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Taste Of The Wild Dry Dog Food? Grain free?

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  • #83642 Report Abuse
    jeanne e

    My 4 yr old 60# rescue has just been dianosed with a Lipoma. Does any1 know if Grain free, Taste Of The Wild Dry Dog Food would be good to avoid the lipoma from getting bigger? Or any suggestions? Thanks.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by jeanne e. Reason: idea's needed
    #83645 Report Abuse

    Food and supplements are not medication. I would ask your veterinarian for a referral to a specialist if you are considering aggressive treatment and if you can afford it.
    A lipoma could be anything from a benign fatty lump to an aggressive cancerous growth.
    Best to get it properly diagnosed first and then go from there….
    Best of luck.

    #83646 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    You said the dog was diagnosed with a lipoma so I’m assuming the vet did a fine needle aspiration? There are some fatty growths that may be cancerous but a true lipoma isn’t so don’t panic. They’re very common, most vets don’t even bother to remove them unless they’re in an awkward place and causing trouble. For example, under the “armpit” and causing mobility issues. It will most likely continue to grow. Wouldn’t hurt to slim the dog down if it’s overweight but other than that, don’t worry about it.

    #83656 Report Abuse

    Hi jenne e,

    jakes mom is right. If your vet did a needle aspiration and said it was a lipoma, I would just leave it alone. Lipomas are not cancerous, some vets don’t even like to call them “fatty tumors” because it gives people the impression of being a cancerous or dangerous condition. My dogs have had them and my current older lab has a couple of small ones. My vet also recommends leaving them unless it becomes a comfort or mobility issue.

    There are various theories as to what actually causes them. Some breeds, like Labs, seem to be more genetically prone to them. Middle age and overweight are often other contributing factors. Some of the more natural, holistic vets think it might be linked to toxins in the body. I have no scientific proof, but after my first Lab mix had several lipomas as he aged, and my current senior Lab started developing a couple of small lipomas (definitively diagnosed) I have started feeding fresher foods, including fresh meat and premix and/or commercial raw as a part of the daily meals. Her lipomas have stayed very small. I’m not sure what you’re feeding now, but better, fresher food is better for the dog’s health overall. It may not help prevent lipomas, but it will improve the dog’s general health.

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