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New puppy to the family (story inside)

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  • #77296 Report Abuse
    Cody G

    So, about a week ago we found this adorable puppy that our neighbors abandoned and left our on doorstep when they moved.

    He was so little and cute! His eyes still weren’t even open 🙁 The worst part was he had these bumps all over his body which I assumed were either chigger bites, or *gasp* Mange.

    Of course, when the vet opened my wife and I carried him to get checked out. Sadly, Rambo did have Mange and worms (goes back next week to get vaccinated, he was just treated for Mange and to remove the worms this time). Luckily we kep’t him isolated from our other dogs (both lab mixes, one is husky the other is border colly).

    Looking at this puppy (picture included) and seeing how he looked made me really want to step-up on keeping all my dogs healthier. The puppy is *I think* just a few weeks old maybe a month, my Husky is 1 year, and my Border Colly is 2 years.

    So what I’m wondering is what can I do to improve all my puppies health? Should I start making homemade puppy food? What supplements and flea medicines should I be giving them? They have to be on a leash outside so do you have any fun exercises I can do with them? Any other advice you want to give me, especially towards the new puppy?

    Btw I think the vet said hes mixed with Pomeranian but hes too young to really tell what else he is mixed with maybe you can help decide, I honestly can’t tell what kind he is at all 🙂


    #77298 Report Abuse

    “So what I’m wondering is what can I do to improve all my puppies health? Should I start making homemade puppy food? What supplements and flea medicines should I be giving them? They have to be on a leash outside so do you have any fun exercises I can do with them? Any other advice you want to give me, especially towards the new puppy”?

    I think you should ask your vet these questions when you see him. He looks like he may be a small breed mix, dachshund? There is a dog dna test you could try when things get settled, if you must know.
    Puppies do well with 3 or 4 small meals a day, soft and dry mixed with water. They sleep, play and eat…..see if he will play fetch? Carry him to the area you would like him to use as the bathroom every 2 hours so he will get the idea.

    #77305 Report Abuse
    Luisa P

    Wow, that baby is beautiful. Kudos to you for rescuing this baby. Now there is a wonderful dog DNA test that I did on my adopted dog. The test I did with the best reviews is the Wisdom Panel DNA, it was awesome!! As for the food, the more I read the more I read the more I don’t care for dry kibble, especially because of having a Dalmatian who has very special dietary needs. I was feeding a food high in protein to my bigger dogs since they are more active and was giving the same to my little dogs and after a few months it gave them (all the little guys) horrible breath, they literally all started to smell as if they were eating dog poop (which I know they didn’t). So, I have decided to make my own food using rice, healthy veggies, and gluten free pasta. I also make home made bone broth. I am currently using half the amount of kibble then before and the rest home made food. I also make sure my kibble is grain free, have had too many allergy problems with a previous dog and don’t care to have any of my other babies suffer like that.

    #77313 Report Abuse
    #77316 Report Abuse
    Cody G

    Thanks for the tips guys, the DNA test seems a bit expensive it isn’t that important to know its exact breed lol

    #77318 Report Abuse

    Hi Cody- I agree that DNA tests are expensive, however sometimes knowing the breed/breeds that your dog is can be very useful. Most breeds have genetic predispositions to different diseases or they need a certain diet (example; Dalmations). It might also give you a clue to the mature weight the dog should be to keep him/her lean and healthy, as there are standards for weight depending on the breed.

    Essentially it gives you an idea of what to expect and maybe the need for preventative action.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Pitlove.
    #77320 Report Abuse

    The puppy is a small breed, Pomeranian and something. Full grown the dog will probably be between 12 and 20 pounds….. if he is 4 months old now.
    I agree with the OP, get the pup stable first. Plus, even though the dna test sounds like a fun thing to do, I have heard complaints that it is not always accurate.
    As he matures it will become clearer what you have 🙂

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