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  • #45329 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Help, please! Jake got sprayed by a skunk Tuesday nite. I’ve gotten him pretty well cleaned up but before I knew what had happened he’d come back in thru his doggie door and proceeded to rub and roll his stinky self all over the floors, beds, carpeting. The house still reeks. I even smelled faintly skunky at work today, luckily I have nice dog loving coworkers. Carpets have been covered with baking soda then vac’d, sheets have been washed twice with deterg. and baking soda and still smell. Windows are open and fans are on, and I’ve sprayed deodorizer all over and have bowls of vinegar sitting around. Should I shampoo the carpets again? Did that tues.nite. Don’t know if it’s better to let it dry (will it fade away?) or shampoo again. Any suggestions appreciated. Poor Jake! Poor Jake’s mom! LOL

    #45336 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Oh noooo! That happened to my old roommates dog. I was on the phone and let him in the house. Very quickly I noticed the “smell.” He was so proud of himself he did the same thing and proceeded to rub his body over everything. I have a silly sense of humor and I couldn’t stop laughing. I was paralyzed from laughing so hard and my roommate came out of her room and yelled at me for not getting him out of the house.

    This was a long time ago and I understand now they have some better things than what was available back then that you can buy in pet stores to help with the clean-up. I am not sure if your sheets will make it though. 🙁 I would recommend not letting to much time pass though. Even after cleaning and treating your house you may still have a faint odor for a while, IDK. I am bumping up this post so hopefully someone with recent experience with getting skunk odor out can help.

    #45352 Report Abuse

    Have you tried Febreeze? I found it worked great on couch cushions that the sick cat peed on, and it got old cigarette smoke odor out of a car interior. I would try it.

    #45393 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Thanks guys. Things seem a bit better today. At least the smell seems to be dissipating, it didn’t hit me in the face when I came home from work this afternoon. Not gone but better. I will try washing the sheets again with some vinegar added to the load. Jake seems to be fine, no problem with his eyes or anything. First nite I washed him with a combo of baking soda, peroxide, and dish soap. Last nite I bathed him again with tomato juice. Now his white chest and belly are pink. lol BCnut, I did buy some Febreeze, seemed to help with the couch and curtains. Yeah, Bobby Dog, not sure about the sheets either but I’ll try one more time. I can put up with a faint smell in the house for awhile if need be, just glad it was better today and I didn’t go to work skunky again!

    #45403 Report Abuse
    Linda H

    In all the years of dealing with dogs getting sprayed by skunk – this is the first time I called the Vet and she told me about the “recipe” – the 1 quart Hydrogen Peroxide, cup of baking soda and little Dish Soap. Mix it together right before using it. Put dog in tub and put it all over – but not on face. Rub it him and wait a few minutes. It has a chemical reaction and in our case — completely neutralized the skunk spray. She told me to put a little vanilla extract on a cloth and rub his face – not near eyes ! And we were good to go.
    A week later he was itchy and I bathed him in a oatmeal dog shampoo from Petco – took care of that problem too. Maybe his skin got dried out from the hydrogen peroxide recipe. It worked like a miracle – glad I found out about it

    #45483 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    I agree, it worked very well, just wish I could use it on the rest of the house! Would recommend that recipe to everybody. I’ve already gotten more peroxide and will keep it together with a box of baking soda so I’m ready if this ever happens again. This is the first time I’ve had the experience and hope it will be the last. Thanks for the tip about the vanilla for his face, had not heard of that.

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