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Probiotics and canine colitis

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  • #79528 Report Abuse
    Vique M

    My Australian shepherd has colitis and I have been giving him probiotics for children but recently decided to find a probiotic that specifically addresses the flora in dogs stomach. With this, I have been researching and found two products Dr. Dobias Gut Sence and Dr. Mercola’s probiotic. They both look like they would be good products and I believe they both contain inolin or prebiotic a as well but I was wondering if anyone has tried either and could recommend one over the other?

    #79542 Report Abuse

    Hi, I live in Australia so we have different brands, my boy has IBD Colitis (food sensitivities)every time I give Patch a probiotic he feels sick, I’ve read there’s a die off period, just keep taking the probiotics but I stopped I couldn’t handle watching Patch feel sick licking & licking his mouth & eating grass, so a lady at the pet shop said give him Papaya (Paw Paw) so I mashed up 1/2 a Papaya & put the mashed papaya in ice cube & froze, I was giving Patch 1 thawed ice cube of the papaya about 10.30am after our walked he loved it, at first I thought Patch was OK but again he started his mouth licking & eating grass…
    I found a good dog probiotic had to be stored in the fridge or kept under 25 degrees so the heat doesn’t kill the live bacteria…also Tripe, tripe is excellent, Patch tried the K-9Natural Lamb Green Tripe was really good… K-9 Natural has their Raw frozen or their freeze dried Green Lamb Tripe, the smell was OK not as bad as I thought it would be…..Patch loved it but it made him feel sick….

    My vet said she went to a seminar & the lady said they tested 10 popular dog probiotics & only 3 had live cultures Purina Fortiflora was suppose to be good, she didn’t mention the probiotics that weren’t good my vet said, I said if Patch doesn’t feel sick then its no good…

    I joined a group on Face Book called “Fast Track Diet” (Official Group) run by Dr Norm Robillard he’s specializes in IBS SIBO Leaky Gut Acid Reflux etc
    & has written a book called “Fast Tract Digestion” its for humans but I’d say a dog would have similar bowel & stomach problems with certain foods, he said it’s best to take probiotics on an empty stomach when your Hydrochloric Acid is low, either first thing in the morning or night just before bed & not with food….

    I found this link what each strain of bacteria is for & what it helps Lactobacillus GG (L.rhamnosus) protects against respiratory illness, treats candida, colitis and diarhea, reduces stress and anxiety.. http://ottawavalleydogwhisperer.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/how-to-choose-good-probiotic-supplement.html

    #79543 Report Abuse
    Vique M

    Hi Susan thank you for your help. Your right Probiotics should be refrigerated, in fact the one that I give him now is refrigerated but it’s for humans. I know at least products made for human consumption have to at least have meet higher standards than pet products… With this said I can’t imagine Any products made by Purina would be good… It’s really hard to find quality that you can trust for animals. My main concern is Dr. Mercola is supposed to be Very Good products for both humans and animals but no where on the label does it say it must be refrigerated and Dr. Dobias sounds like it’s a Good product but I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be stored in the refrigerator or not- to me this simple storing detail will lend the product credibility in itself- Again thank you for your help and I will share any info with you for Patch – Colitis is one of the worst things to have to watch your baby go through

    #153712 Report Abuse
    Charissa Leon A

    thank you

    #153713 Report Abuse
    Vique M

    Since my last post, I have decided to give both Dr Mercola and Dr Dobias canine probiotics a try and found that although both were excellent, Dr Dobias “Gut Sense” was so good that it became instrumental to my babies health. My Aussie past away in 2018 but with the help of “Gut sense,” he lived a longer and more comfortable life. As long as I was feeding this probiotic, his colitis was held at bay and dosages became part of our daily feedings. All I know is the product is superior and helped us manage his challenge with colitis every single day. After knowing this, I always keep a bottle around for my dogs in case of stomach upset and it always seems to rectify any problems with diarrhea or vomiting immediately. I hope this helps

    #153907 Report Abuse
    Kathryn D

    Vigue M, I am sorry for your loss of your Aussie. It is always difficult when they leave us. Thank you for sharing your experience with both the canine probiotics you used to help your Aussie with colitis. I have been researching all the canine probiotics out there for my Boxer. and will give the “Gut Sense” a try after conferring with his Vet.

    #153908 Report Abuse
    Vique M

    Thank you Kathryn for your kind words. I just wanted to let you know that if you go online and directly ask Dr Peter Dobias specific questions about his product Gut Sense and tell him a little about your pups history, he will get back to you with specific information that is very helpful ( herbs, homeopathic, diet etc) for free.
    Good luck and please keep us posted with you baby.
    Best Wishes

    #185572 Report Abuse
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