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Diet for dog with IBD

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  • #23963 Report Abuse

    My 9 1/2 yr old irish wolfhound mix was diagnosed with IBD after numerous tests and a endoscopy 1 week ago. Just got the results back and they put him on prednisolone. He is also on Cipro, Sucralfate, pepcid ac tramadol and metoclopramide. He is not eating very well. I have tried many different canned foods (evo..wellness ..prescription gi ones from the vet) but he is picky also. I have also done home cooked and raw. The vet wants his belly to heal up before we do a allergy blood test to see if that is the cause. Im at my wits end trying to get him to eat.. any ideas?? He usually weighs 114.. last vet visit..102. So I’d like to get his weight up also.

    #23973 Report Abuse

    I have no idea what foods would work for him, but you could try adding coconut oil to his food to boost the calories.

    #24008 Report Abuse

    Every dog is different. My IBD dog does well on Abady granular and Victor ultra pro grain free. The Abady is high calorie and put the weight back on her quickly.

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