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Sorbitol dangerous or not?

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  • #76095 Report Abuse

    I have been having trouble as some of u know with reflux issues. The Sat. Vet I went to said it was reflux and prescribed 0.5 mg of children’s Zantac syrup twice a day(not with food) I gave it to him a week and it worked then some people on here said it was like xylitol and not to give it. It is a sugar sub but it is not dangerous to dogs. I’ve had 3 vets tell me it’s not dangerous like xylitol. I quit giving it to him and I believe if I had given it to him short term like Dr. Faulk suggested he would not be sick now. I am real surprised that some of u like BCnut said it was dangerous but suggest gas x and it has sorbitol. I love ya’ll but I’m listening to my vet from now on. What u think?

    #76125 Report Abuse

    Hi weezerweeks-
    Sorbitol is not dangerous to dogs like xylitol. And by all means feel free to listen to your vet!

    #76131 Report Abuse

    Thanks crazy4cats I didn’t mean to sound ugly because I love this site. I think between Bailey being sick and the fact that one of my rescue cats,Grace, got killed that I’m in a terrible mood.My husband said u still have 7 left but I guess some people don’t understand how much u love them all. It has broken my heart! Thanks for all ur kindness!

    #76137 Report Abuse

    Oh boy, I’m very sorry to hear about Grace. It is so very painful when we lose one of our fur babies. Sometimes our most difficult pets are the hardest to lose because we have so much time invested in them and become so close to them. I understand your frustration. Take care!

    #76140 Report Abuse

    Weezerweeks- I’m SO sorry to here about your girl. I don’t think it matters how many other animals you have, you will still feel the pain of losing one as if it was your only pet. I’m getting a little teary reading your post remembering how I felt losing my cat last year at only 6 yrs old. I hope you feel better! I know the pain you’re in.

    #76166 Report Abuse

    I’m truly sorry to hear about your loss. There are no words that could ever make it right but the memories will.

    I’m sure you already know, canine acid reflux most often happens after your pet has eaten a meal that is very high in fat or eats too much and his/her stomach is very full (gee, sounds like me). Lesser known causes would be a post surgery symptom or hiatal hernia at birth. Could any of these pertain to Bailey? Did your vet perform an esophagoscopy? I apologize if you’ve posted details before and I didn’t read it.

    I think focusing on the cause of Bailey’s irritated esophagus/stomach will overshadow the controversial Sorbitol, in which subsequently, the pup doesn’t need. If the symptoms came back after it was administered that week, it wouldn’t matter how much longer you could have given it.

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