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Need help regarding dogs eating poop

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  • #62406 Report Abuse
    Sharon L

    I’m a petsitter and I have a few clients that have problems with their dogs eating their own poop or other dog’s poop. Does anyone have any suggestions to stop this behavior?

    #62412 Report Abuse

    I’ve had my share of stool eaters so I’m speaking from experience. The best I’ve found is to pick it up as soon as they go. That may mean changing how you do your potty routine to taking the dog(s) out on a leash or putting up a small kennel for pottying. They can’t eat it if they can’t get to it. I’ve tried many products ithat go their food but they didn’t work.

    #62415 Report Abuse

    I’ve had dogs that nothing worked and I’ve had dogs that a diet change was all that was required. My current poop eater likes “natural flavor” so I don’t feed foods with that ingredient and viola, no poop eating.

    #62524 Report Abuse

    Pumkin, a vet on TV recommends 1 spoon of pumkin with every meal, Pumkin also helps with anal gland problems, also change the dogs diet, some dogs that are on grainfree diets seem to eat their own poo, or dogs that aren’t digesting their food properly, when they poo there’s still undigested food in their poo, so they eat it…ask owners what kibble are they on…

    #62583 Report Abuse

    My dogs are on grainfree, always are, still ate poop. Same goes for pumpkin. Some dogs do and if thats the case, the best thing to do is pick it up.

    #62603 Report Abuse

    Hi Marie, I think you miss read my post,
    when I’ve read posts about dogs eating their own poo, most of the time their dog is on a high protein Grainfree kibble….
    Yes, its best to go for a walk & pick up straight away & teach them “No leave it”

    #62615 Report Abuse
    Kristin C

    One of my dog’s ate her poo for the first 4 years. She was on Blue Buffalo (puppy, then wilderness). We switched her to a raw diet last year, along with the occasional Orijen kibble and she no longer eats it. From what I’ve read the flavors in kibble don’t digest and so poop tastes just like kibble to some dogs. Unless your clients are willing to change diet then picking it up right away is about your only option.

    #62651 Report Abuse

    oops, yes Susan, I didn’t read it correctly, sorry!!

    #62656 Report Abuse
    Barbara C

    my 6 month old mini schnauzer doesn’t eat her poop but loves rabbit poop! I take her to work most of the time and when out for a walk she goes right for all the rabbit poop, it’s everywhere we walk. any suggestions to stop this?

    #62699 Report Abuse

    Hi Barbara, when I first got Patch he ate cats poo, I live in communal living of 12 units & villas & we share the common gardens & grounds, at first I didn’t notice what he was doing, cleaning up all the neighbours cats poo, then he started to be sick & have diarrhoea, vet said what’s he eating, he’s probably ate something on his walks, so I started to watch where his big nose went when walking & it went straight to the garden with all the neighbours cats poo…the trainer at the vets told me to teach him LEAVE IT & showed me how to make him leave something on the ground, so now when he’s about to do something naughty, he first looks up at me to see if I’m watching him & I am & he just leaves it, sometimes if he keeps sniffing in the 1 spot to long, I’ll say LEAVE IT, come on….. he also licks other dogs wee off the grass, I don’t know what that’s about, I’d say it’s a undesexed females wee……& we kiss them, yuk lol

    #62906 Report Abuse
    scott s

    I’ve got three senior Dachs, a senior Vizsla and a cat….You can’t watch them all, all the time. Two of the Dachs have eaten feces of both dog and cat for years…my vet recently told me to sprinkle 1/4 tsp of Accent Meat Tenderizer on meals for all…stopped it cold within a week…apparently it changes the taste negatively.

    #62938 Report Abuse

    I’m glad it worked for you. Did your cat actually eat the food after sprinkling the meat tenderizer on it?

    #63003 Report Abuse

    I have three dogs….I sure can watch all three. I run around, scooping as they go so no one grabs it.

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