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Dog Food Recalls – Let's Keep Up-To-Date

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  • #19613 Report Abuse

    If I missed another forum on Pet food recalls, please send the link and I can repost.

    I thought, since I did not see anything on DogFoodAdvisor today about the Natura Recall that maybe this site (&FB) would be helpful to keep up to date. This just issued today June 18th :



    Love your site & FB page! Thanks DFA!

    #19617 Report Abuse

    I sort of predicted recalls when they started selling Natura pet food at big box stores. Wonder what would happen if they stopped carrying it?

    #19636 Report Abuse

    I see it was just posted… great work!


    #19715 Report Abuse

    I had sent a previous suggestion to this website but I think it is worthy of discussion here in this forum. In order to help make informed decisions on which brand rates stars (note Natura and Innova have 5 star rating), it may be a more trust worthy site to include in the description of the product the number of recalls this product has had.
    I did not have a problem with this brand of dog food, though I feed primarily raw and cooked food – what I buy for myself, I feed to my dogs, before the acquisition by P&G in 2010. I don’t think it makes any difference whether this product is sold in a “big box store” (unless this store makes their own brand), I think it has to do with profits and shareholders, not consumers. The best run businesses put the consumer first, and the shareholders last. Let P&G know how you feel about this loss of trust.

    #22306 Report Abuse

    holistic health extension is the only food i cant find any recalls on. this is the only thing i feed my animals due to the no recalls and how healthy the food is for the dog

    #22319 Report Abuse

    You obviously have missed quite a number of foods.

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