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UTI and Crystals

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  • #81042 Report Abuse
    Jeffrey D


    My 12 week old yellow lab puppy was recently diagnosed with a UTI and crystals in his urine. The vet was worried that the crystals may form a stone in the bladder. I know the common response to such an issue is a antibiotics and a low protein diet, but this is a puppy. He cannot be on a low protein diet as it will stunt his growth. I have also seen that yogurt and apple cider vinegar are good for breaking up crystals and helping with a UTI. Are these two alright to give to a puppy? He was originally on Authority large breed puppy food (chicken) but then was switched to Diamond Large breed puppy food (lamb). Soon after Charlie switched from Authority to Diamond, this UTI presented itself. Has anyone had any similar problems with Diamond? I thought it was a quality food but realize now that I was mislead.

    #81043 Report Abuse

    It’s not the food.

    #81048 Report Abuse

    Just reread your post. Please listen to your vet. Antibiotics are important. You have to clear up the infection. Supplements are not medication.

    #81050 Report Abuse

    Yes, please give your dog the antibiotics. Crystals are often a result of an infection. The antibiotics will hopefully clear them both up!

    Here is a helpful link:

    I have read a lot about this condition and I’ve never heard of yogurt and apple cider vinegar breaking up crystals.

    #81057 Report Abuse

    Our dog had a lot of issues with UTI’s and antibiotics were a life saver! One bit advice a vet gave us. If you have a little dog that is close to the ground and their ‘parts’ touch the grass, it is beneficial to use ‘no fragrance’ baby wipes on their private areas when they come in from outside. It may sound crazy, but this has absolutely worked! It’s been over a year of using them and NO UTI’s or infections. Also, wiping their feet with the wipes gets rid of nasty stuff on their feet and between their toes.

    #81103 Report Abuse

    I just rescued a little 8lb Shih tzu Bichon who is 6 years old. She was having so many problems & I needed to get her help & surgery right away. tests shown she had several bladder stones & some much larger than others so surgery was her only option after meds not helping. She is now a VERY HAPPY fun little girl & loving live after getting the care needed.
    However results just came back from the stones being Struvite & vet wants to put her on Royal Canine SO.!! Im not going to do that, Ive seen so many clients dogs on this crap & there is noting good in it. I feed all my dogs good quality food & believe doing that will help her more than anything.
    Ive been giving her canned food since I rescued her & some boiled chicken with the broth & even veg & I do add a probiotic powder to her food. What are the best veg for her & what do i stay away from. I also bought a powder called Methionine by Dogzymes where i buy my pet probiotics from along with joint supplements. It says regulates the formation of amonia & creates amonia free urine which reduces bladder irritation. I also add fish oil to dogs diet each day. Should I add a cranberry supplement too & what is best kind. I want to do what is best for the little girl but I know that is not Royal Canine food. Any help would be great. Im also going to order PH strips too. I have water supply in every room for her & even bought her a fountain to help her drink more. I have 2 giant dogs so used to them drinking gallons of water, this tiny girl, I dont know what amount she should drink & what to to to make her drink more. She gets Plenty of potty breaks & I put her potty pads down if i need to be gone so she knows it ok to go on them & not hold it. (she uses them too) 🙂
    Any help would be greatful, I dont want this little girl to suffer again the way she was when I took her in to get her surgery & help she needed.
    Thanks so much. Mo

    #81104 Report Abuse

    Hi Maureen-
    Sorry to hear about the return of crystals in your pup. Sounds like you are doing a great job of making sure she is getting plenty of water and bathroom breaks. However, I caution the use of too many supplements without vet knowledge. Both DL-Methionine and cranberry supplements can alter the pH of her urine. You could over acidify and cause oxalate crystals instead.
    I would feed the Royal Canin until the issue is cleared up and then go from there. Good luck!

    #81105 Report Abuse

    Did you check the search engine here? /forums/search/bladder+stones/

    Excerpts from previous posts:

    As your vet will confirm, dogs that have a tendency to make bladder stones have to be on a special diet the rest of their lives, this is a serious condition and it just doesn’t go away.

    The x-ray is important, but once she is stable for about 1 year, ask the vet if you can skip the x-rays and testing urine PH as long as she is urinating normally and having no difficulty? Ask him the warning signs to look for. You didn’t mention her age?

    I would comply with the prescription food for now.
    And don’t forget, water, water, and more water added to the diet. Ask the vet 
.but I believe this helps big time. And frequent bathroom breaks, opportunities to urinate.

    “My dog had both (struvite and calcium oxalate), no symptoms till the age of 11, started with UTIs. He has had no recurrences in 4 years since his emergency surgery.
    In fact, I just took him in for a geriatric workup and his lab work was good”.

    “I was afraid the vet would want to do x-rays and test his urine
..but he said as long as he is not having symptoms we are not going there (he’s too old to tolerate another surgery)”
    “I do monitor his urination habits and check for normal flow, stream, amount. If I note any discomfort I will take him to the vet”.

    “There is a genetic component and some breeds are more prone to bladder stones.

    “Anyway, if you do nothing else, add water and take her out to urinate frequently.
    I went along with the prescription diet for almost a year, since then he has been on Nutrisca salmon and chickpea kibble soaked with water +, I use the wet food too, but the canned foods seem so greasy to me”

    PS: Soak the kibble, even the prescription food in water overnight in the fridg, add more water prior to serving. Keep the bladder flushed. Maybe add a little canned prescription food as a topper.

    #81106 Report Abuse

    BTW: I had several water dishes available too.
    The dog in question never goes near them. But, pouring water over his food works, he has to drink it to get to the food. It has made a BIG difference. No recurrences in 4 years.
    Frequent bathroom breaks, also.
    If the dog’s condition is serious, there are prescription meds that might be helpful. I wouldn’t bother with any supplements, unless the veterinarian treating your dog advises differently.
    Consider seeing a Veterinary Internal Specialist, if you are not seeing results with the current treatment.

    #81109 Report Abuse
    Jenn H

    You may have luck with Biotic pH-. It’s a supplement for dogs with this condition by Wysong.
    I have used their Innoculant and it was a miracle. My friend is using the one for teeth/oral health. Her dogs love the stuff, but it’s too soon to tell if it’s working yet.
    I’ll admit I do have a bias to this brand. I’ve had a lot of luck with the products I’ve used from them and their customer service has been wonderful. They answer questions quickly and thoroughly and their suggestions have worked out well.

    #81110 Report Abuse

    I meant to say, Veterinary Internal Medicine Specialist.

    #81128 Report Abuse

    The dog had surgery 2 weeks ago to remove the stones so she is doing wonderful now. The dog was on poor cheap dry food only & locked outside for several hours at a time all summer so Im pretty sure poor diet & likely not enough water was the main cause for this. Of course I want to avoid it at all again & why i am looking for help but I dont believe for a minute prescription dog food is the answer, (have you read the label on that stuff), nothing of nutritional value in it at all in my opinion. The cost of the food is not a concern, grain free & healthy diet are what i look at for my pets. She is drinking water all day & pees alot too so just want to do whats best.
    I take one of my dogs to get acupuncture & last thing she says to do is Royal Canine or the rest of the prescription foods. Im not one to take meds myself unless its vitamins& supplements & want to avoid that in dogs too. I am only used to giant breed dogs & having 3 Saint Bernards & 2 lived to almost 12 & 13 & one i have still is 11. I feel I have done something right in their health & well being to live that long. I like to research everything & glad i came across this form. I appreciate all the help & concerns. I have only her best interest at heart. I plan on getting her regular xrays to make sure shes not getting stones again. but hoped to be able to do something daily to help prevent. Maybe someone reading this had the same problem & found a good answer. Ive been told by several people whos dog had stones, to feed wet food mainly in which I have done since rescued her. Thanks

    #81129 Report Abuse

    Thank you Jenn for the info onBiotic pH, I will look into that.

    #81138 Report Abuse

    “Maybe someone reading this had the same problem & found a good answer”.

    Exactly. That is why I share information based on my experience and knowledge and will continue to do so.
    Best of luck.

    #81141 Report Abuse
    Jeffrey D

    I believe my first post was a little misleading. I am giving my puppy the antibiotics, I am completely in favor of that. I was just wondering if there was anything else that would help him feel better faster. It seems like antibiotics and a lot of water are the best methods. I have also been adding wet food and warm water to his dry food. Hopefully he clears up soon because a prescription diet is not an option for him given his age.

    #81142 Report Abuse

    What does a prescription food have to do with his age? I don’t understand.
    Ask your vet, but I believe a medical condition takes priority. Just add a little cooked chopped up chicken breast to it (for example) if you want more protein.

    Supplements, if they do anything at all, depend on the type of stones your dog is making.
    I give my dog this item, but I have cut down to only 2 tabs a day. I am not sure it does anything, but I keep giving it just in case it is helping….his struvite cleared up after antibiotics and increase in water, calcium oxalate stones are a different story (genetic).
    K-Plusℱ Potassium Citrate Plus Cranberry

    #81147 Report Abuse
    Jeffrey D

    The prescription food is extremely low in protein to help prevent the formation of the crystals. A puppy on low protein food would have stunted growth

    #81149 Report Abuse

    Discuss your concerns with the vet that is treating your dog, the diet recommendation may be temporary to assist in getting the urinary condition under control. A urinary blockage can be life threatening, in my opinion, that trumps growth issues.

    I would comply with whatever the vet recommends, when the dog is stable you can make changes under the vet’s supervision.
    BTW: Don’t expect to see immediate results…..it often takes 2-3 months to see any changes from diet and treatment.

    #81168 Report Abuse

    @ Maureen W,

    http://bichonhealth.org/HealthInfo/UrinaryStones.htm (excerpts from article below)
    “It has long been recognized that some Bichons Frises have a predisposition to formation of urinary stones (uroliths). This condition is known as urolithiasis. There are several types of stones that can form in the bladder, with struvite (also called magnesium triple phosphate or “infection” stones) and calcium oxalate being the most common in Bichons”.
    “The most important preventative for stone formation is free access to fresh water. For a dog predisposed to stone formation, there are other considerations as well”.
    “This article is intended to provide the pet owner with a better understanding of the prevention and treatment of urinary stones. Good veterinary treatment is the most reliable resource for the ongoing care of your dog. You may wish to copy this article for your veterinarian”.
    “Key Point: It is not yet possible to dissolve calcium oxalate uroliths by dietary management”.
    “However, compliance with feeding special diets and avoiding use of certain drugs will minimize
    risk factors known to be associated with calcium oxalate urolith formation”.

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