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- This topic has 20 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 11 months ago by
ParticipantAfter trying all kinds of products to help Bentleys skin with these seasonal allergies, we were at the grocery store and saw this stuff on the clearance rack. The poor guy is always bright red and itchy and getting new welts every day, so we are really grasping at straws trying to do what we can with these allergies that can’t helped with food. I bathed him last night with it, and today he looks great. His skin looks much better, and he’s not itching so much (hardly at all, actually). Not to mention his fur is really soft :p Is it ok to use this on a regular basis? Here’s the back of the box:
I figure it’s just like the Beyers dog stuff we’ve been using on him. It’s not a soap really, it’s lipids and moisturizers. But the Beyers doesn’t do much for him, while this has helped loads after just one bath. What do you guys think?
MemberIt has some ingredients that I would rather not use, BUT between having ingredient that I would rather not use or an itchy miserable dog, I’d use it in a heartbeat. I think quality of life trumps everything for our pets. I’m curious to know how long the good effects last.
ParticipantLol I was reading your response through the email and I was like “who the heck is that??” Then I logged on and saw your picture and was like “oh it’s patty!” XD
Which ingredients are you worried about, and why?
MemberHi Akari 32. I don’t know that shampoo. Is it for dogs? What shampoo were you using? The shampoo that I have found most effective for my food intolerant/allergy dog that also has environmental allergies is a dog shampoo that I recently found at a dog store near me. I was told that a lot of people that have dogs with skin issues were stating that they are getting great results with this shampoo. It’s the best dog shampoo that I’ve used on her. Before this I had been trying all sorts of shampoos for allergic sensitive skin, typically some sort of Oatmeal shampoo. I don’t know if it has any correlation but Katie is very allergic to all grains so possibly the oatmeal shampoos were not a good choice for her. Could be just coincidental that this shampoo has no oatmeal and she’s doing great on this. Hair is really soft, shiny and incredibly easy to rinse off. Here is the name and ingredients.
Natural Health Care
Soap free Shampoo
Hypo-Allergenic Shampoo
Aloe Vera and Vitamin EIngredients are: Aloe Vera, Allantoin, Panthenol, Vitamin E
MemberHey theBCnut. I thought you stole Patty’s dog. LOL!
ParticipantIt’s a human body wash. We’ve been using the new Bayer Expert Care or whatever it’s called shampoo and conditioner, Grreat Choice oatmeal shampoo, Hartz Groomers Choice Whitening Shampoo, some other Hartz stuff (just a normal shampoo), and we occasionally use the really expensive Adams for fleas if he needs it. Just about everything from normal shampoos to fancy stuff. We’ve also been wiping his feet and tummy after going outside, keeping his bedding super clean, treating the house for fleas, etc. Thankfully he doesn’t seem bothered by oatmeal shampoos, but this Grreat Choice stuff is junk. Bought it on clearance, and I understand why they were getting rid of it LOL And the pollen is terrible right now, so I’m sure that’s not helping. We’re almost to the point of getting him a cortisone shot again… I’ll see if I can find that stuff around here. Maybe it’ll help.
MemberHartz shampoos are horrible, all of them. I won’t elaborate on that but I do not use any products made by Hartz. Whitening shampoos have bleach in them and should never be used on a dog that has skin issues. Whitening shampoos are very harsh on the skin. Yes, they whiten and they are effective for that if you have a healthy dog and want the fur whiter but too harsh for sensitive skin. I’m not too sure what to tell you about the shampoo you just used on Bentley, dogs and humans have different PH levels but, if he’s getting relief and making him feel better then I guess I would use it until I can find something else. Cortisone shots are only temporary as you know and can cause numerous internal problems. If you can find the shampoo that I mentioned I hope you would give it a try. If not, try to find shampoo that includes no dyes, perfumes, fragrances of any kind. Also you should use a soap less shampoo and try not using a conditioner after the shampooing it’s not really necessary. If the shampoo contains minimally harsh ingredients then there really is no reason for a conditioner. A lot of it is marketing. We use shampoo and conditioner on ourselves so companies have decided that we should be shampooing and conditioning our animals and buying their conditioners. Also when you shampoo him try keeping the water on the cooler side instead of too warm. By the way, what breed is Bentley. I have a Maltese, Maltipoo and Yorkipoo.
ParticipantAround here it’s pretty much either Hartz or Sargents (or Grreat Choice… Lol), unless you want to drop about $20 on an 8 oz bottle. There’s not really much of a choice here, since I also have two large dogs that like to roll in dirt.
We’ve almost always used the whitening shampoo on him. It doesn’t seem to bother him. I tend to not use it, though, unless her happen to have nothing else. Mom is the one that usually does.
The vet gave him a cortisone shot about 6 months ago while we got the fleas under control and him on a better flea prevention (winter is over now and his Trifexis has run out, and we don’t have $300 to get everyone back on it!! *rips out hair*), and it worked great while we got everything figured out. I know they don’t last very long, but it sure does help.
I don’t really like the Bayer stuff, but it was free. Pet Supermarket had samples out for a few months, so I went in and grabbed a few every week. It doesn’t really clean him at all, and kind of makes him (just him, which is weird) oily. Free is free I suppose. I noticed they have it on clearance now, and I fully understand why lol
I try to keep the water cooler, but he shakes something terrible when I get anywhere below luke warm. He’ll also run away from it if it’s too cold. He’s only about 8 pounds, and is a total princess. Has to have a jacket on when it’s below 50 outside XD Anyways, I know hit water isn’t the best for dry skin, and I do my best on that end.
He’s Maltese and Jack Russell. Dad was 4 pounds, mom was 11. He wasn’t supposed to get much bigger than 5 pounds, but he never got that memo lol
MemberMy Maltese, Hannah, weights 8 lbs. She’s not the one with the allergies. My allergy dog is Katie, 7 lb. champagne color Maltipoo. Poor thing is or I should say was a real mess. More problems than any one dog should have. Have you looked on line to see what you can get? Also the Pet Supermarket probably has better stuff also. It’s time consuming because you’ll need to read the ingredients listed. Just try to find something that has the least amount of ingredients in it and that you can actually recognize what they are. Also try to find one that says it’s soap less. Not sure why Bentley would have the oily problem after shampooing and not the others. But maybe you can get a shampoo that works for Bentley and not use it on the other two that don’t have the skin issues. Does he have food issues? If so, what is he allergic or intolerant to? It’s exhausting and time consuming trying to find things that dogs with intolerances to food and environment can deal with. Took me 4 years to get Katie to a level where she’s happy, healthy. No more scratching, sores, bad breath, bad gas. There were times I thought it would never happen but I just kept lists of everything I fed her so that every time I had a problem with something I would try to figure out the offending ingredients whether it was food or shampoo. The shampoo issue was the last thing that I finally figured out. I was even trying prescription shampoos which were ridiculously expensive and did not help at all. I also found that she was having issues with the laundry detergents so I switched everything to dye free fragrance free. I no longer burn candles in the house. Nothing that can possibly bother her. Like I said. It’s been like a full time job and exhausting. But when I see her now I know it was worth all the work.
MemberI just checked on Amazon and the shampoo that I mentioned above $9.40 for a 16 oz. bottle. It was more expensive than that at my local pet store so I’ll be ordering from Amazon from now on. I wouldn’t have thought to look for it if not for your starting this forum. Thanks.
ParticipantI didn’t see anything that popped out at me at Pet Supermarket (that was a good 8 months ago, though). I’ll probably have to go to PetSmart or PetCo for anything good. I also do a lot of online shopping for fish and reptile stuff, so I’ll look next time to need something. What sort of ingredients would you recommend?
It’s only that one Bayer’s shampoo that makes him oily. It’s pretty weird. I’ve used it on Haley with no issues (other than it doesn’t clean worth a crap). He doesn’t have any confirmed food allergies, but we think chicken and grains are a no go, as are fleas, and grass. So, basically everything a dog comes in contact with, he’s allergic to.
MemberSodium laureth sulfate is the big one that I’ve been told everyone should avoid, especially for animals with skin sores, but there are a lot of chemical names in there, so I just don’t feel good about it. But like I said, if it is a quality of life issue and it is helping, I’d use it until I found something else that works. I like using essential oil shampoos myself. They usually only have a few ingredients and none of them sound frightening.
ParticipantGotcha. Any brands you recommend?
He’s back to chewing on himself this morning. He was scratching a little last night, and this morning he driving me crazy with nasty licky dog noises. I’ll have to see what I have for fleas around here. I may still have some tubes of Sentry. Like a retard, I gave most our topical flea treatments to my friend, thinking we’d always have the trifexis -_-
MemberI use a human shampoo called Desert Essense or whatever my health food store has that has tea tree oil in it, then follow that with a rinse made up of 1 cup of vinegar in 1 gallon of water. Don’t pour it in the eyes, but pour it everywhere else.
Right now I’m using a locally made dog shampoo called The Last Scratch. I hate the smell of it, but it works great. It has water, saponified organic coconut and organic olive oil, organic hemp oil, organic jojoba oil, their blend of therapeutic essential oils, citric acid, and vit E.
www dot thelastscratch dot com
MemberYou should really check your Bentley to make sure he has fleas before using any more flea treatments. When he was treated for fleas did you treat the entire home, carpets, bedding, etc. for fleas? You may be treating him but if they are still in the house it will be a losing battle. You really need to be careful using too much flea treatments. They are toxic.
the BCnut – In the past I tried shampoos on Katie with Tea Tree Oil and those were some of the most reactive on her. I thought the Tea Tree Oil would help but it made her worse so I’m always careful to use shampoos with minimal ingredients that I recognize, research their effects and for Katie no Tea Tree Oil. Any ideas what in tea tree oil would bother her. I had been really hopeful at the time. Anyway, I have found a shampoo that only contains Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Panthenol and Allantoin. It is the best that I have found to date. The manager of The Whole Dog Market around the corner from me recommended it and said customers loved it for their sensitive dogs. Oh, it’s soap free.
MemberI would not recommend anything with Teatree oil in it for dogs but then i have never heard of using the neosporin either but might be worth a try ..
MemberHi Dori
Tea Tree oil is very strong and needs to be diluted quite a bit for a nonreactive dog. I would avoid it in any concentration with a dog that reacts. It’s a powerful antiseptic and can burn sensitive skin.
I like soap free too.
MemberThanks Patty. I was confounded by Katie’s reaction to it since I was following the directions on the bottle.
MemberShe’s an extra sensitive girl(I thought about saying delicate flower).
MemberHey Patty. Delicate flower is exactly what Katie is. Poor dear, I do love her but she has caused me endless years of sleep. I’ve never had a dog with this many problems. I guess I’ve been extraordinarily lucky till now and she’s making up for a lifetime of my having animals. When my son was alive from a very early age he had every type of animal you can imagine and I, of course, was their care giver. I’ve given sub cutaneous injections of medications including hydration, to snakes, iguanas, gerbils, hamsters, parrots, you name it, I’ve done it. So Katie keeps me busy but also very sane. Thanks, as always for all your posts and all your help. Have to admit you through me for a loop. I wondered for a bit what happened to you until I realized that you were, in fact, the BC nut. Funny. We’re all a bit nuts for our loved ones. That’s a good thing.
ParticipantAbout the fleas, yes we have them. In the yard, usually. We treat the house with Sargents Flea Breeze (works really well, actually), and the dogs gets their Trifexis usually. We just so happened to run out of Trifexis as it’s getting warmer out, so the fleas are making a come back and moving right inside on the dogs at the same time :/ I bought some cheap topical stuff today. That’ll hopefully help some. I don’t have very high hopes for it lol the hardest thing about getting these fleas under control is out neighbor is major red neck, and has like 40 dogs, 62 and 20 people living in their 2 bed one bath house (ok, it’s more like 4-6 dogs, 5 or so people, and 2-3 cats, but close enough).
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