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  • #120610 Report Abuse
    Melissa T

    I adopted an abused, senior doxie 6 months ago. He has no teeth, he is deaf and in heart failure with an estimated life span of 6 months to 2 years. He is currently prescribed furosimide, vet medin and Benazepril.
    His tongue hangs out due to his lack of teeth and kibble, even wet, is not an option. I hand feed him twice a day as he cannot get food into his mouth without my help. 3 different vets have told me to feed him whatever canned food he will eat. The only canned food he will eat so far is Pedigree chopped. I have tried several prescription and non prescription canned foods. He refuses everything except pedigree, on occasion he refuses that. I would like to feed him a healthier chopped, canned food. if I could keep him here on earth for 2 years instead of 6 months and still make him feel happy, loved and healthy as possible I would love that. I’m even willing to cook his food every day, if I knew that what I was making was healthy for him. I would appreciate any suggestions or advice. I adore him and want to do everything I can for him. TIA

    #120613 Report Abuse

    “I hand feed him twice a day as he cannot get food into his mouth without my help. 3 different vets have told me to feed him whatever canned food he will eat”.

    There is nothing wrong with Pedigree. Especially if he enjoys it and is doing well. I agree with the vets that you spoke to.
    Maybe you could add a little something to it? A bit of boiled egg or something…
    Make sure he’s drinking water, add a little water to the food if he isn’t.

    #120614 Report Abuse

    Thanks for adopting this pup! Have you tried something like The Honest Kitchen? Some of them are soupier, some oatmeal consistency.

    #120616 Report Abuse
    Melissa T

    I think he would love boiled egg. Water is a problem. I’m sure he doesn’t drink an ideal amount. Water falls out of his mouth, he has a difficult time drinking.
    The “soupy” foods he walks away from. If it takes to much energy to eat, or try to eat, or drink, he will walk away.

    #120620 Report Abuse

    Ask the vet if you should give him a squirt of water via a medium sized medication syringe (10 ml, no needle) a few of times a day? Adequate hydration is important.
    How about scrambled egg (made with a splash of water not milk) cooked in a tiny amount (spoonful) of olive oil and mixed in with his food. Try it!

    #120633 Report Abuse

    For a dog that needs a very soft canned food, I’d recommend a brand called Gentle Giants. I once used it for an old dog dying of degenerative myelopathy, who had partially lost the ability to swallow. The texture is very much like the Pedigree chopped food, only thinner. More recently, I tried it for an old hound with liver problems who gives me trouble about eating. Never had any digestive upsets from it, and though it’s very high protein, in small amounts it hasn’t upset his condition. Would definitely use it again despite it being over $2 a can.

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