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Allergies and Yeast
- This topic has 13 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago by
darren j.
Charles B
MemberWe have a foster Golden Retreiver, that we just recently adopted.
He came to us in the June timeframe with a skin infection, and ear infections. Yeast present on his skin and ears.
He came to us on Kirkland Signature Chicken dogfood. We switched him cold turkey to Fromm Salmon as our other dog was on it (and they only gave us 4 cups of his old food.) We got put on an anti fungal medication, ear rinsing, ear drops, a powder for his tummy, and some cleaning wipes for 3 weeks. At the end he was all cleared up. We continued to work on his diet as it was still an apparent issued. We tried Fromm Weight Management (fish) and had awful results. He was horrifically itchy to the point of gnawing and needing a cone. We tried Pro Plan Skin Sensitivity Salmon and had an improvement, but it did not settle with his GI. We had an alergy shot and tried several different allergy meds. No luck. We got Apoquel – this worked, and after being on it for a month we backed off. During this time when we backed off, we did more diet adjusting.
Finally we tried Zignature Kangaroo – bingo. Perfect. Minor itches, no digging at his face, chewing his groin etc. Also tried Zignature Venison – ok”ish”, when we got to the end of the bag we were itching.
On the 1st of the month we give our dogs their nexguard. On the 3rd of the month we took him to the vet for licking his rear left foot toe #2-3 raw. Had a bacterial infection near the nail (we had assumed it was a foot injury that he licked over over 1-2 days.) He got an antibiotic, cleaning wipes, and powder.
On the last day of the month we gave him nexguard again and guess what… we are back to a “sick foot” again. So we think we might be allergic to something in the pill and are looking at other options.
But going back to the vet on the 2nd of the month, he shows he has yeast on his paw, and he has started digging at his face again.
I really dont want to put him back on Apoquel until we get his skin issues figured out again.
SO now we are on the Zignature Kangaroo, cleaning the foot daily, and the vet is offering another round of anti-fungal meds.
What else can we do?
MemberSounds like environmental allergies, there is no cure, however there is effective treatment.
It’s not cheap, why do you think the dog was given up,
Make an appointment with a veterinary dermatologist, asap.
Zignature is a good food, but, food can only do so much and has no effect on environmental allergies.
Per the search engine here /forums/search/environmental+allergies/
See my postsIf you donât have good results within a reasonable amount of time, or the symptoms have been going on for 1 year/ 4 seasons without significant relief or the symptoms are severe.
I would ask for a referral to a veterinary dermatologist. There is a BIG difference between a regular veterinarian and a veterinary specialist.
PS: I went back and forth for a year, tried more than one vet with poor results regarding my dog with allergies.
Got positive results after 1 visit with a veterinary dermatologist.
I will cut to the chase, it will cost about $600 to $800 for initial testing, diagnosis, and to begin treatment. Maintenance runs about $1000 a year, ballpark figures based on my dog’s diagnosis and treatment.
If this is not within your means talk to your vet about other treatment options.
There is always the chance that your dog’s allergies are mild, the first step is to get an accurate diagnosis for your dog’s skin condition.anonymous
MemberPS: The fact that the dog had a positive response to Apoquel is diagnostic.
Apoquel is prescribed for environmental allergies, not food allergies which are rare.
Talk to your vet.Susan
ParticipantHi Charles,
are you using a medicated shampoo like “Malaseb Medicated shampoo” ? the Malaseb shampoo kills the yeast on skin & paws & can be used daily, also puts moisture back into the skin paws etc, my boy gets the same yeasty paws, skin ears etc Malaseb is excellent ask vet or sold on Amazon, my boy has food sensitivities & seasonal environment allergies, the 2 normally go together, I did food elimintaion diet & worked out what foods he’s sensitive too. Have you looked into feeding a RAW diet?? alot of these dogs do heaps better when the kibble is stopped & feed either freeze dried raw or pre made raw diet…A really good facebook group to join that has a Dermatologist “Karen Helton Rhodes” is calleed “Dog Issues. Allergies & other information Support Group” Karen also runs her own site called “Canine Skin Solutions”
Another thing I use is creams every night I check Patches paws, around his mouth & the white fur above this left eye & if it looks red & is itchy I apply Hydrocortisone 1% cream that Patches vet recommend I use, I also get a cotten tip & put the Hydrocortisone cream inbetween his paws & pads, then when he wakes in the morning his paws skin around mouth is all clear & pink not red then I use “Sudocrem” its for Dermatitis, Eczema, Nappy Rash, Pressure Sores, the Sudocrem acts as a barrier & protects the skin & paws from environment allergies, it’s excellent, if you live America look on Amazon & Ebay….These’s a new drug made by the same makers that make awful Aqopuel, it’s called “Cytopoint” injections, works in a different way to how Apoquel works
Cytopoint injections blocks the receptors where Apoquel blocks the reaction from the allergen receptors, Apoquel doesn’t work on yeast problems. There’s suppose to be less to no side effects & people are saying Cytopoint is the new mircale drug & they have itch free dog now… if you join the Dog Issues, Allergies & Other Information Support group you can learn more, a few people use the Cytopoint injection thru Spring & Summer months then stop thru the cooler months when the evironment allergies arent bad.I have found giving weekly baths using the creams & a diet high in Omega 3 fatty acids I’m keeping Patches allergies under control & make sure he’s not eating any foods he’s senstivie too I also rotate his foods so he’s not eating the same diet 24/7, I found Patch started to react more when he just ate the same kibble 24/7 especially with his IBD,
my boy also has IBD brought on from food senstivities….
I feed “Taste Of The Wild” Sierra Mountain Roasted Lamb & look at “Canidae” Pure formulas the Pure Sea & Pure Sky is suppose to be really good for dogs with Allergies its high in Omega 3 fatty acids, I rotate & feed the Canidae Pure Wild Boar cause the fat & protein is a bit lower then the Pure Sea, Patch does well on Lamb, Pork & Kangaroo, feed him some chicken & he starts itching within 20mins & carrots make his ears itch then yeasty smell ears..
There’s Dr B’s Barf Kangaroo Raw, its Australian but its sold in America you could do 1 meal raw the other meal kibble.. put the cream on those paws & watch them stop itching..anonymous
Member@ Charles B
Please do not apply anything to the skin or give over the counter meds intended for humans or give supplements unless instructed to do so by a veterinarian that has examined the dog.
You could make things much worse and increase the risk of infection.Paula M
MemberHi, my first post , I have a senior Akita 13 yrs old for a year now I can’t get rid of yeast in one of her ears, one is spotless the other treated the same for 9 months is still a problem . The vet suggested a hydrolysed protein prescription diet. My question is would it be bad to try it out in the meantime have her allergy blood test done before starting a new diet . and try to isolate the ingredient that she reacts to .
Positive screening for yeast no bacteria was done . Is there an alternative in the healthy wet food that would suit a yeasty dog. Low carbs , no potatoe grains or veg that has carbs . I’m going to give her oregano ,minerals, coconut oil Vit k omega oil and a few others . Has anyone had success without a prescription diet . Or anyone had good results from prescription diets. T tree oil belly bath when she licks herself she leaves red stain behind . She’ was treated for infection and daily ear wash’s .im trying witch hazel peroxide and vinager to clean her ears and make a rinse for in the bath not all at one mind . I know she’s had enough of a sore ear I went private using every penny I could find as the PDSA. Only helped up to a point . Thank you please help me help her 🐾Paula M
MemberOops !!! Yeast was found and only yeast typo above for Akita with yeast problem she never had it before all her life .
ParticipantHi Paula,
do NOT use the Hydro Peroxide, Tea Tree oil or Witch hazel Oil these all will irritate the dogs skin more & are very TOXIC, she’s 13yrs old, her Immune System probably not as strong as it once was when she was younger… Please read what I’ve posted above in another post what to use & do, the Malaseb medicated shampoo is an anti fungal shampoo that kills yeast & bacterica on skin & paws & the creams will bring relief & stop the itchy skin trust me… Hydrocortisone 1% cream cost about $7 at Walmart & look for a thick white nappy rash cream in the baby section at supermarket if you cant get teh Sudocrem from Amazon this also will help her skin…
Do you shop at Costco? look for Kirkland Signature, Nature Domain, Turkey & Pea wet canned/tin food & start feeding her this & start buying tin salmon in spring water, Adli’s sell Salmon in spring water & add with some boiled sweet potato for another meal, the Salmon is high in Omega 3 fatty acids whats needed in her diet, also give a dog Probiotic to help strengthen her Immune System or Kefir slowly introduce the Kefir to her diet daily if you can’t get a dog probiotic…That’s a myth spread on the internet that starchy carbs like potatoes, rice, oats etc causes yeasty ears, skin & paws in dogs, yeast only happens if the dog is sensitive to an ingredient he/she’s eating then yes they will get yeasty ears, skin & paws here’s the link below written by a Dermatologist Karen Helton Rhodes.. go on her Face Book page called
“Canine Skin Solutions” ask her questions she’s a Dermatologist..
Please click & read this link below, it tells you about all the “Myths & Fact about Yeast Dermatitis In Dogs” & how Witch Hazel, Tree Oil & Peroxide are all very TOXIC when used on dogs, you can smell that they’re toxic so the smell would be 10 times stronger for a dog… baths are the best to do, bath twice a week then weekly when she starts getting better baths relieve the itchy skin & wash off any allergens that’son the skin & paws & I use creams, creams bring instant relief to red irratated itchy skin, my vet recommended I use these creams on Patch as he couldnt take alot of the medications that are given to itchy dogs also I’d rather apply a cream then give any drugs to my boy, he’s 9 yrs old in Novemeber & he’s in excellent condition for a 9 yr old dog, beautiful shinny coat, white teeth no tarter, acts like a young pup, he has NO arthritis yet, so I must be doing something right, when I rescued him he was 1 big mess, it was awful the condition he was in..
Member@ Paula M
For the best testing and treatment options consult a veterinary dermatologist.
Allergies are complicated. You need the expertise of a specialist. Intra-dermal skin testing is the only accurate way to identify environmental allergies.In the meantime, if seeing a veterinary dermatologist is not an option right now, I would work closely with your vet, diet recommendations and all.
However, the symptoms you describe often indicate environmental allergies, food allergies are rare.There are new treatments available now. Have you asked your vet about Apoquel? Cytopoint? Prescription shampoo? Prescription ear drops?
Often prednisone and such meds are necessary for brief periods to stop the suffering the dog is experiencing, give the dog’s system a rest and decrease the risk of infection.Do not apply anything to her skin or use homemade remedies to treat her ears unless your vet has prescribed or approved. You could make the infection much worse.
/forums/search/environmental+allergies/ (see my posts)Charles B
MemberOur dog was actually given the Cytopoint shot and it only lasted for about 2 weeks, after which we started using Apoquel.
The interesting thing about the Apoquel, as long as its in his system he is fine. Even only 8mg works fine and he weighs 75lbs.
The vet has issued us another month of anti fungal medication (its cheap.) We feel that the antibiotics for his foot could have caused the flash of yeast afterwards so we are going this route first.
Also got a refil on the Apoquel for when we have bad days.
We have been using a medicated shampoo weekly on him, sadly this week is been raining non stop so he hasnt gotten a bath this week. I did pick up some Zymox shampoo and their new rinse which a neighbor recommended.
Member@ Charles B
Two weeks without pruritus is excellent (regarding the Cytopoint), next time the effects may last up to a month, or more. There are no miracle cures.
Continue the Apoquel if you find that works best.I bathe my allergy dog every other day, even though her allergies are under control.
However, I only need to use a mild gentle puppy shampoo, also, Malaseb about once a week.
Malaseb is better than Zymox, ask your vet. Entirely Pets dot com has some good prices on the Malaseb.
Get the 1/2 gallon jug and call it a day!
PS: I have found that keeping the hair trimmed short helps, well groomed, easier to spot sores and rashes. Give the dog a buzz cut about every 2 or 3 months. #5 blade for the body, #10 blade for legs/paws , careful around the face and ears, tail, behind.
If you can afford routine a routine groomer, even better.
However, you may want to avoid vaccines other than what is required by law, due to your dogs allergies.Susan
ParticipantHi Charles,
Rain makes Patches paws worse, they go real red inbetween the toes & pads, this is when I apply more of the “Sudocrem” it works as a barrier & protects his paws & repells the rain water… how’s your dog paws been going with all the rain?? make sure when he comes back inside I have a small bath towel near the front door & I dry off Patches paws..I would have purserved with the “Cytopoint” injections Cytopoint might be a bit more expensive but in the long run the Cytopoint will be better health wise, also the longer the dog is having Cytopoint injection the longer time in between the dog needs another Cytopoint injection, at first some dogs need a Cytopoint injection every 2 weeks now they only need a Cytopoint injection every 2months & stopped thru te Winter months… it’s the same with Flea Chews & oral flea meds like Comfortis the longer these dogs take these fleas chews then they do not need to take it monthly or every 3rd month as the drug builds up & stays in the dogs system longer like Bravecto flea chew (I would NEVER use) Bravecto is suppose to work for 3months, when dogs have become really sick after taking Bravecto the dogs have had blood test & the Bravecto drug was still in the dogs system 7-9months later, Nexgard is probably the same, just see, when your boy is due for his monthly Nexgard chew don’t give it till the next month, I bet you it will work the same, in Winter stop thru the Winter months give his body a break, my boy has IBD & is VERY sensitive to most drugs my vet tells me less is best when giving any toxic medications, she said these companies know the flea chews last longer then the recommended time but they don’t want their customers to know this as they’d go out of business….
MemberHi Paula,
The first step would be to try the hydrolyzed protein diet. This will give you a lot of information-if she improves, you will know you are dealing with a food sensitivity and if she does not, then something else is causing the problems. Changing the diet at any time will not cause any changes in the allergy blood testing.My girl used to get bad yeast infections in one of her ears, and it was a strain that did not respond well to antibiotic ear drops the vet prescribed. The vet and I decided to try a different approach and to use Zymox Otic, and that cleared the yeast infection up immediately. Chewy sells Zymox Otic with or without hydrocortisone. My vet suggested that we start with hydrocortisone since we were dealing with soreness and redness and then after the redness went away I switched to the plain Zymox Otic. I now use the Zymox Ear Cleanser rather than what I was buying from the vet-seems to work better and is more gentle.
darren j
MemberThrough the years we have had issues with yeast (licking paws excessively, red sore paws, itching ears, red inside ears, black stinky stuff inside ears, sores on belly and moreso in groin area, our first attempt at solving this was repeated trips to vet (antibiotics, oatmeal wash, anti-microbial shampoos, scraping for mites, trying just about every dog food out there from cheap to high dollar, grain free to organic so on and so on, what we found is that some dogs can eat just about any dog food out there and be just fine but other dogs are more adversely effected by the non meat products in the dog food and once they develop the yeast it can take awhile sometimes up to 1 to 3 months to clear it up, we found that zymox helps for the ears, coconut oil helps for paws, also keeping the dogs from getting wet (wet conditions help to breed yeast), but these are just like bandaids and do not eliminate the underlying problem and through years of trial, error, experimenting and research we have found the problem is THE FOOD, and that when a dogfood says its 26 or even 30 percent it is not telling you how much of that 26 or 30 percent protein is coming from meat and how much of that is coming from other sources like grains, veggies(peas) or other non-meat items, and one of the reasons the more expensive grain free foods can make it worse is because peas carry a large amount of protien and many of those foods are loaded with peas, and just just because meat is the first ingredient does not necessarily mean that there is more meat than grain or other stuff (example 30% meat, 25% potato, 20% peas, 15% percent beets = a dog food that is 30% meat and 60% grain/veggie/starches but still is allowed to put meat as the number one ingredient and list the protein at 26% but actually half of that protein is coming from non-meat sources which turn to sugar in the dogs system and promote yeast, the only food we have found so far that has cleared this up is Victor Hi-Pro Plus (I am not a Victor salesperson by the way nor do I work for Victor or any affiliate), this food actually tells you on the front of the bag how much of the protein comes from meat and how much comes from other sources(there is at least one other brand of dog food that tells you this but I don’t remember the brand), it would be nice if every dog food had to do this because then we would have a better idea about which dog foods would be best for yeast sensitive dogs, we have also fed raw to clear this up as well but if your going to feed raw I highly suggest you research that thoroughly, as we have had a blockage caused by feeding to much weight bearing bone at once, and I believe you are supposed to freeze the meat for days before thawing and feeding there are also many other things to know before feeding raw, and a whole chapter could be written on the pros, cons and different aspects of to raw or not to raw.
disclaimer…I am not a vet, this is only from experience with our own dogs here at badlands kennels, so I am sure we only know a little about dog health, but we love all dogs so if this info can help to make any of your furry family members happy and more comfortable then job well done. -
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