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  • #55640 Report Abuse

    BCnut, do you feed sprouted or fermented chicken feed sometimes? I ended up at gardenbetty.com and she even has her own feed recipe and ferments (and has two pugs as well).


    And I’ve recently found Natureswildbirdfood.com for cheaper mealworms and mixed bugs.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by pugmomsandy.
    #55653 Report Abuse

    This is completely unrelated to dog food or chickens, but does anyone know what the difference between “member” and “participant” is?

    #55654 Report Abuse

    Hm. I dunno.

    #55655 Report Abuse

    I believe, if memory serves me, that we are members and the participants are on Mike’s staff. I think anyway. Sounds plausible to me but as I said, that’s what I think I’m remembering.

    #55656 Report Abuse

    Thanks, that would make sense. Also, Hound Dog Mom is marked as a “moderator,” so it seems there is that role also.

    #55658 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Sorry to read about your ferret. He clearly had a wonderful life with you and your family.

    #55661 Report Abuse

    Hi Sandy

    I have fed my chickens fermented foods and sprouted grains, but not fermented and/ or sprouted chicken food. I don’t feed very much chicken food. I’ll have to look into Nature’s Wild Bird Food, that looks promising.

    Thanks everyone. You guys are the best!

    #55692 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Patty, so sorry for your loss. I agree with Dori, what a nice gentle way to go. I know he was a lucky little guy to have you in his life.
    On another note, thanks everyone for the chicken posts, I laughed out loud a couple of times.

    #55722 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    BCN, you may need to email me about the ***** ban, it must have been before I joined and I don’t want to do/say anything I’m not supposed to. When/if you ever have a free minute, that is!

    #55934 Report Abuse

    Was the ban lifted again today? Testing: Brothers.

    Edit: Yup!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Dog_Obsessed.
    #55949 Report Abuse

    You saw the thread with that in the title? When it was posted, it showed up with the astericks, later the words showed up.

    #55951 Report Abuse

    Hey, all!

    So… Something completely unrelated to dog food, I am about to do the single biggest, most important, and most psychologically and emotionally taxing thing in my entire life so far, on Friday night, and I was wondering if you all can send some prayers/good wishes my and my family’s way?

    In case you are curious, it is not childbirth, but I imagine that that is pretty life-changing too… Our is “planned” for 2017, but who knows what will happen when anymore… But if you’re extra curious, you can ask about this, I am probably sometimes unreasonably open about this particular issue, so I don’t mind sharing, but I don’t want to burden you all with it upfront, lol.

    Anyway… Thanks so much in advance!

    #55954 Report Abuse

    Alek: HUH? I guess I’m asking. What’s up???? You and your family will be in my thoughts, but about what I’d like to know.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Dori.
    #55956 Report Abuse

    Hey BC! What’s up with the ban and the asterisks, etc. about BC, not you the BC nut BC but the other BC. Jeesh! It’s getting hard to keep up. Are you talking about the thread where someone asked whether they had tried that particular food and you and I posted positive answers and then someone posting nothing good in between your post and mine? What’s up???? Shoot me off an email and let me know what’s up? I wondered why it didn’t get deleted right away when the name came up.

    #55959 Report Abuse

    @BCnut Yup! I saw the topic.

    @Naturella Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, I hope everything turns out okay. 🙂

    #55960 Report Abuse

    Naturella, hugs and all the rest to you! Hang in there, and everything will be fine in the end 🙂

    #55962 Report Abuse

    Of course we want to know what is going on!!! If it’s too private, and this really isn’t an appropriate place, I still expect an email!

    Yes, Dori, I was talking about that thread. I have no idea why the astericks have gone away and the words have come back. Maybe it’s because the troll didn’t show up, just the regular haters. Either way, I’m not posting something that will attract the troll.

    #55968 Report Abuse

    Divine Intervention, lol, just when I was about to send the story, the internet died!!! Lol.

    I’m okay for now, guys, and I plan to be. I have it all typed up and will send it as soon as possible, but it’s on my computer and I am on my phone right now. Thank you, everyone, Dori, BCnut, Akari and Dog_Obsessed! I feel the love and the good vibes!

    #55969 Report Abuse

    Hahaha, it’s like the Internet says:


    Glad everything is ok 🙂

    #55970 Report Abuse

    Akari, exactly. Internet is still down, working on ressucitation.

    #55971 Report Abuse

    Apparently there is a Comcast outage. So great. Not. We dislike Comcast wholeheartedly. So much.

    I will send you all the story, just probably not tonight… sorry for the delay. And if we do go off topic, I will still post it… or email you individually if heated discussion is going on on here.

    #55972 Report Abuse

    Oh man! That sucks. Hope it comes back on soon.

    Don’t worry about going off topic, I’m pretty sure this hole thread is for off topic randomness lol

    #55973 Report Abuse

    God Almighty, it is back. Take two.

    Personal story of my life, made as short as possible:

    I am an only child of an overprotective and codependent mother who “lives for me” (and, I think, vicariously through me). She is a lawyer not by choice – after the fall of Communism in Bulgaria she was forced to become one to survive (financially), so she is professionally damaged from defending criminals (law back then over there was not divided by field as it is here), who have also threatened her with my safety/life to get what they need in defense terms. I was mostly raised by my maternal grandparents from age 8 months to 16 years, when I moved in with my parents. I still saw my parents most evenings and spent most weekends and parts of the summer holidays with them. My maternal grandparents never truly liked nor accepted my dad and now that my grandfather is gone, and my grandma being disabled, my mom has to balance between work and the two households, when living together is not a healthy option (either my dad will kill my grandma or vice versa, lol. Hopefully figuratively).

    I have been raised with a lot (for my country and culture) of American influence – Cartoon Network since age 6, MTV, Vh1 (not American, I know, oh well), American Girl Magazine, National Geographic, American penpals and chat pals, American movies, TV shows, Disney, music, and my mom’s American (Bulgarian Jews who escaped in WWII and came to live in the US) clients (for some real estate stuff in Bulgaria, not criminal clients), all of which happened since age 8 to age 18. I have always been groomed to come here to get my higher education, which I am doing, but I feel that my upbringing prepared me well and made it easy for me to adapt to the US and feel like I fit in well.

    Now… In my country we don’t really have people of different races. I have only briefly met in person one black person before I came to the US. We have had and still have Roma (gypsies), who are of darker skin and generally discriminated against. Nowadays we have about 10 black and mixed people in my hometown. Maybe some more in other cities, plus some Syrian refugees. Anyway. I never knew I would, but I met and I fell in love with a black man here (of Caribbean descent). My mom let it pass as ok in the beginning, then about 8 months or so later she told me I need to break it off because neither my family (WHOLE family), neither anyone else, anywhere (not even in the US) would accept this, nor our children, we will both be discriminated against and suffer (and our children too). This happened in late May, 2010. Since then, not only did I not break up with the man, but I introduced him (virtually) to most of my friends and family in Bulgaria, who seem to like him and really want to meet him. I have met his family who seems to like/love me, and whom I love. My Mom has met him twice for about 5 minutes each time, and my Dad met him too and we three (without my mom) went to a sports bar. Dad and Brian had a good ole time. 🙂 Also, my Mom has said this about him: “I am sure that he is a wonderful person because I did not raise you to be with someone who isn’t.” I have also heard ALL kinds of other words from my mother’s mouth including how she would pity our kids if God forbid we have them; how I will LOSE my WHOLE family if I choose to be with him (to which I always respond that that would be their choice and it doesn’t have to happen like this, but to deaf ears it falls), how our relationship is imminently doomed as she reads statistics on that and sees what happens to two examples she has (both of bad relationships between Bulgarian women and men of another race and/or culture) and, the best one – how she has thought about even hurting herself at the thought of my imminent doom if I were to ever connect my life with a man of another race and/or culture, and how I will know she was right but she would be long gone by the time I realize it. In the meantime, I have begun living with this man (in 2012, but I only told her in January 2014, and her reaction was expected yet scary), I got engaged and married to this man.

    Now… I want to try my chance at building a better, healthier relationship with my Mom (parents) and Grandma while they’re still alive, so I want to tell them the truth – that I got married, they did not know, nor were they invited, and I just hope that in time they will all learn to accept my decision and us as a family. And I hope to overall build a better, adult-like, honest and trusting relationship (but with boundaries) with my mom and wean her off of her codependency, if possible… But all of this will take time.

    So, this is the gist of it. I plan to do it on Friday night – the end of my birth month. Just feels like it’s time.

    Thank you all, again!

    #55974 Report Abuse

    Thanks for sharing this, I’m sure it was not easy. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

    Maybe the internet is bogged down because of the word series? Just a thought. 🙂

    #55976 Report Abuse

    Wow, girl. All I can say is good luck! I’m sure it’s hard for her to understand that things are much different here in the states, and that interracial relations ships are very common here. Just remember, your life doesn’t revolve around making other people happy– you can’t please everyone, and sometimes family is the hardest to please. However, family and friends are very often your voice of reason, so don’t shut their fears out completely. Sometimes being so close to a situation can make you blind, and they are there to help you see it from another perspective. You’re like a smart girl, with all your ducks in a row, and I know you’ll do what you feel is right for yourself 🙂

    #55979 Report Abuse

    Dog_Obsessed, thank you. Over the years sharing it has become easy (living it, now, that’s another story, lol…), except to my parents, obviously, because I am very scared of the possible worst case scenario outcomes of telling them that I am married and this whole thing overall, BUT it has to happen eventually, or at least start happening as I foresee it as a long process, but it has to start somewhere. I am willing to accept my parents’ decisions, and them, as they are, even if they choose not to change, as I believe nobody is capable of forcing change onto others that resist it. I would never shun them or stop talking to them or anything. I just HOPE that we can have a better relationship overall, between us and with my husband… I love my parents and grandparents, and all they have done for me, solicited or not, and I will always love them. I just need us to do better at some things if we can, and know if we can’t so that I can plan accordingly and work on myself in order to consider, but not let their sometimes unreasonable opinions of things affect how I do things.

    Akari, if they would try to get to know him, I would listen to their concerns… Except, they have not… But, it is okay for now.

    I really think it is the anticipation of this event that makes me a little off, and I don’t want to toot any horns of my own about “yay, I’m in an interracial relationship, I am so open besides my culture/country of origin”, it is more about trying to fix a moderately to highly unhealthy relationship between my family members – myself, the family that I am creating, and the family I already have. I just feel like this is a battle I have to lead alone for the most part, so it just felt nice to have a bit of a cheer here and there from friends close and far. Not that my husband is not supportive – he rocks, and he is my rock (and a ton of other wonderful things that my mom supposedly believes he is, but also believes we would never last because of society), but for this one, at least for some parts of it, I feel like I have to go in alone. And that’s terrifying, but okay at the same time. Like I said, I am okay (for the most part), and plan to be. 🙂

    #55987 Report Abuse

    I’ve told you before what a cute couple you are, but I didn’t want to get personal, so I didn’t spell out why/what made me say that. I’ve also told you that I thought Brian was a jem, to be treasured, because of some of the things you’ve shared with us. From my own family history, I can tell you that there will be people that will never accept you as a couple, but most will, and who really cares what the haters think anyways, except other haters. Both of my brothers have married outside of our race and culture, and I thank God for it! My SILs are wonderful people that have greatly enriched my life. They make my family a better family, a way better family. I wish you luck with your family, but if they decide to not be accepting, please, please ,please, don’t let it be your problem, it is definitely their character fault, and has nothing to do with you. Good luck and I’ll be praying for you and thinking of you.

    Are you planning on staying in the US when you are done with school stuff?

    #55993 Report Abuse

    Awwh, BCnut! Thank you so much for the encouragement! I knew you had a liking for Brian, I just thought that you thought we were cute just because, but thank you for sharing some of your family’s story with me (and us all on the forum)! Ever since I came to the US I have found people from all over the world with whom I have more in common than with some cousins of mine, and I have come to understand and believe in a concept of a family by choice – people who choose to be a part of your life daily and love and accept you for who you are, not because they are forced to by sharing the same DNA as you. And I have been insanely lucky to have met several such people and to still keep them around. The best one I married and while it was very unfair to not at least let my blood family, or at least my parents know of it, I had my reasons at the time… I don’t know what will happen over the weekend and over the next weeks and what not, but I still do hope for the best.

    As for your question – I don’t know. I think Brian wants to go to grad school for cersmics in the US, but we do want to visit more states, Canada, and a couple of Western-European countries and see where we feel like we fit best and which place will offer us the best career and living opportunities.

    #55996 Report Abuse

    All I’m trying to say is just because your family doesn’t understand your side, don’t completely shut them out. But if they choose to not accept your decisions, then that’s there problem, not yours, and don’t dwell on it. Don’t let their fears of something different from their beliefs hold you back, because there’s nothing wrong with expanding your boundaries and exploring different cultures, as you are doing– in fact, it’s the best learning experience anyone could ever have! Make your own path, and push forward through tough times. If your family can’t accept you for who you’ve become, create your own family!

    Please let us know how everything works out for you tomorrow! Hope it goes well. And don’t feel like you’re alone, we’re all here for you 🙂

    Side note: can I come traveling with you! It sounds like a lot of fun :p

    #56000 Report Abuse

    All I can say is wow! I don’t care what anyone looks like, it’s the person you are inside that counts, still least in my book. I hope it goes well, please let us go.

    #56002 Report Abuse

    I agree! As long as he treats you right, and you’re both happy, thats all that matters :3

    #56007 Report Abuse

    Naturella, I totally agree with Akari! As long as he treats you right and you are both happy, that is all that matters. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that everything goes ok with your mom. Good luck!

    Your mom needs to come here someday and look around. Age is just a number, and love is colorblind. It’s becoming so normal any more for interracial couples, it’s not even a big deal anymore. Not that I think it ever should have been, but, you know what I mean.

    So happy for you that you’re happy and praying your mom comes around and welcomes your man to the family with open arms. 🙂

    #56008 Report Abuse

    Akari, I absolutely wouldn’t shut them down unless they request that I don’t contact them anymore… I will probably still send holiday updates via mail, which they can feel free to read or not. I’ve been thinking about this for over 6 years, since I first met my husband in 2008. I just knew this would not be easy, I just didn’t anticipate the gravity it has on my relationship with my parents (Mom really. Dad is all cool, just Mom is the dominant partner, so Dad won’t say a word when she’s around). Anyway, I am on and off really, really terrified and on and off really ready and brave, and I hope I’m the latter tomorrow night. Thank goodness my school has a great crisis center for all kinds of problems, so if my Mom goes off the deep end and does do something irreversible, I will take myself straight to the crisis place before I have a crisis of my own. I do anticipate a lot of tears and screaming, that is fine. I think she needs to let it out how my actions make her feel too. I just don’t want her to do some irreversible things. Ideally, it will be a tough process, but as long as it is a work in progress, most of the time, that will be great.

    As for Brian, yes, he treats me wonderfully, and to me our relationship is great, and plus, I really haven’t heard any significant bad things about him from close and trusted friends and “family by choice”. I would always listen to and consider concerns, even my Mom’s. Until I deem them not of importance to me, or not viable. So yeah…

    Thank you all again for the support, I really, truly, deeply appreciate it. I will keep you all posted, and in the end, I believe it will all work out.

    P.S. Akari, you are more than welcome to join in at anytime for the travels! I have no clue when and how they will happen (or if they all will, even), but I have hopes and I will do my best to work toward making them happen! 🙂

    #56020 Report Abuse

    I’m thrilled that your plans are to look for the right place instead of settling for someplace! And I think you’re a cute couple because your(both of you) characters and good natures come through in the picture you shared of the 2 of you. You just looked like you belonged together.

    #56028 Report Abuse

    Hi Alek. I sent you an email late morning or early afternoon when I got back from hospital appt. Please check. Thanks sweetie. I’ll be thinking of you and Brian tomorrow when you contact your family. Chin up!

    #56031 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Alek, I echo the other thoughts posted here. So sorry you had to be married without your family present but it sounds like it was the best decision for you. I will be thinking of you on Friday and hope it goes well.

    #56043 Report Abuse

    BCnut, thanks so much! I think we are pretty awesome together too! 🙂 And he really is the nicest person I have honestly ever met… I don’t know how I got so lucky to have him…

    Dori, thank you so much for the letter – I just emailed you back. 🙂

    Jake’s Mom – thank you so much… I don’t know if it is the best decision, but I feel that it is the right one… Hope it turns out to be.

    If I don’t die of a heart attack due to horror tomorrow (not because of Halloween), I will be sending the video right around midnight (7am Saturday in Bulgarian time) – this way she will have gotten a good (hopefully) night’s sleep and have some time to recoup over the weekend… So yeah… I will let you know how it goes. I probably won’t sleep tomorrow night, but it is okay…

    #56053 Report Abuse

    Good luck today! *hugs*

    #56056 Report Abuse

    Thank you, lady! *hugs back*

    #56064 Report Abuse

    So my mom just told me she has to work tomorrow so I will still be sending the video at midnight, just she won’t see it till the morning of Nov. 1st (our time), when she gets back. So it will be November 1st that I will know how she takes it… At least I’m glad I wasn’t planning on sending it now, it may have made her too upset to work ok tomorrow. I just recorded it btw, I’m hoping it uploads okay this time (I had a few unsuccessful attempts over the week). So, this is my update… I will send her an email with the link tonight and I will let you know how it all goes tomorrow… It is so close to happening, it feels weird…

    #56066 Report Abuse

    Fingers crossed everything goes well!

    #56069 Report Abuse

    Fingers crossed and praying for peace for you.

    #56070 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    You and Brian will be in my thoughts this weekend.

    #56073 Report Abuse

    Hope it goes well, get some sleep tonight!

    #56074 Report Abuse

    Thank you again, everyone! I appreciate the positive vibes so much! And Marie, I will, because I know she won’t see it till late tomorrow, or, possibly even Sunday – her schedule tomorrow is apparently packed. But, she will see it eventually, so yeah.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you all times a million! 🙂

    #56129 Report Abuse

    It is sent. I am so scared. I hope I sleep tonight. I don’t even know when she’ll see it. Probably during the early afternoon tomorrow. Or now. It had to be done though. It had to.

    I am glad this step has been taken, whatever it brings. Thank you all for the immense support – it is much appreciated and I will let you know what happens.

    #56130 Report Abuse

    Good luck! *hugs*

    #56131 Report Abuse

    Thank you! *positive thoughts*

    #56133 Report Abuse

    I’m thinking of you this morning. I hope you got some sleep. You did the right thing, now it’s up to them. Relax, breathe, go take a walk in the sunshine, or something else you enjoy doing with Brian. Don’t wait around and fret.

    #56136 Report Abuse
    Zach M

    I’m praying for you and Brian! Good Luck! Stay Strong!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Zach M.
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