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  • #88545 Report Abuse
    wendi s

    Hi. What is the best dry dog food for a dog with allergies? We are currently feeding our pug Acana Pacifica but he is gaining weight on it. He has bad knees so the extra weight is really bad for him not to mention other things it causes. He is only getting a 1/4 cup twice a day. I don’t want to cut back because it is such a small amount as it is. He is very active. When it isn’t too hot out< I walk him 2 miles a day. In the summer it is a mile a day.

    #88546 Report Abuse

    What type of allergies? If the dog has environmental allergies, the food would not make a difference, unless the dog has a sensitive stomach.

    Have you checked the search engine here? /forums/search/allergies/

    Once my dogs environmental allergies were under control, she now tolerates a variety of foods, she has no food allergies. In fact, I never had her tested for food allergies/sensitivities as the dermatologist said it wasn’t necessary.
    She does well on Nutrisca Salmon and Chickpea

    excerpt below from: http://www.2ndchance.info/Apoquel.htm
    “Food Allergies are probably over-diagnosed in dogs (they account for, perhaps 5-10%). Hypoallergenic diets are occasionally, but not frequently, helpful in canine atopy cases but you should always give them a try. Food intolerances are more common – but considerably more likely to result in digestive disturbances and diarrhea than in itching problems”.

    Mail-in hair and saliva tests do not test for allergies and tend to be inaccurate. Food sensitivities fluctuate. Food allergies are rare.

    #88560 Report Abuse

    Hi, try “Canidae” Pure Formulas, they have a weight management called Pure Resolve.. http://www.canidae.com/dog-food/products

    #88783 Report Abuse
    Anna O

    There’s a pet food called Verus that’s made in Maryland that works great for dogs with food allergies. Advanced Opticoat is made with seafood. It has no chicken, beef, or grains that might trigger food allergies. Their website will have more information for you.

    #88887 Report Abuse
    Susan W

    I’m going to echo Anna O on this subject. I actually feed the VeRUS Advanced Opticoat and have noticed a huge difference in my dogs. My dogs used to be really itchy. When I bought a huge bag of my old dog food and it was moldy, I started researching other foods. When I contact VeRUS, they emailed me back and asked if I had questions or if my dogs had any specific issues. I told them about the itchiness and received a really nice response detailing itching in dogs. They then sent me some samples and we (my dogs & I) have been hooked ever since.
    Contact VeRUS, tell them what’s going on, and give them a try. It won’t cost you anything but a few emails. http://www.veruspetfoods.com

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