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Fatty Lipomas and Diet

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  • #78280 Report Abuse
    Deb B

    Maybe this is the place to post this question. Our 12 year old lab has developed a very sizeable lump on her side which is benign, but getting so big, it is starting to affect her walk, balance hips etc. Our vet, who is excellent, is thinking that perhaps we might consider surgery to remove. She is a really strong and healthy girl, who he believes can so well with the surgery. I know I should have paid more attention to her food, but wonder if there is a grain free food out there, that helps with this condition?

    #78289 Report Abuse

    Hi Deb-

    Maybe you and your vet could figure out a homemade diet using this website that will help with your dog’s situation: https://secure.balanceit.com/

    Here is a holistic site that I’ve heard others on this site mention that may be of interest to you: http://ottawavalleydogwhisperer.blogspot.com/2013/03/fatty-tumors-lipomas-in-dogs-benign.html

    I’m hoping the best for you and your pup.

    #78290 Report Abuse
    Deb B

    Hi there! Thanks so much…I read the Ottawa valley one, which was what got me thinking of her diet. She’s been on Proplan since puppyhood, and has had no problems whatsoever, and never been overweight. I’ll probably look into a completely grainfree food.

    #78318 Report Abuse
    Amy P

    Hi, My Schnauzer has a tennis-ball sized lipoma on his chest. We have tried a variety of nutrition plans hoping that something might slow or reverse the growth. Nothing has. As he is a schnauzer, however, we often catch him in dietary indiscretion; but I doubt it is enough to counteract the benefits of the grain-free holistic diet.

    Our vet says lipoma is genetic & schnauzers and some other dogs are likely to have the mutation that causes it. She only recommends surgery if the lipoma is interfering with the dog’s movement or regular activities.

    #78319 Report Abuse
    Deb B

    Hi Amy…thanks, our vet is very cautious as well, but the lipoma is starting to really affect her quality of movement and life, so because she is otherwise really healthy and should be able to get through surgery and recovery well, we will likely go ahead with removal. I do wish I had have fed her a better type of food though!!

    #78332 Report Abuse

    You know, I don’t think there are many that come to this site that don’t say the same thing. “If only we knew then what we know now.” That being said, if it makes you feel any better, my sister had two dogs that ate the exact same diet for years and one of them developed several lumps and the other has none. I don’t think anyone knows what really causes them.

    But…there is no reason not to start feeding your pup better now! Especially since she is entering her golden years.

    I hope surgery goes well!

    #78346 Report Abuse

    Very well said C4C. I know I’ve certainly felt that way.

    #78348 Report Abuse

    C4C, I’m seconding the very well said!

    Deb B, I had told you previously my experience with Lipomas. The interesting thing is that dog that had them began to decline in his old age (over 14 and an 80 lb dog) as other health issues set in and as he lost weight, the lipomas began to shrink.

    That being said, I am again going to mention that moving to fresher food has kept my current “older” lab’s lipoma at a very small size for over 2 years (marble size). You might look into feeding somthing like The Honest Kitchen which is a rehydrated food. The closer you are to fresh food, the better. It isn’t a miracle cure, but I do feel it’s a better diet. I use THK’s premixes and add fresh cooked meat from the grocery store. I just buy whatever is on sale, turkey, beef, chicken, pork, whatever. It’s the cheapest way to feed a fresh balanced diet without researching diets that are balanced. My older Lab is almost your dog’s age and is just full of energy and looks wonderful! Just my $.02. 🙂

    #78352 Report Abuse
    Deb B

    You are all wonderful, thank you for all your input! I have been looking at different foods and have settled on Champion ” ACANA” …as it is very pure in ingredients, and since I am Canadian, I’m happy to support this Canadian company. Our girl is not picky at all about food, and I am switching gradually. She is happy to eat whatever we offer her!! Darcie is not overweight ( 65 lbs.) and never has been, and behaves like a puppy still at times… so we are lucky her general health is excellent. We have not scheduled surgery yet, but will probably so soon…before the lipoma gets any bigger…I realistically know that change in diet will likely not reduce its size. I have great faith in her vet.

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