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  • #29389 Report Abuse

    i hv found this products at a pet shop nearby. http://www.azmira.com/products/supplements/grape-seed-extract/
    i know grapeseed is benificial for human,but does it work for dogs?
    what i curious about is that dogs can’t have grapes, is grapeseed products mean to be helpful for them. And also same wonder if dogs can take supplement contain garlic?

    #29399 Report Abuse

    My understanding is that they don’t know exactly what it is about grapes that makes them toxic to dogs, so I wouldn’t risk it. Garlic in high doses is toxic to dogs, but small doses of fresh garlic can be beneficial.

    #29443 Report Abuse

    i see.what’s best if probably only add what is really required for individual situation.

    #29445 Report Abuse

    If she is under 20 lbs you can give her 1/2 clove of freshly chopped garlic 3 days a week, then don’t give it for four. If she is over 20 lbs, give 1 clove instead. But if you are going to change her to a new joint supplement, I would do that first so you know how she is doing on it before adding something else.

    #29534 Report Abuse

    Thank you for the reminder. ~i’m currently swtiching joint supplement.^^

    #29543 Report Abuse

    Garlic has been known to help with joints too, but I think you will want to know how much help the joint supplement is providing before you see if the garlic helps even more.

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