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Doggy sneezes

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  • #66965 Report Abuse

    Ginger just sneezed on her way up the dog steps, and now there’s dog boogers all over the steps and couch. She sneezes all the time, ever since I got her, but this is the first time I’ve seen any snot come out. Last night I cleaned some mystery gook off the book I had on the couch near where she was laying, and now I can only assume is was dog boogers. Her nose also appears, after this sneezing fit, to now be openly running. She had her head down on the couch just now, and then went to readjust and the couch is wet where her nose was. How long would it be ok to leave this be before seeing the vet? I mean, it could just be allergies, right? But if she’s got something, a doggy cold or whatever, are the other dogs and cat likely to get it?

    #66966 Report Abuse

    Akari. I would call the vet immediately and let him/her know what’s going on and make an appointment. Something’s up and I wouldn’t want to wait until it got worse to do something about it. Don’t mean to scare you but something doesn’t seem right. I suppose it could be allergies but this does not seem like an allergy response to me. Please at least call the vet and see what they think. As you know Katie’s chock full of allergies and nothing like that has ever happened with her to an allergy response.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Dori.
    #66970 Report Abuse

    Will do! Thursday, I’ll call. Gotta go work my whole entire 4.5 hour shift tonight. Don’t think I can handle such a long shift, man! I might not make it!! LOL

    I just wasn’t sure if maybe this was a common dachshund thing, being so low to ground or whatever, or a common allergy thing, or what.

    #66971 Report Abuse

    Great! Nah, it’s got nothing to do with being low to the ground. I’d bet all three of my girls are as low to the ground as Ginger. Certainly Lola is. I’m glad you’re going to call the vet.

    Hey! Don’t work too hard. You might just exhaust yourself. LOL!!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Dori.
    #66973 Report Abuse

    I agree with Dori it sounds like a bad cold.
    My Pepper got a bad cold about 2 yrs ago nose running sneezing etc, couldn’t breathe and since she is completely blind, I had to hand feed her and force fluids down, she didn’t want to eat ,the vet didn’t want to give her anything, but I was afraid because of her age it would get worse. After a few days, I did insist she get an antibiotic (I am against giving them ,but felt in her case she needed to get on some. Is Ginger weezing?
    Best to call the vet. Watch her, possibly give her some warm broth to drink, I did that with Pepper and also gave her pedilite unflavored (sorry if I didn’t spell that correctly) .
    Good luck

    #66974 Report Abuse

    But I bet their noses don’t smash into the floor when they sneeze or look too far down with out lifting their heads some LOL

    She does not wheeze, and just a few months ago, not long after I brought her home, she got a brief exam and he said her heart and lungs sounded good. She was sneezing then, but nothing juicy ever came out when she did. She does snore, but then again, so does the cat, and two of the other dogs.

    #66975 Report Abuse

    Yep! Hannah does it all the time. She’s always done the reverse sneezing but she also does a lot of regular sneezing, usually 4 or 5 times in a row. When she starts doing it I’ll run and pick her up because she slams her nose, face, head so hard sometimes I wonder how she hasn’t knocked herself out or broken her nose. It’s not too bad if she’s on the rug but when she does it on the hardwood floors it’s scary. Anyway, so I just go running and pick her up. She continues to safely sneeze in my arms. But nothing is ever coming out of her nose. Just dry sneezing cause she is so low to the ground.

    #66976 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Short legged dogs are built low to the ground for a reason, to retrieve those crumbs and whatever else we drop onto the floor easily, lol. My short legged dog was the best at cleaning up after me. I hope Ginger is okay. 🙂

    #66977 Report Abuse

    Hi Akari, My dogs are big and they occasionally have sneezing “fits” where they sneeze 4 or 5 times in a row. They smack their faces off the floor too, it’s not just a little dog thing. I would be concerned if they had snot when they sneezed tho. It could be Kennel Cough or doggy flu. There is a lot of nasal discharge with Kennel Cough. Let us know what the Vet says. Hopefully your dog is feeling better soon. 🙂

    #66982 Report Abuse

    Dogs don’t have sinus allergies like people do. Any thick snot is something to pay attention to.

    #66984 Report Abuse

    Lily will often sneeze several times in a row, especially when she is exited, but since these sneezes are actually productive, I would agree that getting her checked out is a good idea. Hope everything is okay!

    #66994 Report Abuse

    Thanks guys! I will be calling first thing in the morning and setting an appointment for the afternoon 🙂 The comcast guy is coming some time between like 10 and 12 or something like that, and mom wants me to be there too, so we both know how to work out new router lol I tried to get out of it, but she wouldn’t let me, so vet appoint will have to be after that lol Will keep you guys updated!

    #66996 Report Abuse

    Technology is a blessing and a curse… 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Dog_Obsessed.
    #66999 Report Abuse

    Yes, this is our first wireless router in maybe 8 years? We haven’t had Internet at home since lol The first one we had was such a piece of junk. Would only work in certain spots of the house, would randomly shut off and not turn back on. Was such a hassle we just stopped having internet until we got smart phones a couple years ago lol

    #67000 Report Abuse

    Whoa, how did you post long things on DFA with a smartphone? Or did you go somewhere else?

    #67001 Report Abuse

    Fast typing and a liberal use of auto correct LOL

    #67002 Report Abuse

    Wow…Nice job!

    #67003 Report Abuse

    It takes skill lol

    #67049 Report Abuse

    Ok guys, we just got back from the vet!

    He knows money is an issue for us, so he doesn’t jump right away into tests or swabs or anything unless I ask for it, so he did a brief exam, took her temp, she allowed me to quickly lip each lip up so he could peek in at her teeth, and we are both (though he is reluctant to outright say so with out doing any tests) in agreement that is probably her mouth issues that are causing all this nose grossness. After some going back and forth, we decided on a week of Clavamox, and over the last few weeks I’ve finally worked mom into just getting the dental over with, so as soon as both our and vets schedules permit, she will be getting blood work and a dental with in the next several weeks. He also thinks she may have a little bit of a cold going on, which is why he insisted on at least a weeks worth of Clavamox. So, that’s that!

    Oh! We didn’t even have to put her muzzle on 🙂 She still put up a fight, especially when he stuck the thermometer up her butt, but she was pretty well behaved considering. Didn’t even try to bite the vet at all LOL

    #67054 Report Abuse

    Glad you got Ginger to the vet. I’m so glad you’re going to get her dental taken care of, I know you’ve mentioned the condition of her teeth often. She’ll be much more comfortable when her mouth issues are addressed and healthier too I’ll bet.

    Glad she didn’t have to be muzzled either. She’s come a long way since you first brought her into your home. Again, good job Akari!!! 🙂

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