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  • #36045 Report Abuse

    I know that the unrefined/organic/extra virgin/cold pressed is the best out there, but face it – dang it’s expensive! Do any of you gurus know of the best stores/brands to get coconut oil? Honestly, I’d be content with just unrefined oil. I’ve looked a bit online, but I really get sick of having to pay “50$ or more” or “be an exclusive club member” to get free shipping.

    Right now, all we have is that dirt-cheap stuff from Walmart….it’s so processed though, the only thing it’s good for is replacing the butter in popcorn (as I’m lactose intolerant). It’d probably benefit my dogs just as much to add a tablespoon of water instead of that stuff…

    #36050 Report Abuse

    I’ve heard Costco has a big tub of Nutiva brand coconut oil at a great price. Check out Nutiva.com and wait for their 1 gallon to come back in stock. It’s free shipping on orders over $30.

    #36051 Report Abuse

    It is a 78 ounce jug of Nutiva at Costco for $22.99. I guess that would be just under 5 lbs. Kind of a weird size, but a great price!

    #36053 Report Abuse

    Ah yes, I just found that brand. Win win for sure! Ah I wish Costco was closer than 2hrs. Now I’ve got to stock up on their dry food, canned food, AND coconut oil next time I go (better start saving!).

    #36055 Report Abuse

    Vitacost has free shipping over $49 and 54 oz coconut oil for 21.99


    #36057 Report Abuse

    My reply disappeared. This is a duplicate.

    Vitacost has 54 oz coconut oil for $21.99. Free shipping at $49.


    #36059 Report Abuse

    Oh yes, I keep bringing up Costco and forget that you live so far away. Sorry!!!!

    #36065 Report Abuse

    crazy4cats: no no, that’s totally fine. I’m in a bad place LOL! We have a couple little pet/feed-type stores (the Mini Pet Mart has a whole wall of tobacco as well…because everyone goes to a pet store to buy their cigs, right?…), then we have Walmart and Fred Meyer, and you have to drive an hour or two for pet co/smart, Costco, etc.
    But maaan that Costco coconut oil is a good deal compared to 10-20$ for a tiny jar at Walmart…

    #36066 Report Abuse

    Hi Shasta, this isnt about where u can buy coconut oil BUT are ur dogs medium to big dogs that love to play with anything, Buy them a full coconut, I read about it on a F/B Staffy site how the lady buys her boy a coconut to play with & he plays for hours trying to bite it open to get the juice & coconut out…a healthy treat & toy..

    #36075 Report Abuse

    My first ventures in both coconut oil and coconut butter were from TJ Maxx. My next coconut oil will be the big jar from Costco. Coconut butter I find at a decent price in Kroger. I also only use unrefined (most important criteria), extra-virgin, and cold-pressed. If possible, organic. If not, meh. I put it in my coffee and in Bruno’s food every other day.

    But I want to follow this thread and see if there are other options. I may try the whole coconut thing too and let Bruno play with it and then break it and share with him! I LOVE coconut in any shape or form, y’all have no idea… Especially as a raw fruit. NOM! 🙂

    #36099 Report Abuse

    I find good quality CO at Sprouts here in the West Coast — I live in Los Angeles— My understanding is to simply find unrefined organic virgin coconut oil. The jar is about $5. Nutriva (sp?) is a bit pricier than store brands such as Sprouts. I do not buy the CO that I use for my family and my pup on the cosmetic section.

    Susie eats a tablespoon of CO, she loves that stuff and I’d like to think her coat is shiny and fab because of it!

    #36122 Report Abuse

    Kvee, I don’t think we have Sprouts here in GA. But the Kroger coconut butter (brand is MaraNatha) was a good price. The coconut oil from TJ Maxx was from their food aisle and the brand is Sonoma Harvest.

    I also like to think that Bruno’s great (soft and shiny) coat is in large due to his grain-free diet and coconut oil intake. So go you and go Susie too! 🙂 This stuff really helps! 🙂

    #36123 Report Abuse

    I’m not sure if our dogs would have patience to mess with a coconut. They are 40-70lb, but only the smallest guy would have any possible desire for it. My 50lb boy, Shasta….seriously that dog is a crack up! I bought them a brain teaser toy (they have to pull the blocks off to find the food), and Loki figured it out instantly. Shasta just sniffed it and didn’t even try-“nope! I am much too lazy to work for my food. I’ll happily do tricks, but actually get the food myself? No thanks!”

    I might get brave one day though and roll a coconut out to them to see what happens.

    #36415 Report Abuse

    I found a brand at Costco called Carrington Farms, the 54 oz jar was only $17, it’s been few months since I’ve gotten it, so not sure if they still stock it. Worth checking though.

    #36497 Report Abuse

    I bought two big containers of organic extra virgin coconut oil when we finally went to Costco (my grandmother lives nearby, and I had to take her to a cataract surgery. Figured since were all the way out with her, better kill two birds with one stone and get to Costco!). They were (I think) 78oz, 23$ each. Huge win-win, since the organic coconut oil nearby is $18 for only 20oz!

    Starting the dogs on it gradually. I’m also mixing some into my older cat’s canned food, since it obviously couldn’t do any harm, and I hope it helps some with her icky teeth.

    I REALLY hoped Millie (my ultra picky cat who has some nutrient deficiency due to the pickiness…) would eat it and get some extra nutrition. She loves the refined stuff, but totally refused the organic, of course! -_-

    So one more question on it: IS there any benefits in the refined coconut oil? (This is the kind w/o hydrogenated oils) If there’s at least a little nutrition left in there, then I’ll still give it to her. Possibly I can try to sneak the organic oil by adding about 5:1 refined to unrefined…

    #36498 Report Abuse

    Refined coconut oil has been bleached, and deodorized. Unrefined is extracted from fresh coconut meat rather than dried. Unrefined has the most phytonutrients or phytochemicals ( chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants), I personally do not use Refined CO.

    #36499 Report Abuse

    Yes, I know how they’re made, but I’m just wondering if /any/ nutrients are left in refined, as my cat refuses to eat the unrefined…

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