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- This topic has 38 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 7 months ago by
I was wondering if canine hives could be caused by stress? Or is it always an allergic reaction?
When we got home last night from a Fourth of July picnic, my dog, Griffey, was rubbing his nose on the carpet and my leg. His snout was swollen. We thought maybe he injured on crate somehow due to being upset by fireworks. This morning we took him in to emergency vet because he looked like a sharpeii! Turns out he has hives. Kind of scary. He was so swollen, I was worried he couldn’t breathe. They gave him a steroid shot and some antihistamine and he’s home now.
So, anyway, I’m wondering if they could have been brought on due to the stress of the maniacs setting off what sounded like bombs last night? Or is it always an allergic reaction to something? The only thing I can think of is coconut oil being something new to him. And he actually didn’t like it much and hardly ate it. Seems like an unlikely suspect. Maybe it was something in the grass. I’m off to Target to buy Benadryl. Last week it was the other dog with an injured throat. Should have stuck with cats! Lol!Cyndi
MemberWondering if he got stung by a bee or something? My doberman got stung one time on his nose and it swelled up pretty good. I pulled the stinger out and gave him some benedryl. I didn’t take him to the vet because the swelling came down and he was fine. There are those big whatever kind of bees that burrow in the ground, I wonder if your dog came upon a few of them and they attacked him?
ParticipantThe vet suggested either a bee sting or spider bite also. He wasn’t out much yesterday other than his walk as he’s a fire works wimp! Nothing weird happened on the walk. I’m afraid to feed him now as I’m not sure what caused it. I’ll make sure to keep Benadryl on hand as you suggested also. And scour our back yard for a bees nest. Just thought it was coincidental with him being worked up a little with the fire works. Thanks for your help. 🙂
MemberI am not positive that getting that worked up about the fireworks and noise couldn’t have caused it either. I just know that a bee sting can swell up pretty bad.
My Bailey went in her cage yesterday when the neighbors started shooting off fireworks and she was in there just about all day.
Hopefully it was just a bite from something and the worst is over. Poor thing!
Bobby dog
MemberOMG C4c, too bad they don’t have a frequent visit program at your Vet’s! Two visits and the third is free. lol I don’t know if hives are always allergic or could be a stress reaction either.
My friends dog ate a bee once and her face swelled up like a sharpeii too. The Vet administered the same treatment as what your dog received. He’ll be better soon! 🙂
MemberSo sorry to hear what happened to Griffey. It really sounds like what some of the other posters are saying. Bee sting, spider bite, something like that. A lot of us have dogs with food allergies and intolerances and I’ve never seen or heard of any reaction as you’re describing. You should always have Benadryl in your house. I even carry some in a pill container in my handbag. You never know when you might be out and about and you or your dog will have a reaction. It’s always best to get an antihistamine as soon as you see some reaction and then try to figure out what the issue is. Did the vet tell you how long you should keep giving the Benadryl. Should be about three times a day until the reaction has completely subsided and then even for a couple of days after that. When Katie is having her allergy issues (because I’ve screwed up and let her have something she shouldn’t) I give her Benadryl (25 mg.). She weighs 6 lbs. and the worst that can happen is that your dog will sleep a bit more. Doesn’t seem to bother Katie that way but just wanted you to know the drowsy part. Again, poor Griffey. How’s he doing now? Better I hope.
ParticipantHi Dori-
I’m glad you brought up the drowsy part. He is sleeping a lot. I always have to make sure he’s breathing! Still pretty swollen. Went and got some Benadryl. Will continue every 8 hours until swelling is gone. Poor baby!Dori
MemberHi C4C. Don’t forget you can use the generic, it’s much much cheaper. I use the generic CVS brand of Benadryl. Just make sure the ingredient and dosing (25 mg.) are exactly the same.
MemberI use the liquid so I can dose more carefully. I wouldn’t feel good about giving such a little dog that much, if I could get by with a smaller dose. I used to give my 65# GSD 50mg, and that amount worked well for her. They may vomit if you give too much, BTW.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
ParticipantI actually thought about that when I was at Target. But I bought Benadryl in the 25 mg dose. The paperwork says to give three 25mg pills every 8 hours. That seems like a big dose. He’s 85 pounds. I can begin to see his eyes now. But nose is still huge!
Next time, I’ll get generic!
These things never happened to our previous dog. Apparently, it isn’t that uncommon though. Thanks again.theBCnut
MemberNo, 3 pills is about the right amount for a dog that big. And set your alarm so you give it at the right time, even in the middle of the night. You want to keep his level up.
ParticipantOk, will do. Will probably be awake anyway! Thanks. Btw, my husband and I were just talking about giving him less. Should I just let him know that the BCnut and Dori told me to give the full amount. lol!
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
MemberOh sure! But in the privacy of your own home, you can use my real name. ROFLMAO!!!
MemberIf you pick up the children’s liquid Benadryl at Target, ask for a dosing syringe at the pharmacy.
ParticipantHi C4Cats, this Benadryl you all talk about is that a cough medicine, I just Googled Benadryl & Cough mixes came up & Allergies anti itch for Adults also came up.Betsy just wrote she buys the Children’s Liquid, I know Ive seen Benadryl cough mixes in chemist ^ supermarket.. I’ll have to looks & see if we have the anti-itch one.. Is that the one I’d use.
MemberBenadryl is an antihistamine so it is in some cough medicines and allergy medicines. You are looking for the drug name Diphenhydramine HCl, without other drugs. It wil be labeled for allergy or maybe anti itch.
ParticipantI made sure I got the one without the decongestant. Well, the fun goes on. The other dog is now drooling with a swollen tongue. Not sure what they got in to. He’s at vet now. Three trips in one week! Vet wants to drain the tongue. Patty, I was really wishing I had your number when I was there. I wanted to call you before I even called my husband to make a decision on what to do. Drain the tongue or give some kind of shot. You will have to start charging people for your consulting services!
MemberI have never heard of a vet trying to drain a tongue, especially from an allergic reaction. If it’s possible, I can certainly understand the reason he would want to. Since the tongue actually originates in the throat, a swollen tongue can be very dangerous/life threatening. That’s a tough one. If my dog was having difficulty breathing, I would have them do everything as quick as they can, shot, tongue draining, you name it. But if the dog was not in any kind of distress, I would have had him give the shot, knowing that he could do the other later, if needed.
I bet you’re pulling your hair out trying to figure out what the devil they could have gotten into. One of my GSDs used to all of a sudden break out in hives and get shocky. We never did figure out what caused it. I used to have to keep an epipen for her. I did learn to not go out of a particular door at work that seemed to have something to do with her episodes. I don’t know if it was a bush, a bug, or a chemical, but it sure was scary. I’ll be praying for your pups.
Bobby dog
MemberScary stuff C4c. Hope all is well and you are able to figure out what those boys are getting into. Positive thoughts coming your way!! Check in with updates when you are able to. 🙂
MemberVery scary.
How’s everyone this morning?
ParticipantHi All-
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! The sun came up! Both dogs are breathing. They both pottied and ate. I slept on the couch down stairs with them on the floor below me. The darn cats still came down here to find me to feed them.
Griffey’s face is still a little swollen, but he doesn’t look like a sharpeii anymore. He’s lethargic, probably from the Benadryl.
Buhner has a drain tube in. I did decide to have it drained. I guess his salivary gland was clogged. Most likely, not even related to Griffey’s allergic reaction to something. Maybe whatever the cause of his throat issue last week, also caused the tongue issue? I’m kind of tired of thinking about it and if we have done the right thing. Lol! He’s still a little lethargic, but not wobbly like last night. It’s so hard to see them that way.
Griff is on Benadryl three times a day and Buhny on antibiotics twice a day. What a fun three day weekend we’ve had! I guess it could have been a lot worse.
My youngest son is camping with four or five other young men. (They are all about 19 yrs. old) I sure hope they are behaving themselves! We are tapped out on emergencies!DogFoodie
MemberThank goodness you had a long weekend so you could be right there the whole time.
What a nightmare!
Let us know when your son makes it home safely!
Bobby dog
MemberGreat news!! It does sound like more of a coincidence rather than two allergic reactions. Poor boys, I hope the couch is comfortable. lol 🙂
ParticipantThe couch is just fine! I’m not sore yet.
MemberGlad to hear they’re doing better. Geez, what a freaky coincidence. I agree with Betsy, good thing it did happen over a long weekend and not during the week when no one was home. Poor dogs! Praying for a speedy unswelling! 🙂
ParticipantThank you, Cyndi. They turn three on Thursday. I hope they can finally stay out of trouble!
MemberYIKES! Draining the tongue is definitely not anything that I’ve dealt with or even heard of. Unless he wasn’t able to swallow and having difficulty with breathing I would have opted for the shot.
C4C You have got to figure out what your dogs are getting into. It’s just too much of a coincidence for my liking. This may sound a little nutty to you but seriously, you and your hubby have got to get down on all fours and check all through your house, all levels including basement. Anywhere and everywhere that your dogs wander in house. Then you both have to do the same thing (on your dogs level which means down on all fours) and go through your yard. They are getting something from somewhere. There may even be a beehive, wasps nest, carpenter ants, something that you’re not seeing but it is there somewhere. Like I said, it way too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence. You’ve never had a dog have this happen to them and now you’ve got two?
Benadryl only. Not with anything else included on the label. 25 mg. is what has always been prescribed for any dog that I have ever had. Katie who weighs 6 lbs. gets 25 mg. anytime she’s having a really bad day with food or allergies. It’s never even slowed her down. There are times that she has gotten 25 mg. twice or three times a day. That’s also what her allergist/dermatologist and traditional vets prescribe.
Let us know what happens and also what you found either inside or outside your house. Put your thinking cap on.
Your dog on antibiotics, is he on antibiotics too?
I’m glad they are doing better, sorry for all your going through.-
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
MemberAhhh! Salivary gland issues… I’ve seen a few of those. Poor pups.
ParticipantYes, he kept gagging like he was trying to bring something up. I thought he had something stuck. Then he started drooling excessively. Doing much better today.
I can totally picture you with your hand on your hip scolding me! I love it! You will be glad to know that I put my foot down today to get our back yard cleaned up. We cleaned up two old wood piles. I saw very many creepy crawlies and the biggest fattest snake I’ve seen in the yard. I hope it was a garter snake! We cleaned out their crates and washed their beds. I plan to continue the clean up. Yes, on antibiotics due to the drain. I’m wondering if I should give probiotics while on them or wait until he’s done with them. Thanks for thinking of me! 🙂Dori
MemberGood esp. I totally had my hands on hips. Keep up the clean up. Scary when stuff like this happens with our pets. We spend all our time figuring out their nutrition, etc. and then something scary like what’s happened with your dogs goes on. I think I would wait on the probiotics and wait till he’s done with antibiotics. Give their systems a little bit of time to calm down. Poor little guys have gone through quite a bit. You’ve gone through quite a bit yourself. Hopefully you’re taking care of yourself while all of this is going on. Don’t forget that they pick up on your stress and despair also.
ParticipantThank you, Dori. I’m good today. Yesterday, I wasn’t sure I was cut out to take care of my zoo. My human children worry me enough! I’ll continue the clean up. Take care.
MemberI alway give probiotics with antibiotics and my dr and my vet, both, back me up on this. Giving the probiotics an hour after a dose of antibiotics helps to keep yeast and bad bacteria in check.
ParticipantThanks, BC. I wasn’t sure if they would be counter productive or not. Will do.
MemberThe next dose of antibiotics might kill off most of them, but it will keep some nasties from being able to take over. That’s why us ladies are supposed to eat yogurt 2 or 3 times a day when we take antibiotics. We keep replenishing the probiotics that the antibiotics kill off so yeast can’t take over in their absence.
ParticipantOk, got the drain tubes out today. Things are pretty much back to normal. Thanks everyone!
Bobby dog
MemberHey C4c:
Good news!I have been without electricity for the past day and living off of a generator! lol Glad I didn’t miss your update. 🙂
ParticipantWow! That is a huge bummer. Is it from one of the storms I’ve been hearing about on the news? Thanks for the reply. They are three years old today. I hope they make it to their fourth!
Bobby dog
MemberWell Happy Birthday to the boys, give them both birthday hugs from me!
It is from one of the storms haunting some areas of the east coast. I have lost track of them. lol The night before we lost power for about eight hours, then for 24 the next night. That was pretty much the news for the last two days, power outages and footage of the storm damage. At least we didn’t sustain any damage to ourselves or our property. Many people weren’t so lucky, but at least I didn’t see any news of fatalities.
ParticipantI’m glad you are OK. That really stinks. As much as we sometimes complain about our weather being a little grey and dreary very often, we really don’t have to worry much about those devastating hurricanes and tornadoes. Scary stuff.
I’ll give my bad boys some more hugs when I get home. Thanks! -
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
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