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yeast infection

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  • #21502 Report Abuse
    donna rothschild

    My eleven year old pug developed a yeast infection around her eyes about nine months ago . I treated it ( religiously ) , with malecetic wipes, to no avail. Several months ago, we opted to have a portion of her facial wrinkles removed. The vets were careful not to remove too much for fear that it would dry her eyes. The infection has returned and we only really saw improvement when she was taking an anti inflammatory for a leg issue. I’m so reluctant to start a medication regime for the infection but I’m at my wits end. I should also mention that because she has a tendency to gain weight, I recently switched her to Wellness Core Weight management and she seems to be chicken sensitive. This was done well after the infection started. Any help would be so appreciated.

    #21536 Report Abuse

    Here is an ear/nose wrinkle cleaning recipe from pugvillage.com:

    1/3 C. rubbing alcohol
    1/3 C. white vinegar
    1/3 C. witch hazel
    10 drops tea tree oil (give or take)

    I’ve read where using Zymox in the wrinkle also helps. It helps with yeasty ears so it should help with yeasty wrinkles. I also clean my pugs wrinkles out with Stridex for Sensitive Skin and use Neo-predef powder (Rx) for ones with deep wrinkles. You might try Nature’s Logic kibble or Nutrisca kibble or Back to Basics High Protein, Amicus. They have some non-chicken and non-white potato recipes. There’s a list of non-potato grain free foods here in the forum. I think it’s under “Dog Food Ingredients”.

    #21590 Report Abuse
    donna rothschild

    Thank you pugmomsandy for the quick response. I took your advise and tried the recipe ( minus the alcohol and adding boric acid ) . Her infection isn’t just in the wrinkle, it surrounds two thirds of her eye and my vet thought the alcohol a bit risky that close to her eye. We also started the anti inflammatory to jump start the process. I’ll keep you posted on the progress. Thank you also for the link to pug village ! I’ve owned pugs for 35 years and , somehow , was unaware of the sight.

    #22191 Report Abuse

    she could be getting too much yeast in the food you feed her! try holistic health extension LITE food, its doesn’t have any yeast in it and it’ll also help her loose some weight

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