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Newfoundland Ears – Allergies?

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  • #49726 Report Abuse
    Kelly D

    Hi everyone! First time poster and I’m super excited I found your forum (so hopefully I’m posting in the right place). We have three dogs – two mutts and a pure-bred Newfoundland. For about two years now, the Newfie (he’s 6yrs old) has had problems with his ears. They’re juicy (gross, but best description), inflamed and painful for him. Our doctor has tested them for bacteria but none really so she says it’s some sort of allergy. We have done the elimination diet SOO many ways. I finally got him allergy tested through ImmuneIQ (much more affordable than vet) and they claim he’s allergic to so many things.

    Do you all have any other suggestions as to what this could be? We’ve fed him daily yogurts; kept him away from our two cats, their food and litter box; he’s always been on flea and tick medicine. What could it be??

    Here are the ImmuneIQ results:

    Can you all recommend a food or should we start making our own?
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU so much in advance!


    #49797 Report Abuse

    If you can afford it, feed raw. I would start with turkey, looks like you can also use lamb and goat. If you’re looking to feed dry, turkey may be your only option. Possibly duck; I think duck eggs are different than duck as a protein. The a Honest Kitchen dehydrated has a duck and turkey.

    #49802 Report Abuse

    I’m not quite sure how I feel about those test results.

    For example, in the green column it lists “fish,” herring/anchovy and salmon, but in the red column it lists “fish meal,” ocean whitefish and tuna as well as salmon oil.

    I’d be curious to know how you did the elimination diet and what you foods you fed. Did any of them work?

    I know how frustrating ear issues are and getting the food intolerances figured out can be even more frustrating. I know it wouldn’t stop the cycle and obviously, you’re doing the right thing trying to figure out the cause, but have you tried Zymox to keep it at bay somewhat? Works like magic.

    I think I’d also try raw if I were you. I’m fortunate that I could find a couple of kibbles that worked and I do have to top them to keep mine interested because raw was going to be too cost prohibitive for me as I use commercial raw foods. I didn’t see whole ground turkey at My Pet Carnivore, but you might find another protein you could use: https://mypetcarnivore.com/index.php?lang=en

    #49803 Report Abuse

    Those allergy tests can be sketchy. If you got another one run then you would most likely get different results. I second the suggestion of an elimination diet, and use small bags and try out some LIDs to figure out what’s working. Or homemade/raw

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