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Coconut oil Recommendation

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  • #74177 Report Abuse

    I was looking to buy a thing of coconut oil after doing some research on brands that are good, I found none to my likings. I seen several people say the Swansons has a weird chemical taste, I seen Nativa go moldy quickly. So anyone got any they’ve tried and is very good?

    #74180 Report Abuse

    Hi Chris-
    I’ve had good luck with the jar I bought at Trader Joe’s!

    #74183 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi Chris:
    I use Spectrum Unrefined Organic (Wal-Mart, grocery stores, drug stores, on-line) or Better Body Foods (BJ’s, on-line) Extra Virgin Organic coconut oils. I use both of these coconut oils for cooking as well as share with my zoo. I have never had any issues with flavor or shelf life with either product.

    #74186 Report Abuse

    The coconut oil that I use is Coco-Therapy. I’ve been using it for a long time, have gone through many jars, varying sizes, and have never had a problem with any of them. Oh, and it actually smells like coconuts. I use it myself also, not just for the dogs.

    #74204 Report Abuse

    I also use coco therapy. I used several others before finding this one and I love it.

    #74206 Report Abuse

    I use Nutiva all the time. I’ve never had an issue with mold. I have it on Amazon Subscribe and Save.

    #74212 Report Abuse

    I use Nature’s Way Extra Virgin Organic, pure and unrefined. I give to the girls but I use a lot more for myself in cooking since it smells and tastes like coconut. It may take a month to several months to use a jar and it always stays fresh tasting with no mold issues.

    #74225 Report Abuse

    The one I swear by is sold by Costco – $17.99 or so for a 54oz-jar! And it is pure, extra-virgin, organic, cold-pressed, unrefined, the whole shebang. Love it! We use it in my homemade products and to eat for us and Bruno, and on Bruno’s coat. It is called Carrington Farms.

    #74290 Report Abuse

    Wow, thanks everyone for all the recommendations! This will definitely help me out as I was having troubles finding other brands. 🙂

    #74295 Report Abuse

    i just picked up some at walmart. is it safe for cats? just wondering cuz she seems to love it. its the same one Naturella uses.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Pitlove.
    #74323 Report Abuse

    Great Pitlove 🙂

    In my other thread I had mentioned I was working on buying a bag of Orijen to try out. I found out non of my local pet stores sell it and nor can they get it in from there distributor apparently. I was thinking of just ordering it offline, can anyone recommend a place online that is decent and cheap? I tried chewy, but to me amazon has it cheaper then them. Chewy always seems to be more expensive.

    #74324 Report Abuse

    Chris, have you tried petflow.com and wag.com? They may have decent prices. Just open all 4 sites at once and compare the prices of Orijen.

    #74326 Report Abuse

    @pitlove – my understanding is that Coconut oil is great for cats too but I’d ask in the Cat food recommendations thread.

    #74391 Report Abuse

    Thanks Naturella for the other sites as I’ll check them out right now. I happened to bought another bag of Merricks Back Country for him for now.

    #74392 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey Chris:
    It always pays to compare prices from different sites! I order from Petflow frequently and have always been happy with their service and prices; their delivery is fast too. Even if you don’t order anything from them right now sign up for their e-mail alerts, they have pretty good one day sales that I take advantage of quite often!

    #74401 Report Abuse

    I second Bobby Dog – I get emails with deals ALL the time, sometimes I use them, sometimes I don’t. But it is always good to know! 🙂

    #74426 Report Abuse

    Hi Chris!
    Everyone here has given you some great advice. I’ve used several of the brands mentioned here. I’ve never had a problem with Nutiva and the company has great customer service when I called with questions. I’ve used the Costco brand, Nature’s Way, Barleans and PLNT (I think it’s Vitamin Shoppes brand). Just make sure it’s unrefined and virgin. I looked up Virgin vs Extra Virgin before I bought coconut oil and that seems to just be a marketing term.

    Pitlove, Here are a couple of links about coconut oil for cats:



    I’ve had really good luck with petfow and wag. A lot of people like chewy but I haven’t used them yet.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by C4D.
    #76401 Report Abuse
    Linda M

    I have used Nutiva on both my GSD for over a year and never had a problem. Course they go thru a jar pretty fast.

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