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Salt in dog food

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  • #18009 Report Abuse

    I just wondered if dogs need some salt in their diet.
    I seem to recall (not sure though) that when DFA gave advise on how to choose dog treats, he said it’s best to check there are no coloring, sugar, salt etc. However, in the dog food reviews I see that the salt ingredient is not mark in red, and it doesn’t say it’s bad. Also I see that many dog foods that are highly rated (Blue Buffalo, TOTW) have salt in them.
    The food I feed my dog doesn’t have salt in it, and I thought it’s a good thing, but now I wonder if maybe some salt in the dog’s diet is necessary?

    #18011 Report Abuse

    The food you are feeding may not have ADDED salt but it will definitly have ingredients in it that have salt in them. Every living thing needs salt to live. It is in every cell of our and our dogs body. Salt is absolutely an essantial ingredient. The problem is when there is too much salt, just like too much salt is a problem for people. Dog foods are not required to divulge their sodium levels, so I imagine that there are qite a few that have high levels, because it is a cheap flavor enhancer.

    #18016 Report Abuse

    Thank you,
    Do you know what would be the best sodium level?

    #18019 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    The AAFCO minimum sodium level is 0.30% for foods labeled for growth or all life stages and 0.06% for foods labeled for maintenance. It would probably be smart to stick with foods that don’t contain much more than 0.30% sodium – especially if your dog is a senior.

    #18022 Report Abuse

    He is actually still a puppy, but I see now that the sodium in his food (Acana puppy large) is 0.3%, and in the adult it’s 0.36%, so all good 🙂
    Thank you very much for the info

    #18024 Report Abuse

    Was that listed as a minimum, a maximum, or actual? Because if it is a minimum, then the actual can be much higher. I’m not trying to say that there is a problem because Acana is a good brand made by a good company, so I don’t expect there to be any issue. But unfortunately, I do take issue with our labeling laws.

    #18031 Report Abuse

    I think it’s actual, because it doesn’t say min/ max, it just say:
    Sodium 0.3%

    Though in two of their grain free foods it’s 0.6% … So should I avoid those or this level is still OK?

    #18035 Report Abuse

    I’d stick with the 0.3%, actually, if your dog doesn’t have a problem that is helped by limiting salt, I wouldn’t worry about it at all. I would look at all the other nutritional factors first. But if your dog needs to watch it’s salt intake, then I would strive to stay near 0.3%

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by theBCnut.
    #18147 Report Abuse

    Thanks! 🙂

    #18182 Report Abuse

    I saw to day Natural Balance was sold to Del Monte Foods? That was the one brand I counted on with my pet. I now wonder if they will start to have problems and in turn peoples pets get sick??!

    #18255 Report Abuse

    I guess you should stay alert and notice if there’s any change for the worst in Natural Balance dog food. I hope everything will be OK :/
    I really hope Champion petfood (which make Acana) won’t be sold like that…

    #85101 Report Abuse

    I cook for my dog and do not add salt in and of itself. We do add a mineral suppliment. Do I need to start adding SOME to her food. She’s been waking up in the middle of the night and licking like crazy. Is this a symptom of her NEED ING salt?

    #85102 Report Abuse

    No, sounds like it might be allergies. Check the search engine here for allergies: /forums/search/allergies/

    Sounds like a visit to the vet may be in order.

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