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Acid Reflux
Sarah S
3 weeks, 3 days ago -
Hip and Joint supplements
Judy R
3 weeks, 2 days ago -
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Troy Lex
1 month ago -
Good dog food for almost 16 year old with elevated liver enzymes and beg kindey
Kelly S
1 month, 4 weeks ago -
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Emma Monty
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Recent Replies
Victor Renaud on Food mix recommendations and homemade food book recommendations?
Rachael Baum on Supplement recommendations for Cushing’s Disease?
Victor Renaud on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Emma Monty on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Mike Killion on symptoms worsen on hypoallergenic
Mozelle Koss on Your recommended brands
Mozelle Koss on Expiration on kibble question
Adam Bee on Hip and Joint supplements
Barb Conway on Acid Reflux
Adam Bee on Need feeding advice please
Lewis F on Hip and Joint supplements
Shannon May on Nitrate content of Farmland Traditions Chicken Jerky treats?
thew dental on High quality food that will help my dog lose weight and not poop so much?
thew dental on Innovations in pet care
Bruce Graham on Hip and Joint supplements
Reply To: Diet for as dog with Cushing’s Disease
My dog had increased liver numbers and was diagnosed with possible Cushing’s not too long ago. We started a few supplements suggested by our vet and decided to hold off on the drugs. Since we started the supplements ( her thirst and her pot belly seem to be a little better. We’re giving her the Cushing’s one and the Liver Kit. The vet said that if we can get her liver numbers down and manage her symptoms, we may not need to start her on Vetoryl. The supplement company gave us some food suggestions too and our dog really likes it. She is a big dog with a few other things going on, so it may not be right for your Bichon, but you should try reaching out to Ask Ariel. We go back to the vet in a few weeks for another follow-up, but for now, It seems like our girl is feeling pretty good.
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Acid Reflux
Sarah S
3 weeks, 3 days ago -
Hip and Joint supplements
Judy R
3 weeks, 2 days ago -
Innovations in pet care
Troy Lex
1 month ago -
Good dog food for almost 16 year old with elevated liver enzymes and beg kindey
Kelly S
1 month, 4 weeks ago -
Discounts & On Sale Items for Dog Supplies
Emma Monty
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Recent Replies
Victor Renaud on Food mix recommendations and homemade food book recommendations?
Rachael Baum on Supplement recommendations for Cushing’s Disease?
Victor Renaud on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Emma Monty on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Mike Killion on symptoms worsen on hypoallergenic
Mozelle Koss on Your recommended brands
Mozelle Koss on Expiration on kibble question
Adam Bee on Hip and Joint supplements
Barb Conway on Acid Reflux
Adam Bee on Need feeding advice please
Lewis F on Hip and Joint supplements
Shannon May on Nitrate content of Farmland Traditions Chicken Jerky treats?
thew dental on High quality food that will help my dog lose weight and not poop so much?
thew dental on Innovations in pet care
Bruce Graham on Hip and Joint supplements