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Is anyone using Darwins?

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  • #70131 Report Abuse

    A breeder told me that she just ordered the $14.95 trial of Darwins, that the shipping is included in the price of the food, even future orders. Is this true? I know its free shipping with the trial but is it with future orders?

    #70201 Report Abuse

    Hi Marie-
    I just checked out their site. The introductory offer looks interesting. It looks to me like shipping is free on future orders only if you live in either the Seattle or Portland area. I’m going to look at it again tomorrow and think about placing an order for their bones. Especially if it eligible for free shipping.

    #70206 Report Abuse
    Z B

    My cat was on Darwins for about a year and yes if I remember correctly shipping was included in the price of the food and I am in the southwest US. My cat loved the food, but the high bone content made her severely constipated (expensive visit to the after hours ER), so had to stop feeding it. She’s now on high quality canned and doing well. Hope your animals do well with it if you decide to try it. It’s definitely worth trying the trial, 14.95 is a deal…for 10 lbs I think?

    #70209 Report Abuse

    Hey Marie,

    I got the free trial a long time ago, and on that single shipment, shipping was included. I paid shipping (which was quite a bit) on all subsequent orders. Sadly, I had the majority of my last shipment, from just about a year ago, in my freezer. I’m on the fence about whether to feed or toss.

    #70211 Report Abuse

    Ok, so I just tried a sample order with my zip (in their free area) and it would be $84.10 every two weeks. Then, I tried a sample order with a St. Paul, Minnesota zip and the same order would be $99.80, $15.70 more. So, it appears they do charge for shipping, they just don’t split out the cost.

    DF- Why didn’t you feed the last shipment to your pups?

    #70212 Report Abuse

    Sam, my Golden, won’t eat it. He’s OK with a for a meal (although it’s the one thing he won’t clean his bowl of) and then after that, he won’t touch it at a subsequent meal. Sniff. Walk away. He likes some raw, meaty bones, but just doesn’t get into eating raw. He prefers kibble with toppers.

    Bella, my Cavalier, will eat the Darwin’s, but I feel bad giving it to her and not him – even though he doesn’t like it. I should’ve fed it to her anyway.

    Then, there’s also that part of me that says, it’s been in the freezer too long and isn’t good anymore.

    Should I still use it?

    #70217 Report Abuse

    DF- LOL! I like to feed both my dogs the same thing also. I just feed one of them a little more than the other. They already always think the other one may have something better! You could always thaw it out and give it a sniff to see what you think. I think it still would be fine. Would Sam eat it if you cooked it a bit? I have only used NW Naturals and NVI frozen nuggets as toppers a few days a week and mine really like them. I’ve thought about ordering the introductory offer as it is a good price. But, I would only feed as toppers as it is way too expensive for our budget for anything more than that. I think I would cancel after my first order and then I would feel guilty. But, their bones do look interesting. None of the stores that I go to offer the rib bones so I’ve never tried them. Well, I mean my dogs have never tried them. LOL! Let me know what you decide.

    #70218 Report Abuse

    My favorite place for bones is My Pet Carnivore. https://www.mypetcarnivore.com/index.php?lang=en

    I’m on a local delivery route and I can get as much as I want for a $10 handling fee.

    I just remembered the only raw that Sam really loves is tripe. I’ve got several containers of that in the freezer also. I’ve tried lightly cooking the Darwin’s for him, but would rather not. I’m going to start thawing some raw tonight. I WILL use up that Darwin’s one way or another!

    Sorry for the hijack, Marie! 🙂

    #70251 Report Abuse

    DF: I’d feed the Darwins. Most raw feeders I know would feed freezer burned meat so you’re good to go.

    Re; bones; beef rib bones from ReelRawDog are my fave so far. I have 30 pounds of bones coming next week, free shipping.

    #70422 Report Abuse
    Kristin C

    Darwin’s shipping cost is per pound after the free trial. It’s cost prohibitive for me in CT. The trial was great though, on their old formula. Their meat turns brown though which I did not like. I order from Reel Raw and as long as I get 30 lbs the shipping is free plus their meat never turns color it seems.

    #72410 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Just ordered the $14.95 trial of cat food. Will be about $28 shipping for me (in Ohio) if I continue with an every 3 week auto ship. I’m doubtful all the cats will like it but I thought the trial price was great. If nothing else, the dog gets more yummy extras. Seems like that happens a lot when I try to give the cats something new.

    #72414 Report Abuse

    Hi Jakes mom-
    I have thought about ordering that free trial several times, but never have been able to pull the trigger. I think I am even in their free shipping area. Please let us know how it goes!

    #72416 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    I know what you mean! The trial has 10#, 4 each of chix and turkey and 2# duck. I just read an old post here tho. Said something about not using grinds for cats because bacteria will eat taurine? Hope somebody can comment on that! I’m not sure how this will go. Dustin likes freezedried Primal and fresh meat and Julie likes fresh, the others not really interested at all. Nobody will eat the frozen. Might end up cancelling after this trial or maybe just changing the auto ship to a longer interval if I’m only going feed to one or 2 instead of all of them. Would be better for them and save me from lugging so many cans home!

    #72421 Report Abuse

    For anyone interested. Amazon is selling Darwin’s Dog Variety Pack Zoological’s 8 lbs. for $54.95 and their Natural Dog Variety Pack 8 lbs. for $59.95. Free shipping on either. They’re also selling 20 lb. variety packs but I don’t remember the cost. Also with free shipping. It’s only their dog foods, I don’t know anything about cats or if Darwin’s has a cat formula. Just putting on here for any dog people using or wanting to order Darwins.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Dori.
    #72428 Report Abuse

    Amazon has Darwins???

    #72429 Report Abuse

    Yep Marie. I don’t know if this is a short term thing or not. But if you want to get some Darwin’s with free delivery go to Amazon. I’ve got a feeling this is not going to be a regular thing. Somebody on a different blog emailed me about it.

    I placed an order while it was free shipping. Marie, we feed rotationally so why not. I know some say it’s to high in fat and I agree with a lot of the raw that I feed but if we’re feeding in rotation and not all the time for ever single meal every day, why not? Free shipping? Yep!!!!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Dori.
    #72432 Report Abuse

    Not for me, Boone does much better with no produce

    #72434 Report Abuse

    My three do best with a mix of some meals inclusive of bones and some not. As you know I rotate with every feeding.

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