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Raw food meatball recipe

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  • #55300 Report Abuse
    Lillian N

    I saw this recipe online as a treat you can give your dogs but I just wanted to see what other people thought about it:

    1 lb ground beef/turkey/chicken/pork
    1/2 cup shredded carrots
    1/2 cup shredded spinach
    1 tbsp chia seed
    1 egg
    1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree
    1 tbsp olive oil

    and you can freeze it and just thaw a ball prior to serving? Any suggestion or other recipes? I think I saw a nice frozen meatball I wanted to try in the comments section of a raw dog food review but I closed the window and lost it. The only thing I remember is they said they feed their dog 8 meatballs a day.

    #55316 Report Abuse

    Looks ok to me. My dog would like those, I know that, lol! I have also used ground turkey, mixed with an egg and cooked for treats. The raw would be fine too, I just wouldn’t use that many of them in a day or you’ll end up with a meatball for a dog, lol!

    #55354 Report Abuse
    Lillian N

    thanks for your reply 🙂 I wanted to start incorporating some raw into my dogs diet and so I’m taking baby steps. I found a package of turkey backs at Sprouts today for just $1.45 and I bought it, intending to chop it into chunks for them to have as a treat once a week. I know that people here say turkey backs are fine raw but when I took it out of the package to prep it I was uneasy seeing how many tiny sharp bones are in it. I gave them each a small piece of the softer bone to test and they took a little time crunching it up but I still didn’t feel safe (the chewing was very loud) so I just pulled all the meat off and tossed the bones. Still, I came away with a ziploc full of good meat and (tendons?) chewy parts that at least amounted to a can of dog food which would cost me around that much anyway. The backs also had some organ meat attached. Anyway, if anyone can suggest to me some other easy raw mixes I can give my dogs I would appreciate it. Plus if they are meatballs seeing as that would be the easiest for me to freeze and portion out. I have 5 and 7 lb chihuahuas btw

    #55356 Report Abuse
    Lillian N

    Oh also, a little off topic but I while I was at spouts as I saw they had this vac sealed beef liver in the freezer section and it wasn’t very expensive, I think 2.99 for 4 big slices. I remember reading somewhere that liver should be 5% of their meals so I was wondering if I bought this and sliced it into 1 inch sections and froze and just gave to my dogs once a week would that be okay or would that be too rich?

    #55360 Report Abuse

    Since your dogs are so small, a chunk of liver that big might be too rich for them. Liver is definitely rich and causes diarrhea in some dogs. Try half that size twice a week instead, and feed it with other food the first few times.

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