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dr beckers dog and cat food recipe help from her book

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  • #184121 Report Abuse
    d W

    hello, i am about to make dr beckers raw food recipe for my dog and cat ( i have her book with all the homemade recipes in).
    in the recipes it says to use salt but it does not say what type of salt.. i,m wondering if i can use celtic sea salt.
    does anyone please know (without guessing- sorry i dont mean that to sound cheeky) if i can use any salt such as celtic sea salt etc….i dont want to use normal salt you buy from the shops as it is said to not be good for you at all.
    i know this is a dog site but if anyone makes dr beckers recipe for their pets and for their cat as well can i also ask what mg taurine you use for the cat recipe as i notice that taurine is sold in 500mg and 1000mg capsules but the book just says to use a 1 gram capsule..it does not say the mg amount.
    my dog has been eating raw meat-bones since a puppy .he is around 6 years old and my cat the same age has been eating cat food from tins…dog has perfect perfect white teeth and cat has grotty teeth so i really want to also make the recipe for cats as well ,not just to help his teeth but for his overall health.
    i really want to try dr b,s raw recipes but am worried about the salt. if it is to you sea salt.
    i hope someone can help (with out guessing;).
    also does anyone know if dr beckers recipe has changed from whats in the book as the book was printed in 2011..i cannot find any info at all on her recipes except from this book of hers..
    i cant find a few of the now supplements..does dr becker still recommend the now brand? hopefully someone can help
    thankyou so much.

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