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  • This topic has 7 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Eiron M.
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  • #164553 Report Abuse
    Eiron M

    Hi –
    I’m looking for some advice on home to help my senior dog. She recently was diagnosed with the beginning stages in kidney disease. The vet put here on Royal Canin and then Adyzol (spelling?) She got horrible diarrhea and after several more trips to the vet and a handful of medications she was still suffering from the runs. I stopped giving her the Adyzol which has helped some but she’s still not back to normal. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    #166436 Report Abuse
    Janet M

    I have the same problem. I think the commercial kidney disease kibble diets are not high quality. Just my opinion. Every one gave my girl diarrhea. I’m desperate to find a food she can tolerate l

    #168089 Report Abuse
    Karen W

    Hey there
    I have a 16 yo border collie golden mix.
    A few years ago she was diagnosed with early kidney disease. Since then I caved in and got a prescription diet for her
    thru Hill’s Science Diet K/D. She has had good luck so far BUT I have a hard time locating it locally. I end up buying it from PetSmart online where ever I can locate it. Then drive to that location and pick it up. Both dry and canned. She loves the chicken and vegetable stew or beef and vegetable stew. BUT when she gets down to two or three cans is when I start my online search for the next 6-12 cans. The dry food doesn’t seem as difficlut to get it is only the canned food. The caveat is wherever you find it there has to be a vet at the location to dispense the food. Aggrivating as it may seem my girlie is worth the effort.
    I haven’t seen any reviews from this Dog Food Advisor site regarding the quality of the prescription foods or any ratings. But then again I just may be overlooking the info. I do know these foods for kidney care are low in protien. That’s what counts for this type of diet-low protien.
    Good luck

    #168102 Report Abuse
    Gloria T

    Have you tried Chewy.com. They also have an app and awhile Arago added a pharmacy, so now they can sell prescription diets and other products. They deliver to your home (and the precise door of your home) very quickly. They are open 24 hours a day and the people who answer are incredibly helpful; they will spend all the time you need and even help you research. They even contact your local vet and get the prescription from them. No driving

    #168103 Report Abuse
    Gloria T

    Karen W. Re: My post above.
    The Chewy phone number is 1 800-672-4399. It looks like they do carry your food.
    I saw on this site that the dog food advisor does not rate or review prescription diets.

    There is a lot of scientific research on pubmed com and other sites about treating your dog (and people ) with baking soda ( bicarbonate of soda) to slow down and actually stop the progression of kidney disease.I read that it works.
    Good luck for your dogs

    #168757 Report Abuse
    Peti B

    First of all, get well soon, you can read this article into Turkish, I believe it will add something to you.

    Kedilerde böbrek yetmezliği: Teşhis ve tedavi yöntemleri

    #168910 Report Abuse
    runi K

    “Stabilized patients with advanced kidney disease can live years with appropriate management, depending on the severity of the disease,” says Dr. Rubin. Pets in stage 1 or 2 chronic kidney disease can live upwards of four years after diagnosis, with cats often living longer than dogs with this condition.

    #178512 Report Abuse
    murat G

    First of all, get well soon, you can read this article into Turkish, I believe it will add something to you.


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