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  • #52278 Report Abuse

    I thought I had your email but can’t find it. You have schnauzers; are they supposed to come in blue merle? I met one today.

    #52300 Report Abuse

    Bumping this up for you so Melissa might see it faster! I have never seen a blue merle one. I bet that was a cool looking dog! Did you get a pic??

    #52307 Report Abuse

    No, I was shopping so no camera & I’m not online with my phone, so….! Beautiful fog but I’m thinking its not an allowed color & since the owner flew the dog up here at seven weeks from down south, puppy miller came to mind.

    #52311 Report Abuse

    Awww, that’s true, I didn’t think of that 🙁

    #52604 Report Abuse

    Hi Marie. Schnauzers come in three showable colors. Black, salt/pepper, and black/silver. Salt/pepper can be a huge variety of shades of grey..there are light (almost silver looking) and dark salt peppers. Some have a slight tan hue mixed in. All acceptable.

    Then white appeared. Some claim they have always been around but culled, others suspect that Westie was crossed in many moons ago to get it. Then the mills arrived on the scene snd figured any breed is better on parti- color or merle. Neither are a color pattern originally in schnauzers and the ones I have seen also tend to have poor thin hair coats and light colored eyes. My guess is it is from a mill and probably ACA or APRI registered.

    #52616 Report Abuse

    Thanks, Melissa. I didn’t pay attention to eye color, unfortunately. I was just surprised to see a merle schnauzer. About 8 years ago, I met a schnauzer that was sort of cream colored. Sweetest little dog!

    #52617 Report Abuse

    Maybe it had Soft Coated Wheaten in it.

    #52659 Report Abuse

    Oh good grief.. I was right..the merles are coming from crosses of “mini aussies” cockers and the like.

    #52686 Report Abuse

    I met this mini Aussie yesterday with eyes so pale blue they were almost white & a coat color to match. Wouldn’t come near me either, so afraid. Great breeding, eh?

    #53038 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi melissaandcrew:
    Ray T started a thread asking for advice on Miniature Schnauzers; I remember reading you have owned several (and maybe still have one or two?) and I hope you see this.


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