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Bravecto (chewable flea and tick)
- This topic has 260 replies, 76 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by
Cameron M.
Cameron M
MemberAgain, facts vs conjecture. And no you don’t know many vets…really…why would you know “,many” vets. What normal person knows many vets?
Anyway, my life and choices are science based…we put a man on the moon and science is not a shame. Your ramblings are purely conjecture and emotional based(because you “feel” like it).
Both of us have taken enough space up in this blog…lets stop. I am,
MemberThanks again Jane for bringing these facts to light so people can make their own decisions on the use of Bravetco! Yes i do. I was indirectly involved and do know the facts very well first hand but that is another topic on a different forum…seems like we lost someone…perhaps it was a synapse ( not sure if that’s the scientific term though… )
Jane L
MemberFor anybody interested not Cameron who I am not responding to. Here are two articles written by vets and one by a biologist.
As I say I know many vets that warn against and will not sell in many Countries. I have read reports and viewed many necropsies. Yes no conclusive proof as that seems impossible but the EMA review cases and hundreds are listed as probable cause.
So just go on the risk / reward and decide if you think it’s a risk worth taking.
And here
“All 4 Paws Veterinary Hospital
3 February ·
And this, dear clients, is why we do NOT carry trifexis, comfortis, and bravecto, or simparica or vectra or any other topicals especially hard on cats.
We carry only heartgard or sentinel and nexgard for heartworm, fleas and ticks in dogs
And we recommend Revolution in cats.
Capstar is amazing at helping with severe infestations and is extremely safe.
That’s it.
There’s a large class action lawsuit with trifexis and comfortis also.
We support the products made and extensively safety tested , and safe since 8 weeks old
Bravecto and others are NOT approved until 6 months of age.
When we read the safety literature, we realized we were uncomfortable with the safety data.
Please tell your friends and help people keep their pets safe.
Always remember to buy these products from your veterinarian, not because of the money, but because merial backs its products 100% for a refund or treatment, if there should be any bad side effects.
If you buy them from some diverted pharmacy or 1800petneds, you have zero recourse for treatment costs etc.
That is so important.
Most vets will pricematch anyway.
We do, as we prefer you get a fresh and real , well stored product.”anonymous
MemberHomeopathic veterinary views are very different from science based veterinary medicine.
Jane L
MemberA Biologist will be interested to know her views are not science!
One more. An conventional as well as holistic.
Participant. very much interested.Thank you so much for all the info.
Cameron M
So what do you suggest for the deep South in regards to flea and tick? Something that is proven to work.
I read the article you sent…yeah? Ok a very few …extremely small number of dogs that were given large doses over time has mostly minor side effects. ! female dog out of hundreds was put to
If you knew anything about science you would know the statistical chance of a random natural death is ever present.
I look forward to hearing your solution and suggestions on what will protect my gal
Susan W
MemberCameron, you have made your point and have been a bit rude. I think you already said enough to Jane, so isn’t it time to end it like you said previously? Or do you just feel you have to have the last word? You sound like you are a Merck employee more than anything. Clearly there are enough concerns over this drug or the EMA would not have ordered a targeted safety review. Glad you like it for now. Hope you continue to be happy with it, but enough already!
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Susan W.
MemberHi again Cameron, i can step in for Jane and a few others on this particular forum topic, I have a great suggestion and recommendation for your deep south Gal, get him on Bravetco right away before he falls ill.
Susan W
MemberGreat suggestion! And if he begins to have seizures after taking it, I am sure it is just a coincidence since MSD has not issued seizure warnings for the oral even though MSD stated it can cause seizures in dogs that never had them when they did the study for the topical. It must be irrelevant that seizures are in the top 10 side effects reported to the FDA after Bravecto. And it must not matter because the overall incidence of side effects reported is so low. And I am sure that has nothing to do with the fact that the FDA estimates that only 1% of people report adverse side effects. Good luck everyone. We have all made our points. The dogs are the important thing here. Do what you feel is best and at least you know the potential risks when you play russian roulette.
Using Cameron’s words we have “taken enough space up in this blogâŠlets stop. I am”. Good luck all.
Cameron M
MemberHey, Thank you! I did give my gal Bravecto last Wed. She is doing great. Its almost comical but at the same time scary that handful of extremely vocal people claim all these horrible things yet when you go to the sources they cite the information is just the opposite. One person here cited a Swedish study and when I pasted the conclsuion of the study that they found no…zero connection between reported side effects to the administartion of Bravecto..the gal who cited the study here replied …oh yeah well thats the Swedish.
Anyway…thanks for your support and logical advice…my gal is fine now and free of fleas
Susan W
MemberSeriously Cameron, when do you stop? You said you were three posts ago. You act more like my teenager then a person with a doctorate. Just seems like you just have to have the last word. For someone with a doctorate, how can you say a handful of people when there are close to 4000 adverse events reported to the EMA. And those are only the serious ones? And almost 1000 deaths. And that’s based on under reported numbers. So no, not handful. Are you done?
judy t
MemberAgain…how toxic must this stuff be?! A dog might be young and healthy enough to take it with no adverse reactions for awhile, but it hasn’t been out long enough to know what kind of long term damage it may cause and I certainly wouldn’t give it to an old or ailing dog. I don’t need a study to tell me that. Comfortis killed my dog and I’ll never get over that.
This reminds me of our doctor telling my husband that he could take Vioxx and Prilosec forever with no problem. Riiiiiight. Good thing he has a wife who finds alternatives to drugs.
Seriously, if it’s toxic enough to kill fleas what’s it doing to your pet?
Cameron M
MemberSusan and Judy, I was thanking the individual who took the time to express his/her opinion.
Judy, I am sorry for your loss, however, I am not discussing Comfortis I am discussing Bravecto. Likewise, I am not discussing your doctor ( hey readers…lets stop here a second…scroll up a bit and read the post where the person suggests listening to your vet now notice Judy digging at her husband’s Doctor…can’t win huh?).
I keep responding because seriously…we are in a lot of trouble today because people do not understand basic science…perhaps our schools are to blame. It is truly scary to me to hear such twisted yet seemingly “common” sense comments be accepted…such as it must be toxic if it kills fleas.
Rubish! So Judy to answer I will say I do not know what you mean because what is toxic to a flea is obviously vastly different than what is toxic to my dog or myself with both us being mammals.
Even between mammals there are vastly different toxicity variables. Do you enjoy grapes Judy? How about chocolate? Both really tasty and good food items for humans that will kill dogs…gee…it seems simple common sense doesn’t really work in the world of science. So please keep your you simple homespun observations to yourself because all you do is create danger.
If you actually have studies which support harm being caused by Bravecto then please do share…but you don’t. Scopes even investigated this and found all the hype to be an urban myth based on conjecture vs facts.
Flea and tick control are extremely important – neither Judy or Susan have bothered to offer a helpful suggestion as to a proven alternative to medication ( I say proven vs swing a chicken over your head on a full moon).
So please Judy and Susan…can you share a good method to protect my gal here in FL from flea bites ( which cause disease) or ticks ( which cause disease)?
Susan W
MemberI’m not here to give you a proven alternative. I’m here to correct your statements. It’s not a handful of people. Look at the EMA reports and the FDA reports. And just stop already. You love it. Use it. Good luck to your dog.
ParticipantVetri science works as natural alternative, when applied daily.
Cameron M
MemberMy statements are that I am trying it…never said I loved it and frankly I don’t know if I will use it again. So far so good though.
People come here to try to get facts and make a decision. I need good flea control period. I also love organic but that doesn’t work where I live.
My vet ( who I trust a great deal) suggested Bravecto. Like everyone else here I started to research because no…I don’t like “new” drugs…esp. long acting drugs. As I started to research this my hair almost fell out because of all the hype…seriously…I was taken back.
Then slowly I started sorting through all the junk and came to a conclusion. I gave my gal Bravecto and I will say this to people:
Keep an eye on your dog, give breaks from flea and heart worm meds when you can and most importantly get blood work done esp liver enzymes…if you notice chances immediately suspect that your flea or heartworm meds may be the cause and investigate.
I promise to report back…I am having my gal’s liver enzymes tested mid-way through the 90 period.
Susan and Judy…thank you for your input as well.
judy t
Here’s some basic science: don’t take any drugs that haven’t been on the market long enough to determine long-term effects. And if, as you say, we’re in a lot of trouble, much of it is due to the fact that too many people blindly follow anyone wearing a lab jacket.
I was “digging at my husband’s doctor”? RIGHT! He prescribed two drugs and told us that they would be safe to take forever with no adverse affects when they’d just been out for a couple of years! How scientific is that? One has since been recalled for causing coronaries and the other is causing gastrointestinal problems. How long has Bravecta been out?
Read some of these reviews on the subject:
Personally, I’m good with anecdotal evidence.
As for what I do, I have four dogs, two inside and two primarily outside. I just put Advantix II on my big, healthy year-old lab/shepherd mix for the first time, and I’ll watch her carefully. For my others, I’ve found diatamaceous earth to be very effective in treating bedding and lounging areas. I also bath and check them often and use various herbal sprays which repel insects. I’m next door in Alabama, so I have pretty much the same climate that you’re in.
And thank you for your thank you, you condescending jerk.
Cameron M
MemberHey Judy,
Great…you say you just used Advantix II on your dog…so basically you used roach spray! Same main ingredient (permethrin) is in Advantix II as is in common roach spray. Your dog licks it off and swallows it.
Thank you for your input and commets. Good luck with your dogs and please keep us posted here as to how they are doing.
Susan W
MemberCameron you sound more and more like a Merck pharmaceutical employee with every post. You use words like hype, Junk, and handful of people. You totally ignore the 4,000 serious side effects reported and the fact that the EMA has only required a target safety review on this drug this year. No other drug had this requirement. You blindly trust big Pharma’s study conducted without independence. Again. Good luck. Goodbye. Or do you need the final word?
Cameron M
Actually I do…no I am not a Merck employee but thanks for the smear…no I don’t use roach spray on my dogs as you say you do. Yes, I do go by science and studies and no I do not see any negative EMA studies…in fact it is fully approved in the EU…bold faced statement that the EMA finds the potential harms not worth the risks of not using.
Goodbye dear Susan…goodbye!
Susan W
MemberOnce again, they are not EMA studies, they are side effects reported to the EMA and the FDA. And it is the EMA requiring a targeted safety review. Goodbye dear Cameron goodbye
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Susan W.
Jane L
MemberYou are wasting your breath obviously once Cameron referee to Snopes 😜 That is quite funny for some talking science!
For anyone interested Snopes have not updated their unproven statement from June 2015 on Duncan’s death in spite of being provided with his MSD cases number, letters to owner from Merck and paid vet bills on the owners surviving dog. This case was the first to hit the news and another 4000 odd cases / 900 approx. deaths have followed on. If these reported cases are just 1% as they say is the norm then obviously this is a massive issue. I think with groups now in so many Countries anybody with half a brain can see there is a big problem here. So be aware if you dog reacts there is no antidote and so far there are no clues why some are react so violently and others days after dose 3 or more and others appear fit after over two years. If you love your dog why take the risk especially as it does not even prevent tick disease and works by your dogs blood feeding parasites? Surely a deterrent to prevent the bite is preferable?
Unproven does not mean it did not happen it means there is not 100% proof of the cause. It’s the 100% conclusive scientific proof that appears impossible but if you feed you dog one of these so called ‘tasty treats’ and within minutes on many occasions it starts seizing I think you know the cause. The intelligence of someone referring to Snopes as the fountain of all knowledge is laughable 🙄😫
Anybody interested in reading facts just apply to the EMA and read the cases and see how they singled it out at the January meeting for targeted PSUR’s.
Jane L
MemberYes as Susan says the EMA is the European Medicines Agency. They did not do any studies the testing was all done by Merck / MSD with no independent studies. The EMA is where all serious reported adverse reactions and deaths Worldwide are meant to be forwarded within 15 days of the report.
on page 4 it says:-
‘The MAH was asked to provide a targeted PSUR that should include an
extensive analysis and review of all serious reaction reports with neurological
disorders, skin and appendages disorders, hypersensitivity/immune mediated
reactions and hepatopathy, also with death and death by euthanasia. This
targeted PSUR will be assessed by the CVMP and depending on the outcome
additionally measures will be taken.
In addition, during the last period of surveillance â
lethargyâ has been identified and the MAH was requested to update the SPC to include this term in the SPC.’Anybody can also apply for an ADE report and read the cases which read like these 3 x examples :-
Suspected Adverse Reaction:-
On 5 Feb 2015, a veterinarian reported that a dog had a seizure and weakness approximately 6 hours after receiving half a tablet of Bravecto 1400 mg (over 88 lbs. and up to 123 lbs.) (Extra Label Use-Treatment Program Not Respected) on 3 Feb 2015. The dog had another seizure on 4 Feb 2015. The signs resolved on 5 Feb 2015. Four other dogs were given the product and none of them had a reaction. Follow-up information is pending. Follow-up on 27 Feb 2015 via email: the owner, who is also the vet, reports that the dog had Bravecto on 2 Feb 2015 (previously reported as 3 Feb 2015). Updated patient information was reported (11 yr old female rottie cross). Besides the 2 seizures, which were previously reported, the vet also mentioned that the dog’s legs were very weakened to the point where she could not get up or lie down. Bloodwork, including a 4DX snap test, were negative and skull radiographs were clear. She was circling and head pressing and could only eat if hand fed as standing was very difficult for her. She remained weak and was euthanized on 25 Feb 2015.***
Suspected Adverse Reaction: On 11 Dec 2015, a veterinary technician reported that a 5-month-old, 2-kilogram dog was taken to the veterinary clinic for grooming on 10 Dec 2015. Before bathing, the dog received a 112.5 mg Bravecto chew. While drying (approximately 30 minutes after Bravecto administration), the dog had a seizure and died. Petechial lesions on the abdomen had also developed. A necropsy had not been performed at the time of the report. Follow-up information is expected. Follow-up on 12 Jan 2016: A necropsy report was received. Gross pathological findings included multifocal petechial hemorrhages of the mucosa/serosa in multiple organ systems, moderate congestion in the coronary and myocardial vessels, and severe congestion of the meninges, which were adhered to the cranium. The presumptive diagnosis was hepatic encephalopathy. Hepatic findings were compatible with hepatic glycogenolysis or glucocorticoid hepatopathy, which is consistent with differentials such as hyperadrenocorticism, severe stress, or an iatrogenic origin (e.g. glucocorticoid administration). The microcirculatory lesions are associated with microcirculatory collapse, shock, and death, which suggests a possible hypersensitivity reaction to products administered to this patient.*****
Suspected Adverse Reaction: Bravecto 250mg was administered to adog on 13 Nov 2015. One hour later the dog’s skin was red and after that, the dog had seizures. The owner brought the dog to the clinic, but it was dead on arrival, approximately 1.5 hours after administration.
You are all free to use what you wish so if you think the convenience of feeding this insecticide once every 3 months to your dog is worth the risk go right ahead but at least you have read the warnings and know the risk. There are many settlements too if waivers are signed.
MemberHappy Monday Everyone! If you have come across this forum seeking information on weather to use Bravetco manufactered by Merck, you can see by all the postings it’s a very controversial drug that has some VERY SERIOUS possible side effect, a chance i would NEVER take as a responsible owner of my treasuered Doodles. It’s a gamble but it is YOUR decision. Judy i am truly sorry to hear of your bad experiences with Merck products. The corporate focus on Profit is indeed an evil seed. As for our friend Cameron, well….???
As i write this post, my youngest, Escher, is having puppy dreams. Nothing makes me smile and laugh more than puppy dreams…-
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Cameron M
MemberAh yes Happy Monday to all. Actually visiting this site is what helped me decide to give Bravecto to my Cocker Spaniel (Coco). I suspected all the negative reports were just hype and visiting here helped convince me.
Lets look just look at the logic…a few posts above we have Judy stating she administered Advantix..but wait I saw a report that Advantix killed 44,000 dogs. But Judy loves it (and by the way snicker..its made by Bayer..hi Judy and friends..Bayer isn’t some small time Pharma corp:).
We really haven’t heard what the rest of Anti Bravecto gang uses which really isn’t helpful to their cause because after all this blog forum is supposed to help us decide right? what to use and what not to use…right? But all a certain few do is complain and post misleading statistics.
But lets get back to dear what she suggests is safe is based on:
ADVANTIX contains PermethrinPERMETHRIN
The insecticide permethrin (in the synthetic pyrethroid family) is widely used on cotton, wheat, corn, alfalfa, and other crops. In addition, over 100 million applications are made annually in and around U.S. homes.
Permethrin, like all synthetic pyrethroids, is a neurotoxin. Symptoms include tremors, incoordination, elevated body temperature, increased aggressive behavior, and disruption of learning. Laboratory tests suggest that permethrin is more acutely toxic to children than to adults.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has classified permethrin as a carcinogen because it causes lung tumors in female mice and liver tumors in mice of both sexes. Permethrin inhibits the activity of the immune system in laboratory tests, and also binds to the receptors for a male sex hormone. It causes chromosome aberrations in human and hamster cells. Permethrin is toxic to fish, birds, honeybees, tadpoles and hasan adverse lasting impact on life.
Cameron M
MemberI’l wager that half of these anti posts are really made by a single person..judy and Mary and doodleroo doopey do guy are probably all the same 300 pound high school kid spoofing us?
Dunno but none of them are convincing if you follow science..thats right..the EU, USA and Australia all say Bravecto is safe.
now I am not saying it is but I am saying I gave my gal a dose this past Wed for the first time and she is fine..I plan on watching her…having blood work done in a month and then I’ll say it is safe…or not.
One thing I will not do is get scared by idle conjecture and hype.
Jane L
MemberWell that is a wager you would loose as I have no idea who Judy or Mary are.
I only warn of the risk as I have had hundreds of very distraught owners wishing they had been warned.
If you want to use it do so but there is no reason for your very rude posts. I for one am not a liar. When I say I know many vets that warn against it, refuse to sell ever or have now stopped selling it that is a fact.
And on what do I use the answer is nothing for the majority of the year and a light spitz of natural spread very occasionally but I am not in a tropical climate.
The majority of people could manage with natural if they were prepared to put in some effort. If you go with the easy route you risk problems with any insecticides especially oral.
judy t
MemberWell, Cameron, you’ll have to show me where I said that I “love Advanix”. I put it on my young, strong girl for one month to give me time to explore alternatives for her.
You go ahead and use what you want on your dog’s. No skin off my nose.
Cameron M
MemberOk good to know Judy.
Look I agree 100% about risks involved with any insecticide and I try to go organic in my life when I can.Trust me natural or organic flea control rarely works in FL. Now it might in certain highly controlled cases…such as a small apartment, dog or cat is walked on sidewalks mostly and settings as that nature. However, if you have a large yard as I do with lots of squirrels, racoons and birds visiting it is impossible to keep fleas at bay ( unless I spray my yard with poison …something I don’t want to do).
I personally think spot treatments can be worse than oral in some cases…the spot treatments are meant to spread to every part of the animals body and most animals groom themselves. This results in the dog or cat ingesting poison which was meant to be topical use only.
Again…my personal opinion is to much of anything can be harmful so I always try to give my dogs a break from flea meds whether the usual Sentinal ( which I normally use ) or the new Bravecto ( which I plan on using 1 time a year during the worst of flea/tick season).
I am not writing glowing reports about Bravecto …but yes…I am trying to bring a voice of reason and balance into this very biased discussion that has veered greatly from fact to one of hype and conjecture.
as I referenced earlier I saw a post that stated 44,000 dogs were killed by Advantix II…Do I believe it… wouldn’t be on the market…do I like Advantix II…no for reasons I stated above.
ParticipantSome of us do not use oral or topical as topicals poison from the outside-in and orals poison from the inside out this is a fact you don’t have to be a scientist to know this fact. some of us use natural means think back in the day when there was no oral or topical you had to do things that take a couple minutes a day to either comb your pet or use natural methods to deterring the Pests, vacuuming, takes a few minutes a day that’s it. Fleas are more of a nuisance than anything. When is the last time a flea caused a disease in a dog?
Participant35 million doses of bravecto have been used of course because fear sells.
judy t
MemberBecca, do you use the Vetri Science spray or wipe?
ParticipantI use the spray but when I get near their face so they don’t have to breathe it in I put it on a wipe just like a around their face so that breathing it in.
Participanti dont know why my post are not showing up.
judy t
MemberSame thing happened to me, Becca. I couldn’t see it but there was a response to it so I don’t know how that happens. I see your post regarding the Vetri Science spray and thanks for the info. I see those ingredients are pretty standard so maybe I’ll just search those ingredients and get my best price. I can tell you that for sure, diatamaceous earth sprinkled on their bedding also does wonders.
ParticipantI posted 3 to 4 Times they are not showing up.
Judy I have used DE, thank you.
Very basic ingredients. I tested it by getting a flea and giving it a little spray it works. Nothing 100 percent but it’s the best I’ve tryed. I’ve tryed everything homemade and store bought, I do mean everythingBecca
ParticipantLike I was saying in one of my post it did not show up I said some of us do not use oral or topical applications because of oral poison them from the inside out topical poison from the outside-in you do not need to be a scientist or have a science degree to know this fact is a fact is a fact when is the last time a flea actually caused a disease in a dog just go back to the old days where you actually had to vacuum comb your dog and just check for fleas and ticks daily it takes a couple of minutes use something natural and deal with a couple of stragglers that’s it.
MemberI used natural stuff. Within 5 months I had 3 dogs that had previously tested negative for Lyme, test positive. All 3 received the antibiotic protocol as per the treating vet. Two had no symptoms and passed due to unrelated issues years later.
The third one wasn’t so lucky, the Lyme caused kidney damage. So, I spent 2 years doing everything I could to keep her comfortable $$, daily subq fluids, meds, trying to keep uremia at bay.
It was ugly.
So, good luck to the homeopathic believers. I choose science based veterinary medicine.
I would rather risk side effects to heartworm/flea/tick preventatives than to see what Lyme disease can do.
And yes, fleas can cause serious illness and disease.
I have found this site very helpful
ParticipantLike I said on another one of my post it did not show up I’ve had three dogs recently two of which were not vaccinated against Lyme and one that was vaccinated against Lyme the one that was vaccinated against lyme got lyme. the other two very furry animals with lots of ticks did not get lyme. My vet is both does both medicines conventional and holistic she will not even sell topical or oral flea treatment she does sell stuff for heartworm but not any topicals or Orals because they’re dangerous to does minimal vaccinations her treatments are based on facts. All of my animals have had reactions to topical and orals.
ParticipantName an actual disease that a dog has gotten from fleas if you say typhus I mean that was the 19 hundreds
Jane L
Memberinteresting article on Lyme’s disease here.
Also with Bravecto, Nexgard etc. that have no deterrent be aware hundreds of reports are inefficiently as the dogs still get tick disease as disease can pass much faster than the 12 hours each tick can feed before it has ingested enough of your dogs poisoned blood!
MemberSo, let’s all agree to disagree. Are you trying to convince everyone that your way is better?
I’m not trying to do that (science based veterinary medicine) no guarantees with anything.
Best of luck.
PS: I don’t consider the link mentioned to be a reliable source. Like I said if you want to believe in homeopathic medicine that is your business…but don’t push it on the rest of us.
I’m out of here, for today!Jane L
MemberThere are some đ
Highly unlikely though I would imagine but just saying before Cameron does đ
Jane L
MemberI don’t have a way if addressed to me. Never find a need to use any chemical flea or wormer but if I did Bravecto, Nexgard & Trifexis would be the last on my list and I would prefer a flea infestation to feeding neurotoxins to any dog of mine.
ParticipantThank you Jane my sentiments exactly.
Tick can stay on for a long time before dying, if they even dueanonymous
MemberExcerpt from:
Fleas may be extremely small, but dangerous things sometimes come in small packages. Guard your dog against the many diseases that fleas carry and transmit.
You may think that these tiny pests only make your pet do a little scratching and itching, but fleas actually cause a number of diseases, some of which can be fatal. By not protecting your pets from fleas, you are exposing them and yourself to severe health risks. Here are some of the diseases your pet could contract:
Yes, this is the same plague that caused the death of over a third of the European population back in the Middle Ages. While itâs no longer common for humans to get the plague, your pet can still become infected. A flea that has taken a bite out of a infected wild animal, like a prairie dog, chipmunk, or vole, can easily infect a dog or cat and pass along the disease.Plague-infected cats and dogs will have a fever, swollen lymph nodes, and may even die suddenly without much warning. If you think your pet has the plague, you need to contact your veterinarian immediately and isolate your pet from other animals as to stop the plague from spreading.
Cat Scratch Disease
While Cat Scratch Disease usually does not affect cats in a negative way, it puts their owners at risk. Fleas transmit CSD from one cat to another, and close to 40% of cats will carry this disease at some time in their lives. Humans get CSD when infected flea feces on a catâs claws or fur is transmitted from the pet to their owner through a bite, lick, or scratch. CSD can cause fever, headaches, and fatigue in humans, as well as make those with a weakened immune system seriously ill.
How does a dog biting a flea end up with your pet carrying tapeworms? Simple. If the dog eats a flea that is carrying tapeworm eggs inside their bodies, then that pet could soon become infected. Once inside your dog, the tapeworm hatches and attaches itself to your petâs intestines, causing weight loss, vomiting, and irritation.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis
All it takes is one bite from a flea to cause Flea Allergy Dermatitis, leading to hot spots and extreme itchiness for your pet. Dog hot spots are infected patches of circular skin that could soon become a big wound if your pet continues to itch and bite at it. Even your dogâs tongue licking the wound spreads the bacteria around. If your dog has a hot spot, you should take them to see your vet as soon as possible.
While usually transmitted by ticks, haemobartonellosis can also be carried by fleas. The disease targets red blood cells and can range from mild to very severe symptoms. If very severe, haemobartonellosis can cause cats to suffer anemia that results in weight loss and a fast heart rate. In some cases, infected cats have been observed eating dirt, and without treatment, cats can die from this disease.Haemobartonellosis is most likely to affect dogs who have had their spleens removed. It can cause loss of appetite and weight loss for our canine friends.
Whatâs the best way to keep your pet from suffering from any of these afflictions? Treating them for fleas, of course! There are many options you can choose, from spot on solutions to oral pills. Decide which one is best for your pet, and keep them healthy year round!
ParticipantI’ve dealt with many flea infestations rather than use conventional methods.
It come down to money not the health of your pet. They are making way too much money to care about your pet. It is just like the vioxx. They said right out they were making too much money to be concerned with the “few” death caused by it.Vets always tell you it was an underlying illness, not their toxins. Kind of funny when a perfectly healthy dog, normal liver enzymes, perfect kidneys, dies within 3 months of taking the oral toxin
ParticipantGiving a dog a toxin or a pesticide and saying you’re going to keep them healthy year-round is an oxymoron
ParticipantMy family myself and my extended family all had pets growing up there were no neurotoxins, topicals, orals to give your dog at that time none of them had ever had a disease from a flea.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
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