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Guinness Beer for heartworm prevention?

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  • #25124 Report Abuse

    I have heard from many dog owners/breeders who swear by this method of heartworm prevention. I would appreciate anyone who has had personal experience using this method (not skeptics that do not believe in alternative veterinary medicine). This link is just informational. I’m sure there is more out there, but if you have had personal experience using it I would love to hear your feedback. Thank you!


    #25126 Report Abuse

    Here’s the previous conversation about beer heartworm treatment:


    #69598 Report Abuse
    Rob M

    I have used Guinness and am here to testify that
    It works !!!. My best friend, Boozer, of 12 years tested positive for heartworms in 2012, while I was working as a volunteer at my local county animal shelter. Checking for treatment at a local vet and finding the cost outrageous, the director told me of a treatment she heard of through a friend if hers. I looked it up on the web and deceided to give it a try. Boozer weighed 60 lbs so I gave him 3 Oz’s of Dublin’s Black Label Stout. Two weeks later I gave him another 3ozs.
    Six months later I took Boozer to Banfield Veteranerian at Petsmart, where they tested him not once, but twice after I told them about the beer treatment. He reported negative both times and remained heartworm free for the rest of his life. He left me after a stroke in 2014.
    Rob M Wilm. NC

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Rob M. Reason: misspelled woed
    #69602 Report Abuse

    You got lucky. However, these alternative treatments, if they are to be considered, should be done under the guidance of a homeopathic veterinarian.

    “First do no harm.”

    #69613 Report Abuse

    I have never heard of or used this treatment, but on a whole, alcohol is horrible for dogs and should be avoided at all costs. The link in your post gave me a 404 error, so I searched on the topic and found this article: http://www.lifewithdogs.tv/2014/03/does-guinness-beer-kill-heartworms/
    As it states, “The amount of beer recommended for the heartworm treatment is minimal, so the risk of toxicity or alcohol poisoning is slim, but obviously should be taken into consideration. But if the risk is there, why try it all?”
    The article then says, “Well, health risks come with any treatment. Ivermectin, the main ingredient in most heartworm medications, is itself a poison – an anthelmintic.”

    I agree with both of these statements, but since Ivermenctin has been tested and found to be safe in most dogs, (though problems can still occur) I would definitely think of that as the safer choice for heartworm prevention. As LM said, I would never use any sort of homeopathic treatment without consulting a homeopathic vet.

    #81864 Report Abuse
    Michael D

    My little rescue JoJo tested positive for heartworms in Sept. 2015. I had been giving her heartworm prevention from the time I brought her home. I was devastated and had her checked two more times all three test showed positive. A co-worker told me about the Guinness beer treatment and I really had my doubts. I started the treatment and she never showed signs of illness. Today 1/9/16 I had her retested and it was NEGATIVE!!! I’m seriously considering taking all my dogs off the prevention and doing the Guinness treatment.

    #81869 Report Abuse

    Please! I hope no one takes this seriously. The alcohol probably altered the test results to show a false negative. Or, the original veterinarian prescribed treatment finally kicked in and was reflected in the blood work.
    Consult a veterinarian ASAP if your pet is positive for heartworm.
    Immediate aggressive treatment is needed to try to save the animal’s life.

    “Primum non nocere”

    #81902 Report Abuse
    Michael D

    I took it very seriously, no the alcohol did not alter the test results. The test is 98% accurate and there was no other treatment. This saved my dogs life and saved me a couple thousand dollars in Vet bills. The treatment the vet gives is expensive and very aggressive and causes the heartworms to release a toxic poison which makes the dog even sicker. From what I understand the hops from that area make the heartworms sterile and make them age faster. They do not reproduce and they die off faster and they don’t release the toxin. When used as a preventative the larvae never grow to maturity. I’m not a chemist or medical professional so I don’t know if all that is correct. I do know that I have a dog that tested positive on three test and today four months later she tested negative and has no signs or symptoms of having heartworms.

    #81906 Report Abuse

    I prefer to get my canine’s medical advice from a science-based veterinary healthcare professional.

    “There is no “Natural” or “Holistic” Heartworm Prevention or Treatment Proven to be Safe and Effective” posted on June 30,2013 by skeptvet

    Much of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is offered either as an addition to conventional, science-based treatment or in situations in which conventional therapies are unavailable or ineffective. This doesn’t excuse offering treatments that haven’t been properly tested, and it 
 Continue reading →

    #91989 Report Abuse
    Drew D

    All pharmaceutical drugs have serious side-effects. Never be afraid to do your own research. The anonymous person trying to fear monger everyone is either a Veterinarian or Big Pharma Rep concerned that they are going to lose CUSTOMERS if people educate themselves on this very safe alternative treatment that works!

    Never give in to fear mongering. Listen to your own intuition and do your own research.

    Thank you to everyone who shared their stories, of curing their dog’s heartworm, without toxic drugs.

    #93254 Report Abuse
    Michael D

    Here it is one year later! JoJo is doing great and still heart-worm free. 01/09/2017 You can see pictures of JoJo and the rest of my crew on facebook and Google+ if you like. My name is Michael Dowling I’m in the Dallas Texas area. My hope is that some of the people in rescue shelters will start using this treatment on dogs that come in heart-worm positive and give them a chance.

    #148481 Report Abuse

    I feel bad for the ppl that continue to use all of those pesticides that vets sell, on their pups.. Your killing your pups. Dont you realize it’s just another poison for profit, like their junk food and their overvaccinating??? Get with the times ppl. Do your research and see for yourself!
    Protectthepets.com. Your pets depend on you to keep them safe and you’re putting pesticides into their bloodstream. Smh

    #149987 Report Abuse
    william M

    WOW! what a bunch of happy assed dogs!!!!! and Boozer….hahaha what a perfect name. I had a GSH and lab mix who loved Dos equis, couldnt get him to respond to commands in spanish though!

    #149988 Report Abuse
    william M

    @anonymous, I get you want to lean on science. But this Science is the same that has kept cancer alive in humans and tells you in 1976 that your going to have your brains fried by an ozone hole then in 1983 tell you we are entering an ice age and today are telling us greenland will be our next tropical paradise…..and all of them gave a 20 year timeline for affect. Not that science isnt good, but I would challenge you and your science to visit me in ALASKA about 4 degrees north of valdez and watch my local wolf pack. Two things your gonna notice…none of them have been found alongside the road dead from a chicken bone in their throats, and they been proliferating quite well for the last several thousand years without your scientific friends. Granted all the allergies and the anomalies seem to come with the housebound, apartment dwelling critters and many of the overbred experiments by the AKC. Might spend a bit more time watching national geo and seeing how your racoon and weasel survive so well without all the help.

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