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Odd Occasional Vomiting

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  • #42814 Report Abuse

    Hello, DFAers!

    So, for a couple days Bruno has been throwing up once a day, once on my roommate’s shirt and another at a friend’s house. The only “new” thing in his diet is frozen canned pumpkin that was thawed to use in frozen treat mixture, and then re-frozen as treats again. Could that have caused it?

    I haven’t seen the color or consistency of the vomit to be able to tell if that’s what he’s vomiting mostly, but all other things and add-ins in his diet he’s had before and has had no issue with them (coconut oil, raw egg, plain yoghurt, RMBs, raw fish, THK is what he’s been having this week). Plus the treats that contain several fats (coconut oil and butter, peanut butter, tahini (sesame seed paste), turmeric, shredded coconut and almond flour, flax seed meal, honey, a pinch of cinnamon, yoghurt) and the pumpkin – the latter being the “new” thing although he’s had it before with no issue. But he’s had those treats since the day before yesterday and he’s thrown up yesterday and today, so unless he’s gotten into something (which is entirely possible), it might have to be the pumpkin I guess…

    What do you think?

    #42815 Report Abuse

    Oh, other than that he’s totally himself as far as energy, appetite, and behavior goes.

    #42841 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    The only suggestion I have for you (other than seeing a Vet if it persists) is keeping a daily log of the time you feed him anything, when he drinks H2O, and what is being fed to hopefully narrow down the culprit.

    Who knows, he might have eaten something you don’t know about that has made its way out of his body and he’ll be back to normal in no time. 🙂

    My mom has health issues and after pestering her for two years to keep a daily log of what she eats, drinks (including H2O) and the times consumed she has finally been able to eliminate foods that don’t agree with her and adjust when she eats her meals to improve her digestion.

    #42845 Report Abuse

    Bobby dog, that’s a great idea! I will keep a log, and, for that purpose I will give him one more of those pumpkin-inclusive treats… another thing he may have eaten is the roommate’s dog SD… Both dogs roam the apartment freely and Bruno usually eats his food when its served, but she doesn’t – she eats when sje gets hungry. So he may have gotten into her bowl and thrown that up, no idea…

    But hopefully the log, and also catching him vomit will help… but of course, if he keeps vomiting, to the vet we will go! I will try him with a treat today; if he vomits, I will see if it’s the treat; if he doesn’t vomit it would have to be something else that I have not fed him. If it is the treat, I will stop giving them to him and if he doesn’t vomit tomorrow, I will consider him ok. If he does, off to the vet. Hope this works out!

    #42848 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    At one time I thought I wanted to be a Dietician. I now have a huge respect for Dieticians and the knowledge they possess. I just did not have enough of a scientific/math brain for this occupation. lol

    The daily menu log is a common exercise in school, but it really is beneficial to anyone (or pet) who wants to change, improve, or take care of any other diet issues. Good luck, I hope your fellow is better soon!

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