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Good dog food for almost 16 year old with elevated liver enzymes and beg kindey
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Futsum Abraham on Cane Corso lipomas
Evans Shane on Badlands Ranch Superfood Complete
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Rachael Baum on Supplement recommendations for Cushing’s Disease?
Victor Renaud on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Emma Monty on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Mike Killion on symptoms worsen on hypoallergenic
Mozelle Koss on Your recommended brands
Mozelle Koss on Expiration on kibble question
Adam Bee on Hip and Joint supplements
Barb Conway on Acid Reflux
Adam Bee on Need feeding advice please
Lewis F on Hip and Joint supplements
Shannon May on Nitrate content of Farmland Traditions Chicken Jerky treats?
thew dental on High quality food that will help my dog lose weight and not poop so much?
Reply To: No Hide Chews
Here is an update on Wanda and her NO-HIDE chew.
Having a sick dog while away from home (and our family vet), in itself, is very stressful.
Our $5 NO-CHEW has now gone over $300 with vet bills.
The vet did a test for Giardia. None found.
The vet put Wanda on a second round of metronidazole and added Purina’s probiotics.
Things are better but not resolved.
Because of this experience, I bought a food processor and a dehydrator.
From here on out, my dogs are getting nothing that I would not eat myself.
I have decided to cook (not raw) for my dogs. I will be making their dog food and treats using human grade products.
As a matter of fact, the slices of dehydrated chicken breast is so good, I have to make extra for the dogs (smile) because I eat it too.
As a side note: Earth Animal representatives, in their emails, appeared to be very concerned about the welfare of my dog UNTIL I let them know I was aware of the class action lawsuit. Since then I have not heard another word from them.
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
Yvonne H.
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Acid Reflux
Sarah S
3 weeks, 5 days ago -
Hip and Joint supplements
Judy R
3 weeks, 5 days ago -
Innovations in pet care
Troy Lex
1 month ago -
Good dog food for almost 16 year old with elevated liver enzymes and beg kindey
Kelly S
2 months ago -
Discounts & On Sale Items for Dog Supplies
Emma Monty
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Recent Replies
Futsum Abraham on Cane Corso lipomas
Evans Shane on Badlands Ranch Superfood Complete
Victor Renaud on Food mix recommendations and homemade food book recommendations?
Rachael Baum on Supplement recommendations for Cushing’s Disease?
Victor Renaud on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Emma Monty on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Mike Killion on symptoms worsen on hypoallergenic
Mozelle Koss on Your recommended brands
Mozelle Koss on Expiration on kibble question
Adam Bee on Hip and Joint supplements
Barb Conway on Acid Reflux
Adam Bee on Need feeding advice please
Lewis F on Hip and Joint supplements
Shannon May on Nitrate content of Farmland Traditions Chicken Jerky treats?
thew dental on High quality food that will help my dog lose weight and not poop so much?