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Cat food recommendations

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  • #45032 Report Abuse

    and hope you don’t get an organ transplant from a guy like this


    #45035 Report Abuse

    This is when I start posting picture of all sorts of bugs, right? 😀

    #45036 Report Abuse

    I ran into that story (not from that news source, I just pulled that up randomly) about a year ago when I was looking up information about cats and rabies, after the CDC published a really inflammatory story in tandem with George Fenwick, president of the American Bird Conservancy (can you say bias and conflict of interest much?) about TNR programs and colony maintenance posing serious rabies exposure risk to humans…like possible epidemic. And put it on the cover of USA today.

    #45066 Report Abuse

    Back on topic for a second lol

    After yet another incident (with the stupid ass neighbors, I might add) with him getting out, I’m getting Alec a proper breakaway collar and tag, and getting him chipped. The collar and tag will happen very soon. The chip will have to wait until my class is out, since it’s only done Tuesdays and Thursdays, the days I have class. Unless they do a mobile clinic here soon and I can take the time off to do it, class is over in a month or so, which isn’t really too far away, but I’m still worried he’ll get out. He litterally bolted out the door at full speed today. Thankfully we were all outside and he ran right past mom, and she managed to smash him into the ground before had time to remember he doesn’t have any bones and slide away (I swear, this cat is actually a fury bag of jello), so he only got about 4ft from the door.

    So anyways, what all should I put on his tag? I know most say not to put any names, just the owners phone number. Then again, it’s not like he listens to his name anyways lol

    #45132 Report Abuse

    The tag should say “Indoor Only Cat” “If Found Call” and then your number below

    #45133 Report Abuse

    When indoor only cats get out they usually freak out immediately once they actually get outside and hunker down and hide very very very nearby. So if he does get out and you can’t find him… that is where he will be. Trust me I have been there. Took me 3 weeks to finally trap my cat last summer after he pried open a window screen and got out. I hung hundreds of fliers, spent countless hours canvassing the area, and trapped about 50 possums and raccoons. And this cat is very friendly and very confident, but once they get outside everything changes. I have him chipped no collar but he wasn’t letting anyone get anywhere near him enough for a collar to help anyway. https://www.facebook.com/MaineLostCatRecovery I help out with these guys now and there are some helpful hints on here incase you ever need them.

    #45157 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    OMG you guys are freaking me out with the bug talk. I grew up in RI and live in OH now but I have family in Fla. They’re always trying to talk me into moving there. I say maybe when I retire, but as much as I hate snow I think I hate giant bugs more.

    #45164 Report Abuse

    He’s not an indoor cat at heart. Remember, we got him as a stray. He knows, and loves, the outdoors. If he didn’t overheat so easily (or would at least drink when he got hot), I’d have him out on his leash more. We had a car parked in the side yard and he knew he could get under there and we couldn’t reach him very well, but he didn’t go under there because he was scared. He went under there to get away from who ever was trying to catch him. When the car wasn’t there, he’d just stroll right on out toward the side walk and try to keep going. He wants out, and he thinks he’s getting it. If he gets out, he’ll keep going. I think he’d come back she he got really hungry, though. Or he’d get hit by a car. He’s really stupid….. I don’t think he can help it lol

    #45196 Report Abuse

    $10 later, we have a tag and a collar! The collar has a bell on it. I may remove it , since he’s locked in my room all night. I’ll see if it bothers me for the next couple days. He doesn’t seem to mind it. He’s more concerned about the fact that stuff is dangling from his neck LOL He keeps biting at it :p

    #45197 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    What color is it? I am sure he is just a handsome devil in his new collar! 😀

    #45203 Report Abuse

    Just black. I wanted blue, but they didn’t have a dark enough one, so I went with black. I got the collar at Dollar Tree, so I figured if I found one I liked better, then I wouldn’t feel bad about replacing since it was only $1 lol The tag is what got me! Freaking $8 for this dinky piece of metal that’s probably going to be lost forger should the cat get out and get caught on something. Bleh…..

    #45204 Report Abuse

    Two of my cats I got as pretty young kittens and they are indoor only. When they do accidentally get out, they also go straight underneath a vehicle and hunker down. It’s so frustrating. They get so scared and it’s hard to get them out. This hasn’t happened for quite some time (knock on wood). I keep collars on all four of my kitties now. I didn’t used to because I was afraid they would catch on something and strangle them. But…after one of our kitties disappeared a few years ago without a collar or chip, I decided I’d take the risk of keeping a collar on them. I can’t quit thinking that if maybe I had some ID on her, she could have found her way home. Unfortunately, I think it was a coyote that got her. She was 11 when she disappeared so she was very used to being outside. It was heart breaking. It still bothers me almost four years later. My cats don’t get to go outside anymore, but I have a kennel set up outside our back sliding glass door for them to get a little outside time. I had to take their bells off their collars because the sound gets the dogs too riled up. They think the cats are squeaky toys when they are running with bells on! LOL! The tags are expensive, but you will be glad when someone calls you if he gets out. They worked when my dogs got out a year ago. A neighbor stuck them in his small goat pen and gave us a call. Hallelujah!

    #45238 Report Abuse

    Went to Publix today to buy some meat for Alec because he has cat food breath (at least Wellness smells good, as far as canned food goes lol), and ended up finding all kinds of fun things! I could have spent like $20 in cheap by-product type cuts and organs. Chicken feet and hearts, pigs stomachs, pig tails, beef hearts, chicken backs, turkey necks, lamb parts (looks like necks, shoulder cuts, and chops), cows feet. Oh my goodness I was in meat heaven! LOL

    I ended up with four chicken backs (froze two and fed two off to the big dogs), beef heart (had them chop it up. Froze half and kept half in the fridge for treats for Alec and Bentley), and two meaty pieces of some cheap kind of pork ribs ($1.49 a pound). I ripped a few chucks off one of the ribs and gave them to Alec, and gave the rest to Bentley. Both of them loved it. Then I gave Alec a few piece of the beef heart, and he was all about that. I like he likes the texture of it. It’s soft enough to chew, but chewy enough that it gives him something to chew on. If that even makes sense. Lol

    #45280 Report Abuse

    Wow! You were in meat heaven! You are so brave.

    #45281 Report Abuse

    I am sure you had some really really happy babies. That said…omg I threw up in my mouth a little bit reading this. *gag*

    #45283 Report Abuse

    Just tried the new Wellness divine duos that I received as samples at our feed store’s vendor fair last week. All four liked the pate part, but only two ate the chunky part. Dumb cats! They leave the best part.

    #45330 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Jakes mom:
    A rabbit decided to have her babies in my garden. She made a rabbit hole under one of my pumpkin plants. I am trying something different this year and I put grass clippings around the mound that the pumpkin is planted on to keep the weeds down so the hole was very well hidden by the dead grass and leaves. I was watering the plants yesterday and one came out; I really don’t know how many there are. His eyes weren’t completely open and he was just wiggling around. He came out and went back in three times. I guess he thought the noise was his mom. Now I have to somehow keep Bobby away from this nest until they are out and about in the world.

    On another subject, Bobby got in trouble this evening because he peed on one of my sweet potato plants. Oh well, what are you gonna do when you let your dog in your garden! 😉

    Hey all you cat lovers:
    I have some cat food reviews coming soon. I just want to try out a couple more before I report back. Nothing earth shattering, but may help someone decide wether or not to buy the food for their cat in the future.

    #45392 Report Abuse

    Bobby’s mom… Baby bunnies are sooo cute! Hopefully no cats prowl around the garden either cause they do bad things to baby bunnies. Looking forward to your new cat food reviews. I apparently ordered the last 2 Natures Variety cat food variety packs from chewy in existance. what a bummer. They will be here tomorrow but that is a product that I would continue to order.

    #45394 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Bobby dog, that’s why I only have a few plants in containers, Jake would be all into a garden, too. So for now just a few vegies in a raised planter and a couple of pots. My old guy, Rascal (lost him to lymphoma last sept) would help himself to the tomatoes in previous years. I would be saying to myself, there’s a tomato that should be ripe enough in just a couple more days. Next thing I know, it’s gone. lol
    Good luck keeping everybody away from the bunny nursery, that will be a challenge! They’re so cute, aren’t they!

    #45395 Report Abuse

    The only thing cuter than a baby bunny is a kitten! Lol!

    #45396 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    I agree, a baby kitten with eyes barely open and little ears still folded over! And that little baby mew!

    #45487 Report Abuse

    LOL “Baby kittens”! Kittens already are babies :p

    #45558 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    I was referring to newborns/ couple weeks old babies. They’re the cutest!

    #45561 Report Abuse

    I know, I was just teasing :p

    #45645 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi C4c:
    I hope you are having a better day today. 🙂 Never doubt what an awsome care taker you are for your boys, I don’t!!

    #45646 Report Abuse

    Hi all, update on some food for Shinku:

    The wellness pouches are still her favorite, haha. She did eventually eat the sliced wellness cans, so that’s a bonus, I think she will eat them more if that’s what she gets.

    I’ve had a booth for a few events the last two weeks, and one bonus for that is we all give each other tons of samples, so I’ve had some new cat foods to try. The BFF pouches from weruva she LOVES (of course, another pouch) the Weruva can-nope, wouldn’t touch. I’ve got some Honest Kitchen Prowl as well, so we shall see if that goes well!

    #45650 Report Abuse

    Well pouches of food are much much better then no wet food at all 🙂 Glad to hear she liked the sliced Wellness enough to eat it. Was the canned Weruva the BFF? The BFF are all some combination of tuna, and the contents of the cans are from what I was able to discern the same as what comes in the pouch. So I am wondering if there is something about the lining of the cans that she can taste that she doesn’t care for, that isn’t in the pouches or something like that. My cats only like some of the Weruva cans. A lot of them are really really fishy, and only one of my cats will eat those, and some others like the Steak Frites, or Peking Ducken (or whatever its called) don’t get touched at all once they drink the gravy. They like ‘Funk in the Trunk’ and grandmas chicken soup and paw lickin chicken but only if fed on occasion. I try to feed tuna only on very rare occasions, but they do like the BFF tuna and chicken and some others.

    I just ordered another case of Taste of the Wild Rocky Mountain cans for them. The texture is similar to the sliced Wellness but my cats are like bananas about this food. It has always been one of their very favorites, and while I was trying to avoid TOTW, the price is right, I have never experienced any qc issues myself, the cats like it, I approve of the ingredients, so I am really ok with having it in my rotation. As a side note the price really is ok if I buy it online…. I just got this case from Chewy for $20.99 for a case of 24 3oz cans. My local pet stores only cary the 3oz cans and sell them for $1.39 each.

    #45652 Report Abuse

    Bobby Dog-
    Yes, I’m good today. Probably over reacted. Thanks for your vote of confidence. When she insinuated I was compromising the health of my dogs by boarding them and hiding from the truth about vaccinations, it was very frustrating. I just don’t want to dwell on the negative. I know the negative. Geez! LOL! On another note, for another thread, I think I will be taking one of my dogs to the vet today as he won’t eat. I think something may be wrong with his mouth or teeth. Shoot, if it isn’t one thing, it’s another!

    Sounds like you are getting good deals through chewy for canned food. It’s so ridiculously expensive. I ordered a case of Chicken Soup from Pet Flow and a few of the cans were dented. That is the downfall of ordering, you can’t pick out the cans yourself! And, I also, wonder if there is something about the can taste that leads her cats to like the pouches better? Hmmm… Smart Cat!

    #45661 Report Abuse

    TotW canned isn’t diamond made though, correct? I’m fairly sure the dog cans aren’t at least

    #45662 Report Abuse

    I have to be honest and say I am not sure who cans the TOTW food, however it seems that TOTW is actually a Diamond brand, like Chicken Soup for the Soul. When the case arrived the label on the case reads: Diamond Taste of the Wild. That doesn’t mean that Diamond actually has a cannery although certainly its not great that it is their brand.

    #45663 Report Abuse

    Huh, yep. I avoid TotW in general (and all Diamond foods), but in my mind I didn’t think they made any cans. The only thing I’ve fed (to my knowledge) that is connected to them at all is Barking at the Moon from Solid Gold, but that one isn’t actually manufactured by them

    Also-that’s a good idea on the Pouches vs canned (Why are cats so picky?! My dogs would eat the packaging if I would let them) I’m gonna test a few more wellness cans and pouches to see the difference in how fast/much she eats, and also test out some of the BFF Cans vs Pouches, and maybe I’ll just live with pouches.

    The other weird thing about the BFF which leads me to think you may be right, is that the BFF was shredded, which she has adamantly refused in the past, HOWEVER, I don’t think she’s had red tuna before, so I may research and find what else has that

    Very helpful posts, thanks a ton arwryu!

    #45664 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey Sharon and aquariangt:
    Diamond only makes kibble. I am not sure who cans TOTW maybe someone on the forum knows. Looking at my spreadsheet Simmons cans CSCLS, maybe they can TOTW too.

    #45665 Report Abuse

    C4C: I hope your dog is feeling better, it is always freaky when they don’t want to eat (especially individuals that usually love to eat). I definitely hear you about the dented cans…that was the main reason I abstained from ordering cans online for so long, I was just really worried about that but eventually all the Pet Stores locally increased their prices so much over the last couple years that it became worth it to try, and when I did have an issue with dented cans, my big fear, it was handled not only to my satisfaction but my expectations were far exceeded. So I am now really comfortable with it. But I only started ordering online a few months ago. I seem to remember that it was no longer than 2 years ago that 5.5oz cans of Wellness cat food were being sold at the local retailers for $1.49 a can (Petco pricing is always higher) And now I can’t find it for less then $1.89 a can. That is an incredibly substantial price increase.

    #45666 Report Abuse

    I just dropped a cherry on the floor and my puppy was right there and ate it whole before I could get it from him. Stem, pit and all. Birds poop the pits out without problem, hopefully he will too….LOL. Puppies…

    #45667 Report Abuse

    Hi Bobby’s Mom 🙂 I would say that is probably highly likely… I do remember reading on the last can of CSCLS I bought (one of the old ones) a copyright to Diamond pet foods, and while I have never noticed such a thing on Taste of the Wild before, the label on the case seems to indicate that it is the same sort of situation, so it would make sense if they used the same cannery.

    #45668 Report Abuse

    aquariangt: cats seem to be really crazy about dark meat tuna. Working to help people trap their lost cats, it is usually recommended to use either people tuna or most preferably sardines as bait for the trap because they are so stinky. But my experience with my own cats is that they really aren’t that crazy about people tuna but they love love love love love Solid Gold’s tuna for kitties…it comes in a purple can with silver stars on it and it is a mix between dark meat with chunks of white meat tuna in it and I use it for a really special treat. The other thing I give my cats once in a very great while for a little junk food fix is one of those Meow Mix cups the tuna and shrimp kind that doesn’t have any gluten or anything in it and that is also the red tuna, which is the same that BFF uses.

    #45671 Report Abuse


    I am thinking about getting one of these to try out with my puppy because he eats sooooo fast. He finishes his whole meal in under a minute easily. 1 1/4 cups of food in about 30 seconds can’t be the best way to eat. lol

    #45672 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Aquariangt – ever think about raw for your kitty? I have some very picky eaters too. lol Just fed some NV medallions today and was thinking of your quandary. Only a few of my cats will eat Nature’s Variety raw and that is only a few times a month. One cat will even do dehydrated every now and then. I figure even if it is only a few days a month, it gives them a little more of a variety in their diet.

    Since it’s clearly cat food review day, here are mine:
    I came across some sales while I was stocking up on pet food for the month and tried out some foods I would not normally buy.
    Wellness Divine Duos, same experience as everyone else, my cats ate the pate’, ate all the gravy, and either left the chunks or ate a little bit of them. Finally tried Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul, all but one cat liked it. I am going to add this to my rotation. Also tried Nutro Max Cat Chic & Lamb Sr, only Archie liked it, and Chic & Liver, a couple of my cats liked it; adding Chic & Liver to my rotation.

    ~Natural Balance Platefulls BOGO – I tried the chicken and salmon recipes. It is packaged in a pouch and has very large chunks with gravy. Only Archie liked it and he didn’t even finish it all, he left some chunks behind.
    ~Science Diet GF on sale 10 cans/$8 – only had chicken left. The picture on the label looked like it was small chunk style, but it is pate’ style. It has vegetables listed on the ingredients, but they are cut very, very small and mixed in well. The only hint of vegetable is some specks of orange from the carrots. I liked that because my cats only eat around the veggies. Most of my cats liked it and ate it for a few days. Not sure what the retail price is; I would buy it again.
    ~Blue Buffalo Spa Select Turkey & Chic – this was on the clearance rack so I thought I would give it a try. All but one cat liked it. It is pate’ style and it was very similar to Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul. I would buy this again.

    I hope your pup is okay.

    I am glad you’re doing better today. You didn’t over react and you kept it very cordial. Anyone who comes to DFA for over a year will come across a discussion or two on vaccs and titers and is well aware of the controversy. A few things this site teaches is to make the best decision for your circumstance(s) and do the best you can within your budget for your pets. You do that and more for your fur babies. Anyone who tries to make your feel guilty for your choices, insinuates you would compromise your dogs’ health by boarding them, or would ignore the risks of vaccination is mistaken. 🙂

    #45673 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I never had a dog that ate fast, so I can’t comment on the slow feeders other then it looks like it would slow him down. lol I think Akari was looking for a slow feeder at one time.

    #45674 Report Abuse

    arwryu-i am a HUGE advocate of the Kyjen slo bowls! I absolutely love them, and recommend them to all my clients when they have that issue-or even for energy use. It makes a huge difference in energy levels in the evening when they eat out of those for dinner time. Can’t say enough-they’re also really sturdy and can be washed easily.

    The other plus: on mornings that I mix honest kitchen or another really soupy mix (mornings they get 1/2 kibble and 1/2 something else) they’ve slowed down eating out of their normal bowls

    #45676 Report Abuse

    My cats have the same reaction to the NB pouches. I am sure Aquariangt’s cat would really like them because they are really the same exact thing as the Wellness pouches, just a little cheaper. I have reduced the volume I feed my cats gradually over the last year or so in an effort to get excess weight off my tubby guy(which seems to be working) and it definitely seems to make them more willing to eat things they wouldn’t eat before, including some of the stuff with bigger chunks, but the big shocker to me, was I bought some cans of HALO Spots Stew a week ago or so because I had some really good coupons so I got a really good price on them, and I wanted more variety than comes in the pate versions. Well the thing about Spots Stew is it has big chunks of veggies, whole peas and big chunks of carrots that always wind up rotting at the bottom of their dish….until now. LOL. I don’t know if the cats are really just hiding the veggies somewhere, but when I get home in the evening the bowls have been completely cleaned including the veggies. This really makes me laugh, I hope I am not starving the poor things lol.

    #45677 Report Abuse

    BDog: I’ve tried NVI medallions (chicken) with no success whatsoever. In fact, I think she was insulted… the monologue in my mind “Listen, <insert namecalling here>, this is more expensive than anything you’ve ever touched, so don’t give me that look” not that it did any good, she wouldn’t eat it.

    I’ve got an HK sample from an event I did this weekend to try out, we’ll see!

    I also tried Precise at the recommendation from someone at work, almost the exact recipe of the wellness pouch, wouldn’t touch it. While it’s chunky, it was really more a pate.

    Nat Bal I’ve read can be chunky but the company makes me nervous, so I don’t really feed anything by them

    #45681 Report Abuse

    I am so glad to read the positive review…it seems like every review I have read has been extremely positive so I am definitely going to get one of these. Our last dog ate more like a cat. He would pick at his food throughout the day so this is like a shock.. Our puppy now doesn’t choke or cough or anything like that after eating but it really does seem like he eats really really really really fast and this would be a really good thing. I try to feed very minimal dry food to my cats, I have them down to about 1/3 cup a day split into two feedings between the two of them(although its the tubby one that eats most of it, he prefers and eats more of the dry food the other one prefers and eats more of the canned food) but I got http://aikiou.com/ and it really seems to help a lot, it slows him down so he can’t just chow down all his kibble at once, and that seems to have him eating a little less. I really want to eliminate all kibble from my cats diet, but Wyatt really really really loves his crunchies and he looks and begs for them. He likes canned food, and he does eat the canned, they get about the equivalent of a 13oz can a day (total for the two of them, split into 3 meals usually) but its been hard for me to completely kick the kibble.

    #45683 Report Abuse

    Its true, I forget that NB has been sold since the last time I’ve fed their food. I was feeding their LID green pea and chicken canned cat food for a little while, but haven’t in a long time. I have tried some Stella and Chewy’s freeze dried raw reconstituted but that wasn’t a hit, and I am a little nervous about feeding frozen raw, that I am not really comfortable with it yet…but I look at it a lot and I think about it.

    My older cat Aaron has stomatitis, and I really need to have all of his teeth extracted but I can’t afford to do that right now, so I know he does live with some degree of pain and inflammation and infection but his quality of life seems really good still, he eats enthusiastically, plays, cuddles, and gets more and more comfortable all the time. He came to me with this, I adopted him at 10yrs old, and his oral health wasn’t noticed at the shelter until I took him to my vet as soon as I adopted him. Anyway, to get back on topic, the stomatitis is either caused by or results in (which came first the chicken or the egg) him being pretty immuno suppressed and so I don’t think feeding raw is a good idea. I take him to the vet and treat the pain and infection if it flairs up and he seems escpecially stoic, hiding, not eating etc. A full mouth extraction is very expensive.

    #45685 Report Abuse

    I spent a ton of time with Aaron in the 4 months he was at the shelter, and I never saw him play once, he used to hide behind the cat tree and was very sweet with a big purrr but very very very nervous and afraid and pretty traumatized. His previous owners got a divorce, and apparently they moved out and left him behind alone in the house, abandoning him by himself for a month until the husband who said he didn’t know the cat had been abandoned came and found him and brought him into the shelter. So I do feel bad that I can’t get his teeth all removed but overall I am ok with it because he really does seem genuinely happy and comfortable and has made so much progress. and I know I take good care of him and do the best I can.

    #45686 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I think they are hiding the veggies! lol I always give the leftover veggies to Bobby. I am not sure he even likes eating them as much as he knows it’s from the cat’s food.

    I kinda figured you already tried raw, but you never know. I know that insulted cat look when you try to give them something new all to well. I have tried so many foods I started a spreadsheet so I don’t keep wasting money. I do have a great rotation going for my cat that will eat anything. My other four are tough nuts to crack. They want dry food and Purina. At least they have good dry food and a few days a week they will eat some decent food. Oh well, we can only keep trying. I haven’t tried HK for my cats, I don’t think they would go for it though; not writing it off entirely because you never know.

    #45688 Report Abuse

    So, as it’s too hot for me to possibly do actual work, I’m just bouncing around some food sites. Have any of you tried Earthborn? The Monterey Medley looks promising for her. I love their dog food, especially their tubs

    #45689 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    What a sad story with a happy ending! I think you are making a good decision not trying raw with an immune compromized kitty. I have read comments from raw feeders suggesting not to introduce raw to an immune compromised or newly diagnosed with cancer pet.

    I keep the medallions on hand when NV e-mails coupons. Otherwise I might catch a sale on dehydrated or freeze dried for my guys. Raw isn’t really on the menu, but I like to rotate it in if I can.

    #45692 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I am looking for new dry food. Since P&G is being sold to Mars by the end of 2014 and Merrick seems to be having issues, I am down to Wellness Turkey & Duck. I have an old GF cat food list I am going to have to dig out to start looking for more dry food to add to my rotation.

    I look for foods with no fish meal and low carbs. The fish meal is a little difficult everyone likes to add it.

    For cat food, at least when I am trying out new recipes (wet or dry) I always buy local so I can buy a small quantity and can return it quickly if I need to. So my selections are a little limited, but not too bad since I have a boutique pet store, a local chain pet store, and a national chain pet store close by. I never mind ordering food on-line for my cats once I know they will eat it. I was going to check out Pure Vita and I will also take a look at Earthborn when I get a sec tonight. I think C4c feeds Earthborn.

    #45693 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I just realized you are talking about wet food. lol I have only tried the Chicken Catcciatori and most of my cats liked it.

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