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What did your dog(s) eat today?

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  • #64441 Report Abuse

    D_O, I assume the fresh chicken was cooked somehow? And to me it sounds like a good meal, and even if it is not fully-balanced, if you don’t feed it daily, it should be fine. 🙂

    Peggy, wow, that’s nice that they liked the fresh meal better! 🙂 Maybe tomorrow they will be more inclined to eat their breakfast if they haven’t eaten much today. That’s how Bruno is usually if he skips a meal – the next one he’s ravenous, but I don’t feed him more than the usual amount. And yes, flax seed is good stuff! 🙂

    #64442 Report Abuse

    @Naturella Oh yeah lol it was fully cooked. I’m afraid of even commercial raw (even though I know I shouldn’t be.), so no way am I doing homemade raw at this point. 😛

    It’s great that you’re cooking some fresh food for them! Have they liked eggs when they ate them in the past? Maybe that was why. Anyway, skipping a meal won’t hurt them, and I’m glad they liked their dinner! 😀

    #64443 Report Abuse

    D_O, I thought so. 🙂 Glad Lily likes it! 🙂

    #64457 Report Abuse

    Thanks for the encourgement ladies.

    This morning, they had broiled ground turkey, rice, a bit of finely shredded cheese, and again, flax seed.

    They ate it all and went bounding outside! I can definitely see a difference in their energy levels after just 2 home cooked meals. Amazing.

    It’s snowing now, so they’re napping. 😉

    #64461 Report Abuse

    Maybe I missed something Peggy, but why are you choosing to use flax rather than fish or some other form of oil for the Omega 3s?

    #64467 Report Abuse

    DFA’s reviews on dog foods talks about how good Flax seed is for dogs. Then when I started researching cooking and feeding fresh foods, a couple of websites said to add either flax seed because most dogs like the nutty taste (and they do!) or fish oil (which I intend to do).
    This is all new to me, understand, and I’m taking baby steps. I don’t want to overwhelm either me or my dogs, ha.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Peggy.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Peggy.
    #64539 Report Abuse

    Flax contains an Omega 3 called ALA. Dogs need DHA and EPA. They are very inefficient at converting ALA into the needed DHA and EPA, only about 15%. So while flax adds oils to the diet, it is not a good source of omega 3s for dogs.

    #64553 Report Abuse

    I try to avoid flax in any form as much as I can for the reasons that BC has just stated. Some dogs have intolerances to flax. My dog, BC’s and a couple of others that I know of do not do well with flax. It’s a constant never ending list of intolerances and sensitivities to ingredients in foods that people with sensitive dogs have to be on the look out for. Ever vigilant! Bad breeding? I’ve researched and read so much in Katie’s 5 1/2 years and just when I think I’ve got it all figured out and she is doing fabulous something else comes along. Of course she also has environmental issues so this constant weather change in Atlanta isn’t helping. We almost got to 70 degrees today by me and tomorrow we’ll be on the way down again. Sometimes I just want to throw up my hands and scream and cry and pull out what little hair I have left. I think I’m a bit exhausted actually. I shampooed three rugs on the main level today and groomed (baths and hair cuts) all three dogs today in hopes of getting all possible allergens out of the house. Of course that also means washing all bedding and toys, etc. etc. I’ll be doing laundry all through the night. Tomorrow I spend the day in the hospital with hubby as he goes through PET scan with sedation and CT scans, and some other tests to make sure that his cancer is still under control. Praying we get good news. He seems perfectly fine but you never know. Cancer is such an insidious disease.

    #64555 Report Abuse

    Praying you get good news tomorrow too Dori!

    #64559 Report Abuse

    As the Nut explained, I originally avoided flax because it didn’t really add much to the diet and there were better, more bioavailable sources, of Omega 3’s. I do happen to have a dog who is intolerant of flax. He quickly develops loose stools when exposed to it. And, oh my gosh, if flax isn’t in almost everything. Since he can’t have fish oil either (which I use for my Cavalier), I give Sam algae oil. Food intolerances are getting me feeling very frustrated right now as Sam’s list is long and growing. 🙁

    Dori, prayers for your husband and you. I pray his test results are good news.

    #64560 Report Abuse

    Thank you Hater and Molly’s Mom and Dog Foodie.

    #64562 Report Abuse

    You are welcome!

    #64563 Report Abuse

    Best wishes and prayers for you and your husband!

    #64564 Report Abuse

    Thank you for your kind words.

    #64569 Report Abuse

    Dori, I really think that in such moments positive thinking is key, so here’s some – your husband’s tests WILL come back GREAT! I am sure that he will be in tip top shape and that means continuously cancer-free! I believe it, and I can’t wait to hear the confirmation from you when you both get the results back! 🙂

    Fingers crossed and good vibes from my little family to yours!


    #64572 Report Abuse

    Many prayers for hubby and you, Dori!

    #64585 Report Abuse

    Praying for you & your usband, Dori.

    #64608 Report Abuse

    Since I fed my babies fresh food for breakfast yesterday, for dinner last night they got can and kibbles last night.
    Half a handful of PB Salmon & Pea recipe for Tebow and a handful for Ladybug, with 1/4 can of Turkey & Chicken recipe for Tebow and the rest for Lady. 1 tsp of rice in his bowl and 1 tbsp in her bowl, plus 3 no-salt-added green beans for him and 5 for her. Warmed.

    They were pretty happy with their meal. 😀

    This morning was a bit of a set back. 🙁
    I was in a hurry so rather than cooking, I changed up and gave them the PB Chicken and Brown Rice recipe. Since the kibble pieces are larger, and Lady isn’t fond of this recipe, I added a bit of water (suggested here earlier) and mixed it up good, then added a tub of PB Lamb pate’ for her, and 1/2 tub for him. Added a the same amount of green beans as last night, with a few drops of fish oil. They both ate every single bite and thought they were going to lick the finish off the darn bowls! But about an hour later Lady vomited her breakfast. I’m not sure what caused it, other than the chicken & brown rice is not grain free. BUT if I add our rice, whether white or brown, to her meal she does not vomit. So I don’t know what happened. 😐

    (sorry for the novel)

    #64630 Report Abuse

    Some dogs are intolerant of rice in kibble, but can eat it fresh. It can be the other way around, too. Also, it could be that she is intolerant of another ingredient in the PB Chicken and Rice. Has she ever eaten any other kibble containing rice?

    #64647 Report Abuse

    I introduced them to the Lamb & rice recipe tonight and she loved it, ate it all.
    Tebow loved it as well. Apparently it didn’t love him, as he had 2 bouts of soft stool…. all over my diningroom carpet and a little while later my upstairs hallway carpet.

    Only afterwards did I realize that I’d committed the cardinal sin and didn’t introduce him to it slowly. He’s fine now, but I have some carpet scrubbing to do tomorrow. 😐

    #64648 Report Abuse

    Sorry he isn’t feeling well. 🙁 One thing that could help is adding a digestive enzyme, such as THK Perfect Form. I sometimes use it for Lily when I have to transition her fast.

    #64650 Report Abuse

    You can always use some canned pumkin too.

    #64651 Report Abuse

    Just a note – I SWEAR by THK’s Perfect Form! That stuff’s magic! 🙂

    #64653 Report Abuse

    Also, when Bruno was kind of quite sick at one point from NVI Rabbit, I made him a mush of brown rice with a tad coconut oil, boiled chicken breast, and pumpkin, all blended together, and with added THK Perfect Form and fed that for 2 days, then slowly introduced canned chicken food, then kibble also. The mush remained for a week while on kibble to make sure he was good to go. THK remained for about 2 more weeks. It all helped stabilize the poor guy who was vomiting a lot and had quite the diarrhea too…

    #64654 Report Abuse

    I think it’s just because he’s been eating PB salmon & Pea recipe and tonight I decided to try them on the Lamb and rice. I could KICK my own behind for not introducing him to it slowly. It completely slipped my mind.

    But LadyBug – the one with the food sensitivities – SHE is fine.
    Go figure.

    #65074 Report Abuse

    Today I gave Lily a tiny bit of THK Force and Embark, and a spoonful of yogurt. I was going to do the yogurt as the only topper and feed more of it, but I would need to feed almost four tablespoons to get 40 calories, the amount she gets for toppers. That seemed like waaay too much to give when she’s never had the stuff before, so I just gave her about two teaspoons with the THK.

    #65079 Report Abuse

    Mine are getting Canine Caviar Wild Ocean and Hare Today rabbit, plus coconut oil and green superfoods.

    #65081 Report Abuse

    My babies had Pure Balance Salmon & Pea dry with a bit of warm water, 1/2 tsp of pumpkin for Tebow and a tsp for LadyBug, white rice, and broiled ground turkey.

    #65099 Report Abuse

    Canine Caviar is next on my list to try.

    #65113 Report Abuse


    I really like CC. They have some reformulated products coming out really soon. Take a look at their new website; here: http://www.thecaninecaviar.com/

    #65116 Report Abuse

    The boys are finishing a bag of whole ground turkey and tripe the next couple of days. They did get a duck neck three times last week.

    #65123 Report Abuse

    The girls had Nature’s Logic Raw Venison this morning for breakfast and OC Raw Rabbit for dinner. Some blueberries, raspberries, and bananas mid morning and afternoon as treats.

    #65125 Report Abuse

    All yummy stuff, everyone!

    Bruno’s menu today was 1/8 cup of Castor & Pollux Ultramix GF and 1/8 cup of Wysong Nurture with Quail (transitioning to it now), topped with 1 tsp of Sojo’s Beef – all that was for breakfast, and dinner was a raw chicken neck. Mid-day snack was 1/2 of a six-inch Etta Says deer chew (hoping for no loose stool from it) and a few Wellness CORE puppy kibbles as treats. I took him to the dog park today and he got nice and muddy, so when we got home, he got the full service – pawdicure, brushing, and bath by yours truly. He got the chew as a reward for enduring the “torture” and the kibble-treats for a bit of training. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Naturella.
    #65128 Report Abuse

    Funny how dogs see it as “torture” and for ourselves we call it “spa day”. 😉

    #65160 Report Abuse

    I got two samples of THK beef at my pet store, so both girls are going to be trying that tonight with their kibble.

    #65167 Report Abuse

    Mine are trying Acana Pork and Butternut Squash with pork ribs tonight.

    #65176 Report Abuse

    Dani liked that one, but the kibble is a bit big, as with most a acana I’ve used 🙁 liesl hasn’t had any acana in a while.

    Dani is on victor Yukon and liesl on from. Salmon a la veg. Both are getting chicken as a topper in the evenings, in the morning today they has some earth born tub (the lamb one, I think it’s lilys)

    #65177 Report Abuse

    I’ll play this game again. Today was Haley’s 12th birthday! Gave her 1/2 cup of THK Beef, a can of Ideal Balance stew (think it was turkey?), and about 1/3 cup of EVO Red Meat. I added a little too much water to the THK, not realizing I stew style canned food in the front, so it was a little soupy, but she loved it none the less :p

    #65179 Report Abuse

    Happy birthday Haley! Sounds like some great meals! 😀

    #65180 Report Abuse

    It was all mixed together, like some nasty green doggy stew, but appearances don’t mean anything to her lol

    #65182 Report Abuse

    Lol, Lily is always a bit hesitant about THK at first. She’ll sniff if and look at me like “This is food?” and then she’ll dive in and lick the bowl clean. 😀

    #65183 Report Abuse

    Yes, well we call Haley and Dweezle the furry garbage disposals. They could careless about what something tastes like, they’re going to eat it regardless (unless its Dweezle and bananas– those might as well be poison) lol

    #65184 Report Abuse

    Lily will eat almost anything, but she has a funny way about trying new things. She’ll put it in her mouth and spit it out a few times before devouring it. That’s funny, about Dweezle and bananas. I once had a foster dog that loved all food except carrots. Go figure.

    #65185 Report Abuse

    Thankfully, every furry creature in the house is pretty much “eat first, as questions later.” Makes life a good deal easier LOL

    #65186 Report Abuse

    Oddly enough, Bruno, who’d normally eat anything has also become weird about bananas! Unless I make it mushy or break it up in tiny, swallow-able pieces, he wouldn’t eat it and spit it out and look at me like “Break it for me, please!” Silly dog!

    Happy Birthday, Haley! Sounds like she had a wonderful feast today! Wishing her many, many more happy and healthy years of life! 🙂

    #65187 Report Abuse

    I wish my dogs were like that. Both of them are what I call “smelly eaters”.

    They sniff it for what seems like forever. If they don’t like what they smell, they will not eat it. Ever. Period.

    #65191 Report Abuse

    That sounds like me lol.

    #65196 Report Abuse

    Happy belated birthday Haley. So sorry I missed your actual day.

    My girls had THK Zeal for breakfast today. They also had a couple of blueberries and a little piece of banana each just now. My three love to eat which is so funny because you would think they would all be a bit obese and yet they all maintain their weight and are all actually on the lean side. I think it’s probably that they are on raw diets for the most part. They don’t bother to stop and sniff. Lola whines the entire time I’m preparing all meals or cutting up fruits and/or veggies. Katie twirls in circles (vet calls her our circus dog) and Hannah sits and stares at me and every move I make.

    Thought I’d mention that Katie and Lola have never ever turned down any food. There has been only one food that Hannah has refused to eat and that was Grandma Lucy’s Pureformance Goat. First time she ever sniffed a food and backed up and would have no part of it. That was the one and only time she’s ever done that. If it hadn’t been that Lola and Katie ate theirs just fine I would have thought their was something wrong with the food. I offered Hannah something else just to make sure she wasn’t sick and she ate her food just fine. With my girls being such eaters, if one of them misses a meal I figure there is either something wrong with the food or she’s sick. That was a couple of years back when I was constantly in search of foods that Katie could eat. Needless to say I never bought Grandma Lucy’s again. I hadn’t liked the food anyway so regardless of whether Hannah had eaten the food or not I wasn’t going to buy it again.

    #65210 Report Abuse

    Lily also does the twirling thing when she’s exited. Maybe it’s a fluffy dog thing? Anyway, I’ve never had Lily flat out refuse food since she started liking food. If she did I would also suspect something wrong with either her or the food, but I haven’t really tried enough foods to know for sure.

    #65215 Report Abuse

    Tonight I opened a can of Wellness CORE Venison, Beef, and Lamb. It was devoured as usual (That is, the something like 2 teaspoons I use for a topper!) I also got my Chewy order today, which contain some poop bags (irrelevant), some Wellness cat treats, some Yaky Charms (Doggy popcorn made out of Himalayan cheese), and a supergreen supplement by Ark Naturals. I am going to double-check with the vet that it is okay to use the supplement for daily use. I haven’t tried the treats yet, because I have an open bag of THK Pecks and Superior Farms Venison Itty Bitties, but I will update when we’ve tried them!

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