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Name Game-All suggestions wanted!
- This topic has 11 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 8 months, 1 week ago by
Truck Diver.
MemberOkay. After taking in the weak, old, medically and temperamentally challenged for over 20 yrs, Hubby and I have decided to get a puppy from a breeder. Well, it was my idea and he did not say no, lol. I should be getting pix in two weeks or so to pick one out, and of course am hoping there is one that catches my eye. My preference is a female-red/white or fawn/white english bulldog so those are the names I am looking for. Having had so many fosters come and go that we named, its actually really hard to come up with some “unique” to us girl names(have plenty of boy ones) So far, we have Ellie Mae and Lola-Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas??
ParticipantMiss Tootie, Karmella, Mocha, Emmaretta, Nilla, Jillian, Tinker, Tiger Lily, Clarabelle. I mostly get boy fosters! When I get wild little girls I just call them lil’ toot!
Hound Dog Mom
ParticipantI’m pretty horrible at coming up with any names other than hound dog names – names like Gertrude and Mabel aren’t exactly suitable for the non long eared, droopy faced, slobbery dog.
But maybe since it’s going to be an “English” Bulldog a popular British name would be fitting? The top girl names in the UK are Florence, Lucie, Lacey, Esme, Elena, Lucia, Beatrice, Violet, India and Frankie. I personally like Frankie and Florence best off that list. Or a little more classic British – Agnes (Aggie would be kind of cute), Elsie, Ada, Charlotte, Fern. Just throwing ideas out there. 🙂
BTW – can’t wait for the pictures. Bulldogs have to be one of the all time cutest puppies.
Hound Dog Mom
ParticipantOh, thinking on British names – I just came up with another! Pippa.
I can’t imagine having to come up with so many names all the time. I’ve got maybe 2 or 3 good bloodhound names left then I’m going to have to start resorting to Gertie the Second, Mabel the Second, Gus the Second, etc. lol
MemberI like Daisy, Nutmeg, Rosie (if she’s a red/white), Poppy
Congrats and I can’t wait to see pictures!
InactiveMelissaandcrew, I’m horrible at names but I just wanted to say bless you for the 20 years of the “weak, old, medically and temperamentally challenged”. Been doing the same for 17 years and I think you’re very brave to go back to a puppy!! Not sure I could handle that anymore. Youngest I’ve taken in in many years was 3 (the guy in my avatar) and he’s about doing me in!
MemberThanks gals! I wrote them all down to run by hubby. Karmella was my hubby’s rescued pygmy goat that recently passed, and Rose we inherited when her owner died-she herself passed this year due to an embolism-she was 16yrs old. Lacey was our 17 yr old schnauzer who passed last year due to heart problems. Love all the other suggestions!
Valerie-Thanks and a big Thank you to you as well. While my heart goes out to the seniors, we have had other pups recently. The shihtzu in my icon has a heart condition that requires a visit to the cardiologist every 3mths and she is just 22 mths old. I figure we have a few younger ones that will still play with and enjoy a puppy(not the old cranky ones, lol) so its now or never since I can’t see me raising two pups at once again!
MemberI’m with Valerie. My last puppy was almost five months old and easy; before that was Boone at 9 weeks. He sort of scared me off of puppies LOL. Give me the seniors any day, thanks!
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Barb Conway on Acid Reflux
Adam Bee on Need feeding advice please
Lewis F on Hip and Joint supplements
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thew dental on High quality food that will help my dog lose weight and not poop so much?
thew dental on Innovations in pet care
Bruce Graham on Hip and Joint supplements