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  • Nata T

    Thank you, Caroline C.
    I am very sorry, everyone, whose fur kids are having issues with the commercial dog food (Acana in particular) and hope your babies recover and get better soon.
    I am also sorry for those of you, who lost precious pups. šŸ™

    Personally, I am fully transferred mine to raw diet and love it. Before I fed Millies Wolfheart from Austin, TX. It was the best kibble for us.

    Nata T

    In my opinion, steroids is the worst thing that could happen to anyone (I speak from experience – human and canine) – it is not the healer or helper, it is a simple symptom suppresser, which as you might know not helping immune system or the body. As you said, it is ” temporarily” relief. Yeah, I consulted the vet and was told he is ok, when blood work was clearly not showing positive results.
    Thanks for your opinion though!
    Not here to argue. šŸ™‚

    Nata T

    Hi all,

    I am very sorry for your puppies being sick and now wonder myself if this is the cause of mine being unwell. Hope they recover soon. There are holistic ways to help your babies.
    We used to feed my fur boy Acana only until they decided to open a plant in KY and in the USA we only have access to that food. So, I found new food for him over a year ago. It was a perfect choice with new food and my boy not once had ANY health issues. Until this May when I for some reason forgot that I didn’t order his food (only available on line), I ran into Hollywood feed and got a bag of Acana Wild Atlantic. Immediately, he started to itch, eating himself to bleeding. I freaked out and took him to the vet and asked for blood test. His BUN was ok, but CREA was sooo high, MCH and MCHC so low that it alarmed me. The vet said- no worries, this is allergy. Stupid me, feeling so bad for my boy, agreed to a steroid shot to relief the itch. We also got antibiotics and allergy drugs, which cost me an arm and leg. But, anything for my boy. I eat and live healthy and natural as I can. So, I started my research and after 10 days of meds, I took him off. Sorry, got carried away.
    The Acana food I bought was sooo greasy that it concerned me, but I still fed him (I bought a smaller bag). Stupid me!
    As soon as our regular food arrived, I switched and he is getting better.
    It has been over a month of this disaster, but I am getting this under control.

    This morning I received the same e-mail from Chewy and was surprised. But I guess it is for the better.
    Being bought by Petsmart is not good news to me.

    I am in process of transferring to raw now.
    The food I currently feed is UK made formula (Guidelines are tougher in Europe) made in Austin, TX by one of the family member, who lives in the USA. No grain, no soy, no canola, no rice, no potatoes, no eggs. Once a week I give him egg with shell. Kelp daily. Fruits and veggies he access any time. No harm, except few high in sugar, no raisins, avocado, grapes.
    So glad I came across this post. Thank you all!

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