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Rachel ray zero grain – making dog sick??
- This topic has 57 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 5 months ago by
Beach B.
MemberMy dog has been on Rachel ray zero grain for awhile now. (Probably 5 months) The last month or so he’s been pretty miserable. The vet was convinced that it was a result of exposure to pesticides (my lovely condo complex didn’t put up signs they sprayed). My dog (2 year old rescue cocker) had bloody diarrhea, started vomiting, was lethargic, dehydrated – the whole nine yards. Testing showed high WBC, low platelets, and high liver enzymes. We put him on a prescription diet to help with his stomach (hills i/d). He went back to normal after about a week. Blood counts stabilized. No vomiting. Normal poos.
This was 4th of July weekend.
Recently transitioned him back to his normal food – rr zero grain. And the same bag as before that was opened probably a week prior to the original incident. Blood started showing up in his poo again. Back to the vet this morning. Got an alarming call from the vet (I dropped him off) that he had an accident and he pooped an alarming amount of blood. He’s currently getting a battery of new tests. I’m very worried. I’m also obviously going to throw this food out ASAP but I have the bag with the lot number in a sealed container. Has anyone else had this problem with this food?! I’m very, very concerned. And now I’m probably looking at $1000 of vet bills over a 4 week period. I just want my little man better.
I’m assuming he’s going back on the prescription food at this point. I just want to know of anyone has had similar experiences of has any recommendations. If he does have to go back to regular food I recently became a bjs wholesale member and will put him on earth pride duck and veggies which is a 5 star food and has good reviews.
Thanks in advance for any input.
Keep your fingers crossed for my little guy.-
This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
Claire. Reason: Spelling
ParticipantHi Clarie, Its probably an ingredient in the Rachel Ray that he either cant digest or the fat% or protein% is too high, compare this with his Hills i/d prescription diet kibble & see, Im trying the Wellness Simple at the moment, when you try a new kibble try to stay around the same fat% & protein % as the vet prescription diet & see how the little man goes, I was speaking to a nutritionist the other day about all Patches health problems,
I rescued him 20months ago at the age of 4yrs old He said that he see this all the time with rescued dogs, then he said, Patch probably had a very poor diet when he was a pup & was probably starved, that broke my heart a bit, what some of these poor dogs go thru…Claire
MemberWhen I got him out of the shelter at 8 months he was very very thin. He was someone’s Christmas gift they decided they didn’t want by February. I know his diet wasn’t very good as a little guy. He wasn’t treated very well – he came out of the shelter terrified of men. đ
Vets diagnosis today is pancreatitis, colitis, or both. As of right now the vet wants him on i/d low fat indefinitely. Tests in early July were negative for pancreatitis but were positive today. There’s definitely something in the food that his insides can’t take. Poor guy is gonna have a tough adjustment to a life without cookies. He loooooves cookies.
Still aren’t sure of a cause of all this. Hoping he’s on the road to recovery. July hasn’t been a good month for the pup.
ParticipantPoor boy, Patch has Pancreatitis & IBD, at first Patches vet said colitis, cause he was pooing light red blood, they’re awful illnesses, you have to read every label to see the fat% & Patch has troubles with protein, it cant be too high, has to be under 24%, he was put on Vet diet Eukanuba Intestinal, he’s been on the Eukanuba Intestinal for 11 months then finally our Pet Barn got the “Wellness Simple” Duck & far this has been the only kibble that has agreed with Patch as well as his Intestinal.. I’m so slowly introducing the Simple, I’m halfway, so far Patch is doing good, no acid reflux, poos are excellent, Poos are better on the Simple then on the Intestinal….I make Patches biscuits, you’ll find a recipe for no fat cookies on the net, I have a few cookies dog recipes if needed, there’s a group on Yahoo called “dogpancreatitis” you see what other people are using & doing with their dogs…..hope he gets well soon…
MemberI just joined the dog pancreatitis group – thanks so much for pointing me that way. Lots of good information there. đ
I baked some of his wet food last night so he can have some “treats.” He’s not very excited about his new diet, but he seems to be feeling a little bit better. Seems like it will take some getting used to. Going to keep an eye on him today and see if we’re going to make a trip back to the vet tomorrow morning. Hoping his poos start looking a little bit better this afternoon.
Once his tummy is stabilized I’ll definitely look for some no fat cookie recipes! He also might like some dehydrated veggies. Looks like I may have an excuse for a new kitchen gadget to make the little man some dehydrated snacks too. I think for the next few weeks he needs to stick to his diet to get his insides figured out. Poor little guy. It’s so good to know that all this is manageable though!
carol s
MemberI lost Harley to what was determined liver failure. PJ has been sick with itchy festered ears and itchy skin and diarrhea for over a year off and on. No meds or treatment took it completely away. PJâs blood work comes back he is fine but he is not. I took PJ off the Rachel Ray Nutrish and grain less foods that I periodically but recently exclusively feed them, thinking it was healthy. In fact I took him off dog food completely 2 days ago. I realize I missed the pattern that when I fed them Rachal Rays Nutrish or grain less dog food is when the problems would begin. In the two days of PJ being off the food he is almost cleared up. I have fed him nothing but my own cooked meats and vegetables. Yes, I am using meds and ear solution and bathing him with special shampoo as well. However, he has been on these meds in the past and not responded this quickly. I now truly believe this dog food killed my Harley and has made my PJ sick. After reading all the reviews of people whose dogs had all the symptoms mine had, I am saddened that I didnât think to look into it sooner. While I canât prove anything I am convinced Harley would still be with me today if I had never fed food this to him. If your dogs are eating this dog food I highly suggest you stop. The symptoms are not easily noticed in the beginning they can become less active because they are not feeling well. Which is what I realized Harley was going through at first. Other symptoms are diarrhea, blood in stools, vomiting black which is blood, Itchy to severe rashes. I kept taking them both to the vet and in the past year I have spent over $2,000 on medications, special shampoos and skin supplements when all along I believe it was the food I was feeding them.
Philip R
MemberStop that Rachael Ray dog food garbage dog
food now. I saw the Racheal Ray beef dog food, and decided this looks good read over the ingredients and choose it over Purina dog food.Next day my dog kept falling over not being able hold himself up then shaking like he was having seizures..All while doing the darkest diarhea that i ever seen 4 different times he could’nt even go on the dog pad likes he’s done many years. He even soiled my carpet all while shaking and falling on top of it. Next day it started all over again this time diarhhea with blood.Mary D
MemberYes!!!! It is the food! This food threw my dog into acute pancreatitis and we don’t know if he’s even going to make it.
Pooping pure fresh blood. Also vomiting and diarrhea. Lethargy. Refusing even water. Have him on pedialyte, water 50:50. He seems better now since we stopped it. The food is HORRIBLE for your dog and has the second lowest rating of ANY dog food and I am getting an attorney for my and my dogs pain and suffering. They’re going to regret the day they made my dog so sick.Mary D
Read this! Dog food nutrish is absolutely terrible for dogs. Has ingredients from PAINT and everything.
Mary D
MemberI also thought that I would mention that the version of the Nutrish that we gave Rusty was NOT the grainless version. It’s ALL of their food.
Boris-Frank N
MemberBought Rachel Ray Zero Grain dog food at the recommendation of our vet.
Our dog has had 2 episodes of bloody stool as well as vomit. Took it to the Vet emergency room on Monday as our regular vet was closed. It appears everything was normal after blood analysis except it was dehydrated.
The vet provided some subcutaneous fluid and an antibiotic: Metronidazole.
Oliver is 14.5 lbs.
We now feed him 4 meals/day a mixture of:
1/2 cup of boiled skinless chicken thigh (boiled with some chicken bouillon flavor)
1/2 cup of pure pumpkin puree
1/2 cup of riceWhen can I go to a dog food diet other than Rachel Ray?
MemberFollow up with your regular vet, make an appointment within the next few days.
Isn’t that what the emergency clinic told you? Take a look at the discharge instructions.
Assuming the dog is stable, if not take him to the vet sooner.
Did the vet advise the diet that you are feeding? If not, I would go by what was recommended.
Add water to meals.
Maybe he’s not a water drinker and he became dehydrated.Boris-Frank N
MemberThanks so much.
The Vet ER recommended the plain chicken. When we went back on Mon and told her we were putting him on this diet. She OKed it. Will add some lightly salted water from the bouillon to the meal. Oliver lovers it. Spunk and poo back to normal.
I guess don’t change things when they are going well.
The recommended calories for a 14 lbs dog is 25cal/lbs per day for total of 350 Cals.
We feed him: 50 cals of pumpkin pack, 160 cals of chicken, 121 cal of rice Total: 331 Cal/day.
He needs to lose another lbs…
Again thanks.anonymous
MemberI like zignature kibble as a base, I always add a little water, and a bit of boiled chicken or something.
I would imagine he should be on the special diet for at least a few days, maybe a week?Susan
ParticipantHi Boris-Frank,
Did you slowly introduce the new Racheal Rays kibble over 7-10 days, when you try another new kibble slowly introduce over 7 days? Bloody stools can be from food sensitivities, he’s probably sensitive to any ingredient in the Rachel Rays kibble & has reacted this happened with my boy when I first got him I thought he had Parvo it was awful all he was doing was diarrhea red blood, later found out he has IBD & is sensitive to certain ingredients..Look at “Canidae Pure Petite small breed formula’s have limited ingredients & Canidae All Life Stages formula’s, Canidae is for dogs with sensitive stomach/bowel, my boy does well on Canidae All Life Stages “Platinum” & “Canidae Pure Wild” Boar formula.
Canidae grow their own vegetables & source the other ingredients from local farmers…… here’s Canidae’s web page N
Yes we did. Always mixing it in slowly with the old food.
We’ll stick with chicken, pumpkin, and rice for another 2-3 weeks then will replace the rice slowly with something with a good formula like Canidae.
Is it store bought or by mail?
ThanksRavae L
MemberIn 2014 my Izzy was just about to turn 5 she was a sweet energetic Yorkie. I had switched her food to Rachel Ray… she had gotten diarrhea so bad one day it was all over her back side. When I picked her up to put her in the bath she was so skinny I took her straight to the vet who did a bunch of tests and said she was in liver failure. We did everything we could for the next week and then she passed away…month later we were fostering a Shih Tzu who was 4 years old. I was feeding him the rest of the rest of the Rachel Ray food, took him to the vet for a full check up and the vet called and asked me to bring him back in a week for a follow up because of his liver levels. He had already finished the food and when I took him back they were normal. I believe without a doubt that food killed my baby!!!
ParticipantHi Ravae,
Sorry for your loss, I hope your new rescue is doing much better now…..
Do you know why a dog gets liver failure from a kibble, the kibble is high in contaminates & toxins.. google “Toxins In Pet Foods” you’ll see a company that completed a study of 1,084 pet products 80 brands, 5 stars brands that did really well when tested were,
I & Love & You grain free naked esssentials lamb & bison, I Love & You naked essentials Duck & chicken formula’s were best formula’s 1st & 2nd 5 star dog foods, Canidae Pure formulas, Under The Sun, all of Artemis Fresh Mix formula’s, a few of the Nutro Natural Chioce grain free formula’s, a few Purina one, Purina Beyond Simply 9 formula’s got 5 stars… those brands were very good & then there’s was some brands of kibbles that were very high in contaminates & toxins, Racheal Ray had 3 bad formula’s that got 1 star & a few Racheal Ray formula’s got 3 stars.
If you can its best to feed cooked meals & maybe 1 of the meals feed a dry kibble..Shiloh H
MemberI have two amazing Boston Terriers and every time I feed them Rachel Rayâs food they end up with worms. My vet prescribed and intensive round of dewormer, plus their regular heart worm preventative, and theyâll be worm free for about 2 weeks, and as soon as I start feeding this food to them again, they end up with worms again. Iâm able to narrow it down to this food because I have tried other foods, including a prescription diet, that did not result in my pups getting these parasites. It seems like the pattern of them being clear of worms then getting them again too closely relate to feeding them Rachel Rayâs Nutrish dog food.
MemberHate to tell you this Shiloh but thatâs just not possible. Unless the food is being exposed to of the worms while youâre storing it. Your dog likely has fleas. Or if you treat your dog and are absolutely positive (get flea comb and check to be sure) they donât have a single flea on them then your neighbors pets has fleas and theyâre in your yard and your dogs while outside pottying are licking the grass or licking something with the eggs on it. The eggs canât live through certain conditions so they would die after packaging due to the conditions most foods are bagged under and they arenât in the food because kibble is cooked at insane temps killing pretty much any nutritional value and any bugs that may be in it.
Ann R
MemberHello everyone…. YES stop the awful food now!
I gave the food to my Brussels Griffon thinking it was a much better food out there but since dog food isn’t regulated it just has less of all the crap that will eventually make our dogs sick!
My dog has always been a good eater, extremely healthy but noticed he was showing signs of being poisoned so I changed his food to the Rachel Ray Nutrish and after a year or so my dog ended up looking like he had been poisoned again! I live in a great community so no my neighbors would never try to poison my dog! I also added a rescue dog and noticed that she will not eat the dog food anymore as in the beginning she was but its obvious to her that it’s harmful food to her! They both have had upset stomachs with eating grass outside trying to find comfort! Then my Brussels Griffon threw up all blood all one night, lethargic, weak, with black tarry poop for two days! I have put him on a rice chicken diet and has recovered and is back to himself! Thank God I caught it again for the second time! It’s extremely sad to me to see so many pets have died over this awful issue! Our fur babies food should be regulated!!!!! I wish we could sue all these companies and shut them down!Boris-Frank N
MemberIt pains me to tears to hear these awful stories about poisonous dog foods.
My theories are:
1. Too much fat in the dog food
(From 16 to 32%…)
2. The awful preservatives they put in dog food to keep the fat [& everything else] from going bad
3. everything else they throw in there, unbeknownst to you and me.We’ve kept our dog on the boneless/skinless chick, overcooked rice, pure pumpkin paste (Makes poop easier to kind: Orange… đ , 1/2 multi vitamin/day (dog weighs 13lbs)
Thank you for caring about man’s best friend
Shari W
MemberHello everyone,
I recently got a sample of Rachel Ray grain free Nutrish dog food in the mail, and fed it to my dog mixed with his regular food. He loved it! But, after eating it he became very gassy, and was restless all night. The next day he had diarrhea. That lasted for 2 days and became bloody. I rushed him to the vet where he had to have IV fluids and several medications. The vet said it must have been the food because he had not ingested anything else. I was told to just feed him some plain rice and broth to see how he would do. My dog had refused to eat anything for the past two days during the diarrhea stage. He ate the rice and broth and was able to sleep through the night without having to get up and go potty.Thankfully this morning he seemed to be getting over the diarrhea. Poor pup is 12 years old and this was very rough on him. đ I will feed him rice and broth and boiled chicken for next few days. I will never ever buy Rachel Ray dog food. How misleading. I wish I had saved the packaging, I’m curious to find out where it was manufactured.-
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
Shari W. Reason: proper grammar and spelling
Boris-Frank N
I do not know how they get away with this. Tells you how much these companies care about dogs… Did you see my suspicions about why this is happening.
I don’t think I can ever go back to store bought dog food.
Glad your dog is better.
MemberUnless you know your dog can eat anything without digestive upset, you should transition slowly from one food to another. You donât say how big the sample was but if you just dumped it in with the new food, you may be the cause.
Shari W
MemberI didn’t just dump it in his bowl. I mixed it in with his normal food.
MemberRight but did you put a little in the bowl or dump the whole sample in?
Shari W
MemberI used half of the sample, which was about 1/2 cup
MemberIâd think that is too much (unless your dog has an iron stomach & can go straight to something new). Iâm not saying it isnât the food but not switching gradually isnât usually good. Thats one reason I tell people to try a midsize bag unless your dog is a toy breed then use the smallest bag.
Shawnee M
MemberMary, I was wondering if you got anywhere with an attorney. I was reading everyones stories and unfortunately i have experienced the same and she recently passed away.
Cline W
MemberOur dog, a Malamute, has had diarrhea and problems with what we think are food sensitivities since she was born. We feed her The Honest Kitchen Grain-Free Fruit & Veggie Dehydrated Dog Base Mix. Once she started on that food, she has literally had no problems whatsoever. We have to rehydrate the food because it is dehydrated and then we have to add some type of protein, which we usually add ground beef or chicken or ground turkey. We have tried other Foods by slowly introducing them into the diet and pretty much everything gives her bad diarrhea. My daughter was dog sitting a dog who had severe rashes and was losing his hair and they started him on this food and the rash went away and the dog has been healthy ever since. This food is truly amazing! I got on this forum because it is time-consuming and a little more expensive to feed her the food we’re feeding and thought I would try the Nutrish but after reading the comments, I don’t think I will do that to my dog.
ParticipantHi Cline,
Try & stick with other freeze dried dehydrated dog foods that are similiar to The Honest Kitchen formula’s, there’s a few around, there’s Air Dried formula’s like “Ziwi Peak” but air dried is like jerky & when you add any water nothing happens to the product, then there’s freeze dried raw & all the nutrients are locked in, NO heat is used you add warm water & the food reformulated to its fresh natural self again….Have a look at “Kiwi Kitchen” Freeze dried
The fish formula has teh lowest fat%Have a look at “Canidae Pure” formula’s excellent for dogs with digestive problems & skin allergies, Pure Sky, Pure Wild, Pure Land, Pure Elements, Pure Sea..
Canidae have brought out a new Grain Free Raw Freeze Dried formula’s, Raw Coated Dry Red Meat Formula with Lamb, Goat, & Wild Boar.. your dog gets dirrahea from the Ancestral formula then take it back to Pet Shop & ask can you try the “Canidae Pure Sky” formula, it’s simple with limited ingredients & it has NO Lentils, NO Chickpeas,
Lisa G
MemberYES! I started transitioning my dogs & sons dog & a family members dog(his dog was living with us for about 8mos) from RR chicken kibble & they all had issues. I did it slowly as we should but didnt matter. I believe its whatevers in it or what they took out, who knows. My family members dog Ranger got HORRIBLY sick off of it & did a google search myself- its not uncommon for dogs to have this reaction to RR gain free kibble & many dogs just dont tolerate grain free. My opinion based on experiences is unless your pet has an allergy to grains, a grain free diet isnt good for them.My dogs, sons dog, Ranger & even my cat have had reactionary issues with grain free foods.As soon as I realized they were alll getting diarrhea, nausea , some vomitingl, ethargic I took them off it and put them on striclty RR chicken kibble, as they were. Within a 1/2 day to a day they were all getting better.They recovered fairly quickly. It took Ranger a few days to recover(he had it the worse because hes a bigger dog so maybe because he had the most??? I dont recall the ingredients but I will never feed any of my pets grain free, especially RRs. I did write to the company & after a long drawn out exchange of emails they sent me a coupon to replace the bag as we didnt use very much. It wasnt cool how they treated me but in the end they did give me a coupon to replace the bag & my dogs enjoy RR so Ive stuck it out lol
Lauren G
MemberI am also wondering if anyone followed through with contacting an attorney. My 5 year old german shorthair pointer died from liver failure/abdominal adhesions January 19th, 2018 after eating Nutrish for approximately 3 months. Super healthy dog, even had a good check up late December at the vets office. Within 3 weeks he lost 20 lbs, wouldn’t eat, black tar diarrhea indicating blood in stool. Died at vets office undergoing exploratory surgery. I can’t help but wonder if the ingredients in the Nutrish Chicken & Veggies did this. Prior to this he had eaten 2 different brands and he never had a problem.
Paige T
MemberI had to say goodbye to my Beckett today. He had Ben eating this food. He was passing blood today it was horrible. The vet said they could not do anything for him. This food killed him.
Philip R
MemberI believe there is too much coincidence that everybodys dog is getting sick from Raechel Rays dog food as a whole we should file a class action suit against her and thid horrible food that is not only making are pets sick but killing them.
ParticipantThe best thing you can do is report to FDA…
The packaging contains IMPORTANT information often needed to identify the variety of pet food, the manufacturing plant, and the production date. email the pet food company, then take back food for a refund & keep a few dry kibbles just in case you need for testing & do not buy that brand again…
Google, Heavy Metals Contamnates in dog foods, a site called CLP should come up, they do studies on 299 popular dog foods every 3 months….Alesia G
MemberRachel Ray Grain Free Food(Turkey and potato) is poison. My poor miniature schnauzer(age 2.5 years) was hospitalized for 5 days behind that garbage food. First she started vomiting blood and then she started with bloody diarrhea. I switched from science diet grain free and thought we give Nutrish a go. Wrong answer my dog almost died from dehydration wouldn’t eat, drink or bark. I’m taking this matter as high as it can go. She is producing poison and doesn’t care about animals at all. Shame on her and it is more common than we can ever know.
joanne l
MemberOh my God, is she okay now?? Go back to science diet. Let us know how she is doing. I hope your dog is okay. Stay with food that has been around for a long time, not that it will be perfect either, but the odds are better.
Eli C
MemberSame here… I slowly transitioned my 2 yr old Yorkshire from Purina One to Rachel Ray Nutrish Zero Grain 5 months ago, everything was pretty normal except for the occasional throwing up after eating. Two weeks ago, he got really sick from the first taste of a new bag. First he was lethargic, throwing up and started with diarrhea. I stopped immediately and started a chicken and carrots boiled food for 2 days and as soon and I gave him RRâs food, the diarrhea started this time with blood on it. Rushed him to the vet, after several test they determined it was the food, got him in a prescription diet (Hills), antibiotics, iv fluids and probiotics with enzymes. Itâs been 7 days since, he his much better but still not 100% himself and still having a bit of digestive issues and completely rejects water, unless I mix with food. I am so sad and worried that people would sell such bad quality food selling a healthy and affordable option. I regret the day I bought that horrible food and I hope my baby can feel better soon.
Brett J
MemberYes I had a similar experience. I had an 8 year old boxer female dog about 5 years ago. After eating Rachael Ray’s dog food for allot ab month she just up and died one night. Our family thought it was old ago. We didn’t think much about it.
About a month ago we started giving Rachel Ray’s dog food to our healthy 2 year old male Female Shepard. He never had any problems before. My sister had to rush him to the vet. The vet had to pump his stomach or else his stomach would’ve exploded.
I think Rachel Ray’s dog food is killing dogs.
Brett J
MemberI apologize for my grammatical errors on my previous post.
Our family thought it was old age.
I meant to say male German Shepard.
Philip R
MemberCan as many as possible let me know how many of you has given your dog Rachel Ray’s dog food, and has had your dog get sick, or die.
If it’s as many as I think I believe a class action suit should be brought against her and her horrible dog food.
My daughters, and wife were in tears.
Philip RiveraBoris-Frank N
Our dog Lilly died on 27 Nov 2017 after that dog food was recommended by our vet and we spent over $4,000 trying to keep her alive. We had introduced her to it slowly.
We only feed our dog, Oliver, home-cooked food now: Chicken, 1 egg white, 1/4 egg yolk, rice, pumpkin, bouillon, and 1/2 vitamin/day.
I cannot understand how dog food in a bag with 15-20% fat can stay or be healthy when in sits somewhere for mohs before one consumes it.
Sad for all dogs and their masters.Douglas R
MemberI am so sorry for everyone’s heartache, it’s terrible to feel helpless when your pet is ill.
You may have noticed the shift in dog food about 5-10 years ago as grain-free varieties showed up and soon dominated, when it because clear that many dogs were having allergic reactions and health issues to the corn and fillers kibble dog food manufacturers were packing in the “food.”But the pricier grain-free is still a highly processed “food” product, made with the same machines, processes, and sometimes questionable ingredients it was 20 years ago. Rachael’s version of processed kibble is not much different than most others, though for reasons described above, there may be something specifically unhealthy about this product.
This is why there are now so many versions and ways to get raw dog food: just meats, vegetables, fruits, etc., minimally processed. There is a long list of benefits owners experience when their dog’s eat real food: they are no longer finicky about eating, are more alert and energetic, skin and coat improve, and overall doggie-smell and rank dog breath go away. And…for butt-scooters, that issue is resolved for reasons I won’t describe…
You can now find raw varieties in grocery and pet stores, and there are many online companies that deliver, while we have had luck with a local more affordable California company, 7 Sky Dog Food.
Our Heeler had a seasonal summer skin rash–common with the breed, that he used to scratch and obsessively lick to open sores, requiring steroid shots and the cone, but it’s been greatly diminished eating natural foods. The cone hasn’t come out of the garage in several years, and beside a vaccination visit, was the last time he went to the vet.Carmen H
MemberWell I cant understand whats going on.
I had my dogs on this for a few years and things seemed fine. They started having problems by having accidents in the house so I blamed it on my long hours. Well my boy dog stopped eating this brand so naturally I wasn’t going back to Purina so I started making all their food. Things were fine.Well recently I just had to put my boy to sleep so since his sister was not picky like him I figured I put her back on it and just add to what I already make for her. My plan was to slowly ween her off of me making her food.
Serves me right huh?Well now she cant stop pooping and throwing up. That dogs all screwed up. I don’t know what to do.
I’m going back to just making brown grain rice, carrots, string beans, carrots and Salmon or chicken. I guess that’s what shes getting from now on. but its something about that rice that doesn’t settle with me. I wonder is giving her grain rice good for her on a daily basis?I cant figure it out, She use to eat this stuff no problem and now she cant and loves to eat it.
You already know whats in my head…. Shes trying to catch up to her brother thats only been gone for 3 wks this Friday.I told her she cant check out just yet I needed her. I know Im selfish….. But I love my pups their like my babies..
Brett J
MemberI’m sorry to hear that Carmen. I fed my German Shepard Rachel Ray’s for about 1 month. It nearly killed him. He was throwing up and constantly having diarrhea. We brought him to the vet because his body couldn’t digest Rachael Ray’s dog food. It almost made his stomach explode.
Then we started feeding him beef and rice. He really enjoyed it, and he was recovering just fine. Then my sister started to slowly mix Purina in with his meat, and rice behind my back.
He almost died again from not being able to digest anything. He was throwing up and having diarrhea again.
He’s been really good, with lots of energy for the past month just on white rice and beef. I’m not sure if it’s all the nutrition he needs, but he’s way more energetic on just beef, broth, and rice.
Nadia K
ParticipantI would never feed my dog Rachel Ray. It is one of the foods listed on the DCM list.
Jennifer S
MemberI too almost lost my dog to Rachel Rays dog food. Iâm quite concerned reading all the stories. Everything pretty similar. I did have to hospitalize my minpinchi and thankfully she made it. Not knowing that the food was what made her sick, I bought it again recently and immediately took note of the way she was reacting. Thatâs when I looked up the food and found this forum. Better to be safe, I will never feed this garbage to my baby again
Amy D
ParticipantTransitioned my dog to RR Nutrish, about a month ago, 2 wks ago she started vomiting & having diarrhea, turned to blood in both. Took her to Emergency Vet, they ran many tests & told me all her levels were within range so she must have snagged something bad on a walk. She was on bland food from vet & I made her chicken & rice and she was back to normal. I started putting some of her dry food kernels in the chicken mixture to get her back to her regular food and within a day she had diarrhea again! I found this forum & extremely glad I did! I will be tossing the bag of RR Dry food in the dumpster for sure after reading all these stories!
This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
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