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Canine Carry Outs dog snacks Bacon Flavor

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  • #42234 Report Abuse

    This treat was given to me for Charlie. It does not say where it was made, only distributed by DelMonte Pet products. The web site “Big Hearts Brands” gives no information as to where this product is made. Does anyone have any idea as to manufacture and safety of this product? Thanks.

    #42240 Report Abuse

    I don’t know anything about the manufacturers and stuff, but the ingredients of canine carryouts are really cheap nasty ones…

    #42248 Report Abuse

    I wouldn’t use those either. Poor ingredients.

    #42258 Report Abuse

    Oh my goodness…I never thought of looking at the ingredients…I was concentrating on whether they were made in China and a cause for trouble. Reading the ingredients alone are an indication of trouble, no matter where they were made.
    Thanks to those who responded with the same advice, I will be more on top of things from now on. Charlie and I both are grateful.

    #42259 Report Abuse

    Any time something has the word “flavor” in the name, I steer clear of it. I want beef treats, versus beef flavor treats. If it’s not beef, then what is it? If that makes sense. : )~

    #42260 Report Abuse

    I surely didn’t use common sense when I queried about this. I know better, just not on top of things as I should be right now. Many thanks for the reply.

    #42263 Report Abuse

    Hi, is there a ‘contact us’ link on their home page..send them a email asking about the treats & where do their ingredients come from…thats what I do when I need to know max fat% & other things..

    #42264 Report Abuse

    No worries! I used to make the same mistake as well – looking at the chicken ones, thinking “oh it must have lots of chicken since it looks like chicken strips!” Boy was I wrong, LOL! Now my dogs get mostly home made treats, and for training I just buy a different brand/protein source than their regular kibble (like my dogs are on beef, chicken, and lamb. So I buy fish kibble for treats).

    #42298 Report Abuse

    Thank you to all who responded, I’ve learned a lot and feel I know what to look for when buying treats. I’m not going to use the Carry Cuts even tho they were a gift to Charlie. After reading the ingredients, I see they are not anything I want him to have. The kibble idea sounds good…I’m also intrigued by the homemade treat suggestions I see on this list. I think I will give them a try. Charlie will eat anything I give him so it is up to me to be careful about what I feed him…really careful. Thanks again, everyone. I’m a lot wiser now.

    #49298 Report Abuse
    Sharon T

    According to this product’s ingredients listed on PetSmart.com, this dog treat includes propylene glycol as one of it’s main ingredients. DO NOT FEED THIS TO YOUR PETS: THIS IS A DEADLY INGREDIENT !!!!!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Sharon T.
    #49302 Report Abuse

    I used to feed those to my doberman all the time. They were his favorite. 🙁 Now I certainly know better. Wish I would have learned all I know now back when my boy was still around.

    #49794 Report Abuse
    Benny J

    There is not one ingredient in the product that is good for your dog. I found it at .99 cent store. You talk about junk food for your dog. It says animal digest, what in the world. That ain’t prime rib.

    #51038 Report Abuse
    Wayne G

    I purchased a bag of Canine Carry Out bacon treats from WalMart 2 weeks ago. I fed my dog 3 treats late in the afternoon. By evening my friend collapsed and could not walk. I took him to the Veterinarian, they ran blood tests and said his liver was severely damaged, they suspected he had been exposed to a toxic substance. He passed away two days later.
    The veterinarian said this was the second dog that had died in the same manner both within a week of each other. I just recieved a call from him confirming that the family of the first dog that died had fed these same treats just before the dog collapsed.
    Both dogs were healthy and in the prime of their lives, both had been fed these treats and the only thing in their stomach contents were these treats.

    #51042 Report Abuse

    Wayne G. All I can contribute to this thread is to say that I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you and your family.

    #51044 Report Abuse

    Wayne G, I am so sorry for your loss too!! I am sitting here crying after reading this. As I said a few comments up, I used to feed these to my doberman, who died 3 years ago this Saturday, all the time. I still, to this day, can only guess what he died from. He went downhill over the period of 6 or 7 months though and the vet couldn’t figure out what was going on with him. I ended up having to put him down. I firmly believe it was a combination of the crap food I fed him, because I didn’t know any better, and now these treats, and vaccinations and toxic flea crap! Sorry for my rant, but stories like yours just really hit home. 🙁

    Again, I am so sorry for your loss! It sure the hell isn’t an easy thing to go thru, losing your beloved pet that way. 🙁 My heart aches for you and your family as well. May your boy rest in peace.

    #51046 Report Abuse

    Hi Wayne G,

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how devastated you must be.


    #51055 Report Abuse

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Wayne. I hope things get easier for you.

    #51059 Report Abuse
    Wayne G

    Thank you all for your caring response, this has been difficult for my family and we are in the process of investigating the cause of this poisoining. An autopsy was performed and the state is still in the process of completing their examination. If the state can come back with something conclusive the vet will have the treats analyzed to detemine if they are tainted. From what I understand this will be a difficult process if the autopsy results do not identify something specific.

    #52080 Report Abuse
    Lynnette W

    This past weekend two 16 wk old German Shepard litter mates died after being given Canine Carry Out treats two days in a row. The vet suspects liver failure in both pups who were healthy until fed this poison! So very sad it continues to be sold in the US. Their names were Ryder & Sampson. Ryder’s daddy (USMC on assignment) posted the following on Facebook:
    “Today my beautiful amazing wife had to do the hardest thing, she laid our baby down to his final resting point. I was not able to be there, so she did it all – carried him, said her last goodbyes to him from both her and I and finally held him for the last time. Babe you are so strong and amazing. I know Ryder is smiling down right now. I love you Ryder you were truly one of a kind.”

    #64032 Report Abuse

    No kidding! Reading these posts here should never happen. I love my dog and after getting a few little bags of these Canine treats for Christmas for my dog, wow, still amazed. The problem is that dogs will love these treats, mine did. I won’t buy any of these treats or any treats for that matter. Petsmart is listed here selling these treats, I wanted to leave the Corporate office a message about this thread, they don’t have an email, why are they hiding? Here is their phone number though, good luck! http://www.petsmart.com/helpdeskcategory/-helpdesk_category_cmp_20121219_174730;pgid=bRZky3Uq7YZSRpWB6nh5Lmz30000ytFlsr0f;sid=Jt0s3F_-sZMp3AtJz-Zt2G30T3S1pDZXv6X1iKZm?article=cmp_20121115_172158

    #69729 Report Abuse
    Patricia J

    I also gave my dogs the Canine Carry Outs and my pure bred Golden Retriever started having seizures. But I threw them away and I hope her seizures will stop.

    #69748 Report Abuse
    Jackie R

    Has anyone had an autopsy performed on their dogs after they died to verify what they poison actually was that killed their baby? Just curios.

    #87229 Report Abuse
    Dot A

    Ok last week I purchased these treats in steak flavor…I went out for the weekend and let others feed him…I am sick now while I watch our older dog cough and gag and throw up. He is going to the Vet tomortow… I came across this older forum about these treats… why are they still producing this garbage. He will not eat another one and I am taking the rest back to walmart and insist they take them off their shelf…everyone else should do the same. Walmart can return them to the company and they will correct the ingredients or lose tons of money in walmart business. Everyone reading this should call local stores and return any you still have.pray it isnt too late for Mobley!

    #89266 Report Abuse
    Marty M

    Thank you for this topic. I had three bags of this poison in my pantry, and after seeing “propylene glycol” mentioned as an ingredient by another poster, ran incredulously to confirm. Not only is it an ingredient, it is the 8th listed. What the heck is anti-freeze doing in something for pets?!?!?

    If not for this topic thread I could be amongst the other posters who have lost their beloved pets. My heart goes out to them. I have been reading these forums to better educate myself about the nutrition in pet foods, as one of my five dogs went from 17 up to 24 pounds in one year. Obviously to my husband and I, “we” are completely to blame as the Beagles, while as smart as whips, cannot reach the pantry door or figure another way in to the food (thank goodness, or we would be doomed). They, and I, thank you for the recommendation of beef trachea treats, as an alternative to the fattening Greenies.

    May this thread warn other pet parents, and I for one will be reading all ingredient lists with a very careful eye.

    #89275 Report Abuse
    Marty M

    To those unaware, as I was, while both substances are antifreeze- propylene glycol is considered safe to pets and is a realtive of ethylene glycol which is pure poison for humans and pets (lost a cat to it many years ago, not pretty, neighbors were unaware). Still it,PG, is an approved additive for dog foods, but not cat food by the FDA. It’s also used in a lot of human foods. Yuck

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