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  • #86892 Report Abuse
    Laurie W

    When I searched the brand name, I found a 5 star review for RAWZ dry food, yet it’s not on the June Editor’s Choice List. Confusing. Please comment. Thanks!

    #86894 Report Abuse
    Mike Sagman

    Hi Laurie,

    Please keep in mind that currently, there are more than 340 dog foods rated 4 stars or higher on our website. Yet (by design) Editor’s Choice includes a much smaller selection. Currently, just 21 brands.

    There are many reasons why a particular brand may not be included on our lists. And we are particularly cautious with small batch and raw dog foods (as testing and science based design are typically minimal or non-existent).

    For example, in most cases, a company may not have met all our guidelines. Or more rarely, its agents may have been unwilling to reveal important manufacturing information.

    Or we may be aware of unfavorable information about a company. Or we may have received tips from industry insiders that disqualify certain brands from inclusion on our lists.

    In any case, you should be able to find a more detailed answer to your question and many others on our Editor’s Choice FAQ page as well as our How We Rate Dog Foods FAQ page, too.

    Hope this helps.

    #86896 Report Abuse
    Laurie W

    Thanks Mike. I incorrectly presumed that a 5 star rating would land them automatically on the Editor’s Choice list and appreciate the clarification.

    From what I can determine, RAWZ is not raw, but perhaps small batch. There’s a lot to like about it — but your Editor’s Choice list matters to me and is why I pay for the membership.

    Have a pup reaching 1 year’s old this week, so switching from Fromm Gold Large Breed Puppy & have been researching your ratings for grain-free adult food options. Based on those, along with my preferred list of ingredients & exclusions, Fromm Four Star Nutritionals (Grain-Free) is my best match. Thanks again.

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