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Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
- This topic has 34 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
Hater and Molly’s Mom
MemberHope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
MemberMerry Christmas everyone, and peace to you in the new year!
MemberEveryone please have a holly jolly Christmas and a blessed New Year. Thank you all for being part of my extended family and friends and for the years of health you have given to my three precious girls. Fa La La La La, La La La La!!!
MemberWell, I’m off to go do Christmassy things. Everyone have a blessed day!
MemberI need to get started too, BC!
Christmas blessings to you all!
MemberI finished the last of my wrapping this morning. YAY!!!!!!!! I should probably get started on some baking but I may leave that for tomorrow morning. Ah, I’ll see how I feel in a little while.
Christmas and the holidays are so exhausting.
Hey, while we’re on the topic of Christmas. What does everyone get their dogs for Christmas or do you get them something?
Memberthey get some chew that will last them a while for that day to keep them busy while we do things. Other than that, I do get them some new puzzles and balls and toys. No real reason because they don’t care what day they get them on, but it makes me feel happy ๐ I’m one of those “pets are my kids” type of guys…
The cat will get some catnip, and a new toy that she won’t use, look offended by, and potentially bite me. Because she’s a peach
Hater and Molly’s Mom
MemberBoth of my girls have a stocking full. My senior dog doesn’t play with toys so she doesn’t get them but Molly does. I have some NVI treats and some Healthy Dogma treats as well in them.
Dog_Obsessed has a bunch of holiday themed toys on sale:
I was temped to buy everything just because it was so cheap. ๐
Memberaquariangt. That description of your cat is priceless. lmao! So funny.
As to the dogs, yeah I know they haven’t got a clue one day from the next but as you say it makes me feel good and happy. We also are “our pets are our kids” couple. Most definitely.
I’ve got to call my sister and read her your post re your cat and the present. She’s a cat person and will really get a kick out of it. Her cat thinks nothing of biting and scratching her whenever the mood strikes her. You don’t even see it coming. Scary!
MemberThe “pets are kids” thing is the exact reason that Lily has 4 billion toys. Okay, not really, but she has a lot.
MemberDori-yes. She is mean, and has no qualms about biting or scratching me. I’ve awoken to her biting my nose-not my proudest pet parent moment and she was tossed off the bed. She also hates the dogs and not-so-secretly plots my demise for bringing her into a household with other animals.
She’s a terrible eater to boot. The things we do…
MemberOh my goodness! Seriously she has got to be related to my sister’s cat that she rescued from living under a truck outside of her place of work. My sister thought she was doing a good and kindly deed and that cat has hated her ever since. Mind you my sister lives in NJ and that cat would probably have frozen or died of starvation years ago, but honestly she hates my sister. By the same token she loves my brother-in law who has absolutely nothing to do with her. Go figure. Cats? I’m glad I’m allergic to them cause I just don’t get them.
MemberIs being allergic to cats related with not understanding their strange behavior? I’m not really allergic to animals, (knock on wood big time!) but I sometimes feel a little allergic if they have a lot of dust on them.
MemberLOL Aquariangt!!
I still have scars on my arms from my incredibly mean cat trying to claw me to death when I was a little kid. My daughter would love to have a kitty, but I am so terribly allergic. That’s not actually an excuse either.
Hater and Molly’s Mom
MemberWe could never have a kitty. My hubbie is allergic to them when hes around them for any length of time.
MemberI’m stupid enough to adopt feral cats and let them take over my life, and I’m not a cat person!!!!! My worst wild one is 13 years old and I keep praying that I won’t have to suffer with her much longer, then I remember how I bawled when we had to put her sister down earlier this year, and I try to upgrade her food, which makes her hate me even more. I can’t win.
MemberI had to run real quick. DH needed all the internet to get some work done. All around Christmas I buy every kind of treat I see, so the dogs, cats, horses, goats, and chickens get all kinds of stuff all around Christmas, not just Christmas day. The horses will get peppermints and the goats and chickens will get extra sunflower seeds. The cats will get Temptations(not good, but the only treat I’ve found that they like and they don’t get them often). The dogs get big bones, new toys, and lots of silly play time.
MemberMerry Christmas to those who celebrate it and Happy Holidays to those who don’t, and Happy New Year to all who use the Julian calendar (and not any East-Asian one or another one where the New Year is not on Jan. 1st)! Either way, hope everyone has high spirits and is surrounded by joy and loved ones!
As for us, I have really wanted to get Bruno something Christmassy, at least a collar, but he will only wear it for a month at best, and so far we haven’t. We haven’t gotten him anything special either, except I may feed him a Weruva can as a Christmas dinner this time. On Thanksgiving he had 1/2 of a raw turkey neck for dinner. Yum! LoL. He will also get to “vacuum” around the kitchens of my mother-in-law and her sister, and he will lick any and every crumb or drop of sauce or whatever it is. At least they don’t drop or spill stuff too often, lol. I think I also have a dried chicken foot that I could give him tomorrow night, on Christmas Eve – a little something extra so he can feel special on a day that he doesn’t usually get a special something. ๐
ParticipantMerry Christmass, everyone!
For Haley and Dweezle, we also get them huge bones, sometimes raw hides, sometimes big huge pig knuckles. Depends on way we find. I may brave the grocery store for a couple pig knuckles. If not, the pet store will be much less scary, and they’ll just get raw hides LOL That’s what I get for waiting till Christmass eve to shop for them. Bentley and Ginger have some treats and a Fruitables chew each.
The cat has nothing so far. I want to buy him some cat nip, though, for his turbo chaser toy thing (round, with a ball in a track, and a scratching pad in the middle). I also want to buy him toys, but he eats anything small and hard (found that out the hard way, $400 later) and Bentley destroys anything with feathers on it, so that’s rules out 99% of all cat toys LOL He does have a few cans of special food, though. He better like it, that’s all I have to say! He’ll have a great time with the gift bag, at least! Darn cats…
MemberMerry Christmas, everyone! We are simple up here. I don’t bake anything. We’ll get some cookies from my sister but my days of making them are over. For Christmas day, we’ll have it at my sons. It was my idea for simple: everyone bring a dish & a dessert. We are bringing a layered taco salad and Kahlua cake. Paper plates.
I’ll make the cake today, take a bunch of things over to our sons, 4 pm Christmas Eve mass then pizza &’Christmas movies tonight. The dogs each get a stuffie &. Box of treats to share.
MemberI got a fake sheepskin snowman in one of those after Christmas sales about 10 years ago. It’s one of the few toys my dogs carry around instead of shred, so it has seen many Christmases. I would get another one of those if I spotted it in an after Christmas sale again.
My cats prefer the bag too, so we get them crinkle bags. Talk about turning an old cat back into a kitten.
MemberI don’t come on here much anymore, but wanted to wish EVERYONE a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very Happy New Year!!! ๐
MemberWe miss you!!
jakes mom
MemberI have a turkey neck for Jake and treats for the cats and will throw some catnip around, too. Extra sunflower seed and peanuts for the birds and squirrels in the yard. Jake doesn’t play with toys anymore, if it’s not food he’s not interested. I’m working Christmas so haven’t decided if we’ll have our treats tonite or after work on the 25th. Happy holidays from me and the critters…Jake, Smudge, Dustin, Benjamin, Julie and Teddy!
ParticipantI have to work the day before and after, but at least I have Christmas off! My son who works for a grocery store has to work on Christmas. ๐ I hope it is real slow and they send everyone home! Merry Christmas everyone from me and my zoo…Griffey, Buhner, Rosie, Casper, Beans, Savanna and the fish!
MemberAwww, thanks Nut! I missed you too! ๐ I’ll try to make a point of coming on here more regularly! After I had my surgery, I had to ease back into sitting at the computer, but only really went on facebook here and there. I kind of just forgot about DFA in a way because I could only be on the computer for like 10 minutes at a time. But, now that everything has been back to normal, I do need to get back on here more regularly and keep up with all the goings on and stuff!
Merry Christmas everyone!! ๐
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
MemberHI CYNDI ๐ So glad you’re well enough to join us on DFA again. You have truly been missed. Hope you and your family have a really healthy and happy holiday and new year. ๐
MemberAwww, thanks Dori!! I hope the same for you! Merry Christmas!! ๐
MemberI’m glad you’re healing and starting to get back to the regular routines. I hate when I can’t do the things that I tell myself I should be doing!!
MemberNo goat wresting and you should be fine. ๐
Seriously though, I’m glad your back and feeling better Cyndi!
MemberHa ha! Thanks! I’ll hold off on the goat wrestling! Lol!
Bobby dog
MemberI hope Santa brought everything on your list!! ๐ Merry Christmas to everyone and their furry friends too!
MemberI’m the only one that gets to do goat wrestling!!! And I hope everyone is having a wonderful day today.
ParticipantHope everyone had an awesome day! We got up, made egg sammiches for breakfast, opened presents, went to one grandmas for another round of presents and visiting, then did early dinner at the other grandmas.
The dogs loved destroying the wrapping paper on their gifts and eating the treats I spiked them all with, and yesterday we had an explodey-leak problem at my friends condo, so we did not get to the store for the big dogs bones. However, I had a partial bag of those frozen Natures Variety Raw Bites and took some ham trimmings and sweet potato skins from dinner and made them a yummy meal. The kitty loved his Natural Balance fish-stuff, but could care less about opening them lol
Mom got me *both* the new Pokemon games (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire!), some candy, a wall mount for my TV that lives at the foot of my bed on the floor because I have no where for it go with out a wall mount, some other random things (gift cards, AUX cord for my car radio, and so on), my assorted grandmas got me Pokemon Blue for the GameBoy Color I found at Goodwill for 10 bucks, a Magic Bullet, assorted gift cards, and a yummy smelling, beach-themed candle ๐
I got mom a new oven mit, Maleficent on BluRay, and a Baymax toy, because who doesn’t love Baymax?? I never know what to get this chick, and she gets upset that I spend money on her. She likes motorcycle and baseball and golf stuff– all things I know nothing about. She was very happy to see her new oven mit and Baymax toy, though lol She also got lots of Teavana tea and goodies, and she’s been wired up on hot tea all day LOL
It was great spending the whole day with a good chunck of my family, and considering I asked for litterally nothing, I made out pretty good! LOL Omega Ruby is awesome! I haven’t played the original in forever because I don’t have a system to play it on. And Blue is fantastic!! Makes me feel old lol The game isn’t much younger than I am!
I’m finishing my day up snuggled up on the couch with a Ginger Burrito (wrapped in my new blanket!!!) on my chest :3 Merry Christmas guys!
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
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