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Doggy Dementia
- This topic has 305 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 10 months ago by
MemberSorry your going through a hard time, I hope things get better soon. One thing that might be helpful is activity toys such as Kongs, because they will give her mental stimulation.
ParticipantShe doesn’t play with toys. She does chew greenies and will probably chew a raw hide, though. Maybe I’ll try that.
MemberHave you tried just feeding her some kibble in one of those puzzle toys? You may try just feeding her meals that way. It will give her mind a little stimulation. If she’s hungry enough she will attempt it. Just don’t feed her her regular meal in a bowl and try it out. She may just need more stimulation in her day to day routine and is a bit bored. Anyway, nothing ventured nothing gained. You never know.
Thanks for your inquiry of Hannah. I’m sorry to say that I think her age is quickly catching up with her. It’s frightening for me and my husband. Small white dogs are always seen as puppies. They are small like puppies and with the white hair you never see any grey hair. This happened to us years ago with our Bichon Frise. Never saw it coming. We, of course, were in big time denial. Seems to be coming around to bite us in the butts one more time. Doesn’t it just suck!!!!!!!!!
MemberThanks Cyndi, about Hannah that is. Really truly stinks. She’s miserable, we’re miserable, everything right now is miserable. Being small and white, you don’t see them get old. No grey hairs, not sign of old age and then all of a sudden it’s in your face.
MemberHey Akari. Ginger is so cute. So glad you’ve given her a renewal to her life. Bless you girl and of course who gave the okay. With such a cute little old lady like Ginger how could your mom have said otherwise. Lucky Ginger and lucky you guys.
ParticipantDori, the only problem with the puzzle idea is that she has to eat canned mix with dry because of her teeth. She’s already lost several teeth since coming to me. And I’m considering refilling her antibiotics again to see if I can get her mouth to clear up even more. Two weeks on it did wonders, but she’s still got nasty breath. Not to mention, I was letting her lick the top of the can the other night, and she cut her lip (or tounge or something), so that doesn’t help with the yucky mouth issue, either. No more can tops for her! She gets too enthusiastic about it, and tries to bite it lol i think I’ll try a Kong with kibble and canned frozen. That should keep her busy. Food is the only thing that gets her going, other than the promise of a walk lol
MemberI didn’t realize Ginger was missing teeth. The Kong with kibble and frozen canned will be a great idea. You can even feed her her meals that way. At least it will keep her entertained and give her mind something to have to work out.
ParticipantYeah, she’s missing at least three teeth, and whatever teeth she does have left are still black and gross looking. I’ve been looking for Kongs in the clearance sections of the pet stores and so far I’ve turned up nothing.
Also, I’ve been walking her every day again, even if it’s just around our block (the smallest in the neighborhood), or going up and down the side walk around the house a couple times a day when we go out to go potty. Yesterday we didn’t walk, but we did go to four different stores, and that wore her out perfectly fine. She was asleep in the cart by the third store LOL She loves the car, but doesn’t seem to understand that if she gets too near the edge, she usually falls face first on to the floor LOL She loves to get up on the door and look out the window :3
I’ve also been working on getting her to be a bit more dependent. I’ve started by removing the steps from the couch so that she has to ask to be picked up to get up on the couch. It’s working very well! She’s also beginning to ask to go outside for potty breaks (she’s been doing ot off and on for a week or so, but it’s getting better since taking the stairs away), and I’ve been giving her a treat every time she potties outside. It will never stop amazing me how something so simple and small can drastically change a dogs behavior! Anyways, she’s not happy about the removal of her steps. She keeps climbing up them and looking around wondering why they no longer lead to the couch XD
MemberShe’s so cute looking out the window. She really lucked out when you brought her home. I kinda feel bad for her about the stairs. I guess she’s not limping anymore? Keep an extra eye on her jumping off the couch. They always usually recommend you avoid small dogs jumping off furniture. Not that it’s even possible all the time.
Four stores in one day would tire me out too!
ParticipantShe does still limp, mostly on her front right leg. If I hold her just the right way, the leg will quiver, and if I touch it, even gently, she will yank it away. It doesn’t seem like it’s really a problem for her, though. It doesn’t stop her from doing anything. It’s probably arthritis, is what my thought is. So long as she can still do her doggy things, I won’t worry much about it.
Taking the steps away has changed her attitute pretty drastically. I’m surprised at how much more accepting of being picked up she is and how much less the other animals bother her. The most surprising is that she’s now asking to go out. Can’t tell you how happy I am about that!
Thankfully she’s pretty good about not jumping off the couch. She used to, before she realized if she just went slowly down the stairs, she wouldn’t fall down them (apparently jumping two feet off the couch is better than slipping 4 inches over the last step…?). Now she just gets up there and passes out until I get her down for a bathroom break or dinner. Yesterday I did leave the foot rest on the recliner half up and she scooted down it when I left the couch and went in to the kitchen, which I’ll take as acceptable. Better than jumping or barking for me to get her lol I think she at least realizes she’s too old to jump off things and her little body is even built for that in the first place.
Well, she only went in three. First stop was Publix for a couple $2 jugs of cat litter (yay for coupons!), and she stayed in the car while I ran in for a couple minutes. Then we went to Pet Supermarket, Petco and PetSmart. She passed out about 5 minutes into Petco lol I was ordering her crate at PetSmart and I think the guy thought I was crazy when I told him she was a lot stronger than she looked and that I needed a good sturdy crate. She’s all curled up on a towel in the cart, passed out, and he’s looking at me like “ooooookaaaaaayyyyyyy!” LOL
ParticipantI cant stop laughing at the last paragragh…
ParticipantYou should see my poor baby gate! LOL I’m surprised she hasn’t pushed through it yet :p
MemberOkay, Akari. That last sentence has me laughing too. Sometimes these little critters get a kick out of embarrassing us. I’m sure the sales person told all the others the story too! Very funny Akari, thanks for the laughs.
MemberOkay, Akari. That last sentence has me laughing too. Sometimes these little critters get a kick out of embarrassing us. I’m sure the sales person told all the others the story too! Very funny Akari, thanks for the laughs.
Oh, hey! I meant to ask you about the second picture of her look to nowhere on the top of the steps, did she get herself down or did she bark to be rescued? Poor Ginger, she must have been wondering what the heck was going on? Steps to nowhere. Funny Akari. I do see your point about keeping them away from the couch for a while so that she has to be picked up and touched. Good idea. Okay, so how about a picture of the poor baby gate.
Sorry, I haven’t got a clue how this posted twice.
ParticipantYes, I really do feel like they like to make us look like idiots lol
She gets down on her own. She was up and down them all day when I first pulled them away from the couch. Now that she realizes they get her no where, she doesn’t go up them anymore
MemberROFL, the last sentence! Whenever we have house guests we show them what Lily did to her cone after she was spayed, such a cute, fluffy friendly dog couldn’t have possibly done that…
ParticipantHahaha, who can blame her! No body wants to ward the cone of shame LOL
MemberYes, she conveniently did it in the middle of the night, resulting in an emergency room trip to get a new one.
ParticipantOh man lol Been there, and $400 later, done that! Why do they have to eat random things??
MemberOh, dogs!
ParticipantJust letting you guys know that Ginger has had her cage for a couple weeks and is doing really great in it! She only had one accident in it, when she was having one her one-day bouts of diarrhea, and no one woke up in time when she was crying at night to take her out. She eats and sleeps in there, and will go between her cage and Bentleys cage during the day for naps. She likes both of the beds, so she goes between them lol
I also finally broke down and bought her a muzzle. I have to cut her nails, and I’m not going to lose a finger doing it. She just kind of shuts down and takes whatever you give her muzzled, which I think is a better state of mind than trying to kill the person that’s cutting your nails, soooo….. Lol I got her back nails before the muzzle, and now I just have to find a good time to try and get the front ones now that I have it. She also still needs a bath (yeah, she hasn’t gotten one yet…), which I’ll try with out the muzzle first.
Anyways, just to remind you guys (and myself *rolls eyes*) that she’s not all demon-dog, here’s a picture of her napping in another one of her strange positions :p
MemberLOL!! Dachshunds think they have short backs. That’s exactly how my JRT curls up.
ParticipantI just don’t even see how it’s comfortable! Legs pointing in all the wrong directions like that…. Lol
ParticipantHey guys! Ginger is loving this cooler weather we’ve been having. Every time we go out to go potty, she tries to bolt off down the driveway for a walk lol I bought Ginger a little jacket at Goodwill, and we tried it out tonight, but it was too small, so after out walk I gave to the neighbor for her dog, who is about Bentley’s size, and it fits her great. She gave Ginger a sweater style jacket that you have to slip on over the head, but I don’t think thats going to go over well with Ginger. She needs something that has velcro over chest and under the tummy so I don’t have to deal with getting her legs through any holes or slipping anything over her head. Even the first one, which was vest style with velcro down between the legs was a stretch and she wasn’t too happy getting it on, but she tolerated it to a point. Still nipped at me when I trying to get it on, but sort of accepted it. I’m gunna try it, but I don’t think she’ll go for it lol
Anyways, heres a couple random pics:
The brats in their jackets (Bentley’s is much cuter when its not all bunched up to get his harness to fit through the hole in the back lol)
Ginger sitting in her food dish when she was done eating, because thats what you do when your bowl is empty–you sit in it!
I saw this at Goodwill today, and almost bought it…. LOL
And Bentley being naughty! XD
MemberAww…Such cute pics!
ParticipantFinally! My video is uploaded! This is a video of how our walks go. Every single day. Ginger runs at top speed to the end her leash, slows down, almost gets stepped on, then does it all over again. It’s so funny! I don’t at all condone this kind of behavior in any other case, but the activity and state of mind is great for her, and boosts her spirits. Even a short walk makes such a difference in her day. I also don’t condone using Flexi leashes, but she stops so abruptly to go pee that I’m afraid I’ll hurt her if I’m not watching, since I keep them going at a good pace (she does a lot of trailing behind as well as running), plus is gives her some extra room to run lol Anyways, I tried to get it to work on YouTube, but it was uploading so slowly it actually gave up, so it had to go on Vimeo. There’s no embed option, so you’ll have to click the link.
She also runs through the house to the kitchen if she thinks you’re going that way or thinks she needs a treat *rolls eyes* I should go back and get that Snack Hound for a treat holder LOL
*edit* oh! The forum embeds the link automatically. Yay! I always think links look suspicious if I don’t know the website, and I know Vimeo isn’t all that popular…. Lol
ParticipantOMG, Akari, so cute! The video makes me misty eyed, seeing a dog that was about to be put down strolling down the road with her ears flapping having the time of her life!
ParticipantShe has such a great time on walks, it’s the cutest thing. She didn’t like our walk this morning much, though. It’s 40-something degrees and very windy. She had to wear her new sweater the neighbor gave her, and it covers her whole body, so she’s not really sure what to do with it on LOL She did do some running through the grass, though, and had a pretty good time, regardless. And getting the thing on wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Once its over her head, her legs are so short that they pretty much just pop right into the holes. She must have worn something similar before, because once it was on, she jumped out of my lap, and ran to the door like “I’m ready! Lets go!” You can tell the cold is getting to her though, because she’s limping pretty heavily on her right shoulder. I may start giving her double glucosamine every other day.
ParticipantGooooo Ginger, she has a new lease on life & seems so happy now, I wonder how many other poor dogs get taken to the vet to be PTS all cause their owner just give up on them when they get old…..
MemberUnfortunately Susan I would guess the numbers are pretty high. It’s so depressing. But every once in awhile we get to read a heartwarming tale like Ginger’s. Makes me feel a little better about humanity in general when I read Akari and Ginger’s story and I love that Akari has been kind enough to have taken us along for the adventure and renewal of Ginger’s life.
Thank you Akari.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
MemberThat very well may have been the best 55 seconds of my entire day! It makes me so happy she has a good home.
MemberI agree with you Dog Obsessed! Ginger looks so happy on her walks and with her new family and home. Kudos to Akari.
ParticipantAwwww thanks guy! I’m going to care for dogs (and other animals) for a living– there’s no way I could I have left her there. Even if I wasn’t going to be a vet tech, I can’t say no to an animal in need, certainly not one practically dropped in my lap. She has her demon moments, but over all she’s a sweet dog that just needs someone willing to be a bit more flexible and creative when handling her. Seeing her have such a great time on walks or having her snuggle up as close as possible to me or mom on the couch or in bed is worth almost losing my fingers and cleaning up pee off the floor on a daily basis!
ParticipantSo today has been an interesting up and down sort of day. This morning, I took ginger out for a potty break, and with the wind blowing, it was pretty cold. I hadn’t put her sweater on because I didn’t think it was going to be that cold. She wanted nothing to do with being out side. I usually have to walk her along the sidewalk around the house (we have a corner lot, so there’s lots of side walk) to get her to poop first thing in the morning, but I litterally had to drag her the whole way. I originally though she wasn’t feeling good, and was kind of worried, until we got to the end of our yard and turned around and she dragged me all the way back up to the front door!
Then about 15 minutes later, I put their jackets on, and we took a one mile round trip walk to moms friends house, whoes cats were watching, and I had to hold her head down to keep her from ripping my hand off while I put her sweater on! She may be small, and 4,000 years old, but she’s extremely strong for her size, and all that loose hound skin is hard to get a grip of. Needless to say, round two with the sweater did not go as well as round one did the other day. I’ll be buying her one that has Velcro straps across the chest and under the belly. I like all my fingers in tact, and I don’t want her to associate contact or jackets with that kill-it-dead mind set she gets. If it wasn’t so cold, I would have just let her be, but she’s too little to go walking around outside for extended periods with out some extra layers when it’s in the 60’s.
She also stopped to poop three times in less than a block. It looked ok, but that’s a lot of poop for such a small dog! I wonder if mom gave her something that upset her stomach, and her not feeling good made her extra grumpy…? And she trailed at the end of her 16 ft leash the whole walk. No spunk this morning at all. When we got home, she pee’d on the floor and proceeded to pass out pretty much until i get them this evening.
She ate well, hasn’t pooped yet (some times she poops right after, sometimes she waits till morning), and snuggled up with me, getting as close as she could possibly get while me and mom watched Catching Fire (Mocking Jay tomorrow!!!!!!), and she stayed there for a good hour and half, with her head on my shoulder, snoring away. Then she didn’t even fuss and try to eat me when I dug her out from the covers and worked her up to put her to bed. Normally she flips out and tries to bite anything with in reach when woken up. I’ve determined she needs her beauty sleep LOL
So anywaus, just a strange sort of day as far as her moon goes lol
ParticipantOOOH, Brrrrrr! 60 degrees, you poor thing. LOL! I guess it all just depends on what you’re used to. We would still be wearing shorts in 60 degree weather! 😀
Bobby dog
MemberAnd sandals!! ;P
MemberIt’s back up in the high 70s, low 80s, so we won’t have to suffer much, here. My daughter does wear flip flops all year round.
Bobby dog
MemberMy Birkenstocks are still on the porch in hopes of at least one more day of 60’s or above. lol
MemberMy flip flops are always near the door to go out. I’m a flip flop kinda gal always have been. Uggs if weather gets into the 30’s as it has been for a few days earlier in the week. Otherwise I’m in flip flops. I’m originally from the Northeast so what some think is really too cold to even leave their house I think is just perfect.
C4C. I had to crack up when Akari mentioned that she couldn’t take Ginger out without a sweater because it was too cold. 60’s????? Too funny. LMAO! It’s 61 degrees right now and I’m wearing capri’s and a T shirt. Going grocery shopping in a little bit so I’ll be wearing flip flops. As you said, I guess it’s all relevant. I did put coats on the dogs earlier in the week for their night time outting but that’s because it was 27 degrees.
ParticipantI don’t normally break out any sort of long sleeves until it gets into the 50s, but the house was at 70, and poor ginger was shivering the whole day. I wouldn’t have put a sweater on her if it wasn’t so windy. It was icy with the wind chill what even I needed a hoodie! The poor girl doesn’t have hardly any meat on her bones, and her fur is so short and she’s so small that I worry about her getting too cold lol It was hot by the time we got home, though, and we were only gone about 45 mins lol it is back to being warm again, as Patty said, however :p
Bobby dog
MemberYou do whatever is necessary to keep that little girl happy! That was just my jealousy speaking since I am in denial that winter has come to my area!!! lol 😉
MemberJust teasing Akari. Glad Ginger’s got a mom who worries about her health and comfort. : )
ParticipantI know you guys are teasing :p If wasn’t so cold I really wouldn’t have put it on her. Do you guys know how hard it is to put jacket on a dog one handed whose head you have to hold down with the other hand?? I seriously considered breaking out the muzzle to get it on her the rest if the way LOL
ParticipantSo mom bought Ginger a new bed (just in time, too because we got home and she had pooped all over her bed and blanket to the point where I just threw it in the trash– no since in saving them, they were disgusting beyond repair) and she has not willingly moved from it since mom put it down. She’s only gotten up to get me to tell me she has to go outside (to poop AGAIN. Darn dog and her constant tummy troubles), and because I hooked a leash to her harness and took her for a walk (which she enjoyed). So she’s basically been glued to this bed for last hour a half, and there’s no sign of her getting out anytime soon :p I’ll not be putting this bed in her cage. Ain’t no way she’s going to destroy a $25 bed! She can have one of the cheapy, old beds for her cage lol
MemberHey Akari, have you seen the stories in the news today about the Dachshund that defended it’s people from a bear?
ParticipantSo, I keep posting, and the posts don’t show up!! Also not getting my email alerts….. Anyways, your link doesn’t work for me for some reason, Patty 🙁
Does any know what to do about Ginger always having diareha?? She’s ruined one bed and dirtied another and kept up us up for two nights in the last couple days. It doesn’t matter how consistent her diet is, wheather or not I keep her on kefir (though that does help some), she just goes through this cycle of good poops for a week or so, pudding poops for a couple days, kinda softish poop for a couple days, and it starts all over again.
She’s on Wellness Core Small Breed for dry (1/2 cup a day) and for canned she gets Purina One, Nutro Natural Choice, Nutro Ultra Boost, Ideal Balance, and Wellness Senior (about 3 oz mixed with the dry). I’ve tried keeping her on the same canned for a while (since a small bag of dry lasts her for about a month anyways), and it doesn’t make difference for her tummy troubles. Anyone have anything to offer??
jakes mom
Memberwill she eat a bit of pumpkin? Isn’t that supposed to be good for tummy troubles?
MemberPumpkin has greatly helped Lily with constipation, and from what I know it also helps with diarrhea because of the balance of fiber. Also, I think supplements like THK Perfect Form could help.
MemberHi Akari. I swear by Perfect Form but from what I’m reading if this is an ongoing issue you would have to give Ginger the correct dose of Perfect Form with every meal. She’s small so it wouldn’t be much. Personally I think she’s having a food intolerance issue. I tried researching some of the foods you’re feeding her and most, if not all, contain some type of poultry in the ingredient list. It could be that she does well for a little while but with the addition of a canned as a topper that has more of whatever ingredient she is having an issue with which may or may not be in her kibble, it’s more than her gut can tolerate. If I were you I would attempt to find a food (dry and canned) that does not contain any poultry whatsoever and no white potatoes. White potatoes and tomatoes are high inflammatory foods and are probably also causing issues with her old age arthritic symptoms. That’s the reason Hannah gets no foods with white potatoes, rice and tomato. Also, there are dogs that cannot tolerate white potatoes yet do fine with sweet potatoes. I wish I could be of more help but I really do believe that the diarrhea has to do with her foods. As I said, find a kibble with NO poultry of any sort and a canned with no poultry of any sort. Feed her only those foods for a couple of weeks without rotating anything else into her diet and see how she does. Also, what treats if any is she getting from you or any other person that thinks she’s just too cute and needs a treat?
ParticipantHi Akari, what diet was she on before you got her & was she having poo problems before you got her?? I’d say her diet is too rich now, probably to good….i’d be lowering her fat% no kibbles with the fat% over 10% thats max 10% also protein, lower her protein around 23% or under…have you tried boiled chicken breast with 1 spoon of boiled pumkin or boiled rice, she eats this only ….no treats nothing else for 2-4 weeks & see how she goes also treats are high in fat, Patch cant eat treats or wet tin food, unless you can find a wet tin food with 1% fat…….. I’m finding alot of rescue dogs suffer with diarrhea, their old diet was probably cheaper foods & lower in protein & fat, then new owners put them on better diets higher in fat & protein & grainfree diets, they are not use to it, a normal healthy dog can eat these diets…. Poor Ginger is probably getting the rumbles then has to go quickly & if she is in a crate she’ll have an accident..I live in a unit with a little court garden Patch was having accidents, I’d go to get dressed in the morning to take him for his walk & go in the loungeroom & he would of poo’d he couldnt hold it, at first I thought he’s being naughty then later I found he has IBD & was put on his Eukanuba Intestinal low residue kibble, low fat 10% no more accidents but Ive tried him on the Wellness Simple no good, Holistic Select no good, (Black Hawk, Meals For Mutts Austraian brands) other brands all no good, we end back up on his Intestinal & boiled chicken breast & pumkin & he does 1 poo 7.30am & another poo 5pm both perfect, give him some rice or potato he has diarreha give him treats he has diarrhea, I had to have him on just his Intestinal for 6months….Now I give him a little bit of mashed banana, watermelon things that dont have any fat or high in fat, If you can contact Gingers old owner & see what she was feed….just try a stricked diet for about 1 month & see how she does….
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
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