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#172478 Report Abuse
Kurt W

Switched to TOTW Pacific Stream for all three of my dogs, the two older dogs eat Pacific Stream adult and my English Bulldog puppy eats Pacific Stream puppy. Everything was fine for the first few months, my Bulldog puppy all the sudden broke out in a mysterious rash? TOTW was not our first suspicion based on some of the ratings TOTW has online. Over the last three days from first noticing the rash it is now out of control. We took him to the vet, the vet prescribed him antibiotics and a steroid.

My wife and I stopped giving him everything and were just feeding him TOTW, his rash is very bad, we were rubbing coconut oil on his rash, giving him Epsom salt baths “prescribed by the vet” I mean nothing seemed to work it keeps getting worse. Its all over his legs, paws, sides and around his eyes. Stressing out and reading this forum we just switched to home made food, I will say today is the first full day of home made food and he is back to his playful self, he has almost stopped inching all together, the rash does look like its starting to slowly go away.

Ill post again should the rash go away, TOTW should listen, this is a nightmare for the poor little dude, I will be super pissed if TOTW is the problem.

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