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Adam Bee on Need feeding advice please
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Cat food recommendations
- This topic has 1,488 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
jiten M.
ParticipantOh these darn pets! I’ve had one of my pups to the vet for X-rays three different times, trying to determine if he will pass something he has swallowed. So far so good. His main staple has been socks. He has swallowed about four of them whole. I usually give him something real soupy to get them through. Every time I say there goes my new furniture I’ve been trying to save for. I think we are finally past that phase. Oh, how it hope he passes it in the next day.
Bobby dog
MemberOMG, I can’t imagine a dog eating a whole sock (maybe just some of it) let alone passing a whole sock!
My JRT used to eat mystery stuff; never knew what it was though. Most times the Vet wasn’t necessary and I just had to make some broth and give her something to settle her tummy.
However, we did end up at the Vet’s about four different times during her life because she was in severe pain. Each time there were huge gas bubbles you could clearly see on the films! lol Never any foreign objects so I guess she just ate something really fowl and rancid each time. I would shake my head as I looked at the pictures then look down at her on the table with her sad, blood shot puppy dog eyes. I will never forget those pitiful looks. Her eyes were telling me “I promise, I will never eat that again if I make it through this,” she wasn’t too good at keeping those promises. Then I would pay the huge bill and look forward to the wrestling match of trying to get meds in her. I miss that little girl so much sometimes. lol
ParticipantAw, poor guy lol He can’t help he likes socks! XD I’m glad he passed them with out any problems 🙂 My dogs never went through an eat-every-thing-you-see stage, thankfully. Dweezle did hoard underwear, for a while though… Weird dog. Lol
So Alec did something in his litter box. Not sure what. At least peed, though. He’s so OCD about scratching in there that I can tell if he pooped or not without going in. He had to go in there, do his thing, scratch some, go out, turn around and go back in, and scratch some more for a good two minutes. And a lot of that isn’t even scratching in the litter. He has to scratch the inside of the cover, and the floor outside, too. LOL But yeah, I’m not sure if he pooped or not right now. I’m gunna wait till the pee dries some before digging around in there…
Membermy old roommates dog ate and then passed a tshirt…no joke. It was pretty unpleasant
ParticipantLike, a whole shirt?? O.o
Memberyeah, I have no idea what possessed him that that would be a good idea. (He was a lab) I wasn’t there when he ate it, but I had the UNFORTUNATE pleasure of being there when it came back
ParticipantOh my o.o lol
Bobby dog
MemberThat is amazing that he could pass a t-shirt! lol
ParticipantI’m still trying to figure out how that’s even possible…. Lol
MemberI’m going to go ahead and assume that I don’t want to know
Bobby dog
MemberI second that assumption!
ParticipantMine are labs as well. I most likely will never get another lab pup. And definitely not two at the same time! What were we thinking? But anyway, Akari, go check that litter box!
ParticipantLabs are naughty! LOL When we adopted moms lab, she was *terrible*! Pretty much all she had down was peeing out side, only because she knew she couldn’t get away with doing it inside LOL She was much better after she hit 5 or 6. Took a few years for her to figure it out :p Haley is a lab and golden retriever mix, and she is litterally the perfect dog. Only ate one shoe, and trained so easily. Someday I’ll have a pure bred golden. They are such sweet dogs!
So I checked the litter box, and we have poops! That doesn’t mean much though because the X-rays showed the blockage at the end of his stomach, and poop behind it. It does mean that everything is moving along, though, and we may not have to do anything tomorrow. Hopefully, since he’s perked up and moving around now, we won’t have anymore trips to the vet anytime soon.
ParticipantAfter his visit to the litter box, he’s perked up much more. I threw a toy in with him and he’s been chasing the thing almost non-stop. He went in the litter box again not too long ago, but I’m in bed and don’t feel like getting up to investigate lol He’s getting more active, and I suspect it’s only a matter of time before he starts crying that he’s locked up lol Do you guys think I could give him a little olive or vegetable oil in his food a few times a week to keep something like this from happening again (I also have fish oil *pills* I give to the dogs)? I really do feel like it’s hair stuck in there. You should see how obsessively he grooms himself…. Lol He’s been pretty bad with hair balls lately too. He’s puked up a couple of them, and he’s been hacking and coughing away for a few days trying to get one out (which I haven’t found. I bet I know where it is…. <.< …..)
Bobby dog
MemberHey Akari:
I don’t know about olive or vegetable oils, maybe someone else will have some info for you.I use coco oil for hairballs and because it has other benefits too. My older cat (not the hyperthyroid kitty) had a terrible hairball issue. It was my fault though because I did not brush him enough. He coughed one up that was the size of a mouse one day. From that day forward I give him daily brushings and coco oil 2x/wk. Most of the time the brushing is only a couple of minutes, but brushing has made the most difference.
I also supplement all my cats with fish oil; it can help with hairballs too. Since they still get some fish in their diet, I don’t supplement anymore than once a week. I use CVS 1000 mg capsules. It’s purified to remove mercury and made without dairy or soy products. The EPA & DHA percentages are the same as other pet products for example Dr.’s Foster and Smith Premium Plus® Omega-3 Gel Caps. I poke a hole in the capsule and squeeze the oil over their food.
I used this PDF from Tuft’s Vet school for dosage amount/lbs, ingredient %, and brand information. The information in it pertains to heart disease so I do not follow the daily dosage instructions. I researched how often and how much to dose the cats from other sources.
Here’s some information on hairballs:
Sorry, I don’t have any recommendations either. I’ve not really ever had a problem with hairballs. Three out of four of my cats are short haired and one medium. I don’t see any of them licking or grooming much. Thank goodness. I don’t think that the oil sounds like a great idea, but I really don’t know. I remember seeing some sort of remedy at Mud Bay when I was looking at dog supplements. I don’t remember what it was called. But, I think it had some petroleum jelly in it? How is Kitty today?Akari_32
ParticipantHey guys. He’s doing much better today. He was his usual self this morning , just a little less feisty. I called the vet, told them how he was, and they said they didn’t need to see him, but to watch him, and feed him in very small amounts. I mixed a sugar spoon full of olive oil into his days worth of food (just one can– left over from yesterday’s rations), and he’s eaten two or three times for me (I’m not sure if he ate one of the meals, or if Bentley did). I went ahead with the olive oil because I looked around online and a lot of people say it’s good for passing hair balls. I’m at work now, but I did buy a small thing of coconut oil to try him on.
I had my mom call the neighbor (moms out of town) to go over and check on him, and she said that he’s sleepy looking, but still alert to sounds. I also had her check his gums, and she said they were kind of pinkish, but she’s going to stay with him until get home.
I also left him a dish of water, and he drank it all since I left him about 4.5 hours. Considering this cat doesn’t drink water, you know he must not be feeling good, poor guy. If he’s still like this in the morning, I’ll call the vet and see what have to say.
So all in all, he’s better than he was last night, but still not feeling well.
Also, I have some fish oil pills, but it doesn’t say anything about how much is in them. Just says, for humans, one pill three times a day. I give Haley (65 lb) one a day, and Dweezle (130 lb) two a day. So maybe one every few days for him?
Bobby dog
MemberHi Akari:
Glad he’s showing some improvement. Since he is not well I would check with my Vet before administering or supplementing him with anything.If you do decide to supplement with fish oil you need to find out the EPA & DHA %’s. If it isn’t on the label, check out their website or call them. The PDF link in my post from yesterday has the %’s for cats. I am not sure how often you would want to give it to him. Google it or you could also check out different sites that sell fish oil specifically for cats and read the directions they have posted.
Fingers crossed you find something in the litter box tonight! 🙂
ParticipantWell, he must not be feeling too bad now. I’m home and he’s out of the cage, and running around the house like a maniac lol He’s begging for food, but I’m not sure if I should give him any though. His blockage seems to be be on the move, as he keeps going in the litter box and just scratching and scratching. Granted, this was before I let him out , so he could have just been doing it because he had nothing better to do, but I’m not sure. No poops, but lots of pee. I have him a taste of coconut oil, and boy did he like it! He’s acting like he’s starving, which I’m sure he is. Maybe I will feed him a couple more “meals” tonight…. He’s feeling loads better, though, so at this point, I won’t be calling the vet in the morning unless he starts doing bad again. (Unless you guys think I should?)
Bobby dog
MemberHey Akari:
That’s really good to read!!! Poor little guy. It is so nerve wracking when your fur baby is sick especially when you don’t really know the cause.I suggest checking in with the Vet; it wouldn’t hurt to keep them up to date. They might give you some more instructions/suggestions to try no matter if he is the same or better. That way, if there is a need to take him in they know more about how he has been doing.
That’s great he likes coco oil. Mine don’t particularily care for it all the time. Archie eats it okay, the others sometimes. When they don’t eat it I just rub it on their fur. I am sure I have written this before, but any cats I get in the future will like and eat (with no issues, lol) pumpkin puree’, coco oil, never eat dry food, and never know the taste of fish. Pumpkin puree’ would be good for my kitty with hariball issues, but he smells it a mile away and would probably starve himself for a week rather than eat it. He is doing well with coco oil and daily brushings though, no hairballs since I began this routine. Oh well, like Jakes mom wrote, “when you know better, you do better.”
Bobby dog
MemberHi Akari:
How is Alec today? Did he pass anything yet?Akari_32
ParticipantHey guys! Good news: we have poops! Found some this morning. It wasn’t a lot, but it was some, which is better than nothing 🙂 he only ate like 6 oz of food yesterday, anyways, so I wouldn’t expect him to make much poop with that as it is lol I didn’t see anything not-poop in there, but I will continue to give him a little coconut oil with each meal since that’s helping. I also gave him a little raw honey this morning, since that an anti-inflammatory, and I’m sure his tummy is not too happy with all this lol
He is feeling much better today, though, and him and Bentley were tearing through the house like a bunch of lunatics this morning before I left lol He’s getting more vocal again, as well.
Oh, and here’s how much he likes coconut oil: yesterday I was cleaning fish tanks and making his food at the same time while the bucket filled up in the sink. The bucket started to overflow after I got some oil in his bowl and the can of food open, so I left it to go turn the water off and haul the thing into my room to dump into the tank. I hear clinking and noises in the kitchen while I’m filling the tank, and figured he was getting into the can of food. I bring the bucket back in to refill, and what’s he doing? Licking the coconut oil out of his bowl! Never mind the open can of food, let’s go for this liquid plant stuff! LOL Good thing I closed the jar up or he probably would have gone for that as well :p
Bobby dog
MemberGood news Akari! Keep us updated when you have time! 🙂
ParticipantWill do! I’m over my data plan, so I’ve been living off wifi hot spots. The bill drops tomorrow, and it restarts, so I’ll be back in a couple days lol
Bobby dog
MemberHello my fellow feline lovers:
There is a new kitty crack on the market. They just posted the ingredients for the new recipes within the last couple of days. Looks like a few recipes can be added to my grocery store pet food list.Akari_32
ParticipantLooks interesting! I like the short ingredient list. Could use the two land-critter gravy grain free ones every now and then. The Pate non-fish one ended up having fish, so oh well. This isn’t too high on my list anyways as he would need 4 cans a day. But if the price is ever right, I wouldn’t mind it.
Also an update: I fed him Sheba the last couple days so that I could give him small meals and he could still get the amount of calories he needed. I started back on his normal routine today, and gave him Wellness, and he ate about a 1/3 of his breakfast and then left it, and Bentley ate the rest of it. This is after he didn’t eat all day yesterday, except a couple bites in the evening of the food (Sheba) I put out in the morning, but I accidentally put a bunch of coconut oil in there, so he didn’t really want it. Being the mean mommy I am, I gave him the “too bad, you eat what I give you” treatment lol I gave him the second can of Wellness tonight for dinner, and he’s been picking at it (and also trying to bury it) for a good hour. Not sure if he finally finished it off or not yet, but he did sit and eat for a while not too long ago. The lights off and I don’t feel like getting up out of bed to go see lol So anyways, he’s being a picky butt. Too bad for him, mommy don’t play that game LOL He does appear to be back to pooping, though, and is back to his crazy antics. I went into the bathroom with out him (God forbid the humans should pee alone! They might fall in or something!) and he was scratching on the door so hard the bottom was pushing in a good two inches away from the frame LOL Poor unloved kitty XD
Bobby dog
MemberGlad Alec is doing better! 🙂
Has anyone tried the new Wellness Divine Duos cat food? My pet store is having a special on them and was thinking of trying them out.
ParticipantHave not tried the new Wellness. I went to Walmart today to check out the New Variety cat food, but they didn’t have it. I did buy a couple cans of Sheba, however. I’ve never fed it and it was on sale for 50 cents. My thyroid kitty hasn’t thrown up for a while, so I am a little afraid to feed something new. We’ll see how it goes.
Glad Kitty is doing better, Akari.
Bobby dog
MemberI think I will try them out for the hell of it. It’s a buy four get two free deal. I know at least Bobby will eat it if know one else does. lol Is the kitty food on the website? Maybe you can do a site to store for the next time you stop by Wal-Mart.
ParticipantI haven’t tried the new Wellness yet. I think they’re all fish though, aren’t they? Alec loves Sheba, so I don’t think you’ll have any issues with it 😉
Btw, he did not finish his food the other night. He did pick at it, but in the end, Bentley got it in the morning lol By last night, he was so hungry he was trying to get in the garbage can -_- Maybe the little retard should have eaten his food. Just sayin’! So I gave him like 1/3 can of today’s Friskies, so that he had a little snack, and didn’t me me up all night. Guess who decided to eat his food? Oh yeah. The cat. LOL Remember kitty: mommys always win >=D
Bobby dog
MemberHey Akari:
I will only get them if they are the right price (even with the deal) fish or no fish. Makes sense why you haven’t tried it, mine still get fish a couple a times a week or a few would go on a hunger strike.Here’s an update on dog food if anyone is interested. I finished up the Purina One Beyond. Bobby did fine on it and liked eating it. So conlcudes my grocery store experiment. Beginning June 1st I started feeding Grandma Mae’s Farmhouse Blend, it’s the Pork & Fish. Three days later he was not excited about eating it and walked away from his dish. He eventually came back, but he left some of it in the bowl. Never thought I would see that. Everything with him was fine, no digestive upsets. I mixed it was some samples I had for a few days, he ate it reluctently. Went back to feeding it straight for one day, he just wasn’t thrilled. So I am going to see if the dog resucue that is a few miles away will take it. At least it didn’t cost that much, $8.00 for a small bag because I bought it on the 25% off sale day.
He’s eating NutriSource Chic & Rice and is very happy. 🙂
ParticipantHe is set up to get fish like once a week, or something. I think every 8 days? I dunno lol I don’t want to do much more than that though, especially since his recent food strike.
My guys like the One Beyond. It’s high calorie too, which I like for Haley.
He may not like the pork. It’s a pretty bland meat (to me, anyways lol). You could always do what I did to Alec and tell him to get over it LOL Thats funny though. I guess the boy knows what he wants (and doesn’t want lol) :p
My guys are on NS Super Performance right now. They’re loving it, and I didn’t adjust the feeding for the higher calories, so they are starting to look like giant fury sausages LOL Guess I’ll cut back some :p I wanted to see how Haley was going to do on a food that had different grains than the One Beyond, since she also did good on that, but does terrible on corn based foods (One not-so-Smartblend). Her fun has gained noticeable shine since going from Pet Botanics to Super Performance, which is surprising, since the Pet Botanics is grain free, which she tends to do better on, despite the carb source. So far, I’m really happy with my experience of NS. 🙂
Bobby dog
MemberI could force him to eat it, but I would feel terrible because he is such a good eater. This is the first time he clearly just did not like something. I have fed over 10 different kibble brands to him of various carb and protien sources and countless different samples. Only two disagreed with him, he’s liked everything though. I guess I just don’t want to ruin a good thing. I think I am so lucky to have a dog with an iron gut and will eat everyfood (other than GM’s Farmhouse Blend lol) that I don’t want to ruin a good thing. Not to mention his eating habits are good for the petfood budget, when something goes on sale I don’t have to worry about him liking it or not.
Now the cats are another story, I don’t feel sorry for them, but what are you going to do! lol
Thanks for your updates, I like to hear everyone’s experiences with food. 🙂
ParticipantI figure if it’s not a normal part of their diet, if they don’t eat it, they don’t it. But if I have a whole cabinet full (or several bags), you’re going to eat it whether you like it or not LOL Unless it’s obviously making them sick or something. Then I wouldn’t. Lol
MemberI just bought 8 of the Divine Duos because they are also on special at my local petstore, and Wellness was nice enough to send me a $5 off of any Wellness purchase $5 or more coupon when I called them awhile ago. So I got 8 for $3. I got the Chicken with Duck, Chicken Turkey and Chicken Salmon varieties. I have only fed the Chicken/Duck so far and the cats thought it was ok. It is basically Wellness’ answer to the Meow Mix Pate toppers, it seems like it is probably even made in the same facility. So yeah, same concept same thing as the meow mix pate toppers just better ingredients…no Wheat gluten etc. Once they go to regular price I think they won’t be a great food for the money but it was worth it with the deal.
ParticipantHow much are they regular price, and how big are the cans?
Bobby dog
MemberThanks Sharon! I was thinking the same thing, full price not a good buy, on sale okay and something different for variety. 🙂
Bobby dog
MemberOne other comment on NutriSource. Even though I am feeding the grain inclusive recipe, the recommended serving is not very much. Usually I find the recommended servings for grain inclusive foods to be more (measuring cup wise) per serving than GF recipes. Bobby normally always does better eating a little less than the recommended serving on GF or grain inclusive any way, but thought I would mention that if anyone is thinking about trying it. Bobby must have something in him that does well with minimal feeding like a herding dog breed, lol, gotta love that.
ParticipantMy dogs always eat considerably less than the bag says. Heck, Dweezle, at 130 pounds or so, only eats like 3 1/4 cups on lower calorie foods (in the 350-400 kcal/cup range). He’s getting chunky on the NS, which is 529 kcal/cup. lol Haley, 60 pounds, eats about 2 1/2 cups, normally, and should probably be brought down to 1 1/2 to 2 cups on this food. Bentley tends to just eat 2/3 of a cup, regardless of the food. He adjusts his activity and metabolism himself, so I don’t have to do anything other than feed him lol
ParticipantHey Guys-
Does anyone have any suggestions for a good budget friendly cat litter? The one I’m buying now at Costco seems to be just getting dustier and dustier. Maybe it’s also due to the fact that I’ve about tripled the size of their main litter box. Just more litter to fly around! It makes a mess and it can’t be good for them. I think it’s called litter purrfect? I was thinking about the refillable litter at Petco. Has anyone tried it? Also, I see Dr. Elsey’s recommended quite a bit. But, it’s also more expensive. Help!Bobby dog
I use TSC’s brand and love it especially since it has no fragrance added, doesn’t track that much, and is not very dusty at all so I am of no help to you.The Petco litter is recommended by Catinfo. And if you want to think outside of the box (lol), remember that blog you found with homemade litter boxes a while ago? He suggested chicken feed. I am going to try that out this summer. Although the litter I get from TSC is only a few pennies more, I just have to try it out for the sake of curiousity.
ParticipantYes, I do remember that. LOL! I was just trying to remember that website a few days ago. It is actually chicken feed, isn’t it, that he recommended? It is very similar to the World’s Best Cat Litter, but actually chicken feed. Hmmmmm, we’ll see. Let me know what you find out this summer if you give it a go. I’m curious as well.
ParticipantI coupon for cat litter. I haven’t found a favorite yet, but since I just get what I can get for cheap, I don’t think it really matters if I like it lol Here’s my line up for my trip to PetSmart today.
1x Bil-Jac 16 oz bag $3.49
1x BB litter $8.49
1x A&H Clump and Seal $9.99
-5 BJ PS Natural/Specialty food
-3 AHM MFC arm and hammer website
-3 PSL any specified litter
-4/20 Pet Supermarket
Projected total after tax: $3.51arwyru24
MemberI am not sure how much the Divine Duos are going to be when they are full price, they only just came out, my local pet store just got them in for the first time and they are offering them at 99 cents this month per 2.75oz cup. Literally identical in size and form to the Meow Mix cups, made in Thailand and all. Even 99 cents isn’t worth it, but since I got to try them for less than 50cents each I decided to give them a go. I am not really impressed. I gave my cats the Chicken/Salmon one for their lunchtime snack today and they seemed to like it a lot more than the Chicken/Duck. I think it would be good for people that mostly feed their cats dry food …like free feed dry food and just like to give them a little bit of wet once a day or something but not if you feed mostly or all wet food. It isn’t a thick or firm pate like the regular grain free wellness it seems to be a lot more gelatinous and you will notice that the first two ingredients are liquid I think its Chicken broth and water if my memory serves me correctly so I dont think this will feed like a 3oz can of the regular wellness. I like to give my cats variety though so it was worth checking out.
Bobby dog
MemberI believe his “theory” is that WB cat litter is chicken feed without vitamins. The parent company of WB Cat Litter, Kent, is the parent company of by Nature, Blue Seal Feeds, and several other companies one of which makes chicken feed. I won’t have anything to compare it to since I never used WB Cat Litter, I will just be evaluating the job it does, but I will post my review here! lol 😉 Also, I think WB Cat Litter is Catinfo’s favorite litter. Hey, if it is better than clumping litter I’ll switch over.
On another note, I just got my Chewy order in time for their afternoon snack. I ordered Wellness CH chicken and Pro Plan Finesse Chic & LIver (both on sale) because I know they definately like those. I took a chance on Newman’s Organic Beef case of 24 for $22.14. I only wish they sold the larger cans. It was a big hit with Archie, but he eats everything. I liked it because it did not have many ingredients. I will post how the other cats do with it later.
MemberThose Newmans beef and/or liver ones always make my cats barf. And 1 of those cans feeds like a 5.5oz can of most foods so its really rich. I feel like everything I feed anything beef I have barfing. From one of them. I am pretty sure the other one has a gut of steel.
ParticipantMine don’t seem to do well with beef either and they don’t like lamb. That pretty much leaves chicken, turkey and fish. I try not to feed much fish, though. Any canned food with duck or rabbit is pretty expensive. Do any of you know of any budget type foods with duck or rabbit?
Bobby dog- Catinfo likes Dr. Elsey’s ultra clumping litter the best. The little big cat site likes the world’s best the best. They are both a lot more expensive than I’ve been using. But, I just don’t want all that dust anymore!
Bobby dog
MemberI didn’t really look at any other flavors Newman’s had because I was looking for a different protein. The only other brands of beef I have fed were Merrick, Wellness, 4Health, and BB. My cats do alright eating beef, but I don’t buy it often.
Mine don’t like duck or lamb and I haven’t really fed rabbit. If you find any budget friendly rabbit I would love to hear about it too; I’ll keep an eye out for it too. My friend in England feeds her cat raw rabbit every morning. She gets it from her corner butcher. I used to think she was crazy feeding her cat raw rabbit.
I have to admit I have never bought an expensive litter. It has always been the cheapest unscented clumping litter. However, I really do like TSC and would not buy anything else now (unless they doubled the price). You know, with my luck, now that I wrote that they will probably discontinue it. lol
jakes mom
MemberFinally got around to buying some coconut oil. Got it at BJ’s, 36oz for $10.99. The good stuff, organic, cold pressed, extra virgin. Jake likes it (of course) and so far 3 of the 5 cats have tried it and seem to like it. But that doesn’t mean they’ll like it tomorrow, right? lol! Can somebody refresh my memory on the amounts I should give everybody? Is it like a tsp a few times a week? Jake ate a tsp or so right from a spoon and I smeared a bit onto a small plate for the cats.
Also speaking of BJ’s. I like their cat litter , Berkley and Jensen brand. About $10 for 40#. Low dust and clumps well. Haven’t bought anything else since I tried it.Bobby dog
MemberC4c will have to wear a disguise if she shops at BJ’s lol.
I give Bobby a tablespoon 2x/wk. My cats get 1/2 teaspoon 2x/wk, Archie gets a little more per week because of his skin condition.
Here’s some links for you:
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