last winter.

    #60172 Report Abuse

    Girl I know how to use PhotoBucket! You must be thinking of someone else lol

    Ginger still doesn’t have a jacket that fits. Her sweater the neighbor gave us is too big and she walks right out of it. The next size down looks like it maybe too small, though. Stupid dog and her awkward shape lol She shivers when the house gets below 75. She has to be under the covers or snuggled up to someone :p

    #60175 Report Abuse

    I think your thinking of me who is new to photobucket. Akari was the one who taught me. 🙂

    #60176 Report Abuse

    Dog Obsessed, you are absolutely right. It was you that was photobucket challenged. I still am.

    Heck, Akari, sorry. Got you confused with Dog Obsessed. You’re the one that’s been trying to teach this thick head of mine how to use it. Don’t think I’ll ever get it unless I spend more time on it.

    #60182 Report Abuse

    Can you knit or crochet, knit or crochet a plain long square, the lengh from Gingers top of her head to her tail, then I stitch the sides just enough to go over Gingers head & neck, then turn around so the rest goes under her stomach then I sew a couple of buttons to join it together on her back, instead of her tummy, its easier to do up & undo buttons on their back..

    #60218 Report Abuse

    Dori, to post a picture through photobucket, you have to post the direct link, like this:


    Susan, I’m looking at sweaters that bag Velcro on the belly, but also have good coverage on the belly. Also can’t have holes that her front legs have to go through. Need something that goes on and off quickly, because she tries to bite me, out of a combination of not liking having the thing put on, and knowing that once it’s on, she gets to go on a walk and she wants to get down and run to the door. It’s a trick finding just the right one that fits, but we’ll figure it out lol In th mean time, we do have the one that’s too big.

    #60708 Report Abuse

    We went to the vet today! He had me refill her amoxicillin for her mouth for the time being, and said he’d like to see me get blood work and a dental done on her soon (that’s AT LEAST $300, though). She’s also got a yeast infection in both ears (she’s been digging at them the last week or so), so he gave some drops to put in them, 6 drops, twice a day for a week, then call back to let him know how she’s doing, then 6 drops once a day for a week, then call and again and go from there. That’s more than the box instructions says, btw, that’s how bad they are. I also got her a prescription for Purina Veterinary Diet JM in hopes of getting her moving more smoothly.

    I wonder if she has a problem with potatoes, since this ear thing just stated since she’s been on the Wellness Simple. I have lots of Wellness small breed Complete Health I could put her on, while we wait for the JM…

    #62268 Report Abuse

    Ugh, this dog!

    So tonight, Ginger was being a restless pain like she always is at night (she likes to snuggle up and go to bed, but my cousin is hear and she doesn’t know what to do with the change in scenery, which makes her even more restless), and she climbed up the arm of the couch and on to the end table, and stood there for a second. The next thing I know, she’s gone, there’s a thud as she hits the floor, she cries, and I have to save her from between the table and the couch. At first she appeared to be fine, and I gave a quick pat down to make sure she was ok (my first fear being that she hurt her back or head, not seeing how she fell) and she later climbed back up on the couch to lay down, looking just a little sore and sulking because she scared herself. A couple hours later, after she was still for most of that time, I can tell her back leg is pretty ouchy. She’s still putting her weight on it, but she’s somewhere between a mild limp and a hobble when she walks. I’ll watch her for the next couple days and see if it improves any. I’m pretty sure she’s just sore from being a tard and going where she shouldn’t have gone in the first place. Her new Joint Mobility food should be here tomorrow. I may start her on it early to help with whatever she’s done to her leg. It’s supposed to help with inflammation. I wish Bentley had any more Previcox or I’d give her some 🙁 She wasn’t too thrilled when I picked her up off the couch to put her to bed a few minutes ago, so I hope she doesn’t hurt too much.

    #62649 Report Abuse

    We took a mile and a half walk yesterday and Ginger had the greatest time! It also seems to have helped with her stiffness, I think. I know activity is good for arthritis and joint pain, and she does love going for walks, but I’m worried that she will not let me know when she is done, so I try not to make them too long. I worry about her over doing it and making herself worse lol Her new food is here and I will start her on it tomorrow. I’m really hoping it works well for her!

    #63023 Report Abuse

    Glad she’s feeling better! I just realized that for some reason I wan’t subscribed to this topic, so my reply is a bit late. Walking also really seems to help Lily, which the vet said is odd for lux. patellas. I hope really the new food helps Ginger!

    #63064 Report Abuse

    Walking doesn’t help Bentley. It makes him worse. He’s been pretty ouchy himself the last couple days. Its actually cool tonight, so perhaps it some thing to do with that. I’ve been trying to encourage him to use the steps up to the couch, but he’s a terrier, what are you gunna do? lol If he’d rather be in pain than use the dog steps, then thats his problem, I guess. Ginger loves to walk, and it seems to help her, but most of the time, getting her motivated is like hooking a leash to a boulder and trying to get it to sprout legs and walk… LOL Once we’re going, she’s all for the idea, but if it doesn’t involve food, it takes a certain amount of convincing *rolls eyes*

    Ginger has been moving to her new food for two days now. I think her tummy is upset, even though her poops are fine. She pooped two times the other day, which is unusual for her. She’s also been restless last night and this morning, and gets this really pathetic look on her face unless I snuggle her and scratch her face and ears. Tonight I’m not seeing any of that, but she’s in a deep sleep. It rough, you know! Sleeping in your cage in a quite house all day while your owner is at work!

    On another note, she’s been coughing a hacking a lot more than usual. I can’t be sure, but i think the two fatty tumors on her neck are getting bigger (she’s got an actual tumor on the inside of her back leg that I know is, but its not growing super fast). I can’t help but wonder if the ones on her neck are pulling at something and making her cough so much. Its gone from once a week or so to several times a day. I want to get her another round of antibiotics for her mouth anyways, so I’ll be going back to the vet as soon as I have the funds. Still recovering from the holidays and all the time off I have to take during them lol

    She does at least appear to be enjoying her new food. She’s on about 1/2 and 1/2 right now.

    #63093 Report Abuse

    Vet appointment is set for 1:45 this afternoon! Who needs stashed cash anyways….. Lol I also have a video of her coughing for you guys to see what you think. I’ll be showing it to the vet, too. I’ll post it when it’s uploaded.

    #63095 Report Abuse

    Here’s that video. Hopefully it works. Vimeo has been kind of wonky lately lol

    #63099 Report Abuse

    Poor Ginger. I feel so sad for her. Alkari, please let us know what the vet says. She looks so pathetic. I just want to pick her up and give her a hug.

    #63104 Report Abuse

    The vet says, from the video, it sounds like the muscles around her larynx are spasming and causing her to cough. So it could be the tumors on her neck are what’s causing it. Not really anything we can do about it at her age, I don’t think.

    They are still urging me to get a dental done on her, but I just can’t bring myself to have her knocked out and get all that stuff done. She’s so old and her over all general health isn’t the greatest. And I certainly can’t afford the cost of either of the procedures. They were happy to give me another script for amoxicillin for her mouth (a month this time, I think), and if she needs to just be on antibiotics off and on for the rest of her life, so be it. It’s safer than putting her under anesthesia at her age I think.

    Do you guys think I’m wrong? I mean, for real?? I’m trying to do what I think is best for her. I feel like anesthesia just isn’t a viable option for her. I dunno, maybe I worry too much lol So long as she’s happy and kicking (and biting…. LOL) I guess I’ll just do what I’m doing.

    #63105 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    JMO, I would have her dental issues taken care of ASAP. It would seem your Vet is urging you to take this step as well. Inflammation and infection is hard on a body too. I would have a physical first to be sure she was up to it and discuss age concerns with my Vet so I could make the best decision. It’s a tough call, but I would not want my pup to keep battling infections, having to take antibiotics constantly, and live with irritation and pain either.

    #63112 Report Abuse

    Akari, I know it’s not what you want to hear but I agree with Bobby dog. Before the vet would do a dental procedure they would do blood work and chest x-rays to make sure she is a viable candidate for anaesthesia. That’s routine before doing any procedure that involves putting a dog under anaesthesia. That will give your vet and you the knowledge as to whether you can even go forward with the dental work. Anyone, no one can tell you what to do, that’s a decision you have to make yourself but you did ask for opinions and thoughts.

    Infection from diseased teeth and gums go through the bloodstream and is extremely dangerous. I know you’re trying to deal with the issue with antibiotics because it is the less expensive way to go but it’s not a healthy thing to do for Ginger. Sorry for what you and Ginger are going through.

    As to the tumors on or in her throat? Have they ever been x-rayed or a CT scan done to see if they are actually interfering with her breathing and causing the coughing? How did he examine them today? Is her coughing just random or is it more so when she’s just come in from outside or just gone outside from in the house? I’m wondering if it’s possible that changes in temperature are bothering her a little. Some dogs do the reverse sneezing type coughing sound from sudden changes of climate, stress or excitability. I just watched your video of Ginger’s cough and it doesn’t sound to me as much to be a cough as it is reverse sneezing type of issue.

    Sorry, I keep coming up with thoughts so need to edit them in. You’re not still walking Ginger on a collar and leash are you? She needs to be walked with a harness. I can’t remember if you ever posted that you got the harness. Also it looks like Ginger could benefit from losing a little weight. It would help with both the throat and arthritis issues. Sorry, I just saw that she’s wearing a harness in the video but why is she wearing it in the house? Looks like as she’s going up the steps it’s pushing up into her throat or somewhere on her neck. I can’t be sure about it though but that’s how it looks to me.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Dori.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Dori.
    #63130 Report Abuse

    I would also go ahead and deal with the dental issues. Vets have much better anesthesia drugs now days, so age really isn’t an issue with them, but the stress from the infection that never ends can cause so many issues, including that cough, heart issues, brain issues, aging, immune compromise. The continuous antibiotics are probably more of an issue for her than the dental will be.

    #63361 Report Abuse

    Sorry guys, yahoo decided I don’t need update emails *rolls eyes*

    Her cough is very random. I did loosen the front of her harness some. We’ll see how that helps. She wears her harness all the time because she needs to go out so frequently and there are still certain things that freak her out, putting the harness on and taking it off and being picked up being a couple of those. It’s easier all around to leave it on. She’s the only one of the dogs that doesn’t go naked.

    As for the tumors. One is on her neck, but it’s not attached to the muscle underneath. It’s attached only to the skin, so it hangs there all awkwardly. The other is more closer to her chest, but sits just at the bottom of her neck, right by her trachea and such. That one is attached to the muscle.

    And her weight, she actually doesn’t have any weight to lose. She’s very akward shaped. Her back legs are longer than her front legs, and her body shaped like a little sausage. Here’s a pic of her from above.


    She’s also got some tumors on her tummy that add to the big belly look from the side.

    Thanks for all the feed back guys! I will try very hard to save up for her dental. He recommends blood work, but said we could skip it as long as I understood the risks involved. I definitely don’t want to do it with out blood work. It’ll be at least $300 for just the blood work and cleaning. It’s extra for any teeth that need to be pulled, and lord knows she needs teeth pulled. Who needs money anyways?? Eating and paying bills is optional -_- lol

    #63363 Report Abuse

    Way to keep a good attitude, Akari. Those are tough decisions.myou are doing a great job!

    #63369 Report Abuse

    Thanks girl. Sometimes I wonder why I ever let mom talk me into keeping her. But then I take her on walks and she runs and runs the whole time and can’t help but love that wiener dog run! And her little diva attitute, and how she has to snuggle every night… Lol She may be a pain, but she’s my pain :3

    #63370 Report Abuse

    I like that attitude. You’ve made Ginger’s quality of life is sooo much better than it used to be. She’s finally living her life like a dog should. Stay strong Akari, you rock!

    #63371 Report Abuse

    Yes, you are a very unselfish young lady. When I was your age, I was only thinking about boys and parties! Lol! You do rock!

    #63375 Report Abuse

    Hi Akari. The tumor that you describe that is by her chest at the bottom of her neck is exactly where I noticed that the harness was too tight and pushing into that area. So glad you described where one was. Hope loosening the harness helps her. If she still keeps doing it you may have to loosen it up a little more in that area or look into a different type of harness. I use one on Hannah that is mesh, clips on the top and the mesh doesn’t go anywhere near her neck or trachea. It’s specifically made for those issues. She’s a Maltese and they are notorious for having a collapsing trachea so you can’t walk them on collars or have anything near that area. I guess all small dogs do actually. Everything is so teeny tiny on them.

    #63412 Report Abuse

    Awww thanks guys ^////^ I just do what I can. I can’t not help an animal in need. She came into the clinic on one of the only two days I worked a week for a reason.

    For the harness, what would be good to leave on at all times that wouldn’t bother her? Maybe the mesh kind? She’s still too skitzy to be taking a harness on and off. Even her doggy blanket that buckles under her chest and tummy and Velcros across the front of her chest tweaks her out, and I don’t even need to pick her up and put her legs through anything. So I would need something that is comfortable and safe for her to wear at all times.

    #63436 Report Abuse

    Hi Akari. The ones I use for the dogs I purchased on Doggiedesigns.com They are made my American River and they are called their choke free harnesses. All my girls wear them. If you buy the mesh ones then she should be fine to wear it all day. I have the mesh ones for the girls for the summer months and the solid fabric for the winter. Of course if it’s too cold, as it is today here in what is suppose to be sunny hot Atlanta, I through a coat over them also. It’s in the low 20’s right now. When I got up this morning to let the girls out it was 15. So happy I live in the South for the warm weather. LOL!!!

    Oh. Doggiedesigns is having a 30 to 50 % sale on certain items. I don’t know if this includes their choke free collars but check in case it does. You’ll have to measure Ginger’s chest to get the correct size.

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